I Made All Oceans On Earth OVERFLOW!

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some people are great doctors other people are great athletes me i'm great at blowing up planet earth doesn't seem like a very good talent to have what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to universe sandbox it's basically solar smash but so much more awesome also the game has been updated so there's a ton of new things you can do in the game and as always you guys filled up another one of my post-it notes with crazy things okay so one of the major updates in this game is they changed the way you could like manipulate gravity so we're just gonna throw a small object at planet earth let's pick mercury that's actually not very small now that i think about it but you know what that's fine yes so we're gonna go launch we're gonna go uh we're gonna aim right for florida why not that seems like a good state to take out okay and okay okay so that is just what normally happens before the update now things oh gosh there are asteroids that are still pelting planet earth wait let's just see how hot is planet earth right now after getting that collision it is let's change it to fahrenheit 5000 degrees fahrenheit it is dropping also did i kill everybody on planet earth let's see hey 21 of people are still alive and that number's actually growing you know what people actually like the 5 000 degree earth it's uh it's like a a giant sauna okay so that was fun but we could have done that before now let's go to the update so let's go add we're gonna go mercury once again just because i don't know i feel like it and this time we're gonna aim for uh mexico i don't know if i've ever taken out mexico i mean i'm basically taking out the entire planet i'm just like aiming for mexico but that's fine so let's close out of this let's select mercury so if i scroll down over here this is the section that i think is new so i can pull others i can pull by others collide with others inverted gravity i don't know exactly what that means but it's under the magic category anything with space and magic sign me up we're going to invert gravity and i just want to see what happens three two one go what oh let me speed up the simulation i i don't know exactly what's happening but apparently the gravity on mercury is inverted wait where's it going hey excuse me i paid you well i guess i didn't really pay you at all but i i launched you directly at planet earth where is mercury going it's literally going the opposite direction of the sun i guess that makes sense if gravity's inverted it would do the opposite of what it would normally do okay well we just lost mercury mercury is is going over to pluto to have a play date and it's never going to come back well that's fantastic this time we're going to go right for india i know i have a lot of indian fans in the comment section so shout out you guys i'm gonna blow up your country now it doesn't seem like a nice thing to do to people that i really like but you guys always ask me to do it so here we go so if i go collide with other off so does this mean that you can't collide things so should i turn it on both let's start it on both all right so you can't collide with planet earth and now you can't collide with mercury so what happens if i throw two objects at each other but they can't collide i don't know but we're about to find out this should be kind of fun let's speed things up a little bit three two one and oh oh my god wait what it literally went right through planet earth it looks like there is popcorn kernels popping out of planet oh my gosh and now mercury's farting a red substance i don't know what that red substance is but you do not want to breathe that in it looks like liquid mars how hot is planet earth it's got to be way too hot to survive or to have people living on there right it is 5100 degrees fahrenheit that is a warm day even in arizona 20 likelihood of survival okay there are 20 percent of people on this fireball of a planet just chilling this is fantastic i can't believe there are 21 000 people or 21 of the people are still alive so i just want to see if i speed up the simulation is mercury oh no oh oh oh stop stop stop stop stop i i no no okay mercury has continued to collide with planet earth it's got to be even hotter now right it's got to be even hotter let's select planet earth let's see how hot it is oh no it's actually cooled down a little bit which is kind of surprising how hot is mercury mercury's 3000 degrees fahrenheit right now and still farting i mean it has been years since the collision it is still farting what are they calling it they're calling it they don't even have a name i'm gonna name it um mercury's uh fart that is what i'm going to name that oh mercury well you know what it's mercury now did i here we go another collision with our three two one and oh geez you know for turning no collisions off th this seems like there's a lot of collisions here okay so i'm just looking at some of the new obliteration factor what is obliteration factor standard gravity calculations assume all objects are perfectly spherical in reality they have off uh i don't even know what that says obliteration factor oh it's oblation fact i thought it said obliteration factor well i'm gonna turn that all the way up to i don't know 5000 is that a good i'm going to keep calling it obliteration factor is that a good obliteration factor enter nope oh it maxes out at one oh okay i would say 5 000 probably would have been uh fairly high okay let's pause the simulation you know the drill we're gonna add we're gonna go to our favorite friend mercury we're gonna aim right for africa i don't think i've ever hit africa and you know what just for good measure we're gonna put the obliteration factor all the way up to one on mercury two bam okay um this is gonna be really really bad three two one go okay it better not miss planet earth if it misses planet earth no it's not missing oh it's definitely not missing okay oh there are asteroids flying out into the cosmos look at pluto back there just chilling just watching all of the madness unfold don't you think you're safe pluto i will come for you next if you keep looking at me this is our beautiful solar system now this is something you guys told me to do and i've been meaning to do for a long time if you look in the bottom left corner of this game you can see a a date and a time well i want to see what happens if you go way in the future and then way back in time like is something exciting gonna happen i don't know but we're about to find out so right now this simulation thinks it's 2015. so we're like six years back in time i'm gonna speed things up you're gonna see how fast every oh my gosh oh my gosh it looks like a car wheel okay so right now i'm going 110 years every second and it's year we're almost at year 3 000. so let me zoom out even pluto is moving fast even pluto is going on on a joy ride right now what are some of the bigger things sedna i have no idea what sedna is oh my gosh if pluto's down here sedna that's got to go really far and then what's this son of a nutcracker c1906 is that like some sort of a i don't even know what that is is that like an asteroid is that like a comet i have no idea all right where are we we're in year 5000 all right so let me pause really quickly i want to see how things are going in our solar system so this is like 2 500 years in the future all of us long dead we have been blown up by one of my simulations thousands of years ago let's zoom in on planet earth how does it look so far oh it's a little icy oh no are we gonna have an ice age on planet earth in like three thousand years ah i don't care me my kids even my grandkids are gonna be long dead look at that even mexico has ice on it wait so if i if i look at the uh where is it surface this shows you how hot and how cold planet earth is in different sections so if i go right in the middle of the equator oh my gosh it only gets up to like 10 or 15 degrees celsius and then like where i live right now negative 12 degrees celsius what's the north pole negative 53 oh that sounds horrible well you know what that means we're gonna keep going farther and farther in the future and see what happens to our home planet so now we're in year 6000 we're getting close to your 7 000 i i just want to see how far this goes one eternity later okay it is now year 9731 uh i don't know if new york city still exists but if it does the the ball just dropped for the 9 000th time oh no it looks like the ice age has gotten worse oh my gosh this is this is the united states the united states is completely under ice how cold is planet earth now planet earth is now 35 degrees oh my gosh does anybody survive is anybody alive at this point 97 there is no way in god's green earth or in this case god's white earth that that 97 percent of people will be just perfectly fine in an ice age i mean look at this california one of the warmer states in the even texas is covered in in hundreds of feet of snow this is ridiculous ah look at our beautiful planet earth reset no longer under an ice age supporting human life let's change that by overflowing all of the oceans this is actually a new little physics thing that's in the game where let's pause the simulation really quickly if i go to tools and i go to no not add not add go back brandon if i go to tools and i go material i can add water now that we could have always done in this game but if i start flooding all of the oceans with water unlimitedly i just want to see what happens with planet earth so right now we're going to throw let's throw uh one ocean's worth of water at a time that seems like a good amount to throw so let's replay the simulation let's just start throwing water at planet earth this seems wonderful this seems great oh no oh no i already covered the united states um well i kind of feel bad about that but i'm gonna keep adding more and more oceans this seems like a fun thing to do so you know what we're just gonna add a giant bulge in the pacific ocean here and speed things up and see what happens is that bulge gonna go around and cover the entire world or is it just going to kind of stay in one spot uh oh africa is getting eaten africa's getting getting eaten like a thanksgiving turkey okay wait let's keep playing the simulation up i want to stop adding water i feel like i've added too much water for now although we will add more water soon i'm changing it from one ocean's worth of water to one earth's worth of water that's oh why is it still growing i'm not even adding any more water and it's still growing okay if canada is still above water at this point i i will move there i will move to canada if it's still it's not nope it's it's definitely not above water anymore maybe a little bit of the north pole maybe santa claus that that's where that little white dot you see right there that's santa claus workshop he is still delivering water or he's delivering water because that's all that's left on this planet is it still growing okay we're gonna have to go up a little bit let's go to uh one jupiter's worth of water there we go oh what um uh i didn't think if i added a jupiter's worth of water it would turn into jupiter i i didn't see that coming but it's still growing i'm literally not adding water it is growing as we speak that those are the sounds that i i'm thinking right now how hot is planet earth right now it's 1800 degrees fahrenheit what let's add more water oh no what happened what did i do what did i do why did i do it how did i do it and what happened it is a thousand it's getting redder again oh no okay we're gonna keep adding more oh no well i think i think i'm gonna turn it it looks like the sun i must have added so much water to planet earth that it is turned into a star and that star is getting very br okay i feel like i need sunglasses right now this is kind of hurting my eyes how does this compare to our sun it's bigger oh no that's just a giant glob of water that when i missed planet earth went that way okay i think right now earth is like the same size as the sun let's make it even bigger i'm adding more water as we speak there are like solar flares coming out you know what we're gonna add uh one sun's worth of water that's plenty of water now okay something cool oh it got bigger okay planet earth is now officially larger than our sun if i zoom out uh oh my gosh it's way bigger than the sun is that is that what is that what is that emanate did i i turned it into a black hole no maybe not i i thought i turned it into a black hole but maybe maybe it's just super high gravity okay uh yeah i i i think yeah now it's a black hole so apparently if you add more and more water to planet earth eventually eventually it's gonna turn into a giant black hole in the middle of the solar system well that was fun don't forget to hit that subscribe button and check out my other youtube channel it's called tfg vlogs go to that channel and subscribe right now and i will see all of you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 827,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, universe sandbox 2, universe sandbox, universe sandbox game, universe sandbox gameplay, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, the frustrated gamer universe sandbox, the frustrated gamer universe sandbox 2, I Made All Oceans On Earth Overflow, space simulator, space simulator game, solar smash update, the frustrated gamer
Id: gDsWOxywlDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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