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it was long overdue see these keys go to this lock which goes to the swords that I bought at auction the other day for close to 400 bucks I'm just happy to have a story to share with you guys first storage in the new year what'd you think of that a little bit I'm excited let me see boxes and boxes and boxes you ready oh you ready to dig in out you know how we're gonna do this right now we're gonna just grab put on the table go through right here I'm trying not to shiver you got it my legs live with your leg try me listen maybe we should wait through this box down there records those are records records oh I'm very curious someone will tell us maybe Lauren everyone knows that name Beethoven hey you might have you might got something here Big Daddy I got something here Big Daddy I don't know what none of these are hopefully someone in there oh look she's beautiful in the chat will let us know yeah I bought this you know why because I've seen old stuff and I seen the top of this box now see records so lately people have been buying a lot of Records that's a book baby book du bois du bois you're pretty good oh is it a book away writings the T one said Mark Twain Mississippi writings see what's in there above know what's in the book is this writings what do you think's in the book okay well it's a manuscript then what okay was in the book okay what a surprise a book was in the book train this is kind of unit will you'll find some stuff like this that's a kid oh so great yeah these are the sights yeah those sell they probably came without the trucks I know trucks but it is so so dusty I like this unit thing it's dusty these are movies it's a mad mad mad world that's a movie these are movies holy goodness I forgot what they're called they're called us see something it's a video disc see sorry for the train that's the BART yeah I like this unit it looks like it has a lot of memorabilia I will bear witness to your greatness Three Graces snapshot of 20th century it's all pictures my type of book then we're probably skimpy back there's always just naked people that's pretty cool it was a cover looks a little expensive I can't wait for you to see you know you'd start choking well I mean I know it's gonna be very entertaining lower 48 bits okay okay flash the play goes under something and it flashes all right old camera stuff can be very valuable and you know one of the reasons I did buy this unit to backorder yeah there's something right there [Music] right there I think that's a lens inside of a thing okay and that looks like a camera box I'm not mistaken looks like count bucks but first we got to go through all the books this naked hippie kadhi what is it Oh looks a tad bit creepy that's probably like 100 years old Patrice Dickerson Dickerson why wasn't that the name part of the the other one yeah yeah I think it was like John maybe or bill inside the Diaries no it was Benet oh these books look like expensive books princess no our new urban summertime reign of Nina Simone landscape of the New Deal but don't worry we'll be doing lots of research William Steig it's not teacher used to used to read to us in school they look like this okay children everybody sit around here we have a man behind the tree looking at the people dance as the tree grew we would call that a creep does he have one adjust creeper creeper this actually some very interesting books you see that are you okay well with that I don't know but if there's a fuzzball shirt is all dusty what should my boy he's my boy my boy blue give it like a tug let's see I miss dusted on it okay all right one day we'll be skinned all right let me feel let me feel that's a muscle I didn't even pause it you're in faucet so you can get in the box just grab one just grab one you're my boy blue watercolor paper for artists paper the oldest binder okay yeah crappy come on show us that's crazy what if you look at this picture and the ice is extremely old huh yeah this 1987 others this is 1987 September 1987 dear madam I think this is who Dallin times Day is coming up what are you gonna give me what are you gonna give me it's national men appreciation Valentine's Day - why Alma from me me me it's like a birthday party when there's a present with no name on it me or something once I'm over I like four panties to the birthday party now out Pacheco 1955 these are negative - Bob it's not me it's mom we're gonna fish undersea gardens or those maybe I'm negatives they just go inside a little boat picture thingies some of those pictures look so creepy eyes are all black aways Oh 19:31 holy crap UNITA tilted like somewhere really old yeah if you look so you look at them straight on yeah can't really tell you look at them sideways you can see the actual looks like aluminum mini okay Jack Stanley and Jack well at least we know who the people are that's pretty cool looks like Bonnie and Clyde what if it was you'd be a rich man having original pictures of them too wow that's so cool that's real cool nowadays you just go with them someone ever gonna keep their mama give them to the people but 50 grand parlor native stunts of the Golden West Stockton California 1932 that's doing something that's cool that's crazy cool pretty cool so while I was digging I just realized that's an empty box all right yeah Wow I wish I can come under closer to you empty box huh okay empty box what are those big daddy I'm excited oh my gosh I want you to open this bad boy Duke Ellington okay grab some mouths with professionals got a batch out flip them real quick Oh opens it anyone sees any million on the record let me know because I am NOT a record person and then we have I'm not a record person either but I think you might have something here Big Daddy Duke Ellington that's why it took something down do you see yeah let's go fast we're not too fast oh I had to literally squeeze my cheeks in the classroom I'm so sorry watch out the squeeze you're gonna love India I don't really know too much about these but they're records so many other quick but luckily we have we're in the Dage of information monk big band and warrant I heard big band music is not that good Charlie bird or like Greatest Hits the classical Brazilian something Simon and Garfunkel Lonely Hearts ultimate this room Quincy Jones what is that okay will someone just draw Quincy jokes big brother turn around okay you see the worst the worst of Jeffersons Wow it's like making a video I'm putting on the title clickbait you did that sir I know come on let's take a look this isn't creepy yes it is Jefferson Airplane we're just gonna go through them real quick and yes you see something very valuable just please impacts a little mama and then we learned that outlook.com at what she just said at look calm pause it his knees get this dust out of my throat keep these records back in little mommy's well I want to come over there okay what is that what is that what is that okay bring it over here wait your keys oh you are Oakland global faces 500 photographs from seven continents just through just a couple of them I would love to visit each continent beautiful absolutely Peters California or America mark did something that wasn't look like America hmm that looks like America is it will see right now at the end of this it was North America knock whoa you see that face I see Oh seen a crazy-looking face oh that was rude that's creepy looks like a witch huh proceed South America that's it man this locker is started look very interesting like and that's only a couple boxes we over here shields at Oakland March 1925 what in the holy it's a lot of 1925 its college do you think any of those people are alive today no well yeah I feel like a hundred 1925 to 2020 is only 85 no 1925 to 2020 so those people were like 20-30 years old oh so no unless you're like 120 yeah which I'm gonna live to be I won't even want to live to be old you know what you know without you and I know eventually you know you're freaking nice to smoke those it fires in California know you was crying because you love me I do all right Big Daddy cause I know the bucks okay you know I just see that yep we did and I recorded it did you yeah Robert Louis Stevenson these are all books the same book it looks like but guess what what a lot of these boxes look like they're just books which I do not want to happen there's one thing electric flash camera okay you can do it hooks in pictures oh wow look how old that looks Napoleon and the empire of fashion there has to be something good in this you share all these things like stuff like it is yeah just fame like we just found I think oh Jesus this is dusty okay this right here let's I've got to scroll in it cuz that's what are in these most of time it looks like it might be the oldest binoculars ever people say like this yeah do I look like my logo turn the other way turn that way your logo is facing that way there you go oh yeah this is real nice olympus XA 2 camera set the camera or just a lens it's the camera look at that that looks pretty good shape I'm gonna say this is worth 40 bucks on eBay well what do you think I'm gonna say 75 I'll put it right here for you guys to see all right here or down there right there I'll look it up on eBay and screenshot it and put it on the video because yes I've recently learned how to do that yes I am not tech savvy but you're smart because if you're smart you can do anything don't worry the heavy fades has $100,000 it's gonna file oh that's nice they did the case the case alone is nice it's nice lens tell us what they're worth flash Bugsy we have it there's some film down there there's a bottom you think all these we took them all them Pitt oh look at another lens okay okay research that that's cool yeah thank you um I'm Big Daddy I think that might yeah so kind of like to hold that in performance what is this right there there you go it looks old I'm wrecking say cheese I bet you I'm a that these boxes probably Lisa 300 other box hopefully it is because you know why that come from more than half the cost of this unit and what else where's your drop some of the books look expensive black and whites records this is looking excellent it's time to wrap it up for today come back tomorrow we're gonna keep work through this thing guys wait here don't forget to Like share and subscribe thank you little mama for being here and for helping me out and I'm gonna hold this sneeze in it's how the videos over so please just cut it really back on you all right
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 12,669
Rating: 4.8845043 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: nzOvNNNfR8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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