Finding Vintage Cameras at Thrift Stores

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well hey guys welcome to another video I'm doing something a little different today a lot of you that follow me on social media know that a lot of the cameras I find I find from thrift stores garage sales and antique shops and junk shops and and and the like and I wanted to talk a little bit about why I do what I do and I'm why I'm always looking for this stuff you know one of the most obvious reasons is it's awesome to find nice and cool and vintage cameras at a really good price you know I've over the years that I've been doing this I've I've had some really awesome finds that I've shared on social media and it's it's just a really fun thing to do it's really exciting when you walk into a thrift store and you see something on the shelf that you know is it is a desirable camera or at least something that looks like it's even fun to shoot even if it's not desire will some some cheap plastic thing ranging on up to like the high-end stuff that I found it's a it's a fun thing to do but more importantly than that I feel like this stuff needs to be rescued this is stuff that people have discarded stuff that people want to throw away things that people don't want anymore maybe they belong to family members that have passed and they just don't see any significance with this stuff and thus it ends up at a threat shop and you know I I feel like this stuff needs to be rescued it needs to be used it needs to be pressed out into service and put out into the world and that's why I try to get my hands on as much stuff as possible I think the stuff is fun to shoot and I just want to make sure that it remains in service and it's not lost to history and not lost to you know a landfill somewhere so anyway I wanted to talk a little bit about that and why I do it and that's why I do it those are the big reasons why I do it a lot of you have made comments about how you have no luck finding stuff at thrift stores I'm gonna put a link below Nate Mattos and Nate I'm so sorry if I'm mispronouncing your name but Nate from PD PD exposures has made an awesome video with some tip on finding some some good cameras at thrift stores like good wills and stuff and he makes a lot of valid points he I think that video is a couple of years old at this point but still some great points in that video everything he says in that video is still pretty valid I might follow up this video with some pointers of my own in the future so subscribe if you will please that would be great but but yeah that's I'm going to say that for the future what I wanted to do today though is share with you guys a score that I got from a thrift store today and you know I want I hope to inspire as many people out there to go out there and look for this stuff themselves I love it when people find awesome stuff at thrift stores I love it when they share it you know I feel like this stuff is getting rescued and that's that's my whole goal here oh I want this stuff to get rescued so anyway I'm going to share my score with you today that I was especially excited about so I'm going to dive right into it okay so the first thing I found when I saw when I walked into that store on the Shelf was um was this brick of gold and red and a lot of people know that when they see that yellowish gold and red color that it's it's something from Kodak and that's exactly what I found I found these six cartridges of super 8 film it's Kodachrome so I can't develop it in color but there are labs that will develop Kodachrome in black and white so that's how I'm going to use this I recently got a super 8 camera from Joey at awesome cameras you should check out his shop by the way his shop is always stocked with amazing cameras that he finds I don't know where he finds this stuff I think we markets and I think just everywhere he finds his stuff everywhere he finds the most amazing cameras puts him up in his shop and I will link Joey's shop below check him out because he's always contributing to the community he makes some these awesome merit badge patches too that are film photography based so go check them out but anyway the super 8 film it's long expired it was expired in 1977 a year before I was born so this stuff may very well useless but I'm going to shoot it anyway I'm going to do some film tests and exposure tests with this thing I'm going to sacrifice one thing to test and send that off to the lab to be developed in black and white and we'll see how it goes but anyway this was seven bucks this thrift store this particular thrift store they mark things with certain colour tags today green tags were on sale for half off so this was marked for sick as 698 for seven dollars but it was half off it was Green tag I got this thing for 350 so I can't really say no to six cartridges of Kodachrome super 8 so move on on to the next thing this Canon sure-shot also known as the the Canon AF 35m also known as the Canon auto boy Canon name their cameras and they still do to this day they name their cameras different things for different markets I think it was sure shot in the United States market I think it was the auto boy in Japan and I think it was the AF 35m in the European basically the rest of the world I could be mistaken if I'm mistaken comment below and and take us all the school let us know but I have some history with this camera this is the camera that my dad had growing up this was the the family camera that we always had around the house and we took on vacations and we took on trips and I still have that camera that my dad had so that's one of the few things I have of his eye he passed some number of years ago but I still have and cherish that camera so I'm really excited that I find I found one of these today um I actually own a few of these I have the original one for my family I have one other that I found at some other thrift store somewhere and I have this I'm not sure if this thing works but I'm going to put some batteries in it it's awesome because it takes regular double-a batteries so that's really convenient that it takes regular double-a batteries one thing you should know about this camera is that it is a loud loud camera it sounds like a chainsaw when the film advances when the film rewinds it's super loud so just aware you're not going to be a super stealthy Street ninja with this camera it's super loud so um but that's this camera I'm really happy that I found one I hope it works if it doesn't it was a buck fifty today so that's not a whole lot of a loss the next camera that I found you're you're gonna laugh but it's the Crayola 110 I put up a post on Instagram the other day asking people what what kind of cameras they had growing up and uh there was there was hundreds of connell not hundreds I think there were I don't know maybe a hundred hundred or so comments but there were at least four or five people that said that they had one of these Crayola 110s growing up so when I saw this on the shelf I I couldn't say no to it you know um it was it was 250 five bucks marked down half off because it was Green tag so it was 250 and uh you know such a such a fun little thing no idea if it works the shutter doesn't seem to be firing but I'll play with that a little bit more later but yeah hopefully I can I can get it working if not it'll be a cool shelf piece for for 250 you can't really go wrong so you know one of the things I really liked about people's comments on that post that I mentioned earlier on Instagram is that people talked about the cameras that they had as kids people talked about cameras that were given to them by family members by their parents grandparents loved ones and um it was a lot of fun going down memory lane with these with these people when I say these people I mean you guys cuz it's a lot of the same guys watching this a lot of the same people watching this that follow me on Instagram so you know going down memory lane with everybody that's just a lot of fun it was a lot of touching stories about cameras being passed down from from loved ones so yeah anyway I'm getting off track here but yeah the Crayola 110 the coup de Gras the last thing that I found today this was all the same thrift shop by the way but this was the most exciting piece I saw this letter case from afar and I have never seen one with my own eyes but I've seen pictures of it on the internet and many of you will recognize this case but I'm going to show you what's inside this case by the way is an amazing shape it looks like it's hasn't seen a whole lot of use it looks like it's been maybe hiding out in a closet for a couple of decades now because it's in great shape still super smooth no little bit of cracking on the on the strap there but otherwise it's an amazing shape but inside was a very beautiful Polaroid sx-70 a classic a classic instant camera it was marked at 50 bucks and it was a green tag so it was half off it was $25 and you can't really say no no idea if it works I'm going to grab some film from The Impossible Project and I'm gonna load this thing up with Thelma I'm gonna see if it works and you know if it doesn't work whatever it was 25 bucks make a great shelf piece these are fairly easy easily repairable Kyle over at Brooklyn film camera they specialize in repairing these things so I might you know if it doesn't work I might send it off to Kyle to to be repaired so who knows but I mean it's just in beautiful shape the leatherette sin great shape the metal you know I don't hardly see any cosmetic problems with it and I'm really excited to see if this thing if this thing works so um yeah so that was my score today I was super excited to show you guys I'm not showing you guys this stuff to brag but I am showing you guys this because I want you guys to be inspired to go out there go to thrift stores go to garage sales estate sales go to family members and friends and and find this stuff find this stuff that is destined for the trash bin destined for a landfill stuff that's just going to end up thrown thrown away and rescue this stuff I feel like you know this this stuff is just beautiful art and engineering and it's meant to be used it's meant to be loved and we should all just collectively go out and find the stuff so hopefully somebody is inspired by this you know go out and go look for some old film go out and go look for whatever you're into you know there's so much treasure to be found at thrift stores and garage sales that you know a lot of this stuff going to waste would be a shame so anyway thanks for watching today guys I really appreciate you hanging with me and sitting through something a little different and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Mike Padua
Views: 46,195
Rating: 4.8471336 out of 5
Keywords: vintage cameras, thrift stores, 35mm film, polaroid, sx70, cameras
Id: eAqtD-EyldQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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