Did I buy a SPIDER'S DEN locker at the abandoned storage unit auction? What do we find?

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I think it's just the right amount of junky not too junky where to go back Widow here he is crawling across their spider city there's another one and even notice that it's a turntable this is transformers and I know what this is this is a little boombox I've had these before this cool old Barbie stuff WWF I got excited you all right lock your notes are you ready for this are you ready I'm ready I've actually been excited about getting in here we already had so much stuff together you I have two other lockers I have the ten pallets that we brought home that I bought at the auction on Sunday ten pallets crazy Monday have no business buying but I couldn't resist this one let me show you what it looks like maybe you'll understand why but then again maybe you will not understand maybe you'll be asking yourself why did you buy that is right see can you get it can you get a look at that right now oh my goodness this is like a horror show kind of is it's junky it's dusty it's dirty its comp webby and I love it I like these sorts of lockers it's got a little bit of the junky feel to it but I think it's just the right amount of junky not too chunky let's take a closer look I might get you in there close all right so oh ok where do I even begin let's just take a look around right here I'll let you guys take a little closer look because that's what we didn't we were fitting we got to stand up on the doorway here and see what we could see and start bidding you guys getting a view of what you do you see anything that you like like there's anything hitting your buttons here are you thinking no no Jack you're you're crazy you are undeniably locker nuts I very well might be I'll tell you as ease was at the auction and he's like no way this is all junk this is garbage you don't want this I'd love to prove them wrong and we're going to find out here very very soon very very soon was he right or wrong I don't I don't usually second-guess his instincts because he does seem to have a very good instincts for this but I don't know I kind of had a feeling about this had a feeling yeah boy I already know there's give me a lot of trips that dump let me show you what I did like about it okay so like check this out this little portable Sony TV right here that's heavy yes this is good I mean I like that kind of thing this right here looks just like the radio that I have well from the back it looks like it it looks a little bit older than the one that I have in my garage but I still listen to you these some of these are collectible I don't think it's this one thing is the bigger ones the older ones but I don't know that is vintage though I'm liking the vintage stuff right you guys know I love the vintage stuff but having a follows it lately this dollhouse right here it looks kind of junky looks like conditions an issue but that right off the bat says toys right so here we have some vintage electronics we got some toys I see the suitcase there over here what else did I like I like this I like this baby rollerblade right here because again we're seeing toys you see a little vintage something back there toy toy of course this little kitchen right here toy this is vintage but they're so close to the doorway this thing has been roasted and toasted and I don't think that's going to be anything worth much money all right looks like we got a birdcage right there those usually sell pretty well if they're halfway clean and all right guys well I'm let you take it or I'd let you take a look at it we get an idea all right so um yeah let's get started I'm not in over my head I can handle a 10 by 20 but 300 bucks what do you think I mean this I know is a lot of trips to the dump okay so the cost is gonna add up there because every trip of the dump is gonna cost me 75 200 bucks for a full trailer those and I say there's at least two at least two but um this vintage stuff man I'm into it I love it I think you guys like watching me go through the vintage stuff so I'm gonna keep doing now I'm gonna keep finding ones like this look at this you know I like this right here look at that yeah let's not forget about these cobwebs and all the dirt all right where do that it's the girls there's another bidder here and I don't know him seen him before he says he used to do this a long time ago united by his pallets but he was here so he was the better at 200 and then I raised it to 300 and then he dropped out he was making doing a lot of talk about oh there's black widows in here you gotta watch out for black widows oh look those black widows might drop off here on your head don't don't get underneath that door and it's just a fear tactic and it works sometimes uh he does but not with me I'm not really scared of spiders too much that's what we're calling this one I think we're gonna call this one the Black Widow Locker or something like that we'll see if we find one or not I'll definitely show you guys okay I think that's just about enough yappin and I think we need to start getting to work I need to start getting the works real quick though I know a lot of you guys have been asking advice I've been getting a lot of questions in the comments from viewers from you guys some of you guys about like how to get started and tips and stuff I just want to show you real quick what I bring now I know there's going to be big unit to clean out I know I'm going to be here for hours for a few days it's a couple days hopefully maybe two maybe three days it's gonna take a lot of time but I just want to show you what I bring to go through a unit this size okay the first tip is kind of obvious but on what you need to make sure you do is bring an empty truck and trailer yeah you see I have a couple boxes on here there's a left or a single we market that's going to the dump this is garbage but you need to empty it when you have this much stuff try to come with an empty you know vehicle because we're gonna we want to maximize our time here I bring a hand truck because I see these dressers right here and I'm by myself so to move these and hand truck makes it much easier something like this is just a parka board dresser this is probably going to dump not exactly sure why to stack them on their sides but maybe there's some better stuff in there hopefully the depart for stuffs going to dump the ham truck makes out a breeze especially with the ramp on the trailer I bring a garbage can I don't know any other guys that do this but I actually bring a garbage can and I bring plenty of bags you can these thirty three gallons whereas I recommend this from Costco you can have those pretty cheap but this to me is a huge time-saver but of course you know this takes up space in the trunk but a lot of guys don't bring the garbage can I say that's the most tarps net securing everything plenty of straps and then of course broom and dustpan that's more for when we're done but even when I just start cleaning space when you have it around these dirty assists I don't like walking through filth so I will sweep up as I go just so I'm walking on the clean ground maybe I'm a little anal about that obsessive-compulsive maybe but that's how I do it the last thing that I didn't bring is a table a folding table would really come in handy saves our back and makes things for actually faster when you put a box on the table go through it saves you time I forgot it will be using the back of my truck which I often do this is okay right here but I still am bending over a little bit you want to try to not bend over as much as possible the back starts to eight after well so that's it for my tips put the camera on the tripod I'm not going to film so much of this I got to get some trash out of him I got to make some room so where to start going through the stuff and notices I need notice that it's a turntable panasonic turntable I started as a tuner okay there's another piece of electronics at vintage electronics there are definitely buyers for that so yeah I'm getting dirty already so I'm not gonna go through every box on camera there's just way too much here but if I start finding interesting stuff you bet I'm gonna stop the cam I'm gonna stop what I'm doing and get the camera going so you can see it too but right now I'm just gonna get to start pulling stuff out and getting some junk [Music] alright guys most of that stuff there's all blankets and clothes maybe that's sellable I don't know we'll drag it up the flea market a couple of those chairs this stuff is all like probably sellable which is good so far I just want to show you when you get stuff cleared out if you guys this party lasts a little bit too longer in here three dead - three dead mice see how they run see how they brought alright I'm sure there's gonna be a lot more in here hopefully there's no food in here hopefully they're just coming in a little poison and not getting too far but I don't know they're in here they could have been in here for a long time because nobody's been in here for quiet oh wow we found one already already found one where'd he go back Widow here he is pretty sure that is one do we he's upside down which is good hmm do you see the hourglass I don't have my glasses on maybe it's not black widow it's a big fatty though okay did starting to dig in on all the boxes off of this thing and just laid that down we have big daddy longlegs crawling across their spider City hmm I'll get the broom and I'll sweep all that off another reason to bring a broom it's useful from anyways but look at this there's a box sitting there some old Legos and toys nothing special but I moved that out away and look at what I got there tink Kenwood turntable sitting right there that's good that looks it looks pretty decent weird have some money and the vintage so electronics I think if we can keep pulling them out but uh another thing my gloves on these drawers aren't empty you that yeah there's some stuff in there let me get the gloves on and start peeking we've had some luck with old dressers before haven't we and that third time Locker we found some friends to straight up cash found some jewelry gold like thousands in Google you found some good stuff before I don't think this one's gonna be quite as good so far that's an old shaver look at that sanyo that's really old so far just not getting the feel that these people came from money so the other people I wouldn't say the thing we're super rich for anything but a third time Locker you know but they did work both the husband and wife worked and we're probably pretty good with their money they own the house we seem to have plenty disposable money wait these look at this Hawaiian Express sandals they're getting a little bit of a glare here uh there we go can you see it um Brandi on the bag what makes me most interested about this piece here is I think these are from the 80s there is a definite older stuff in here as that's why I bought it you know you could see that clearly from the doorway but something like this very interesting I take them to the vintage market okay what do we have here we have a little watch and there's boxes falling over over here moving on their own okay I don't know if that's something special or not I don't have my glasses on right this very second so you know what we do with that I'm gonna take that and look at it closer later lots of these little Avon perfume packs just luckily the dump is not too far away there's another old watch right here looks like an old digital one it's kind of cool there's people who go to the flea market just looking for watches we gotta here that's another old digital watch I think that's cool okay it's cocaine okay hmm that is kind of kooky isn't it sweater some deep my dogs okay here's another one of these - sings graduation robe or something stand up it's just a dress out of it alright guys finally we're starting to find some good toys the vintage toys the stuff that I was hoping was in here and I had a feeling right here I don't think this is big money it's 1985 fisher-price right there it's a projector and this has a cartridge of Cinderella which is kind of cool because my two girls are in the school play which is Cinderella there they're starting not very soon they just got their parts so I'm gonna actually see that for them you look through it and you crank the handle and the little film goes through all the shaking mmm and I could almost do that for you maybe forget the tripod but also right here we found a little Barbie box I don't know what that is and there's a that's not Barbie but lombardi box that's obviously vintage check out Barbies here I guess transformers and I know what this is this is a little boombox I've had this before oh my god excuse me the dust is starting to get to me already but this is a transformer turns into a boombox I had one of those recently from the third time Walker a little better condition this one looks like it's rubbing off right here I don't know if something's going on there maybe looks a little rough but I don't know but anyways that's I think I surprised here's the remote that's the way they used to be they go forwards backwards my sister had this one bring to the market the toy buyers will come out what they pick out I know we'll be the best stuff so I'll be paying attention but this guy here is going home fee does the Transformers are super hot right now super duper huh this I pulled aside not because I think is especially valuable that it is sealed Trivial Pursuit games are a tough sell but this one was like perfect condition looks brand-new and was this era to 1987 it's a 1987 game that looks like it's fresh off the shelf I mean it's like perfect condition taking that I don't know if I showed that I found a second one of those sandals this one's green I think these are gonna be really popular at the Vintage Market the clothes I just put a couple side clothes aside this one says no excuses I just thought that was really cool at the hearts right here Aaron look really small so these are like I don't know those kids sizes are just someone really skinny but the heart pockets definitely cool this one this is bro ace I don't know this is big ace big ace brand I never heard of that either some vintage stuff here this acid-wash stuff that was super popular back in the 80s even into the 90s a little bit this is more later 80s we got this leather vest here which is legitimately mother Cherokee leather fashions I tried this on small for me it's free flames like Village People type stuff but um I don't know maybe that sells too this piece here there's nothing especially very nice about this piece that mustard color was that crew neck I don't like her neck I forget what it's called mock turtleneck or some but he's got tags on it it is also I think I think this is a vintage clothes so anything vintage with tags yeah that's good that's really good actually okay got that Kenwood turntable out and storing it on this side is not the way they're intended to be stored okay not that anyone in the world needs to be told that but unfortunately that's what they did dang I hope that stylist isn't damaged right there because that looks I don't know that looks nice I don't really know my stuff but this looks like a pretty decent turntable line here's something ironic or coincidental so just yesterday we had amber when our biggest set of fans she's a viewer and Jana had made a mention on one of our lives too that would be so great to have a viewer come out and you have meet-and-greet or maybe join us for an auction and that's what Amer did so yesterday amber joined us we just we just had that yesterday at the auctions that day that was pretty fun and exciting lots of cool stuff happen yes I don't know but anyways amber knows her stuff with this and she bought the probably the nicest turntable we've ever found she bought it for her daughter off of us and that was I believe a pioneer so amber if you're watching shoot me a message and tell us is this good or not we'll look it up but I think this is good I feel like it's a good one all right I couldn't wait I had to look it up KD 2070 and these are the three of them sold on eBay recently one for fifty one for 71 for 125 so it may depend on the stylist which stylist is installed to the value may be partially depend on that of course going to be dependent if it works or not but yeah decent and also it's a direct-drive which i think means it doesn't need a belt so those are sometimes a little bit more desirable but we've got a decent piece here at least 50 bucks alright another box of toys stuff made in the USA is more desirable oh this is cool look at this yeah let's go with that so I got a couple but Cinderella's the one that is especially interesting because the girls are in that play right now Chevy radio all right that's pretty interesting isn't it we'll definitely have to look this up as well there's another one because this is cross-collectible so here you're gonna have people are into the vintage toys and I'm assuming these are vintage vintage meaning to at least 20 years old but someone's missing the cover I try to find that it's got that black pleat you see that black well see but you got the cross collectability got the guys that collect the vintage toys and the guys are collecting that Chevy stuff so mm-hmm Smurfs cool this has some potential as well Smurfs Smurfs Smurfs stuff vintage 80s war stuff I'll have two figures collectible even though I don't really have any experience with it but that's the throwback for people who have that as a kid turtles need your turtle stuff super hot I'm doing this one hand but I'll go through this pull out the better stuff such as this we're gonna put that aside to go to the vintage market go through that to you I'll show you what fine how is it I want the other thing I found that might I don't know maybe maybe maybe maybe have a little bit of values this Cabbage Patch I don't know I found this old Mickey Mouse stuffed animal we'll see if you know see if anyone buys that but this thing is looks like maybe brass or something it's pretty nice camel stick holder it's heavy a good piece I don't know why that was in with your toys but I need your turn dude and Smurf house here Smurf school I'm gonna look that up right now all right this is 1982 and doesn't seem to have like Oh yeah yes is right there 19 you two doesn't seem to have any real significant value like you can have one on eBay right now for about 30 bucks and it looks like it's more complete than this one so right we'll bring you down see what happens there's another one alright guys here's an update digging in a little more oh okay so found this cool old Barbie stuff and it looks like it's in the Box something's in the box actually no I look at the picture I don't think that is what I don't think that's what's in there too bad does that be cool that's 80s right let me test let me let me fat check myself I think it's 80s let's see I think you need to know yep yep yep so that's if that was in the box and maybe still is I don't know this something else in there duh okay that's just we thought there's a bunch of ektron except summers [Music] Peter chord there's a Betamax recorder huh it must be he says beta course and this is like the precursor it came out well says vici all right through that well anyways beta right competitive VHS to kind of battling and I think Betamax may come out right before oh snap what is this RadioShack dual phone remote control control voice activation it's not activations actuation telephone answering system that's legit and it's an old old old answering machine how funny actually looks in really good shape I even got the sticker here simulated walnut green 1950 I see when they probably bought the set of crystal or something that's actually a really cool piece got little buggers right hand hook it up just a little bit but overall it's a pretty nice condition so is there a market for these it's definitely part of history the other thing that I think is really interesting is over here I'm Doug this fully out but check this out it's a metal table looks like a marble top it's for a phone it's got this old phone got some condition issues there but handset he hangs a phone in here that's definitely interesting all right I'm moving pretty quick at least it feels like it's quick I made a good dent what is that maybe 25% done I don't know it stacked so high on the back it's hard to say because in the front was lower kind of it's almost like the ski slope slope deplores but I probably have a quarter of the floor space done this is all stuff going the flea market so I'm starting to make piles now where before I was pulling it out stacking over here now I'm starting to put it over here save myself from double moving so much this box right here check it out I found a box of Records LPS vinyls it's all Spanish definitely history you know that'll do they're upside down too but they'll do good at the flea market right I mean it's definitely a lot of Spanish music at the flea market but unfortunately this is where it was it was sitting right there and when the sons bacon on this door that's not a real good place to have your records the place is susceptible in the high temperatures but there's some few Barbies and rolled Barbie carrier that's kind of cool starting to dig in this one here getting through this stuff it just put a few things aside that's just a flea market box here but we got another Barbie box I don't know if the stuffs gonna be in there again let's see let's take a peek yeah there's something in there I don't think that's what that is even good you know well maybe it is maybe it's that part whatever WWF I got excited but it's a trivia game so you'd have to go through and check and see if everything's in there but WWF stuffs pretty hot I don't know about this micromachines 1989 is a date on it's brand new it's not never been open I found a little Hot Wheel and I'll see either red light on the tires but he's hot well that's cool hopefully we find more of that I don't know why I like these little brass sculptures we finding him from time to time usually like one piece at a time and what's this guy supposed to be an ashtray or something I don't know it's just neat piece I like it a little cologne or perfume or something that's a Avon okay so I'll go to flea market um this little guy uh he looks like he's been glued around his neck I didn't see that it's getting a little dark in here Suns getting lower but it's a pink so yeah I thought he was cool but he's not sorry dude but you're not cool I said a few things side over here yeah and if you could tell like here's my junk power here yeah starting to get big I haven't found very many good things for how much junk I've gone through but um these converse right here I think I mean everything you know we've come on out here seems to be vintage so I think it's some vintage converse the white with pink that's pretty cool that's definitely 80s so put those aside down this little knife right here first I thought maybe use a buck knife it doesn't appear to be but it's got J and J engraved on it changing all in like three different places and I thought oh that's appropriate Jack and Jana it's cool then I'm found a little bit of bullets in there twenty-twos long rifle so how perfect is that because those guns that I found in the other video 22 long range right so that's exactly the mo I need and I found this I don't know what this is is that I think it's a tube top some sort another vintage clothing piece that will bring out to the bettor market and here's that Betamax electronics are actually in decent condition cosmetically they're in good condition so you know enough to testament see if they work all right behind those two those tall wood cabinet things you know we have a couple statues here but her foots busted off that's too bad because that would definitely sell don't both these pieces just scream flea market at least they do to me of course I'm thinking back to the flea market of the 80s this kind of stuff you see out there this this one here though there's some chips here and there but I think that's still sellable well see this one's going to dump but this one this box right here digging in there and hold this bag out it almost looks like a military bag and I don't see any markings on it definitely feels like it though I wonder if it's inside out I don't think so definitely feels like it could just be well-worn and the the writings gone but it just hit is definitely high-quality we just feel in as old so that was a nice fine other than that that we have a film very much not since I last updated you guys I just keep loading that trailer oh all right it's a little bit after 5:00 starting to get a little dark it's definitely dusk so again the iPhone does such a great job of lighting everything up these lights just came on but in here it is dark there was a switch the light bulbs burned out it is so high there's no way I can even climb on top of something and get to it maybe on top one the bookies I'm doing right so I'm gonna be done for the night now I just gotta clean up here's the dump load I got a few things over here a whole bunch of junk over here but the one thing I wanted to just update you real quick had the bird cage sitting out there and then a like a plastic pot it looked like it's terra cotta bit was plastic and had three legs on it a couple of ladies came up there in that unit right there just pull it put something in there and they were they spoke Spanish one of them spoke English though and she's like how much for that oh is that for are you getting rid of that and I'm like no it's for sale though just pointing the birdcage how much and I said 10 bucks and then I feel the cec feels she rented the car got her purse they're all excited and they said how much for that's it three bucks for the pot so I made 13 bucks tonight yeah that's the way to end it so anyways finding a few vintage stuff and then cute vintage items not too much but I'm confident me to get my money back but I'm starting to think I'm probably gonna be here for three days there's not gonna be a two day job I think it's gonna be three days we'll see tomorrow I'll pull out a longer day hopefully now I gotta drag all this back in that's how we do it Ben reminds me of the third time marker though because it's so packed and so big and having the pull stuff out sorting and we got a good load going to the dump tomorrow I wish it was more full actually I might come over tomorrow and just add a little bit more before I go to dump anyways I'm boring you with details you guys I hope you liked what you saw so far I had fun I wish it was light longer I'd I got energy I want to keep going but that's gonna be it for tonight alright shoot me a thumbs up if you like this and subscribe if you haven't already and thank you so much for watching we'll have the next the next episode out very soon I'll show you what else we pull out of this vintage treasure box here and I think I've got all the spiders I saw at least five so far huh alright guys thanks for watching good luck to you god bless you see you next time here on locking nuts we'll go home and take a shower Oh pretty cool huh it's from the 80s everything was cooler in the 80s you can like change it yeah I got to
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 16,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Jeremy Hales
Id: 9hV9c5Lm4_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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