We Got Three MINIGUNS!!!

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[Music] hi everyone Welcome To The [Music] Rain [Music] they met two of y'all in here what's up man check this guy's [Music] [Music] pockets that was perfect that I mean you can't compete that founding father and can do the [Music] greedy hey guys welcome to the 2024 uh get together and YouTuber uh I don't know what you want to call it I like where you're going yeah this is good the other um hey welcome guys uh let's do a safety brief this is really important we've done this with the vendors already today we're going to rehash it with the vendors talk to you a little bit about who's uh who's behind me we've got the jtac guys who are here helping us again this year um these guys are all in camo and their job is to keep everybody safe thank you all for coming uh we have a bunch of sponsors here if you can go check them out put them in your videos we want sponsors to come back they're making all this possible to making all this free for us um that's why you get to shoot these crazy machine guns um so make sure to get them in your videos if it's possible and thank you guys all the influencer guys who came out really appreciate this um we want to make this bigger and better every time can't do it without you we love you hi everyone welcome to the range day now I know most of you guys out here either have been here before or you've been around firearms in some capacity but just for those of you who haven't it's totally cool to be new it's totally cool to have questions these guys are here to answer your questions we just want to make sure we keep everything safe remembering the rules of gun safety keep your fingers off the trigger until you are on Target and ready to shoot know your Target and what's behind it in this case this big BM so please don't miss that and never point a firearm at anybody uh another human anything you're not willing to destroy even if you're willing to destroy the other person don't do it today um yeah off property off property yeah that's not our not our job welcome to Demolition Ranch this is range day 2.0 the last one uh was a great success so we decided let's make it bigger and better so if you've been watching on the other channel the Matt car Channel we made a second BM we extended everything just to keep it all from being crowded so right now like it was this same amount of space you can see right here but all these people were like jammed together we had twice as many people now they're all spread out which just makes it way more easy comfortable and so we're going to we also have more vendors now which means we have a lot more guns and a lot more big machine guns today so we're going to walk down the line see who we got start shooting machine guns and uh I hear Min guns going off over there I've never fired a minigun David's about trip on a trash can also there's like a lot of big names here a lot of big YouTubers but also Ben Franklin came like I am a huge fan man I'm I'm too nervous to talk to him but I maybe he'll talk to me later I'm just just pumpy here I love his work on the $100 bill love his work hey Phillip oh hey what's happening oh just living the American dream baby you know it oh hey man I was like I honestly did not know who you were I saw you from a distance and I was like oh my brother's here did you see me when you were up on the helicopter damn I was one I was sitting right beside David oh I didn't see anybody I was too like giggly about the helicopter the maximum defense PDX SD see that big surpressor already getting [Music] warm that's an eight and a half inch barrel uh I [Music] was the md9 905 it's a roller delayed is that what it is yeah there's a roller delay system in it the max 9 suppressor and the md9 905 so it's a 5 1/2 in Barrel Glock [Music] mags that's awesome oh [ __ ] did you want to shoot a four full auto 458 Socom [Music] shoot jeez that's fast oh no can feel it just feels like you're just getting punched over and over yeah that thing dirty I think we need one yeah we definitely need one can we get one I think we can make it happen we can make that happen for sure thanks man that was sick like that with this thing on top you can do it that way or whip it down your choice it down I'm going flip it down all right are we ready rip it fire in the hole that was cool yeah I need a full out of B was awesome that was that was good can you feel me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh we did start one little fire behind the burn but I got a water trailer so it's not a big deal they stomped it out we just want to wet everything down before we leave back here but I think something just kind of came over we were shooting tracers and stuff landed right behind the BM started a little fire in the mulch over here look how beautiful trailer's working though range is hot fire is not uh so we're going to we're going to shoot cmg's guns now really thinks that I can handle dual wielding some are these machine guns yeah I've never dual wielded machine guns I believe in you Matt I don't think I have I I I almost I I'm not believing that comment but you know if we're the first I totally accept that yeah mat over his own BM okay good yeah all right hey let me do that Goldberg get up here get up here I haven't shot any thing yet I got to do the double thing like him he can master I don't know if you can handle it let's see if Goldberg can do this if it puts me on my ass then you got to cut it there you go ready Rock I I like it I want more more that was fun dude thank you very much thank you appr brother appreciate it Matthew I love you you're my idol I love you I want to be just like you and I grow up an old wrestler digressing please sir thank you so what is this what do you got that's uh that's an older variant We call we affectionally call the drag so it's 5.56 it just has an obnoxious break that we never made but it's just a lot of fun very loud it's it's loud and it's going to be a fireball and it is so I'll get you a full maget coming up here [Music] okay that thing that's so loud I heard it from over there earlier it's loud yeah ow yeah guying rattles him loose yeah that's awesome hey I can breathe again now just keep in mind that is a little bit of a hodge podge of ammo so there's some some reloads a little bit of everything in there [Music] so yeah that's awesome I didn't know if you know or not but we've made suppressors for years and we' just revamped them so I did not know that yeah that's actually one of our suppressors gotcha upside down upside down with your pinky full auto yeah how do you hold the other what's the other hand do you can just you can literally do that I should have text hey you got one that was cool thanks man appreciate it man that's awesome hell yeah cmmg ladies and gentlemen Flair could to be here but he sent us a bunch of beef cake jerky pork terak thanks Flair you're the man let's try it hey how's it going good all right so are you familiar with the Ruger 1022 oh yeah we make the open top 1122 okay I love it same compatibility with rer 1022 it's one better pull the pin top slides off so now you can pull out your charging handle you B clean it put it right back and you don't lose your zero gotcha so we make the uh receivers and Chassis that our shop in Dallas and you can put obviously in lots of different configurations we also have a takedown so same thing as a top comes off back pull Backpacker stop so you can pull it up have three rounds in here so that's sick and best part is it's super light so it's only 3 and a half lbs jeez yeah cool and then yeah little spr that's I've ever shot at2 spr there you go it's pretty neat yeah that's and carbon fiber yeah tiny carbon fiber 7 in carbon fiber metal on that with the sensor how long it 7 in smallest carbon fiber Barrel you've ever seen shooting low and right I think High left yeah I think so I'm trying to remember all the offsets right that's how we are with all of our videos too yeah no why bother the rezero when you just Kentucky windage when you can just hold it yeah we uh got all this from cool man aome appreciate it yes sir thank you how how are you pretty good you're first ladies first please go first I just want to see what you got over here this is 65 65 I heard I heard everybody talking about it so this guy's been getting on and kicking all the little kids but love to see it trigger I didn't know you were coming oh you're so good to me with the full mags he gets the good stuff I just went all the way down the line and well to hear that enjoy we'll [Applause] [Music] do there it is yeah it's like wat Tower Firearms double stack 9 Minutes 19 right music actually I have this gun in my house a beauty and soon we're going to be doing something bigger with Watchtower so you have to check that out in the future so what that is that's uh actually German training ammo uh the projectile does leave it's moving 4 ft a second roughly when it goes out yeah it is also a hell of a lot safer at a range like this flash back with a speed things like that so we like using it and on the plus side it's substantially cheaper as well yeah makes sense doesn't kick either probably right yeah no not at all hell yeah all right go ahead and have a seat okay I've never done it I don't know what I'm doing all right so yeah hold it about right here that's the center of the BM yep okay when you're ready to fire turn this on and then just hold down on both buttons till it's empty okay that's it easy as that how many rounds was that that was 100 that was so fast 100 rounds I gave that was 100 rounds yeah so right here is mag 58 out of Israel and a 240 from Ohio ordinance wordss how exotic Israel and Ohio I got all so one feeds from left one feeds from right we do have it set up so one's a left side feed and one's a right side feed be anti-aircraft it is an anti-air count on here that way it can actually Traverse if we take the stop out way up jeez let's do that so this is Denver bullets they brought all these machine guns in this line we've worked with them a lot just getting really specialty ammo what is what is your specialty is it just 50 BMG and match spotter incendiary like the ralphus rounds you've seen us have it's them the the like 30 out6 AP rounds like they get us that kind of stuff they get us all the really weird stuff that's hard to find the 40 mic grenades yeah all the grenades we shot with the 40mm grenade launcher and yeah they brought some uh some kind of cool toys out here today we brought a couple of toys they're okay I mean I am straddling a m all right so do you shoulder it like that you can shoulder it or not it's up to you that's why we have this iron okay and then just grab and Ride the Lightning on both sides at the same time so it's safeties are off we're ready to go safeties are off you're ready to roll all right here we go and this did not one this is running great cool let's do it is it full of water it is full of water right now as you can see we're leaking all over the ground it's a water cooled machine gun mg15 right this this thing is old man this is a crazy looking gun it's like a mix of a St and a Lewis gun it doesn't make a Lew this is actually the predecessor to the mg34 the reason they went away from it was these things right here you have to have a special ratcheting tool to load them up and it was slowing them down uh trying to fight War gotta what is that chamber then 8 mm mous 8 y so good old original 8 mil drop it in lock it here this is reciprocating so do not put your hand here Roger all right so where's safety that is safety is right here so safe gotcha fire okay cool and do I need to rack one in there or is it ready to go it it's ready to go bolts open to the rear all right so you just get down low and send her home that gun didn't rise up and the bullets are still going up uhhuh things walking look at the water coming out yeah she gets a little warm starts spraying out theend yeah that was sick is that just a M249 M249 it's actually made by a company called uh Deo out of South Korea really so that is a Deo squat automatic weapon super rare huh don't they make cars too what they make doesn't DW make cars they do make cars they make cars and VCRs and apparently M249 saws so we're going to shoot a the paratrooper saw I've actually never shot one of these little ones i' I've shot the big ones before but look how tiny and cute it is and this one has a hod paint job on yeah it's very cute with all the purple and that sparkle yeah do I need racket in there I can't remember how these work oh yeah it's racked good back sweet ready to go so 5.56 belt fed shoot from the hip oh my God I didn't want to bring out your Barrel but I couldn't that was so good don't worry we have plenty of barrels yeah I figured a guy like you probably didn't so uh just so you know uh next time if you have us back again we'll probably be bringing another one chamber and 300 Blackout dang that'd be cool with a suppressor on that would be so cool hell yeah yeah have you shot a Brin before uh no let's do it bam 303 brick okay did y'all see me shoot the M249 from the hip I looked awesome that was pretty awesome it felt awesome I don't know if I looked cool or not you look so cool a thanks man I'm definitely not paying you wait are you really not that's insane so this is fairly simple you're just going to lie you want to do it or you want me to do it I don't know I can do it try rock it in the top just rocks in goes in first then rocks down like an AK backward wow cool I don't know if you want to shoot a sing but yeah it looks like it would really kick should I lay down hot here and brast is going to fall yeah I'll lay down okay let's not look too dumb on video how do you aim uh you just hope for the you don't that's the fun that's the best part technically the top of the BM let's get a machine gun that can't aim I wonder why they moved away from that design yeah that's cool but I couldn't see anything that is the B&T apc9 SD integrally suppressed and we have it set full auto crazy I have definitely not shot one of these it is brand new I think we the first ones in the country with full auto trigger [Music] yeah that was too easy that is super cool so this is a Hotchkiss paratrooper gun there are very few of them you Google the information on this and it's like it was made and sent it that that's about all you can find on this gun yep so it makes it super rare to bring it out here extend the barrel nonchalantly the barrel drows bring that down like that and it actually fires from the closed bolt is it full auto it is full auto I don't even know why I ask everything's full auto here this guy doesn't speak semi-auto what's that this got wood me too mag in rack it back it does fire from the closed bolt don't stick your finger in there while it's running and make sure it chamers okay that's so weird it is weird right no it's going to run perfect for him watch this that's a great gun Ryan thank you for showing it to us you look awesome Ryan so you flick it in it automatically goes to the safe flip it up and aim just about straight just about straight at this range yeah you'll hit high if you do I use the notch here this is David the cameraman I'm his cameraman that was cool it'd be a really good joke to put a high exposive one in there when he thinks he's shooting chalk I know right that that would get him so good coming up next is the brand new BMT 40 mm grenade launcher oops just hey put the tip in just just for a second oh that's a hit that's a hit got him it's a Hawaiian Falafel right Aloha snack absolutely it's my real hair yeah it looks good dude get the grenade so this is the PPS 41 what round is that 762 by 25 toov this is Russian it is Russian okay I've never shot one well it's uh mag and have fun we'll do that's so fast yeah that's crazy thing's mean it's a fun little toy and it's got the nice easy y Perfect all right we need to get Clint shooting a machine gun all right an easy one MP5 you want the easiest one all right MP 40 no the easiest one is actually a Swedish cake has never shot machine gun not cuz he hasn't wanted to I've just never let him until today today so this is the softest shooting machine gun on the planet I shoot these onehanded looking away and bab shoot these so the first time I just do this my six-year-old shoots this guy qu qu qu it's actually up there okay get that stick it in the hole Yeah and then pull this it right in the hole Yeah C and it's ready to go okay show who boss Dr Sandwich all right where yeah where do I hold hold right there and then hold right here okay so so up in there pull it back put your front for foot forward hold right that and squeeze good oh I think I know what this is easy there's a gun called The betta 93r it's a really rare machine gun they're very expensive cuz they're very rare they shoot three rounds at bur they have this like thing that comes out of the front they have a full auto petta it's not a 93r but close I'm going to get to one but like that is my Holy Grail gun I want a 93r someday is it really yeah I love those things I'll buy one for you if you give me the credit card you do that for me yeah oh my gosh your birthday coming up that's so sweet it's not not I mean technically it's always coming up the next year my birthday is coming up in 364 more days it'll be my birthday Hammer doesn't work anymore just heavy trigger and just ride it okay hell yeah that was really hard to hang on that's pretty sick who scar 20 but this one's in 65 creedmore and converted to run sr25 AR10 Max oh really yeah that's crazy oh because of it's lower yeah and it's full auto and it's full auto and if you're going to run an AR you can run it heck yeah okay jeez she's loud though you don't see one of those every day that's crazy yeah that's awesome yeah this is all scar nights that's the ser on it really yeah that's funny Jen's like oh Clint that gun was cute that you shot I'm going to shoot the that's how it doesn't Jam that's how it's supposed to run that's pretty nice that's cool that's cool so does this rock back at all on this or it shouldn't Rock back too much and if as long as you keep upward pressure on that you're not going to Traverse up the BM too much but you do have your ability to Pivot so is that suppressed yes tell us how that works so the suppressor is actually multiple Chambers um and as you fatigue your initial blast baffle you can actually cycle it towards the front and move the baffles back so you get longer service life out of the suppressor and your serialized component is the back piece which has the least amount of wear so that piece can stay in inventory and you can just cycle through new baffles it's got a solid in canel uh screw through the center of it that holds the whole thing together and it's assembled using the barrel clamp crazy so we 3D print that out of 625 Inc canel the housing is out of uh TI 64 so you guys make this whole thing so we make we 3D print the components of it DTV out of Tennessee they're they're the the minigun guys okay um and we're co-developing uh one of these with them that's a five barrel system in 338 normal this is radical defense we're here with right now okay Flip It Up push the buttons yep Flip It Up arm it and hit your triggers okie dokie yeah that's sick that is so cool you shot an M60 before right I have yeah awesome but I don't remember it was a while back oh you're fine so don't let me do anything too dumb load push around to the center okay go and slam your top cover shut that's it yep pull it back bolts are the rear safety is right there so you're going to push that forward and you're ready to fire push what forward safy lever okay give me fire from the table you can fire however you feel comfortable okay ready yes sir awesome oh that was too easy man aome I felt my testosterone just Rising by the second can you bring me the gun of Rambo man that thing's so sick M60 is a fantastic machine gun oh it really is easy to shoot too I think I've only shot one in my life but that I forgot how that low cyclic rate weight distribution across the gun is very balanced great it's a very shootable machine yeah going to me my new bedside gun you know yeah be my new in the bed gun David's going to get rid of his girlfriend just get M6 cheaper easier to maintain doesn't talk as much oh no party Foul and David's dead you're dead third mini gun just showed up I drove the Cuda here just to look cool and also to feel cool but I wanted to uh get this in before I forget um just a huge thank you to all the YouTubers instagrammers everybody Tik Tok guys came here to help you know make this event what it is and also thanks to all of our vendors I'm going to shout everybody out real quick hope we don't forget anybody we have Denver bullets Adams Arms bulletproof everyone Fletcher rifle Works Maxim defense radical Firearms Watchtower firearms and cmmg we also have amend 2 NR otus technology ballistic dummy Labs Heatwave Old Glory Bank go bigly and remarkable we could not do it with all of you guys so I really appreciate you guys uh believeing in and wanted to come out here to uh the second annual I guess you could say Desperado range day been pretty good and we're about to call a ceasefire and rearrange everything pointing at some ballistic dummy lab targets and I think we're going to fire Richard Ryan's mini gun on his Tesla edit as well as a bunch of other guns we're going to do another mad minute where like 100 or more people all fire machine guns at one central location for a minute just dump as much ammo as we can it's a good way to finish off a good day so before we set this up Mikey actually asked me like should we put Targets in here cuz it's going to it's going to be a lot of ammo all focused into these things we just put up and I was like let's just do it and see what happens like we know these things are going to last a while this one fell back obviously it got hit a thousand times and then all the spall was just going all into this and like eroding our freaking railroad ties That is nuts look at all this pile of metal and yeah um but it's still standing the wall still stands and you can see there's holes over it's going to deteriorate over time but all right we uh we called ceasefire which is why Dave and I are down range and we're not getting shot at yet uh we're going to move some ballistic dummy lab targets out here and everyone opens fire on them for like a minute get up Partners got operator drei and Ballistic high speed put the ballistic dummy lab torso in there we also have some bust and then we also have a bunny WRA look at this thing they made should we shoot him I don't want to I look how cute he is I want to take him home it's almost Easter Matt that's true that is true all right Richard I'm nervous this going to work I'm nervous it's a fixed position firearm right this fine yes you got to get it perfect so got get perfect this is your first time to shoot this thing yes and no in this configuration at least correct yeah I upgraded the motor and and the mount and everything it's a little nervous 5.56 762 308 jeez look at that bad boy so if you miss it everybody's going to laugh it's going to suck rounds will still be around down range I just screwed up I just screwed up but it looks like if I just miss a little bit to the right I might hit some hit one of the other guys over there Perfect all right man yeah you know you showed up and they were like there's some guy with a gun on the front of his Tesla and he's winning in here and he's not on the list I'm sorry I was late I was like he has a gun on Tesla and I was like is it a real gun they're like yeah I'm like let him in I'm in come on thank you thank you like yeah he that's his pass he gets in time to load time to load and make ready we're about to get crazy a lot of yeah I'm going to go down I get smacked by you should I go down too I think you should get back yeah this isn't going to be that guy's got a saw behind you oh no W wooo [Applause] woo [Music] America [Music] [Music] we are wrapping up second annual Desperado range day thanks to Donut and Brandon for helping out just everyone really came together like there were like probably 40 dudes that helped put on this event so big thank you to all the influencers all the vendors all of our team who helps make all this possible no one over there survived uh those those guys are that guy stomping stomping out the life out of that last one mission accomplished thank you guys for watching this episode Demolition Ranch I love you bigger better next time [Music] bye open up W Dre [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here get back I oh what was that let's end this video
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,311,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: yv569-vhkLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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