DID I FIND THE ONE? Big dollars spent on an abandoned storage locker

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all right here it is eight unit I bought the other day first half on the other video second half for this video if you guys don't know who I am I am store stocker aka soar song that's it okay Big Daddy yeah okay Big Daddy my bad I might call myself that and as you heard her behind the camera that's a little mama she got her own China you can go check her out and if you don't and it's your first time ever being here and you know what she look like you better go to exile because she is a ha not right now though that's why I don't know but anyway imma go through some of these boxes I kind of the first video seen books and this and that numbness stop for a second go with a couple books one book was 100 bucks one book was fifty bucks one book was seventy-five one book was like 99 cents rather than that this locker is looking super interesting I found nice old cameras I found black-and-white photos just a bunch of old stuff two boxes of Records some other weird kind of records but let's get back into it thank you guys for being here cue intro music frakking go [Music] [Applause] [Music] by not going through every single box right here because obviously they are both which look kind of nice look interesting very interesting are all in covers but a bunch of books and a lot of people say Amazon stamps are those stamp things no France Luke Republic France is my appraiser yeah you tell me that stamps are good when you get whole sheets of them seriously yeah stocker stocker you are soccer I mean a pirate or action pirate but we'll put a link in the description sometimes I try to find things that that man never know about he seems to know everything so now whatever just go along you've got a couple of whole sheets look there is a full sheet to look like this is a picture of a stamp somebody was studying yeah and putting them on there yeah 1978 these we carry the most complete line of album supplies accessories okay that's pretty cool huh yeah okay let's pause real quick let me make some room little mama looked up this book how much is it over 20 bucks sold 20 bucks phone it's like to win it right there at 360 this is like easily five hundred dollars in books and you looked up sold right now and medius medium l shipping so BAM so damn that I mentioned I pay for this unit BAM 400 bucks that I mentioned we're gonna be in profit in no time yeah but one well now's the time there's a first time for everything what one says I've never done that well its first time for everything yep even if it's beggin rules okay the first time for that Uncle Mike sizzle what if you're not breaking the rules well you don't necessarily have to always break the rules we're books also come to my channel because I will definitely go and def more about the books and how they're being sold lot of books what the type of books they are like these books just look and gravel walked home alone oh they just look super interesting I would have walked home with her only like two beautiful it did okay let me make some moment we'll be right back no awkward no identify Brandi Gordon back from a quick pop joke is break because this desk little mama look this book up architecture and town planning of colonial North America but guess what that is a $100 box hundred dollar box oh let's put your legs Big Daddy well you're a very handsome baseball bat thank you mama that looks weird Pete okay this yeah you know this is fun what is it for this is a issues back in the day when you would get like a ingrown toenail hey just grab your toe I'll keep my what's this it is a Zenith yeah something like that hey calm down sir I was gonna break something but you know what yeah everything's pretty expensive so don't break it singer maybe for sewing Oh little tools for ya accessories and stuff like that you just mean Gardens VHS tapes books more bucks now Marsh oh my you look the book as the American snapshot is your phone I'm gonna show you guys real quick how a little mama what is that said coast illuminator there will be no ghosts in this house ha ha mr. gosar does antenna TV there ain't no with the ghost eliminator let me see so this is how we do it we grab the phone this is right this is evening okay and we put the barcode on it pops up yeah I'm getting like 25 to 50 bucks we don't want to see every single book moment um well maybe and you know when we get it all to the house definitely now it's nice get that yeah I can't wait telephone so my dad you know like that one right there [Music] okay probably the people's family other slides Oh with pictures on them yeah right yeah just leave it for now all right no didn't take it out to the bottom I don't know what's okay don't worry about it I don't but now I am just one oh that's pretty can you see it it's like the mountains it looks like it's a mountainous forest the area force the forest that was hard work out to look leaves on grass leaves of grass their records what if you have any value uh you know they look like they do you do yeah looks can be deceiving Kate Smith piano every is with Joe Richmond Willie and Joe World War two years oopsy photo booth um that looks like it's more than 50 65 now the old ps-aguié you know why are you even touching it sentimental song sentimental honey consider hey make a song and call it sentimental how do you know what sentimental for someone else you make no sense right a song that sentiment understands me puts me I know and you sometimes so does well we would definitely be finding out very soon that is a whole crapload of Records Ella in Hollywood she's birdie henry mancini evening at the Pops sounds like my dad more bill Yvonne he was a big record collector toppers Nat King Cole making is that oh I thought that was still a rapping like I would say just give it a go online if you want you can have my phone while I go through some of these records no Miles Davis at Carnegie Hall 1961 ladies plants through one really quick someone had a very extensive collection boogie-woogie yes they did these are expensive Ella do piano music Robert Cassidy it's just Cassidy are making me hungry okay that you then what okay yeah I'm dead okay so anything else you want to go through there's a book right there I pulled out a little buddy right here the art and spirit of Paris that thing is super heavy it's hard to move so on the side of it crazy they all records and books but hey you know what if they're paying their pan okay books but guys check it out but you know what's good about getting books and records whoa you learn about them which makes you a little bit more knowledgeable in the area you need to be novel and tales sorry my fingers are freezing right now so look I know what you're doing vacancy novels and tales okay okay so this is not that expensive but if you had a collection oh no I'm not getting in I have to look it up a little bit more if you got the collection you have my box look pretty penny work the world of photographs oh wow you know we could do what baby we can go and buy like picture frames a dollar tree and cut a lot of these out and put them in pictures um I'll just tell the book so basically this is different work areas around the world look at her oh my boy blue that's what did you really just say that right now did you really just say that you are come on Big Daddy you could do it so we're just gonna be looking up a whole bunch of books what you know that there's a store we could take them all yeah we can I sit there and everyone I got a barcode they scan it then they get was like I think 20% of what the food cost that's as high as well more books books books cannoli Oh a pastry sounds really good is with some hot tea Jerry pastry with hot tea we had that picture remember and it broke but it was like Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra but she thought you know what who is called the Boulevard of broken dreams holy cannoli cannoli isn't that sound good demography boss let's pause wait turn it around I just want to check turn that bad boy around 20 bucks BAM 75 dollars for that book babies you know it's gonna be tedious but you're gonna get your money back out of these books because a lot of them are worth a pretty penny very pretty I don't know but I mean good thing about books like I said there's a lot of big herbs you can ship them medium now let's get going holy crap this day and media mail means you can even do a lot of free shipping and that makes people happy we do free shipping holy crap what too much 150 no way I booked us a hundred fifty bucks okay let's do this one turn it over generating that various barcode on this one oh man but you know what you can do do this right here switch the photo take a picture okay I'm trying to record at record while I record go okay hold on usually give you a useless thing oh no that goes 50 60 Wow that is about 200 bucks right yep that's good where are those pink there's movies I want to say their movies wasn't that a time Zero Mostel the producers the end of the sixth happiness okay a lot of movies oh now you'll play these you know they look like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang you know they look like they look like they look like a big ol floppy disk back in the days Oh baby what Oh daddy's done with me dad stop whoa look at that one blues brothers you've got some classics here I don't know what those aren't they are awesome but you know what guys I'm sorry if this video is not excited it's a second video second unit sorry if this unit is not exciting it's the second one of this new year but hey hang in there guys hope we get something interesting next time Russell with the unit moving around like 10,000 pounds of books excuse me found a couple boxes that look it's in the first class so let's see he found some DVDs that's it the Marx Brothers oh and it's unused what is still in the wrapping that might be a pretty penny the price um good news a lot of people think I have that one already at home which was the comedy classic review just DVDs yeah that's cool these are just yes they are that's very interesting think it's a slide projector Oh almost like a little project down dispenser yeah Oh movies and I'm makin and the corner you before me come on sir let's go that's pretty tight Bell & Howell that's hecka tight we can pretend we're making though an old movie you know what that's a projector right just broke everything no you didn't it's pretty cool that's pretty cool you know what's good though is that you have that with the pictures so you have a set great safety feel what is it I can't stand them season 17 what is that it's probably like a high school graduation summer San Leandro California these are all movies Oh from into duh they sent these you see there's postage on there's your school do not accept film if this still is broken yeah they sent these baby so I'm wondering like yeah I'm pretty sure they do their old anything that sort of stable necessary truth tell me what is old and not they are van I think is valuable I'll be rich well you're just showing the backside holy crap it's got some molding on the side what's the name this is 71 over hundred is that molding on the on the glass oh we have to definitely look at it but I think it's the same name okay yeah that's nothing old picture it's a pretty picture though we've got a beautiful little River thing in the mountains sad mountain Diablo in the wind in the wind hopefully we can get in the wind it's getting dark it's time to go you guys see most of the unit in their last two videos the rest is boxes but you know what little mama is gonna enjoy going through these boxes with all these books to put on our eBay joy I am grande joy and go to my page to get a get a glimpse at everything I was saying little Mama's gonna enjoy putting these on a page and you know were you gonna see it all on her page but she decided to self to promote herself before that so hey go to her channel listen what she said thing I've been here I appreciate you guys I know just water I got dust in my nose peace out people
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 11,685
Rating: 4.9412918 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: 1z8tGFVHMEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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