I Bought The First 5 Things Facebook Recommended To Me

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Keep scrolling scrolling scrolling scrolling *gasp of joy* YES *laughter with pure joy* Hey, guys, so it's December, which is a month of giving (and receiving) GIFTS!!!111! But as you get older, you find that not that many people give you gifts anymore, D: and Santa doesn't come visit you anymore. So instead, you have to buy your own gifts, which kind of takes the mystery and surprise out of it. *however* I came across a bunch of videos that may solve this problem for me, "buying the first five things advertised to you on Facebook", so I'm gonna be scrolling through my facebook feed with You guys, and we're gonna see what the first five things advertised to me are, and then I have to buy them. So it's still kind of like I'm getting a gift, because it's gonna be a surprise until I find out :D right now what it is.. and that I have to pay for it myself.. so really, it's not **really** a gift it's me probably gonna be buying a bunch of stuff I don't really need. But hopefully, if anything, it'll be fun c: Anything I say about the products are my own opinion, I'm not getting paid to say any of this sCrOLLInG ScRollinG ScRoLlIng ScRoLling... scrolling. Scrolling it's so hard to like find the actual sponsored one oh god what is this? iHeartDogs.com *signature Lauren laugh* If these socks could talk they'd bark, your pet warms your heart, why Not your toes too yes please yes *Laughter* We're already, off to an amazing start. Oh yeah, and i'm buying all of this on cyber monday i don't know When this video will go up cuz I have to wait for everything to ship to me first but i figured today was a perfect Day so i would get some sales, oh, my, gosh there's only one hour left Oh, we got to get on this 20% off sweet, oh my, god these are amazing, oh no? What color kind of like the white but i feel like i should get purple, fine lets do the purple It's funny How i'm trying to get a picture of my dog from google, oh, my, gosh this is perfect, yes add to cart, aw Every pair sold feeds a dog or cat in neeed!!! oh i got to get a pair for bobby then it goes good cause And let's get the other color i wanted the white and blue yay they Were ordered and although that's much more than i would ever spend on one pair of socks i mean it goes to a Good cause and they're probably gonna Be hilarious so can't wait to get those good good first item good first item all right rolling scrolling scrolling pro what is? What is this landmass gets the most stolen yankee? Swap gift in the history of humans gift one and watch the fun world travel tracker, map scratch, off map that's cool Every time you scratch off when it's all different colors, oh? Ten percent of profits fun nonprofit organizations that support, them, why, ever you Think, i've picked so far has been for a good cause and this is awesome cuz Bobby and i really, want to travel more and it's on sale for? $28.99 perfect, yay item number two is ordered i should do this every, year for christmas it's the perfect Gift giving, thing for me because it's things that facebook thinks i really Want and i kind of do but i would never actually, buy, for myself keep scrolling scrolling scrolling scrolling *gasp of joy* YES *Laughter* Now 750 percent of what i get so many, oh, my, god there's still 12 bucks for this little thing Oh, gosh, there's all different types, which one do i get oh there's a little seal piggy, oh no i don't know Which one to get i think i'm gonna get the grey cat You, like the white cap, i get really dirty looking the gray, one would match my office, tho let's get grey cat Oh, my, god what is this what is this? Oh free shipping yes please? orders being processed Order is confirmed, well that was the cheapest one so far good number three is done we got that one yay the grey cat All right let's keep scrolling scrolling scrolling scrolling all right sponsored WHAAAT what else can, you chop with it >:3 oh, my, god it's like a spiralizer but then Also it slices that, oh and it's on sale and it matches my kitchen!1!! i have that color in my kitchen What's the green look, like, well the green looks kewl too.. this site looks kind of sketchy it's got like a 56% safe reading however i also just looked up zut see cuz That was the other one that i wasn't sure about and that got a 30 something percent, safe reading so i mean it's too late for that one at least i used my paypal account Not my actual credit card so i don't think i'm gonna risk it i think i'm gonna skip over this one and try to find Another sponsored video to buy scroll and scroll and scroll Hydrate, spark i uh i've seen, these before Oh, god how expensive is this thing i mean this might be kind of helpful for me because i Really, do not drink enough water it might be nice to have something that sits in front of me that's like drink water lauren $88 $15 off would still be $73 Hey, you're on speakerphone on my video, why should i spend seventy three dollars on a water bottle that Blinks to tell, me what i should drink it and connects to an app *laughs nervously* Bobby: That's a lot of money for a water bottle :T Bobby: That just, its bad Bobby: That's kinda ridiculous, 73$ All right i just wanted to make sure somebody else too obese that people didn't get mad that i didn't actually buy it Well actually it's must, be it's must be 87. But.(Bobby: omg) There's 50 it's $15 off with, their code, today, okay i'm gonna pass Bobby: Yeah good idea Bob bob thinks it's crazy - it's crazy, oh god, what is the elephant pants hmm What? why is it advertised to me is it cuz. They know i spend about 75% of my life in sweat pants i would probably use these plus one dollar from every item sold is donated to help Save the elephants always for a good, cause, makes me feel, better, about, buying things, these are so cute i feel like Mike, my cousins obsessed with, elephants she would love these, ooohh I like this one i probably just need a small they're probably Huge all right and item number four is ordered oh my, god mac and cheese, what do you Do to be facebook, okay? We gotta find our last item all right come on last one be a good one oh it's me undies i have gotten Some of these before and i love them ooh i like the christmas light ones let's get the plaid and the rainbow Cute and we get 20% off, yay order confirmation, my, booty Gonna, be looking goood all right and that is the first Five things that were advertised to me on facebook i will see you in the future when all of these things arrive so Today, marks three Freaking weeks since i filmed the first part of this video i did not think it was gonna take three weeks for me to get Everything i still don't have one of the things, well actually two of the things but i will explain, why Those two things are not here but for someone unbox the things that Did come that have been sitting patiently in my office for me to open alright So the first thing i'm gonna unbox is the Landmass map that you can scratch off i'm really excited about this and i think i'm actually gonna frame it and put it in my office somewhere Look, guys, yay! Sadly, i can't scratch off too much of this map but i hope to change that in the coming years i didn't even realize When i bought it they able to flags down here too so you can scratch the country and the flag but the material is really Nice alright next we're Gonna unbox, my elephant pants, yeah elephant pants they're so cute and they're, super stretchy Which is perfect for holiday eating, we love you from elephants everywhere alright the next thing that actually came on time Was the me undies but look at the packaging i'm not gonna model these for you, but, we got plaid Never thought i'd be showing off underwear on my, channel the party confetti print for party time and we got my Official christmas underwear and like i mentioned i've gotten them before Super soft i highly, recommend them this is not a sponsored video but i would love to be sponsored by Them alright that leaves us with two so one of them i do have but it's because i bought them off amazon for cheaper So you remember the little squishy kitty thing after i purchased it i looked them up like the company and reviews they didn't Get such good reviews so i might never get that i also looked how Long, their shipping time Was and it said it could take like a month to get to me Just that one little kitty so i went on amazon i found the exact, same kitty plus three other ones for like Three dollars less than, what i paid for the one so fantastic but at least i have them to show So the one i had ordered, was this grey one alright let's, do what we're supposed to do with them Rub, their belly, oh it's so cute Yeah, i'm gonna, keep this, by, my desk supposed to be like a, stress ball, thing i'm gonna leave these in the packaging because i'm a regifter them to my niece but i also have a, little white one Two little white ones and then i got like A calico one alright and lastly the thing i was really excited for But never came i mean they have a decent reason if its legit but, were the pup socks and i'll show You, their, email message that they sent, me but it basically said They, went viral because they were shouted out from a couple different places and then they Had that facebook advertisement so they just got like a, super big influx of new Customers including myself i couldn't keep up with the orders so they said it probably, won't come till after christmas that's Why, i decided to just film this now. Because i Wanted this to be up before christmas but, make, sure you're following Me on twitter or instagram i will post a pictures of the socks when They, come on one of those so you can see what they look like And yeah those are my 5 facebook items let, me know in the comments below Which one your favorite was and as always leave a like if you need it as far as the video subscribe if you're New i put out, new, videos every single day and as always i will Z you guys soon <3
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,795,250
Rating: 4.9499025 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, facebook, facebook haul, haul, facebook suggestions, kid friendly, family friendly, i bought the first five things, the first five things from facebook, i bought the first five things facebook, facebook recommended, christmas, facebook ads, facebook recommendations, unboxing, mystery box, mystery unboxing, buying random stuff
Id: zSFy4QFTM_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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