1 MILLION FPS - The Slow Mo Guys

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hello there i'm gab i'm dan we're the slo-mo guys today we're revisiting a video that i did a few years ago and by few i mean 11. they're longer yeah oh my god that's almost embarrassing i'm embarrassed yeah do you remember the video yeah you weren't in it i wasn't in it there was enough mugs in that video without me hey basically what i did is i printed different frame rates on different mugs just to show like a comparison of different frame rates and it ended at 10 000 frames a second i think technology's come on quite a bit in 11 years we've made some advances in frame rate so we'll be starting at 10 000 in this one and today we're not smashing mugs we're shooting eggs so we're here at a firing range in the middle of nowhere where it's safe to fire a nine millimeter bullet through some eggs yeah these are the whitest eggs i've ever seen they look like my butt in the winter except less hairy all right let's get cracking literally i like it i like it this is the phantom tmx 7510 it's appeared on the channel before the current fastest phantom in the world ah 10 000 frames a second egg is downrange we're set for 10 000 frames 5 microsecond exposure typically you want to be 10 or below for a sharp bullet and this is not the fastest bullet in the world so we should be fine at 5. loading made ready aiming egg bloody went just disappeared for reference this normal speed camera is recording at 50 frames a second and it didn't even see the bullet it was in and out in less than a fiftieth of a second not visible on a single frame it's just gone see ya how sharp is the bullet though pretty sharp pretty nice not bad is it yeah i mean it's definitely motion blur still i'm surprised that how much of the eggshell stayed intact maybe it was just too quick for it to even break you know what i'm excited to see at the higher frame rates is it it's the tiny you see on the entrance wound yeah and the exit wind is the tiny pieces of shell that are all like of a similar size that's gonna be really interesting right now yeah that is cool all right let's not waste too much time at the uh lower frame rates let's get up there i'm just going to double but let's just go straight to 50 000 on this one it's hard to write on an egg you've got uh excellent handwriting thanks b mine's shocking actually it's so bad mine's really bad too i haven't had to write anything for years everyone always told me i should be a doctor because i've got rubbish handwriting everyone always told me i should be a doctor and then they realized i was an idiot [Laughter] but not when it comes to weapons yeah it's gradually taking up more of the shooting time that we have the higher frame rate look at the spin you definitely see the rifling oh you do you just you didn't notice that before did we no 10 000 wasn't fast enough to see that rifling clearly nice right through perfect it was tumbling as soon as it came out the egg there just an eggshell that means we should probably at the end of this then see how many eggs it can get through it'd just be doing back flips through the eggs i wonder if it slowed it down any as well i must have yeah i keep leaning on this as if i'm expecting it not to be covered okay doubling 100 000. my gran used to sort of try and hatch chickens and she used to give the eggs a kiss that's like a good luck but actually all that does is um impart bacteria onto the eggshell which then goes into the into the actual egg itself because they're not you know they're porous ah so don't suck on eggs you were teaching your gran to not suck on eggs i wasn't teaching her she was just doing what she wanted okay i've lowered the vertical resolution to 576. no longer at 720p a bit narrower went out 100 000 frames a second made ready oh there's an egg on my leg i love videos of this it's just absolutely what cameras like this before so slow now straight through i feel like that egg got shattered more maybe maybe it was just slightly more frontal it was just more closer towards the towards the camera i said i don't know maybe and then as the egg clears here you can see like an upward splash you see that yeah the over pressure of the egg and that's what got me is the egg from the cup must have flung around and hit my leg yeah and it just span like loads of yolk on my leg there you go that's what that's the egg that's on my leg can't i can't get enough to say in that yeah you love it little what oh it's the shock the shockwave wow that is fast that's going to be really i wonder if that was visible on the frontal because it is casting a shadow you see like the air is like a different density that the the light is like yeah it's like fractured bending through yeah so there's actually a shadow from the nothing you know if the larger the frame rate goes you you're going to have run of run out of egg room it's true i'm going to have to short i'm going to turn my font size down okay 200 000 frames a second vertical resolution is now two five six it's a long slit of a frame exposure time two and a half microseconds not long that's two and a half millionths of a second whoa oh that's so slow leisurely this is carrying an egg on it i wonder if that eggshell's spinning or whether it's just pasted to the front shock wave bouncy shot wave you can see the the shape of the bullet better now you see it's got like a concave back to it you can see all the turbulent airflow behind the bullet too and the air around the back of the bullet is now being pulled in to fill that void so it's sort of sucking egg into the trail of the bullet look at the like tiny tiny tiny pieces of shell that come out there missed it that is a nice frame rate for a nine millimeter and that's a slow slow bullet too yeah wow that is so cool 400 000 that's your neatest one yet so we've gone from basically this as our resolution yep to this flip which means i've had to pull the phantom back which is giving us like this you've gone like five feet back at least yeah by a million frames a second you'll be the next town i'll be uh yeah georgetown yeah our exposure time is now 1.25 microseconds oh oh that is that is a nats bollock of uh framing there isn't it here we come so slow there's like a little puff of mist that happens on impact that comes back i think it comes back like faster than the bullets it does by the time it's in the in the egg it's already past the back of the bullet it's like it's stolen a bit of egg again i bet there's some eggshell in the sand wow good shot it's not easy to keep the bullet in frame the entire way it's interesting how many shadows from shock waves we're seeing typically you get one from the expansion of gas coming out of the front of the barrel and then a second one as the bullet comes out i'm not 100 sure but we could possibly be seeing one of those shock waves for a second time as it bounces off the table all right i'm gonna have to change lens here because this is a f 2.8 which won't do it for us when we're sub microsecond exposure time b can you just hold your hand over the sensor yeah bear with me switching to a slightly wider prime benefit of a lens that doesn't zoom is that typically a wider aperture good bit of knowledge hey good bit of knowledge that yeah yeah didn't know that you're writing extra big now well the resolution's so low that i'm i'm trying to make it legible in there yeah i think my each letter is only going to be like 10 pixels high look at this look at this framing what right to keep it in i'm gonna have to shoot perfectly flat should i should we come back in and just do like no no no that's fine well aside from when we went to caltech and shot 10 trillion frames a second this is now the fastest we filmed using phantoms 800 000 frames a second with an exposure time lower than a microsecond that is 625 nanoseconds for an exposure and uh it's just a tiny slit so this will be very interesting uh this should actually be too slow for this bullet resolution 1280x64 what a shot is it perfectly through you nailed that a little bit of muzzle flash too look at it here it comes let's think of it isn't the egg still just sort of breezed past it that time oh no it is tumbling you see look got a bit of wobble too isn't it yeah that is so immensely slow i wouldn't say it was tumbling but it's definitely wobbly on it's on its own of accesses i mean that's definitely we're now beyond useful speeds yeah but you know this thing could do a billion it's a nice round number isn't it a million is a nice number so oh you've got a new egg there that was well confusing why don't we go why would it go live so i said in the intro that it'll do a million in black and white and i say that because shooting a million non-black and white gives you a height of 32 pixels which it's pretty you're not gonna see much are you okay here's a brief explanation of the pixel binning feature of this camera it will change how the sensor operates and use four pixels as one so i'll take a two by two grid of pixels treat it as one which effectively reduces the horizontal resolution by half so we're now at 640 but because it's a two by two grid we're still using the entire width of the sensor the vertical resolution can also be the equivalent of 128 pixels high once again in a 2x2 grid giving us a complete resolution of 640 by 64 but at the same aspect ratio as 1280 by 128. this mode ditches all color information but increases the sensitivity on the sensor so now we need less light for shooting at such short duration exposures we're basically at the same aspect ratio that we were when we were shooting at 400 000 frames a second but we can now go a million and above so a slight trade-off but a much more usable image ah it says been off on the camera just has been off it just makes me think i thought it was like delete [Laughter] so now look i've got it done look it's done i've got much more height okay one mf slash s million frames a second 500 nanosecond exposure time 640 by 64. and you can see that it's it's uh a taller image than before even though we're shooting faster there is now no color of course and actually a nicely exposed egg i think it actually hits home harder writing the word million though i think it has more of an effect 1 million frames a second i almost said in 4k but it's not close one day though we'll redo this when we can do a million frames a second in 4k yeah that'll be when this the sun starts dying and expanding and getting brighter interestingly of all the bullet hits that our normal speed camera captured today this is the only clip where a single frame of bullet is visible this blurred streak safe cheers come on you can see the pixels yeah there's not many no but think about it this is like a science research camera you could learn a lot from this footage it's not necessarily broadcast quality but about eggs well you probably wouldn't be looking at eggs look at that it's so slow getting bored i'm getting bored i never thought watching a bullet go through the screen would be like watching paint dry just just let me know when it's there that's that says so much about this it can make bullets too slow i love it is it there yet it's almost there ah there you go all right i caught me too early sorry here we go wow that just like slowly goes in is that there's so much time separation between the impact and when it sort of spews stuff out backwards we filmed so slow that we got several seconds there where the bullet was inside the egg it's several seconds i think at 10 000 it was in there for about a frame yeah if that i mean this is slower by a factor of 100 than 10 000 yeah oh yeah it's still slightly your usually i'm like 100 times slower than real time it's 100 times slower than 10 thousand there we go very impressive all right lastly i thought we could have five firstly just to see if the bullet will even stay straight and go through five eggs and also i feel like in descending order i'll write the different frame rates and then in post change to those speeds and i figured we'd start with the highest frame rate because by the time it's here if it gets here the bullet will be slower anyway so if it's 10 here that's probably fine if the bullet is really slow at that point i like it so we'll do 4 2 1 50 10. these were thousands by the way oh okay oh hundred thousand 100 000 okay based on the tumblage i think we'll struggle to hit all five eggs you think yeah well one after one it does tumble but there's still a hell of a lot of power and speed going behind it so some confidence yeah i think it'll get through five right no never where'd it go did it go high it's hard to say maybe i just missed maybe it just went like behind or up yeah potentially it's this just about there's nothing of the first four nothing of the first four not a scratch well you know what then i think that egg deserves to live okay i'll keep it separate from the rest wow cousin's blood on it well no need to get dark with it they're unfertilized there wasn't a chicken in there that's true bullets coming in nice and slow at 400 [Music] always sideways it's just going to clip the top of that one hit the back of 50 and oh god let's do it that egg is just like sweating profusely look at the tumble at the end it's cause like you know when you go on like a say for instance you have your hand outside the window yeah in it and it does that like the air like it's the same with the egg like the moisture in the egg is pushing it further and further so it misses the uh this is the last one that's class all right now let's take a look at that at the respective speeds well i thought some really interesting looking footage it was honestly fascinating to learn the speed where this type of bullet becomes almost leisurely in how long it takes to go across the frame because we film most of our stuff you know a thousand with the other camera and you know maybe like 25 000 or 28 000 on the other one but it's interesting to be up in the hundreds of thousands and actually slow a bullet all the way down and think well that's the perfect speed for a bullet any slower boring yeah it gets boring after you hit hit a mill gets a bit boring it takes forever yeah it's also nice because we were doing this experiment it illustrates the different frame rates perfectly because each time i fire the gun the bullets are within a certain tolerance going about the same speed when they come out so it's nice to illustrate here's your hero egg thank you ten thousand frames a second survives um anyway if you enjoyed that video make sure you subscribe that's a good catch bloody make sure you subscribe if you like slobo send it to a friend if they might find that interesting and we'll see you next time for some more immensely slow footage don't know what that was actually what was that you want to keep that yeah you're okay with that being again that's not well look take it this way right people already know and think that i'm a complete tall nerd me doing that isn't going to ruin my street cred do you know me it's not like it's not like people are like oh i thought he was cool before he did that we're already wearing lab coats in a quarry look at the state of me yeah right it's not hurting me to do that so yeah keep it keep it in keep it in it's in you're gonna leave that in yeah
Channel: The Slow Mo Guys
Views: 20,647,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slomo, slow, mo, super, motion, Slow Motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, HD, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, 2000, 2000fps, 5000, 5000fps, million, 1000000, bullets, eggs, egg, mugs, 1 million, Fps, High
Id: VgjyPmFKxCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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