I Blew Up A BLACK HOLE Next To Earth!

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so we all love when i blow up planet earth in a multitude of ways causing mass extinction in the solar system but well actually there is no but i i wasn't going anywhere with that i said there is no but what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to universe sandbox this is basically solar smash but you can blow up the planet in a bunch of different ways which is kind of awesome so first things first you guys told me about a button that i've never pressed before actually before i show you that button let me just show you what i normally do normally i blow up planet earth by throwing something really large at it like you know what let's pause the simulation and let's throw mercury at planet earth so uh let's do that right there um let's select mercury really quickly i just realized that it's not mercury it's the moon uh very big difference between mercury and the moon but that's fine we're gonna go with the moon and you know what we're just gonna name it uh mercury so then i don't feel bad about myself for calling it mercury even though it's not mercury let's throw that how fast we want to throw this oh my gosh um 100 meters per second i i don't know if that's fast or not that that sounds like it would be kind of fast um three two one uh okay i think it's not as fast as i thought it was mercury even though you are the moon can you move a little bit faster did i miss i threw it the wrong way i tried to show you oh wait wait it's coming back it's coming back oh oh that was worse than i thought it was gonna be okay so that's my point this is the kind of stuff i normally do to planet earth but you guys told me about a button that i can press that's like 8 million times stronger than that was just look at how beautiful our planet is pluto will you get your big nose out of the way oh my gosh pluto okay beautiful uh so the button that i was talking about is just called the explode button yeah i did not know this existed maybe i've used it before but i really don't remember there's a laser button too there's a force button there's a photo button okay that one actually doesn't sound as exciting let's see what happens when i use the explode button i have a feeling it's probably gonna you know explode things pluto why am i staring at you know what i'm gonna explode pluto after this just for it annoying me so much okay let's zoom out a little bit um i guess i just press the button three two one oh okay okay that is uh yeah planet earth is gone uh would it be would it be a waste of time to see if i've killed everybody or is that kind of an obvious question okay i want to see what happens if i like do other wait is planet earth farting i just blew up planet earth and oh now it stopped farting okay you know what that was wonderful let's get a closer look at the solar system so if i move over i didn't mean to bl oh my gosh i clicked right on the sun accidentally and i caused a supernova well while we're at it we might as well blow up the other planets uh mercury uh mercury okay so so planet earth can blow up the sun could blow up but little old mercury oh there we go now i just blew up mercury uh let's do vesta i don't even know what that is i'm just blowing up all the planets yep they're all blowing up mars is gone venus is gone where's jupiter i'm not gonna forget about jupiter jupiter's gone saturn i think i already did that and you know what pluto is gone okay i just blew up the entire solar system uh with like eight clicks of the button so that got me to thinking what would happen if you blew up a black hole i mean that just sounds amazing so apparently when you blow up the earth it turns into a million fragments when you blow up the sun it turns into a supernova what happens when you blow up a black hole i don't think that's ever happened before by the way if you guys want to see more space games like this on the channel don't forget to hit that like button and make sure you guys subscribe to the channel right now if you haven't already so the best way i can think of creating a black hole is by turning our beautiful sun into a black hole so let's zoom out a little bit um i think the best way to make a black hole is just make the sun super massive so let's go a thousand times i didn't want to blow up the sun i wanted to turn it into a black hole let's reset the simulation the funny thing is i don't know if i made the sun too big to be a black hole or too small to be a black hole 50 times well now it doesn't even look any different whoa what was that mercury just oh okay i think the fact that i made it 50 times stronger maybe didn't turn it into a black hole but it clearly threw off the orbits of the planets mercury uh i see venus i see earth oh now mars is trying to get in on the party i don't know what eeries is but apparently eeries is doing something over there where's jupiter is jupiter fine no no jupiter's making a little bit of a turn okay uh oh no one of the planets just blew up i think i just blew up one of the planets this is not what i wanted at all i wanted to turn the sun into a black hole you know what let me reset the simulation i this is the sun's fault this is not my fault this is the sun's fault let's zoom all the way into the sun let's pause the simulation let's go to tools let's go to delete and goodbye wait no that that just failed i didn't mean to do that bye there we go are you happy son all you had to do was turn into a black hole one time and i wouldn't have deleted you but you were being a nuisance so i had to delete you okay now let's go to tools now let's go to add and we're gonna just make our own black hole 100 times the mass of our sun that seems like a good size to pick and we're gonna put it right where the sun used to be blop oh that is very large i guess it is 100 times the size of our sun or the mass of our sun there's a difference between that okay uh so this is i love the look of black holes like just look at the way that light kind of like orbits well now i'm trying to rotate around there we go look at the way light orbits around the black hole i think it looks so cool um okay so we're gonna try to blow this bad boy up i don't know what's gonna happen but something tells me it's gonna be bad uh okay tools explode zoom in uh but wait let's slow down the simulation because i feel like a supermassive black hole is probably gonna you know change things in our solar system and do it oh no oh no oh um uh i might have just blown up our entire galaxy i might have just blown up the entire universe i'm not sure what's gonna happen but there is a white haze color that's just emanating from the center of our solar system uh wait why are none of the other planets being affected well actually venus and mercury are gone they blew up a while ago although earth is fine apparently if i oh no earth is not fine earth just disintegrated oh no oh that's because right now i'm only at 18 seconds i'm only moving 18 seconds per second let's move this up a little bit oh this is bad oh no everything is just getting eaten by the black hole no this is a problem this is a real problem how am i supposed to play tennis if i you know if i don't exist okay well jupiter and saturn are still around i have a feeling that's probably gonna change if i speed things up uh oh well um well there's good news and bad news the bad news is the black hole is gone the the good news is jupiter and saturn are fine actually i feel like the black hole being gone is probably good news okay if i blow up a black hole in the middle of the solar system it's all good news oh yeah the bad news is that we exploded and don't exist anymore another thing you guys told me in the comment section which you guys always help me if there's other things you want me to do let me know in the comments and i'll probably do it yes i have my post-it note if you guys were wondering another thing i didn't know we can do is mess with gravity in this game which is awesome apparently if i go to uh simulation and then gravity wait how do oh there it is there it is okay so i can change gravity so right now gravity is one gravity we're gonna start slow we're gonna make it five times the the regular rate of gravity so if this was the case i weigh 140 pounds if i made gravity five times stronger i would weigh oh geez what's 140 times five is that 600 700 i think it's 700 yeah yeah 700 i would weigh 700 pounds so i'd be uh i'd be a chunker okay so here we go five enter nothing happened i mean the sun got a lot smaller i guess that makes sense because everything is kind of being compressed five times oh something's happening yeah mercury is flying towards the sun venus is flying towards this oh everything's just flying towards the sun wait let's speed things up i think things are just going too slow oh no this is only five times uh the force of gravity i was gonna go up to like a hundred maybe a thousand maybe a million times although that would probably just get out of hand oh geez this is a problem wait let's find planet earth um could we survive at five times the speed or the the force of gravity let's go to earth let's go to uh the composition is anybody alive is anybody alive 78 survival 78 of us are fine with walking around at 800 pounds actually some of us would be a lot more you know there's some people that already weigh 800 pounds so if that was the case they would weigh like i don't know uh 4 000 pounds yeah instead of the my 600 pound life on tv it would be like the my 5 000 pound life okay so five times gravity was actually a little bit more impactful than i thought it would be but i mean you know we got to go a little bit higher this is universe sandbox let's go 25 times bam okay the sun once again got smaller it's oh yeah everything's just flying at it at a faster rate oh geez okay i mean there still haven't been things exploding there hasn't been fire there haven't been mass extinctions well actually i don't know let's select the earth i can't select the earth because it's moving too fast uh how many people are alive now if earth was 25 times gravity uh 50 percent of people would still be alive 50 of our soul why did all of my lights just blink i don't know if you just saw that but all of the lights in my house just blinked okay anyway 50 of the earth's population would still survive if gravity was 25 times stronger so what do i i said i weigh 140 pounds where's my darn phone what's 140 times 25 you guys could probably come up with that really fast times 140 i would be 3 500 pounds i would be walking around at 3 500 pounds but apparently i would be fine well i guess there's a 50 chance that i would be fine although that number is going down now it's 46.7 chance that i would be fine let's make gravity stronger 1 000 times gravity i mean we're up to like the my 1 million pound life on tv at this point here we go whoa okay oh my gosh mercury's out mercury just yeted it oh things are blowing up now i think the sun just blew up yeah oh what okay this is officially the coolest thing i've ever seen in my life this i don't even know what i'm looking at can i slow this down what am i even looking at i'm slowing things down oh okay mars is orbiting earth or the sun and i think the rest of it is just fragments okay it looked a lot faster than when i sped it up this is amazing it looks like a cooler more dangerous version of saturn uh oh man okay well i mean if this happens at a thousand times gravity what's gonna happen at ten thousand ten thousand uh times gravity up there okay that looks less cool that doesn't look as cool uh a hundred times a hundred thousand times gravity oh no no i caused a black hole i caused a black hole everything is being sucked into the center of the solar system i think i just vacuumed up the entire universe at this point oh this is bad this is really bad wait why are things going out and in oh they've stopped coming out they've all gotten sucked in oh my gosh the black hole is getting bigger the black hole is literally growing oh this is a problem um what's the likelihood of survival on planet earth now probably pretty low so here's the final question if there is a black hole in the middle of the solar system that just ate everything if i blow it up will it return everything back to normal i mean the answer to that is no but i just want to see what happens when i blow up a a stuffed black hole okay uh explode uh there uh what happened nothing happened excuse me i just blew up the biggest black hole in the history of the world and nothing's gonna happen don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to check out my vlog channel tfg vlogs on youtube go to that channel right now and subscribe and watch those videos and i will see all of you in the next [Music] video
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 673,332
Rating: 4.9166722 out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, universe sandbox 2, universe sandbox, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, the frustrated gamer solar smash 2, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, universe sandbox the frustrated gamer, solar smash new update, solar smash secrets, universe simulator, space simulator, space simulator game, the frustrated gamer, I Blew Up A Black hole, solar smash black hole
Id: 7ARjyh2ssas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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