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what about thousand for everything yep okay cash am I gonna stay away from your art sales tale nah man you do have a lot where you a collector or a vendor gotcha yep okay cool so I'm a vendor - man that's that's what I do this being transparent you know I sell on eBay so you know I got a factor in for me like you know the expense of shipping the time it's gonna take to sell them all that kind of stuff in the patina the time to put into it so my I'll just come out proud the gate would you do like 650 for everything 208 okay okay what are you looking at then let's try to come up with something and it's 280 for everything okay what like what would you want for everything like how many are right okay yeah okay yeah okay so yeah I mean do you want to just throw out a price for me then for everything cuz like that usually there's 280 here and then you don't you know what's in there I mean I mean so I would just be essentially blind by and what's in there right so okay yeah I'm well you don't have it I'm just trying to think like just just give me a price that you're comfortable with and we can kind of work something out yeah I mean I mean I would be I could I'm trying to think all right would you do right right right correct yeah yeah I get that for sure all right all right so for everything would you think 800 oh those are 100 in those boxes okay so let's see 280 so 380 is what we're looking at like you're saying around 380 Funko's essentially all right so right so if I did okay what about thousands for everything that would probably be like my that's why where I'd come in top dollar for me that would come out to be it would be right around two dollars and eighty-five cents a unit full transparency man so you see the camera right so what I do is I you know I sell full time right I sell full time and I have a YouTube channel where i talk about reselling full time so yeah it's a yeah I'm like I'm serious about it man like business license credentialed all that fun stuff you know yeah yeah I found in cash mean right now all in 20s a noble game to me take on yeah if I can get him on my car help I have the break-up down all right let me let me count this out for you so we're looking at like 380 Funko's right yeah that's fine I'm gonna count this out real fast I'm gonna let you count it out already [Music] yes it's so early in the morning you know all right let me plot more 20s and count this out because I knew I did it I got to a point as I didn't grab enough out of here 20:45 you want to count up another 500 yeah here's another five do you want to count that behind me I was hoping you'd work with me anxiety I got a lot of cash on this morning I couldn't shut my wallet it wasn't fitting in my back pocket of like ugly I wanted to know though I'm serious like I'm not like you know I wanted to make a pair for everybody but you know it just you know makes sense to tell you my intentions with them so that way oh my goodness and I have saran wrap in the truck and you can pick it up oh nice that's what you take them in and yeah I may actually uh yeah I'm actually in the process I'm banned shopping it's a it's about that time I got it yeah I got it I got a crate in the Civic and get myself one of those nice video minivans with the automatic pulled down seats you know but we don't have kids I'm just gonna look a creeper in a van that's all right [Laughter] right yeah so so you guys I'm just so curious so y'all were vendors right so y'all went to the kid shows and stuff yeah believe it or not we did we were licensed we've gotten outta there cuz we also I didn't bring I used to do my awesome dog right right yeah it was hot though for a bit yeah and we still do wild republic stuffed animals yep but we do fair strawberry first of all I missed the Tomato Festival right well you know daffodil Festival all those you're the only tribe you like 70 bucks said Oh first that's not yeah yeah oh my god daffodil we did a two days $1,800 and all I had was Funko's my stuffed animals nice so I mean yeah but there's just I'm guessing a lot of work to go in and out and it's really not bad but with her being pregnant a one-man show right yeah it's like you know so I was like maybe we'll take off a year - on the kids - yeah you know you can occupy and well if you come across any like I don't know J like a storage unit or something you kept stuff in I can give you my phone number because if you have other inventory we can just when I had taking the show right okay I don't have any more shows until September and I want paid for - right I'll probably just yeah so yeah but if you're looking download anything else man I'll I would happily give you my number yeah oh yeah I've I'm loose what do you I what do you want for those I typically don't loose ones because I usually get around like 4 to 8 depending on them I usually go about a dollar a unit okay yeah I think we had them on Facebook for two we were selling them for a dollar but then they were paying shipping - right right yeah I'll take those - man I don't know how many Gabby I'm fine with that yeah I got a much IKEA bags I guess I'll let me go to my car and I'll get some IKEA bags is it okay if I pull up right here yeah her mom will be here a little bit she said okay but we can move her burgundy car okay and real pets also I saw - Garfield plush what do you want on those guys all right cool I'm gonna grab those - hey yeah man I appreciate it I'm gonna go grab the car it's weird I go from a thousand to a dollar it yeah I appreciate you working with me man I just figure I mean yeah people are garage those man you got people coming in here trying to get these things like [Laughter] well like I mean dude I yard sell every weekend during the entire season and it's amazing the stuff that you'll come across and but like typically I don't ever come across like people do it like you know and that's why I love it though but I can find vendors that are trying to get out because then I can like you know big deals with them it's beneficial for everybody I did a Lego buy out once that Walmart and I was able to fit three spare light boxes in this car nothing but Lego so let's see I live in a skirt yeah in Maya if you want to see the YouTube you driver you know I don't know if you're watching a YouTube or not but the channel is just r-va flips okay so whatever you yeah I'm a dia I'm nice like 10 minutes that's fine so I'll load this stuff up and then what I'll do is I'll go empty out you can uh if you want to - like saran wrap these a but I'll come back and okay yeah that would work they go put saran wrap here you want to I know one will probably fit yeah yeah yeah cuz my back is like the back seat comes down but I still don't think it'd probably be enough right yeah see how does bring I have tons of these IKEA bags man I'm excited man but also I'm like I'm like me and now I got a lot of work list up all these dude it's a lot of work and then also what you run into and that's one of the benefits I think of having a YouTube channel is you run into a lot of people that want to scam you but I record myself shipping everything you know what I mean so if someone's like oh you didn't send me the right thing I'm like oh I have video that I did so yeah because that happens a lot especially again the Funko community on YouTube a man a lot of people will try to scam you and say you set them the wrong thing or I know does that mean like you know we've I've done some other I did something Sanders yep yeah the fifties get you yeah and then we track or II that slow - I feel like yes and I don't like the fact of waiting you know waiting for the funds yeah it's like you trip it yeah be irate it and then it's like any other wait again yeah and like one guy so now he says he didn't get it and McCrory made me give him a money yes well yeah and it has been ten days but it's just gone and the post office says it could show up within a month or two he'll probably get it pee-wee Herman oh my gosh that brings back memories oh man you're fine [Music] don't me see if I popped it yeah its pop oh no I saw everything man I literally I I just looked for Rob with me I mean I sell everything from make if you were just live my eBay story now everything from Funko's to loose toys the clothing to electronics dude I do it all let's do it all but I love I love Funko's just because they're like pretty easy to list it's like snap snap snap post it up and they're easy to store key and stack them so easy clear it out and there you go yeah now I got to make room in my storage unit which is like and I just did think he just went out of business so I did a big buy I bought like 200 Freddy Krueger action figures for q4 and I have nowhere to put them about like 40 waffle makers like crazy stuff and yeah full time and full time this and YouTube but yeah I mean yeah you know you make a little bit on YouTube but not a whole lot oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean it's not like it's not like quit your job money obviously but all right let's see what else I think I think I'd get fit one more bag I got him on my book bag and then I can even probably shot some loose ones in the floor oh yeah and then the loose ones do member I'm gonna buy those what really oh man that's surprising to me that they don't huh yeah I can promise you right now my viewers seeing me doing this in the video they're gonna be screaming at me saying you're not taking care of the boxes I promise you that well they're fine yeah it's a you know I I don't collect these things but it's been selling them I like at least the temporary ownership of them because they're quite a cool-looking you know yeah dude yet no I mean very rarely occasionally you can do a little online arbitrage but it ain't often oh yeah yep you know I've been hoping it just sounds bad but you know I would love for like a comic book shop to shut down and just buy out all their inventory I'm gonna leave this box here in case you want to use it when I get back all right cool yeah gimme it's gonna take me about 20 minutes round trip in about ten downloads so okay cool and then when I come back I'll probably look to see what else you have I'm gonna go ahead and grab these Garfield plushies ah the whichever is fine I think we could probably maybe fit more in the bags because then we can stack the bags on each other I can leave you some of you if you're looking to load some long-ago alright thanks I'll be right back alright so there is the first car load plus the trunk and now I got to go home and then unload income all right so I'm unloading the first haul of this buy and Gaby is gonna kill me when she wakes up luckily if she's still asleep but essentially what I'm doing right now is just stacking them in my living room and so she's gonna come downstairs but it's all good when I tell her the deal she'll understand she she can respect the hustle I just got to put him somewhere that's not gonna interfere whatever she's trying to get into today all right I got it all unloaded let me show you all the aftermath I gotta go find more IKEA bags she's going to let Jake told me all right now I can't really see there we go that's the first run and we still have everything else in those crates oh okay I got my got brought more in Oh perfect perfect oh man you guys got some cute dogs you hunt okay I'm not a hunter either but I know a lot of people here are oh yeah all right I'll come back so I'm gonna go load these up and come back all right dr. tribe - yes hood it's gonna be a hot one today man thank you sir yeah thank you sir oh yeah okay do you want to include those then or do you want to same cause yeah how many yet you've got 66 of them yeah so okay would you for the 30 loose ones that would you do 120 on them for the 30 loose and the ones that are there I know it's a little bit what could that's a yeah that's what okay cool cool um so for the loose ones would you you see I don't want to I think I have enough Oh duplicate mmm would you do 140 I'll do bump it yes fun and that's with all these ones yes all right cool I didn't see that night 20 40 60 80 100 120 look I miss 20 all right so let me count myself again for you 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 150 when I'll bag those up thank you appreciate it it's all good I'll probably just because you honestly you can place those that your garage sale someone probably want it yep because I'm probably on his everybody okay yeah well the more I thought about I don't have anywhere to put them oh yeah yeah and then I got more room in this bag and lit up the other ones this is my first stop a day if you I had to go to the bank now you cleaned out my wallet man [Music] cool cool perfect thank you everyone leave me the bag okay cool I got more of these two I can bring I'll go put this I'll bring back more think that this does it feel good to be rid of them all right and I'm gonna keep looking at that's alright I'm gonna back out of your driveway though alright man thanks so much you have a good one this is what it looks like after I've gotten everything position I counted them up I inventoried them and me and Gabi even filmed the video that you can come back on the channel later it'll be up later today nom she me and her film to haul video or we went through each and every scene one of them if you're interested in that but this is 477 Funko pops I bear in mind I'm not counting stuff like this like these these little things here these are Funko products but not pops so I'm not counting those and I also have a bag if you guys know anything about pop I have an entire bag here that I was able to work in the appeal this is a lot of bolt it loose pop some of these are going for like 30 to 50 dollars loose it's gonna have like a bunch of key chains I'm gonna lot together and just a lot of like the mystery minis all lot together but just factoring in the Funko pops these things then like the sets and that kind of stuff and this stuff over here two dollars and forty one cents per unit this over here on the table is everything that sells for 25 and up and this is all the kind of like 5 - you know 16 17 range here apart from I got 30 of these Dion Sanders actually I may have more than 30 but those Deion Sanders sell between third they're comping in around 30 to 40 dollars so and I got 30 plus of them so that's a really good pickup this is a great haul and I may have gotten a guy you know I told I've message him when I got home tonight and I said hey you know come I'll look at the camera hey you know if you come across anything else you need to get rid of you know my buy price message me said yeah I might have some more in October so I think I might have a guy not as good as Lonnie admittedly but it's good for me I like listing this stuff and I got a lot of multi quantity stuff I haven't like put them together again I'll just figure it out as I go through them but essentially clothing I didn't clear off the shelf but yeah clothing is going on the back burner I'm going to be focusing on Funko pops for the next week or so so this is the stuff that's getting lists at first that's gonna I mean this stuff right here should get me to profit just in this these items right here and then all of this and it look guys this is you know one two three four five six seven deep I mean it's just insanity here you're the top of you but this will always be money on top so I'm I'm absolutely thrilled and there's some really cool stuff but come back on the channel do you want to see every little piece showing off on camera me and Gabi did a video it'll be out tonight you can watch that but I just wanted to keep this kind of focused on that negotiation that was that was a lot of fun and you know I may have a nice source now it pays to be transparent I want to thank everybody for coming hanging out watching the video if you're new to the channel this video kind of brought you here I'm a full time reseller I do this for a living my videos are essentially what I do day in and day out shipping listing what I'm buying what I'm selling that kind of thing I kind of try to show everything but with that said thank you so much for watching if you get a chance to make sure you subscribe links are down below if you can help support the channel but other than that just come back tomorrow for more videos Facebook group make sure you're in there it's a lot of fun you guys take care I will see you all tomorrow bye
Channel: RVA Flips
Views: 284,397
Rating: 4.8604388 out of 5
Keywords: ebay selling, garage sale finds, garage sale finds 2019, garage sale finds for ebay, garage sale finds worth money, garage sale haul, garage sale resale, garage sale reseller, garage sale ride along, garage sale shopping, garage sale tips, garage sales, garage sales 2019, garage sales ebay, garage sales tips, make money, yard sale finds, yard sale haul, yard sale tips, funko pop garage sale, funko pop, garage sale negotiation, funko pop haul, buying funko pop collection
Id: IlW9EBcw3ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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