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alright people here's the deal the other day I bought a vote at a moving action in 25 bucks is all I spent so I said let me bring it home go through it nice and slow let you guys see what I found this is my garage if you guys are wondering what's going on here that's Brando he's a Wall orderman right now well yeah time to go through some boxes enjoy this is the product at hand baby I paid 25 bucks for that oh wait and I got this too but little mama already dipped it it is a store with a cushion but here goes the boxes at hand we're gonna go through them right now hopefully we find some gold let's cross our fingers they're all sealed one says bedroom one says fragile one says shoes come on baby be a pound of gold in there all right look this one says I believe that's master bedroom closet and a couple of other things on the side hope you guys can see that and I actually kind of like this the fact that I'm able to sit at home go through some boxes little mama cooking dinner and find treasures and first things first we have a blanket blanket no it's shirt two shirts is that a DVD set oh that is a DVD set that's probably a good set right there that said probably a couple bucks on eBay it's like new to I bet you that's go but I'm guessing by at least 30 bucks on eBay what do you think Brando would you watch that I've never heard you never heard of it no probably before me and you were born and then what else we have in here DVDs that's a good movie parody woman you apply it on the medallion Marion Freaky Friday bunch of movies well you must look like watching movies in your bedroom because that's what this box looks like VHS is a couple batteries no that's what I do what you mean either for the fridge Oh everybody likes that guy everyone likes that guy over the Elvis Collection an example of something before I talk that's good it is yeah before our time oh that's a good movie Richard Pryor there are two good actors right there two really good actors see we got I hate opening these boxes always fight with him every time and then they're ripping up in the rip in the box cutting off the date that's pretty probably refract refracts reflex when we put that thing in it not bad not bad okay $25 bye I can't be complaining what is that Sam Goody gift card whoa since that's 15 bucks in the back you think it's on there I don't think Sam Goody even exists anymore gift card Sam Goody oh wow somebody wasted all these gift cards 15 bucks Sam Goody I believe it's a UH it's like they sell like movies and uh DVDs and stuff and records and stuff like that well we're gonna have to check those yeah we're gonna have to check those but yeah music movies and games but Sam Goody I I don't even think there's one even existence anymore that's so old that's great yes like a blockbuster or like they call them dimple records it's a record store what is this we have [Music] it all and then we have a bunch of VHS so we open every one maybe there's like 100 hours in each one we'll open one nothing mission impossible to good movie yeah if you like action you watching just DVDs $1.00 in peace at the market yep whoop that box was in bad grab another this box says I believe that's master bedroom dresser decor fragile this box is pretty heavy too and it's box 17 soon we got here let me know people do you guys like this type of video where I'm sitting here just going through boxes all perfect and stuff if you guys missed the old let's just rip through it like it's all closed well-dressed in there right gesture closed it has to be something even continued oh boo that's why it's heavy don't save books paper papers oh no people no that's that's good though to have right now because I'm gonna start just this Christmas decorating I'm gonna need that and we have some sunblock in a little mirror paper you guys getting raw and uncut exactly what's in the back is exactly what you guys get to see because I went to not one of these boxes yet oh that's good right there no but right now calendar some paper papers always good paper receipt books that's order forms you know random what and the next thing was this crate you're probably quite going to a crate because I shook it a minute okay weird singing noise okay it's a jewelry box or something what do we have here okay we have a bag with nothing in it but it's still a bag it's smells good we have gift wrapping paper in a wine box which is always a plus light bulb holy crap that better not be an old school laptop Oh My look at that break whoa whoa as old as dirt this is Windows one there's a weird market for this though you don't even windows you know yeah bye say you know the interesting this is not even a Windows logo says Intel Inside that's the process yes that is old school right there you know other than that what does get older than that but we're not gonna get more order than that oh look it's a little pumpkins and umbrella it is gonna rain pretty soon gamers are with CBS we got in here looks like all paper it's empty up see go in a video at home you get visitors ha ha hey babe sorry no problem won't you come out me open a box everybody loves you it's not your booty it's your beautiful what I got down here okay see how to everyone like you want hi everyone what is that looks like I bought a bunch of paper VCR DVD fragile you can hold the VCR I wouldn't mind front anymore DVDs or something we got wrap that paper stuff using these fragile fragile if fragile stuff each its own wires converted box so you can get television if you don't have a cable okay oh no it's a another one of these these are able and candles oh I remember that one unit I bought a while back with a big one it wasn't so much stuff like this these might be working bucks on eBay it's not good I know what you consider smells good smell that - no no there's Melvin glass is my color Kranz wait crowd smell good sometimes that's like nasty old guys it stinks off to the bottom limb and say that these are spices spices it says spices well well get some spice a little Mama's cooking dinner maybe we should take her some spices in it we found some in this box few challenge make your tacos with this spices we have a towel with ok these Oh what cleaners accuse them of my kitchen table matter of fact we have one of these sorry guys we got the Bible I'm gonna give that away at the market now to go to someone who needs it well I can't say someone needs the Bible but a lot of people come to and say hey do you have any Bibles like to donate to light candles you know Kendall bit hard to get in yeah you put that and then you could get to the bottom of it that's nice found one nice thing some papers they said they're back from other oh it still works haven't heard back from other time then you will choose a bathroom just use that play with that instead of reading magazines like old school I mean yeah that's old school oh I need these and if you want I think when some people get older they just like to put paper oh good job oh they could you see what you're screwing up hey that smells good that's Oh No California Dreaming where that for the rest of the video even though they can't see me art broke my big head broke it all these are so good I'm gonna say something and it's gonna sound very weird to you what is this you know this smells like what's that do you remember strawberry pies yeah but the smells are close it does now did you say hey good you see those that is oh my god but I mean I'm gonna put them in a little container dizzy them straight out the box did you have some jewelry it's an all grain rice they look weird oh those look very weird I'm gonna put that to the side I could be seen pretty good and we have a the Osborne's eat of that what is it is it like Colonna Oh shot glasses well those are pretty cool figurines with one room key make one one key one like putting stuff like this in my Christmas tree could it be could it be all the gold that we've been looking for could it be Brando yes sir cutting it in jewelry I was just trying to nice look at those I was a real nice get up closer on now see there okay let me sit I pulled it for some handle 30 guys but check that out and as well see Trevor Lana look at the sea turtles back there green that's a plus okay now I'm gonna have to dig through the Box a little more harder just gonna want to leave nothing behind like a beautiful shot it says something there oh that's why I said room key look it was a key sorry guys but the rest is like cups and stuff that's the bottom of the box that wasn't a bad box and one of the last box that says shoes but I shook it it don't sound like shoes Oh shoes sorry guys and I don't look like shoes looks like some more DVDs I see these if this surprise goes straight to the house Spy Kids well my kids love that movie Spy Kids 3d do that yeah they love that movie it is a more vessel no scissors and a wooden giraffe okay oh this box looks better on the bottom Oh baby we found money alright it's all pennies but it's still money all the honey is the one roll of pennies and then fly like another two bucks and pennies alright in a box that says shoes in the pocket now let's see what it is let's have a look-see oh I got it right down there just go Oh pins pins can be 14-karat gold if you find the right ones none of these look like it maybe this one maybe no got more just in case you need some an opinion nothing special basket it's a real nice basket like that like this maybe like five bucks maybe ten yeah that's one of one look like they made that money we'll give me some snakes within games we have a DD that is a Dooney and Bourke I think or something like that yeah I think it is you see right now no name on the inside what is DD only they got no Dede is is Dungeons & Dragons yeah I know that's a good that's that's a good person whatever I should play that but it's another fish right here open this one up so we got liz claiborne this is it's a nice purse that's a little stamp on the inside it's not bad a little wallet with the stamp on it top smells like leather not bad not bad not bad a little suede thing right here it's a little cheap over it's still probably two three bucks at the market and then we have a donee in Burt that's real nice that is a real nice purse right look at that you get up close you see the little duck then you can see the little thing on the end I think that's real it's just older but I think that's quite a couple bucks right there that has to be a couple bucks empty that was a whole box let's go through this last bag huh after I load this all right the last item of my $25 by is this bag it was all in one pile and yeah that looks like just paperwork in some pantyhose we don't want none of those a diploma which I will give back another diploma which I would have to take back and another diploma and a calendar yeah Chippendales calendar I'm not gonna show that's a little moment cuz she might shot him David you know it was pretty nice stuff was pretty nice a couple years back for was it Christmas she made a calendar all of herself and gave it to me dance real nice herself yeah every every year was this picture of her it was nice I almost cried when I seen that prison empty box Sweden stamped 99 that's pretty nice clock though yeah well that was solid gold and that'd be nice that was solid gold yeah look at that you can look it up yeah all right take a look at that I'm gonna keep going to the box while you do that a checkbook we don't want to show that some regular books and what is this free rest right it attached it tonight baby was extremely slow oh that's a nice picture frame that ain't a real picture that's this one is in there made out of clay that's more like handmade made in China [Music] beggars here look like you filling something yeah that's pretty nice bobblehead like five ten bucks right there once we take off all that stuff well what is this Christian Dior ooh see we got here Christian Dior is very expensive stuff can't find it don't try that's all that matters thank you nothing at the bottom 24% lead crystal Japan Christian Dior I bet look these up so you can find these I think they're like Christian to your candle holders maybe type in exactly what that says on there surprising more paper alright cool alright guys there it is there 25 bucks couple boxes I went through them got a booger no I went through them such guys what it was we really didn't find much sorry it was a little boring or maybe you liked it I don't know let me know all I know is I appreciate you guys being here and I appreciate you guys liking this video share this video subscribe to this town are your friends about me and going and making it happen and make my page blow up yeah all that in one but I appreciate but now let's go look at some nuts but it's what we found a nice purse a cup of change these things I thought were pretty cool the kids were like there's no I mean well I'll try to see if there's any value really to but if not my daughter's like little things like that I might just given to him and these outdated I'm pretty sure Sam Goody does not exist anymore I don't know if you know her ones that let me know but please don't tell me if it's like in New York except because not driving to New York to spend a $15 gift card thanks guys I appreciate you guys so much more than you will ever ever know thank you for being here thank you for watching this they gotta call my beer but for now I'm gonna have some dinner hello Mama's looking up some vegan tacos see how this goes peace out
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 16,924
Rating: 4.9406919 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: k9ngtdGXGVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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