Unboxing Storage Units SEALED Large Boxes.. $30,000 + Profit Minimum! #8

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button in the like button and let's get into this today alright so bunch of these yeah all about volcanoes and earthquakes pretty crazy I'm have to see this set may be worth some money oh you guys hear the rain all right you taped a lot of stuff like a really good come on this one flap do plops it says 2011 dinner plates okay oh my gosh whoa okay okay let's open one up and see what it looks like those are big plates oh [Applause] wow what do they made uh let's see I mean this is a pretty cool set would you want to keep this that's American rows in Japan so they are all different they're all different Wow everybody just gets a different plate that's beautiful God ship right there all right so we got another one over here okay looks like we have five of these type right here looks like we have a full set of pumpkin of these those are cool oh my gosh so we have one two three four five six seven pumpkin eight pumpkin sorry okay dang that was quick oh this is gonna be your you might and hopefully we find some Starbucks oh my gosh it's got those and they shred their own paper yeah so that's interesting Wow can you imagine trying to put all up together be impossible all right oh my gosh this is gonna take a while I can already tell that's a lot of people aunt is it we'll make room a lot of rapping on that oh that's that's for hot plates is that actual mug there's something massive one he wrapped his stuff like really good [Laughter] a small little hard mug in China little heart bug give you guys a night a little sneak peek oh my gosh this whole thing is full I might have to help you unwrap it it's all coffee themed they're really good shape oh yeah oh we have a set I think here's another one so now we have two yeah anybody wants any of these suckers all open this way she's opening that so we can be quick oh oh here's another one so now we have three of them this one's cool lightly roasted blends this is the coffee bean and this is from Hawaii Oh is there another one oh yes we have two of them here looks like you got two of the same look at those so now we have three of them yep those are big goofy there's a mocha and another one so now we have four of these you're spoiling guys that's good and we have another one of these so now we have four of these your coffee mug stupid on Prospect yeah people love and remember fire pays shipping on Poshmark so you can I think they're better than selling Poshmark than they are eBay okay which ones that one so now we got three of these mmm they're nice for for these three so far [Applause] that's there's a lot in that one I put these are sets some no Starbucks I think they had Starbucks Starbucks yeah oh yeah they went to Starbucks so they drink Starbucks at least here's another one we have some more of these already okay there's no one now we have two of these another one this looks this looks like home eight like they did their own breath graphic that's it yep dang it no Starbucks okay oh this one this one's gonna be interesting Christmas duds charlie Stanley Michael Smith decade one VHS that says believe in I think they lied oh it's not Duds it's DVDs I thought it was a year the Wonder Years Michael Smith I wonder what else we got Oh was there any field kind of matters oh okay so this is all DVDs yeah he's a pretty good actor dang you're gonna go through those yeah okay all right let's box them up to save time on the box double VHS okay Oh another okay let's show my field she looks really stunned right now what's up what is that what is that weird oh let me see I haven't actually seen this oh roots I've heard of roots but I haven't so that we got the whole set of roots yeah we have the whole thing I wonder if this is worth anything I don't know if we have the whole set it is VHS something miracle you're saving Sara okay let's see what do you got over there Oh yep there's a lot of DVDs in there okay all right next one all right you're like really quick I mean I think it's the grandma ventures taking a year open a box like a year of boxes well they're taped extremely good yeah yeah yeah pull them all yeah just to show them everything oh these are seaside skaters [Applause] so this has 12 bucks $15 right here is $30 for the stamps 30 bucks Wow and they're all brand new guys yeah like this one Tennant trapped basically 11 bucks back in 2000 just one brand new they had a shop or a stamp store or something this is 1997 one of over years so they had 700 stamps I think we have close to that or more mm yeah this was 10 bucks this is one item ten dollars you know turtle this little guy they wanted to say closes Michael stamp store or Michaels store oh and they wanted six bucks for it wow this one's really he's fly-fishing that's a Dean Solt stamp right there guys they wanted 15 bucks for him they wanted ten dollars for this one and we got to open one bag okay put the stamps away and then we'll just assume the side let's open it would be the video would not be completed all right go ahead and read this one after he read that one three empty baby wipe containers hand towels washcloths it was a hacked September 2013 okay I gotta see what's in that okay there legitly in there yeah oh there's a lot of rags in this unit and they are empty okay weird okay Merry Christmas the last box what's in there are you sure I can't wait I think we have like $5,000 for the stamps yeah sent it to the DA don't cut yourself like I did the curtains okay beach-themed it's no pretty big big one this one is 2001 they wanted it's 25% off so it's eight something and they're all brand new guys never used no eeeek I can't believe it I got a little my own online stamp store never use well this one's kind of cool no I keep bunch of these this one they won a 15 bucks for okay dump them out [Applause] and they're all brand new and fortune does a fortune and stamps here all new eyes she's going through him she's wondering which wines which ones to I would alright alright hopefully you enjoyed today hopefully you enjoyed today whoa almost tripped over a box yeah hit the thumbs up guys much love to you and see you on the next video tomorrow what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about thirteen hundred items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop weights ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all the stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching a hundred and thirty-six videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's Ventures YouTube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 28,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unboxing, Storage Units, Self Storage, Storage, treasure hunting, storage wars, auction hunters, storage hunters, storage auction, storage unit, storage locker, storage unit finds, mystery unboxing, mystery boxes, jackpot, Sealed Boxes, how to, buy storage units, storage wars texas, found cash, found money, opening mystery boxes, storage wars full episode, auctioneer, box, boxes, storage facility, storage facility business, storage facility auction, wades ventures, tacostacks
Id: tQMx0tBFMPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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