Collecting curbside goodies when bad luck strikes!

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all right good afternoon everybody it is another beautiful day sun is shining freezes blown actually got a few things done over the weekend some of you folks probably and I picked up a honda lawnmower I think that was Oh Monday afternoon maybe tinkering around with that and got it fixed actually and used it to mow the yard I got that listed for sale ought to be an easy hundred dollars if not more fire the beast up get ready to go out look for some John this is Sunday Sunday is always the best afternoon look for John people have had time to clean out sheds clear out garages had yard sales stuff that don't sell gets put out to the curb for me to go through and find all the goodies that I want put some junk in the truck and we'll make some money tomorrow hopefully that's the plan anyway of course I totally forgot to deal with the rat nests in the floorboard I still got the two faucets that I picked up and all the wire yeah tomorrow man so let's get started folks let's go find some I like a lot of grill [Music] and it's in there let's see if we can tie this it over here yep I got apologize folks it is a little breezy today so might be getting some wind noise Wow but there is the first piece of stress I don't mind starting with a barbecue grill blocking traffic and down the road we go oh well I don't really don't look that old does it huh broken pull-string interesting might be worth having a look at [Music] maybe a potential resale item looking for more hey chief you guys throwing out the jack it don't work out that's the kind of like now just wrap it haha Thanks I got potential boxes of goodies oh lordy Lord looky there Oh all kinds of goodies [Music] crash crash [Music] and motor the pastor can't do nothing with capacitors well that's the best thing to do is to grab it and sort through it at a later time I do it all right metal folding chair on Alton yeah not to check that out thank you yeah well you got it oh yeah now these things are horrible man with things those patio things okay everything found on the side of the road someone threw it out yeah so we'll throw it out for a reason and we try to put it up that one link was broken Oh usually I find them when they're just a big mangle a mess yeah the barbecue bit smaller than this I believe it's on often and often idle check it out Hayes all right I appreciate it thank you sir yep have a good one you know we got heads up on a barbecue grill which actually we are heading that way so we will soon find if it is still there now there is another fellow that does this area run into him once in a while he usually comes later in the evening so we'll see if we get to it first we got here it looks like a metal chair a little aluminum here alright we got space for it perfect just throw it on and head down a road and see what's next [Music] another folding chair [Music] all right well we're still looking making our way to that road coming up soon we'll find that grill if it's still there Oh ain't seen a grill yet but I do spot me a lot more metal shell like broken pool cord [Music] and easy fix if it had the rest of it there if I can't make this a little smaller [Music] [Music] what am i doing nothing get a hold of it [Music] wonder [Music] now we might have to go second floor and we got a rope the time down with [Music] oh oh let's see [Music] okay [Music] little shelf [Music] Oh dilemmas [Music] is gonna be my best bet for now [Music] [Music] all right good enough and down the road we go well I just turned off the Halton Street and there was no barbecue grill so either somebody got to it before me or maybe it wasn't strapped Hey that's all right we're still looking I still got a good ways to go down the road we go another strap goody yeah I'm gonna leave the base and in the truck [Music] and we're still searching [Music] another lawnmower and a month away [Music] [Music] come on oh it's not going to cooperate [Music] [Music] I actually took that little shelf apart [Music] that's up there [Music] [Music] [Music] of course [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well I'm I have to quit early mainly because my side rails are broken the bolts and the side boards that go across my back windshield have broken loose on one side and it's flopping around pretty good actually through a strap over the whole thing hoping that sure it up a little more it's not gonna fall off it no sense in pushing my luck so I got one little neighborhood that I can go through on the way home and then it's home I will go let's see if I find something else a couple things actually yep GoPro can pick it up but do you see how I'm leaning a little bit that's it throw some more weight in on it and I'm gonna walk up here a little monitor here yeah if it's leaning over a little bit so I got a strap going over the top of the majority of the junk inside but yeah I'm gonna have to call it today and go home and do some repairs after I get all this stuff off I broke my truck [Music] luckily I don't have too far to go so let's see if I can find anything actually on the way well folks that's gonna have to do it because as I say if you look sideboards or leaning that's not good and that's get it all busted off the bolts here from my boards themself tappers just weren't enough to hold it something about that well we still didn't do too bad we just didn't get to finish the whole route I'm still upset about that barbeque grill that the fella told me about that was not there so all right somebody else made up a nice fine start there load with probably but I did get some goodies though another good-looking lawnmower I like it when they look that good usually it just means they just need a carburetor yeah carburetor cleaning and some fresh gas yeah smells like turpentine so that's probably a runner once I put a little bit of time into it Oh with all the other stuff cut that core while I'm thinking about it and this thing here which looks like an old carpet scrubber which I'm hoping yes that is past aluminum yes that's a nice piece of aluminum there but the rest of it huh not much pull of steel but it's got some nice cast aluminum chunks on it plus it's got a nice big beefy cord the guy said that more but unfortunately I'm not gonna get a chance to go back for more tonight like I say I got to do something about these sides do not break the dish back in there all right folks let me get all this stuff unloaded so I can get something done with these side boards because like I say if I don't get these things fixed I can't go out tomorrow and make some more thing I know people were probably interested the two boxes I picked up now there's a bunch of copper doodads in here big rolls of copper but I after looking around at these things what these are is soldering iron yeah there's a bunch of power supplies and the handles and I ain't sure what that thing is ain't got a clue but it's got the cord in the foot pedal and the air hose but got a bunch you a little thinking all kinds of little doodad so gonna have to do a little research and find out what exactly when I got a hold of here cuz uh who knows these things might be worth something on eBay I really don't know but like I said just in case anybody was curious but no matter what I got copper so alright that's gonna do it I got to get these sides fixed cuz as you can see yes I got broken bolts that's not good it's too rickety alright so let me get this done so until next time
Channel: Florida scrapper
Views: 155,651
Rating: 4.7549706 out of 5
Keywords: scrap metal, scrapping metal for money, scraping metal, recycling metal, trash picking, garbage picking, work from home, self employed, extra money
Id: VDa7atVov_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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