What If Planet Earth Had TWO SUNS?!

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so you guys seem to love when i blow up planet earth so do i it's actually really fun what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to universe sandbox so basically this is solar smash but you can do so much more so i'm really excited they made a few updates to the game and you guys gave me some great ideas for the game so i'm gonna start off by creating two sons okay so where am i gonna place this star i'm gonna put it kind of close to the original sun uh right there that seems like a wonderful spot so we officially have two suns in the solar system but let me actually zoom in here because i said i want to make this star a little bit different wow that is burning my eyes out okay so let's move in here let's make this sun let's make it 50 times the size of our original sun and let's make it i don't know 59 000 degrees fahrenheit and the new sun just turned blue and what happened okay i think my second son just ate the first sun and um everything just blew up i'm gonna try this again but this time i'm gonna make the sun a little bit less giant so here's our sun there let me close out of this let me zoom in on the sun everybody put your sunglasses on because it's about to get really bright if you guys want to see more of this game or more solar smash on the channel don't forget to hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you guys are new we're getting really close to 500 000 subscribers so make sure you guys subscribe if you haven't already so we're gonna make the sun two times the size of the sun and we're gonna make it i don't 19 000 degrees nope darn it it blew it up again here we go again place the sun close out of what happened now i mean i caused a supernova oh it's because i didn't have the simulation paused guys if i ever have control over the universe run away because things are not gonna go well look at this i caused a supernova and i haven't been playing the game for more than three minutes okay try number um i don't even know how many times is this four or five i'm not sure let's put it over there i did pause the simulation this time let's zoom into the second sun again can i name it oh i can name it okay what are we gonna name this sun we're gonna name it um ralph it's gonna be ralph the sun yep the sun is no longer called the sun it's called ralph okay so we're looking at ralph i'm gonna make ralph two times the size of the sun like i did before but this time i'm not gonna make it any hotter because clearly when i make ralph hotter than the sun things go terribly so let's actually just zoom out i want to get a look at this so we've got the sun over here we've got ralph over here you've got mercury earth all the planets this is actually really cool i kind of want to make more than one sun now like what if i fill this entire circle inside mercury with just a bunch of suns i have no idea what's gonna happen when there's two stars in the middle of our solar system but we're about to find out three two one go okay it doesn't look like anything i guess i have the simulation a little too slow let's let's speed this up a little bit okay oh okay the sun was too small so it got sucked into ralph and everything blew up i i mean i caused a giant supernova that's getting bigger look at this it's it's just a giant nebula that's getting bigger and bigger i love space this time i'm gonna add three equal sized stars so none of them kind of suck into the other ones so let's go with our sun let's go uh oh wait wait let's pause the simulation let's go um you know what let's make it even let's go four of them then one two three and four okay so we've got oh geez we have five we have five we've got our sun and then we've got four other ones wait i want to name these bad boys we had ralph before so you know what r.i.p ralph we're gonna name this one um ralph uh junior okay beautiful we've got uh we've got this one is gonna be named uh marianne okay i like using that name this one's just gonna be called tfg i mean this is my favorite star of all time because it's called tfg and then the last one's name is um geno geno with a capital ge okay so we've got the sun we've got marianne we've got tfg geno and ralph i'm gonna slow it down again because i don't know what's gonna happen something tells me it's probably gonna end in another supernova let's do it nothing seems to be happening again let's speed it up a little bit oh uh oh the stars are definitely moving tfg is flying towards the center and so is gino oh no this is going to be an even bigger supernova this is going to be an even bigger supernova oh this is so much fun i am loving this movement if i speed it up the supernova is going to consume everything ralph uh marianne uh tfg they're all gone let's speed up the simulation i want to make our supernova where did it go now our entire solar system is just ralph jr floating around oh that's a load of barnacles okay clearly having one son is more than enough for our solar system i'm gonna move on to the rest of the notes so you guys also told me to make life on jupiter and saturn and venus i think i already tried to make life on venus and it didn't go very well something tells me making life on saturn is not gonna be possible but let's give it a try so this is what we're gonna do i'm gonna zoom all the way out until i could find my good friend saturn we're gonna zoom in and we're actually gonna rename him why does saturn not have rings last i checked saturn has rings and i'm pretty sure they had them in this game last time i checked okay you know what we're gonna pretend that there are rings around saturn like there are in real life i i don't know we're gonna move in we're going to change this because there's no ring so we're going to call it saturn um with no rings that's that's what it's going to be called now saturn with no rings so let me zoom into saturn i'm going to try to make saturn livable even though it's a gas planet and i mean there is no way in the name of pluto that we're gonna be able to create life here but i'm gonna try it we're gonna make the average temperature what is it now in fahrenheit negative 317 degrees i know spy cakes lives up in canada and it gets really cold but i don't think it gets to negative 317 degrees so you know what we're gonna warm that up a little bit by making the sun bigger that's what we're gonna do we're gonna do a natural heating process so let's zoom back into our good friend the sun who you know what we're gonna name this one too i just realized that i could name planets and stars in this game if you haven't realized it this one's gonna be um ralph uh the third because the first two ralphs blew up in my giant supernova so we're gonna make ralph how much hotter do we need to make ralph so that it'll heat up saturn i feel like we're gonna have to make it a lot hotter let's make it 59 895 degrees fahrenheit bam ralph the third is now blue so now let's zoom into saturn with no rings let's hit play and let's see if that starts warming up saturn oh it is whoa okay i think i made i think i made the sun a little too hot i think i made the sun a little too hot saturn is now 329 degrees fahrenheit and it's getting hotter every second okay let's pause the simulation um planet earth is on fire i set planet earth on f oh my goodness guys last time i checked planet earth should not be that color i do not think planet earth should be glowing lava color this time we're not going to make it 59 000 degrees fahrenheit we're going to make it 29 000 degrees fahrenheit boom uh this is going to be i think you guys guessed it ralph iv because clearly i ruined the first three ralphs saturn's definitely getting warmer oh my goodness did i make the sun too hot again no okay so saturn kind of stopped around negative 60 degrees fahrenheit so let's pause let's go back to ralph iv i'm getting very confused with these names let's make ralph the fourth um i i don't know 35 000 degrees is that is that too hot let's go 35 000 degrees let's go back to saturn let's hit play saturn's getting warmer saturn is now 55 degrees fahrenheit okay so saturn is now warm enough for human life now i need to add water and somehow get life on here i don't know if it's gonna be possible okay i slowed down the simulation a lot now let's go to add how do i get to water again i said water not a watermelon oh my goodness gracious here we go i got some water now so i i don't know how much water i need to shoot at saturn before it can sustain life something tells me it's probably gonna be a lot so let's speed this up a little bit more how long is it gonna take it for this water to get to the surface of saturn there we go i think it's about to make it i think it's oh no oh no it just sucked up the water and i think it just evaporated back into space okay i'm gonna have to shoot a lot more water so i i'm gonna make it um i don't know ten times what i just shot it's literally evaporating everything okay we're gonna shoot three earth's worth of water so all the oceans in planet earth i'm gonna multiply that by three and that's what we're gonna shoot at saturn here we go oh no oh this could be a real problem guys okay we're gonna shoot even more water now i'm shooting a hundred times the size of jupiter oh gosh what happened what happened um um let's look at the likelihood of survival on saturn i i don't think it's gonna be very high um it's uh zero it is a zero percent chance of survival okay my goal is to get it to be like 0.1 that'll be a win in my book let's go 100 earth's worth of water that seems reasonable that seems like enough to make an ocean on saturn that uh you know a fish would want to live on it doesn't have to be humans that live on saturn it's gotta be something you know what a piece of bacteria for gosh sake that is a lot of water i literally blew up saturn again i have now resorted to cheating i am gonna change the composition of saturn to be similar to earth so let me pause the simulation we're gonna set iron levels one earth silicate one earth water one earth and hydrogen i i i guess we'll make that one earth also so everything is set up the exact same way as it is on earth on jupiter or saturn whatever we're doing right now let's play for a second what is that what is going on i think saturn has eaten way too many spicy tacos and is now farting water out of its butt cheeks this is terrible this is terrible let's go to the likelihood of survival still zero percent i mean i don't know about you but living on a planet that farts water 24 7 sounds kind of nice we're even gonna make the mass smaller now okay so now saturn has the mass of planet earth it's got the radius of planet earth i have shrunk saturn to the size of earth it's got the composition everything is the same as planet earth let's hit play it's still farting water out of its butt likelihood of survival zero i really hate to admit it but i think it might be impossible to live on saturn don't forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my new vlog channel guys it's called tfg vlogs i have a new vlog over there every single week so go over there right now subscribe and check out all of those videos and i will see all of you in the next video i never thought it was possible for a planet to fart
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 1,070,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer universe sandbox, two suns, I Made The Earth have two suns, what if earth had 2 suns, universe sandbox 2 suns, solar smash update, space simulator, space simulator game, universe simulator game, universe simulator, the frustrated gamer, space games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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