I Bought an AK Factory...

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so I uh I kind of did a thing recently if it doesn't look impressive right now maybe this will help yeah so I probably owe you a little bit of backstory on all this so for the last few months I've kind of been courting a major deal that I've been keeping more or less under wraps but I finally got to follow through with it here in the last few weeks now some of you may have seen recently I flew down to New Orleans to go film a video with James Reeves with tfbtv and that's not entirely just because I love James are you putting me on your [ __ ] [ __ ] channel no no that's alright it won't make it to the Internet I was also there as kind of a way of killing time and killing two birds with one stone before I followed through with a major deal that was more or less somewhere in the area long story short an acquaintance reached out to me a few months ago and asked if I was interested in buying some shipping containers full of some ar-15 parts a shitload of a.k parts and lots of really good tooling to build them I know is probably biting off a lot more than I can chew but when do I not so when I was done in New Orleans I rented a truck hit the road we got all the stuff loaded up and I made the 18-hour drive back to Fayetteville North Carolina in one go because I was not stopping at a hotel with all of that in the back of a truck finally back in North Carolina we are in the homestretch of this Drive which is good because I really really need by the time I was borderline hallucinating I was back in Fayetteville North Carolina and it was time to offload the haul and my god is this a lot of stuff so remember I was talking about some videos recently that I was about to do some lord of war [ __ ] well uh this is what I was talking about and if you ask me I think this kind of qualifies the TLDR version is I bought a gun factory if that sounds like a little bit of a bigger deal than I was ready for right now in my professional career you're probably right but for me this was kind of the obvious move this was the obvious next step for where the company needed to go a twenty point one of our biggest problems in 2019 was not being able to keep up with production not being able to grow fast enough to meet the demand the channel exploded and I'm so thankful to all of you so [ __ ] thankful all you guys for making that happen but on the company end of things we kind of needed to scale one to one and that wasn't happening we'd have the tooling we didn't have the parts we didn't have the supplies we didn't have the employees we didn't have what we needs to do to keep up with the massive growth and the massive demand and we kind of suffered as a company for it I'm fixing all that [ __ ] in 2020 because I don't want to see this fall behind we're hitting 2020 harder than anything ever before this is the biggest step in the company by far it's keeping me up at night it's a lot of stress but this is what we obviously needed to do as far as at least what I think so I'm super excited for what this is gonna turn into and you guys need access pins or anything like that I'm probably gonna have a couple for sale sometime soon we find that access pin I gotta run away but this is one of the first major steps and some big plans I am for 2020 as far as starting up massive retail on the Aki comm I want to be able to do a lot of sales of parts I want to become one of the go-to places for 8k parts that is one of my number one goals for 2020 the other one is I want to increase production I want to be able to keep up with you guys demand the demand for any case across the country and really just kind of help diversify the platform with keeping up with what you guys also want to be hitting dealers shells for the first time in 2020 that is one of my big goals I've just got a lot of stuff I want to do and the that the people who've been rallying around me recently and the people that have brought in and the people who've shown their support are what's making that happen this is making that happen we're putting the right seeds in place right now so that we can turn 2020 into really kind of a big year I want this to be the year of bak now we've really kind of skimmed over exactly what the hell happened with all this stuff very quickly this is just kind of get the video out as fast as possible I just got home a couple days ago in time for Christmas we're actually filming this on Christmas Day because we're maniacs Merry Christmas from the past by the way one of the other big things that I knew we had to do in 2020 or at least I wanted to do and I felt like we needed to do is we are opening up a second channel we're gonna be uploading daily foot pics of your favorite youtubers know where we were opening up a second channel because there was a lot of the stuff that I thought was kind of cool early on that I like to do videos on like kind of morally done life vlog quote-unquote style videos it's a good vlog not a vlog but a lot of stuff that really just doesn't fit the main channel anymore and there's a lot of stuff that I'd kind of like it's not stuff that really flows with the way the channel is gone I think it's perfectly fine as far as the way the channels kind of exploded with God meme review and curse gun images and the AR guys versus a K guys series I think it's awesome I am very very proud of where the channel is right now okay crowds maybe not the right word you guys are a little fun but there's a lot of videos that I know I want to put out as far as the behind the scenes on everything if you want to see a little bit more of my personality my actual personality and a little less of the you know a gay guy character personality and a lot of the things I think are important as far as the behind the scenes in the gun industry and if you're interested in getting into this sort of stuff kind of that more industry feel and what actually goes on and certain things like that and maybe just a little bit more personal stuff I really don't know but I do know there's a lot of content that I want to be making for you guys that just doesn't fit there's a lot of video ideas we flat out shoot down because they don't belong in the main channel and so that's kind of why we're doing a second one I don't care if it's a thousand subscribers I don't care if it's three million okay three million would be nice but the point is I just kind of want to have the content out there and available for people it might be relevant to and if you're one of those people and you're interested in that sort of thing I would love to have you go over and check out the second channel we're planning on starting to upload with that early in January of the new year basically starting right in 2020 and just kind of rolling out and seeing what kind of content you guys like there what kind of content we're gonna put up we don't really know yet but I'm excited for it I think it's a good opportunity to branch out and the stuff that we're not putting on the main channel because let's face it this shit's the Golden Goose so that's my big plug for the second channel it's probably not the last one but it's definitely the first so if you're gonna check out the pin comment there and if you want to learn the behind-the-scenes the story on all this stuff one of the first videos we do there is I kind of want to explain what happened with this deal in greater detail what exactly we have and some of the stuff that we're planning on rolling out in 2020 because make no mistake and I think you guys see I'm fairly serious about it by now this is a big [ __ ] deal so go ahead and check that outs in the description and the pin comment and yeah I can't wait to see you guys over there I'm excited for some of the weird high jinks we're gonna get into hopefully not too weird expectations are low but anyways guys thank you so much for following along thank you so much for just a [ __ ] amazing 20:19 I really couldn't have asked for anything I never in my wildest imagination where I thought we'd grown this big and that I'd be sitting on a pile of [ __ ] this big in the shop at the end of 2019 it all happened very suddenly so and a lot of this stuff I just I have only you guys then so thank you guys so much I'm gonna go spend the rest of my Christmas day sorting through under folder rear trunnions I think I only have about 1200 of them so it should take no time at all but that's all for today and I will see you sexy you tube mother lovers in the next video and the next channel so thank you guys now some of you may have seen that I got to fly down to New Orleans to go hang out and film a video with James Reeves and that's not entirely just because I love Jim laughs James Jesus I love James
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 581,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, vlog, entrepreneur, guns, gun, Factory, Lord of war, James Reeves, New Orleans, Tfbtv, Parts, Parts kits, Tantal, Underfolder, war dogs, Rivets, Ak builder, Channel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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