I Created STAR WORLD! | Solar Smash

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solar smash is back on the channel and oh man do i have a good one for you guys today what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash so you guys gave me about five or six amazing ideas i put it on my post-it note let's just get started so the first thing you guys told me to do was go to the custom planet which is down here then you guys said to go to the force field and enable it which actually looks really amazing this force field is super strong then you guys told me to go to the planetary destroying laser alien man right here and just fire it i i'm not exactly sure what happens but you guys told me it looks really cool three two one go i'm gonna zoom out a little bit so i get a better view and i'm gonna go to spectator mode is he actually is he gonna get through the the force field i don't even think he made it through the force field oh he did never mind i stand corrected he absolutely made it through the force field and now he's turning around to get the heck out of here before the planet explodes i don't know what exactly is gonna happen that you guys told me is so exciting but okay it exploded oh all the asteroids are now trapped inside the force field oh this is actually really really awesome so i basically made a planet out of floating asteroid bits from the original planet that i created wait so now what happens if i go out of spectator mode and i actually just get rid of the force field are they going to stay in a circular pattern or are they going to disperse into the cosmos let's see oh that is awesome they stay in a circular pattern oh wait maybe they're going away wait let's speed things up a little bit okay eventually they kind of scatter and disperse into the cosmos that was awesome and that was the least exciting thing on this post-it note next thing you guys told me to do was go to machine world you guys already know this has a force field it's just invisible you guys said to go to the brand new dinosaur or i think he's some sort of a dragon that breathes fire in space i named him newt n-e-w-t that's the name of my dragon and then you guys said shoot the machine world and see if he can go through the force field i don't i don't know any day now newt any day now newt okay and uh come on newt he literally literally wasn't even close not literally was not even close he doesn't even look like he cares he's just floating back to mars or wherever it is that he lives doesn't even care what if i shoot like i don't know five newts it's newt junior newt the third newt the fourth newt the fifth newt the sixth and newt the seventh i don't know are there any sevenths that actually exist in real life okay so they're starting to breathe some of that blue oh it's getting red yes okay they actually got through now i got a question now i got a question can i get newt trapped inside of machine world so you guys just saw that the force field came back to life so what if i do this i'm gonna zoom all the way in i am going to fire you know what i'm gonna fire a laser just to get rid of the force field come on laser so it gets yellow then it gets orange then it gets red and eventually the force field should explode okay it's getting red and i just blew it up okay so now let's fire newt really quickly newt go newt go newt keep going straight beautiful oh don't blow up no he blew up the stupid thing in the middle that makes the force field regenerate well he did go right through machine world which was kind of cool just look at this beautiful planet i say it all the time but this is our home 7.7 billion people on this planet living together let's blow it up with an alien okay so you guys told me for the next thing i know if i aim for russia or washington dc they fire back at the ufos but somebody told me if you try to shoot florida that you you just can't do it i i don't know if it's true i don't know if it's fake but we're about to try it three two we're gonna aim for gray still plays his house right in florida i actually don't know where his house is but i know he lives in florida let's aim for florida right there and okay oh wait they actually they actually do blow up florida wait a second but that that that missile came from washington dc right wait let me try to shoot florida one more time and yeah it's coming from washington dc there is no way in god's green earth that they would be able to fire a missile from washington dc and hit a ufo over florida you know what maybe we're in the future and missiles have gotten faster stronger more accurate and i don't it's just not possible what if i try to shoot like my house in uh philadelphia uh oh so how far does dc defend the country what if i shoot like i don't know los angeles are they gonna shoot it down from los angeles no no no oh okay yeah los angeles out of luck they only care about the east coast apparently oh my gosh i just i blew up 110 million people right now half of the united states is gone and even a part of mexico i like mexico i visited it once a couple years ago we had a good time next on the docket and by docket i mean the yellow post-it note with my chicken scratches on here you guys told me to go to the bottom of planet earth upload the missiles all the way up in strength and all the way up in numbers and it looks like artwork i don't know exactly what that means but i'm gonna take your word for it so we're gonna aim for the south pole this is where the anti-santa claus lives i don't think that's actually a thing let's go to the missiles let's go to the gear so we're gonna make it all the way strength which i think is a five and then we're gonna do what is it uh a hundred i thought it was 99 it's a hundred that's even better three two one go okay we're about to have a very big explosion with okay yep okay the guy told me it's gonna lag a little bit and then it should look like artwork it kind of looks like a planet that i shot with 100 missiles at at top strength that's kind of what this looks like excuse me sir whoever suggested that in the comments i don't know what kind of artwork you look at i'm actually not a big art guy but if i look at artwork it probably wouldn't be a planet that got blown up by 100 missiles but you know what art is subjective so to some people this is beautiful art and to other people it's um a desolate planet with 7.7 billion people that just got blown up okay the last thing before the main thing which you guys are gonna love the main thing you guys told me to go to the flat earth right here again proof that flat earthers are not crazy because solar smash told me that the earth was flat then you guys told me to go to the dinosaur which again i named newt if you guys have a better name let me know in the comments and then fire him oh wait no i was supposed to go wait maybe not does he blow up flat earth you guys told me he'll oh no he does yeah he absolutely does blow up flat earth i think he just took out like the united states again it's just the west coast i keep missing the east coast uh mexico and texas and california have been blown up like eight times in this video but that's not what you guys told me to do you guys told me to go to target mode and then fire newt and then i could actually fly around as the uh a dragon which is actually kind of amazing then you guys told me to go to the sun i don't remember if you guys told me to fly into the sun or try to blow it up i'm gonna try to blow it up with my fire i i just did it i blew up the sun and now planet earth is in absolute darkness can i blow up the moon wait where'd the moon go uh where's the oh there's the moon there's the moon okay let's try to blow up the moon uh hey get back here hey hey no every time i hit it it just gets farther and farther away excuse me moon hey moon newt would like to eat you like a piece of popcorn in the movie theater if you would get back here that would be fantastic excuse me okay it just disappeared it's halfway to mars already well that's fantastic you know what let's just let's do this i love newt so much but we're going to throw him right into the middle of flat earth partially because newt is not real and mostly because flat earth is not real if you guys believe in flat earth you're wrong i don't know if that's a controversial topic or not but but you're just wrong okay here we go can newt go through flat earth you know what if newt can breathe fire through flat earth i will become a flat earther today not really but i think it's just gonna be fun for the video here we go oh he literally got through flat earth so easily um whoops i made a left turn see doesn't exist now for the moment you've all been waiting for so we've got flat earth cube earth we've got donut world we've got ghost world we've got snowman world i made a heart-shaped world last time today we're gonna make a star planet we're gonna make planet earth in the shape of a perfect star well i have a feeling it's not gonna be a perfect star because i'm the one doing it but i'm gonna try to make it as perfect as possible and then we're gonna reset the planet at the end and see if there's an easter egg because you guys told me there's still a lot of easter eggs from this new update that i haven't uncovered yet if you know of any let me know in the comments so let's go to the laser beam and we're just gonna start slicing and dicing and icing now that that definitely doesn't make sense uh ricing no there's got to be another ing that we're going to go with slicing and dicing okay um i'm going to do like a little montage of me slicing this thing into a star because it's probably going to take me a very long time i'll catch back up with you guys in a little bit okay i'm about halfway done the uh official frustrated gamer uh star earth or should i call it earth star or star glow i don't know what to have i don't know what the name is let me know in the comments what's the name of this star planet it's actually coming out better than i thought right now from this angle it doesn't look very good but trust me if i move you can see the united states right there i actually didn't take out mexico this time well i took out the bottom of mexico but not all of mexico texas is fine texas is fine right now which is very nice i think it's gonna be really funny to see what solar smash comes out with next like if they come out with a heart-shaped planet or a star-shaped planet i think i can take full credit for it ladies and gentlemen the frustrated gamer star world um nobody survived even though you can still see where mexico is again i blew up every single person left on planet earth so no one's left to see my star planet don't forget to hit that subscribe button and check out my other youtube channel it's called tfg vlogs go to that youtube channel right now and subscribe and i will see all of you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 1,138,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash update, the frustrated gamer solar smash, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, the frustrated gamer solar smash 2, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, solar smash 2, I Created Star World in Solar Smash, solar smash star world, solar smash star, new solar smash, solar smash secrets, solar smash secret planet, space simulator, space simulator game, solar smash markiplier, the frustrated gamer, Star Earth
Id: Cvi5v5L1CDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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