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today is the end of solar smash well at least until they have another update then i'll be back what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash so once again you guys gave me like 11 amazing things to do today and then like i said i'm not gonna come back to this game until there's a new update i feel like we've kind of done everything there is to do in this game let's jump right in so the first thing you guys told me to do was to go to the flat earth which is one of the secret planets that we unlocked and you said kind of go up this one it's kind of hard to aim on the flat earth okay now you guys told me to take a laser make it as weak as possible and then shoot the moon once is it gonna i did that wrong i was supposed to hit it with the laser okay let's try that again and go to the laser this time and make it as weak as humanly possible and tap it one time maybe twice is it falling into the earth or the flat earth i guess i should say i think it's supposed to go into the earth if i hit it enough times oh here it goes here it goes hold on to your butt cheeks oh that was actually pretty good look at the crater in flat earth oh i didn't mean to kill oh i i keep lasering flat earth accidentally okay so i just killed um 214 million people if you guys want to see more solar smash on the channel don't forget to hit that like button and make sure you subscribe to the channel right now i want to see if i could do that with the sun i feel like that would be way stronger okay i'm hitting the sun with the laser is it going down onto flat earth nope it's it's not working wait let me try to hit it maybe with a little bit of a bigger laser let's go up to i don't know what two out of five hi yeah oh no i just accidentally blew up the sun one more thing with flat earth that you guys told me to try was hit the sun with a black hole i don't know what's gonna happen i have a feeling it's probably gonna maybe blow up the sun yep it sucked up the sun the sun's gone the sun is absolutely gone now um everybody in flat earth is sitting in darkness even the moon is actually still there it's just kind of hard to see well i kind of know how to brighten it up let's go to the uh planetary destroying laser alien man let's speed things up and any day now beautiful we kind of created oh i was gonna say we created our own son but well now we blew that up too next on the list is jelly world which is also called ghost world but you guys know me i like calling it jelly world let's slow things down a little bit you guys told me to put a hole in jelly world by hitting it with a couple nukes i don't know exactly what this is gonna do but let's shoot one nuke two nuke three nukes okay so it's like a small explosion and then it kind of implodes on itself and becomes a bigger explosion oh okay that was bigger than i remember oh okay okay oh bad this is a video game and i feel like i could feel that explosion okay so now do we have a crater yeah i would say that's a crater the next thing you guys told me to do was go to the what are these things called again missiles go to 100 and make it as strong as humanly possible and fire 100 missiles in the center of jelly world i don't know what's going to happen yeah it's just a really large explosion okay i don't really know why you guys told me to do that oh look there's like little missiles flying around the inside of the core oh they just blew up too now okay then you guys told me to kind of shoot these things in there and this could be a lot of fun oh wait oh they're like bouncing around wait this looks really cool actually i don't know if they're bouncing on the jelly or if they're just bouncing because the gravity in the center of the planet is all screwed up i'm not exactly sure but i'm gonna keep shooting these bad boys and then we're gonna go to a laser and let's blow them up oh that was a lot bigger of an explosion than i was expecting hey there's still a few left oh never mind never mind they're all blowing up wait there's still four left let's change that okay one left there we go now we've just killed everybody on ghost world even though nobody lived there next thing you guys told me to do was to go back to flat earth and you said you could kind of bug one of the aliens so if i go to the alien what's the one that goes around i think it's this guy right here so if you try to go around the flat earth apparently something funny happens with it like you kind of screw up the alien did i oh yeah harry comes alright let's go to spectator mode which is right here and so if i use a regular planet he just kind of goes around it until he's turned the entire planet into a half of a pancake but what's gonna happen if it's flat okay this is taking way too long i gotta speed things up a little bit then we're gonna go back i was not expecting that i literally made the alien blow himself up oh that was actually kind of awesome wait i want to see that again i want i want to fire multiple at the same time okay it's this guy right here let's fire uh one two three four five are they all gonna split themselves in half are they all gonna blow themselves up uh wait for it there goes one there goes two and there goes three i mean they did kill a lot of the flat earthers whoa there's wait one of them made it through one of them made it through maybe but i saw a laser now i don't see the laser i don't know i just made some aliens blow themselves up that that's amazing okay we're back to regular planet earth for once in this video you guys told me to spawn in a black hole and then try to freeze the black hole with the ice laser i i don't know what's gonna happen but this actually sounds awesome has anybody ever tried to freeze a black hole before i don't know but let's find out all right so we got the black hole let's go here then we're gonna go laser let's go here i nothing nothing's happening oh wait something's happening oh whoa wait that actually looks really cool whoa like half of the earth half of the crater is on fire and the other half is kind of frozen oh that actually gives me an idea okay what i'm gonna do this time i'm gonna freeze half of planet earth on the top and then like i don't know blow up the other half with lasers so we're gonna have like half of it be really hot half of it be really cold let's see what happens so we got the ice laser here let's kind of make a little circle around planet of there so we can kind of split it in half this might be a little more than half but that's okay all right let's fill this all in okay so half of planet earth is a giant popsicle ball again the frustrated gamer popsicle balls are back on sale if you guys remember that from last video now we're gonna go with the fire laser let's make it a two and a half i don't want to blow up nah that's actually a little too strong let's make it a one in the one and a half that should be a little bit better so i just want to kind of lightly glaze the bottom with the fire laser so let's oh okay oh this is actually good this is good this is wonderful i mean it's not good i'm killing everybody there's only 351 million people left but this is good for me okay this actually looks really cool and there we go so if you look at it half of planet earth is frozen on the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere is um sunburned i guess we could call it sunburned it's also just kind of destroyed with a laser so this is kind of like the tfg popsicle ball if the bottom half was on like uh filled with lava so we got on the frozen uh popsicle balls here with uh a little kick that's what we're gonna call them frozen popsicle balls with a lava kick that you know may or may not melt your tongue off the next thing you guys told me to do is throw planet earth at a black hole in in planet smash so the only way i know how to do this is to either go to jupiter or saturn let's go to saturn because i really love saturn let's zoom out i'm literally stuck in saturn's rings there we go okay and i actually have something else planned for saturn after this which is going to be amazing now what i have to do is if i go to the moon which one's the moon right here this is actually just earth so let's go uh wait let's spawn in the black hole and then let's fire the earth at the black hole and then let's kind of go sideways and spectator mode wait what no darn it i was too late oh no now saturn literally just ate planet earth it literally opened its mouth ate planet earth and then closed its mouth planet earth is still stuck somewhere inside of saturn okay what i was trying to do is throw planet earth into a black hole but clearly that didn't work so let's try to do this one more time this time i'm actually gonna throw planet earth first because apparently black holes don't last very long on saturn saturn must be a very strong planet okay so we're gonna throw planet earth and then now we're gonna do the black hole oh baby let's go spectator mode let's go spectator mode let's zoom in oh no the black hole literally ate half of planet earth i kind of missed wait let's try this one more time i kind of didn't aim perfectly so let's go planet earth and let's wait a second and then let's go black hole let's go spectator mode no i missed darn it i missed again i literally oh my gosh we're gonna try this again you guys know the drill i'm gonna keep doing it until i get what i want now let's do the black hole no black hole not earth oh okay right in the middle uh no that that also didn't work fine we're gonna try it again this is getting messy this is getting messy earth black hole oh boy i missed again you know what i won't look at saturn's rings saturn's rings are getting completely destroyed by the black holes i spawned in oh that's so cool okay well i tried to throw planet earth into a black hole i i kinda got it i also kind of just screwed up last thing i wanna try i wanna see if i can get rid of saturn but not the rings so i wanna see if i like delete all of saturn what's gonna happen to the rings around it so if you guys remember a couple episodes ago i found out the best way to destroy saturn and jupiter is actually with the ice laser not the fire laser so we're gonna aim directly above saturn so i don't hit the rings and let's just start eating away at saturn this might take a little while but we're gonna see what happens i am making sure that i do not touch the rings at all okay i did not expect this but it looks like saturn is shrinking and the rings are actually shrinking with it i have not zoomed in or out at all this is the distance that saturn was originally when it took up my whole screen wait a second so let's go back to the ice planet now let's zoom in a little bit more i want to get rid of all of saturn the rings are just getting smaller and smaller okay i'm getting to the rocky center of saturn's tootsie pop i guess you could call it and the rings are still there but they are so much smaller right now this is actually incredible wait wait for reference what if i throw planet earth at saturn is it oh my gosh look at this i made planet earth almost as big as saturn now oh this is really cool okay wait wait i want to keep eating away at saturn i don't think i can use the ice laser anymore now i need to use the fire laser we're going to make it 5 out of 5 and we're going to make it frustrated gamer purple this is so cool wait what happened to the rings no oh you can barely see the rings actually you can pretty much not see the rings at all darn it so apparently if you get rid of saturn even if you don't touch the rings the rings kind of go away all right well you know what like i said this is going to be my final solar smash video until there's another update so we might as well end with a bang let's blow up the planet and you know what while we're at it let's blow up the sun too where's the sun where's the sun this is we're going out with a bang literally here we go all right let's speed things up just so we could see this nice and quickly what's gonna get to it first that did the alien blew up saturn before the sun got to it don't forget to hit that subscriber button and check out my other youtube channel it's called tfg vlogs go to that youtube channel and subscribe right now and i will see all of you in the next [Music] video [Music]
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 1,052,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, solar smash update, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, I Froze A black hole, new solar smash, new solar smash update, new solar smash secret, space simulator, space simulator game, solar smash markiplier, the frustrated gamer solar smash playlist, the frustrated gamer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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