I Added 1 TRILLION People To Earth! | Solar Smash

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solar smash has a brand new update which means you guys gave me more ways to ruin planet earth what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash so the developers gave me the update early let's just go right into planet smash the first thing you guys told me to do was go to the giant cube world freeze the entire thing and literally turn earth into a giant ice cube if you guys want to see more solar smash on the channel don't forget to hit that like button and make sure you guys subscribe right now we're getting really close to a million subscribers okay there you go planet earth is now a giant ice cube so if i know anything about solar smash the developers always add easter eggs so if you guys know of any secrets with this new update definitely let me know in the comments but apparently turning it into a giant ice cube is not one of the secret easter eggs let's move on to the next thing i do want to mention the sponsor on today's video vessy so vessy's this really cool company that makes these shoes that are 100 waterproof they were actually nice enough to send me two pairs of shoes so unlike the normal water shoes that we're all used to they're ugly they're uncomfortable vessy makes these shoes that are so stylish i wear these bad boys out everywhere i go now i could sit here and tell you how comfortable these shoes are and how ridiculously waterproof they are but where's the fun in that let's go to the beach and test them out all right so i made it to the beach i haven't tested these shoes out yet but vessi told me these are 100 waterproof let's go in the ocean [Music] they literally bead right off look at this [Music] all right before we test out the socks to see if they're wet not only does vessie make these great waterproof shoes they're also a sustainable company so they use less waste less water and all the shoes are 100 vegan no you can't eat them 100 dry guys there's going to be a link in the description below to get one of these shoes they are awesome and also use code tfg when you check out for 25 off the shoes thank you so much vessy for sponsoring this video so if you guys missed last week's video on solar smash they unveiled the brand new update weapon which is like a i don't even know what it's called it's some sort of a cannon that's traveling the speed of light and this is what it does yeah it vaporizes whatever is in its path but the one thing i didn't do i didn't try this new cannon on the gas planet so let's go over to the planets they also added new planets let's do saturn i love saturn so much and it's a giant gas planet so let's zoom all the way out i don't know what happens when you hit a gas giant with the giant laser cannon i'm sorry saturn you're probably one of my favorite planets but i'm about to vaporize you in three two one go oh my gosh it literally went right through it literally went right through the gas giant well if i know the gas giant if i speed things up it's probably gonna regenerate itself yeah yep saturn regenerated itself and in a couple seconds you're not even gonna know that i shot it with a giant laser cannon yeah literally can't even see the hole anymore but what if i hit it a bunch of times and turn it into a giant gas planet which is made of swiss cheese oh it's getting smaller oh it's getting a lot smaller oh my gosh it's still regenerating it's whoa okay this is the coolest i've ever seen saturn look so it's basically i've gotten rid of all of saturn's gas so so saturn hasn't eaten spicy tacos in a long time no longer has gas anymore the rings were still there for a second but it looks like now they've kind of evaporated all we have left is like a a holy rocky core i mean it doesn't even look like saturn anymore it kind of looks like some sort of an asteroid if the asteroid has been pelted with other asteroids yeah it's an ash let's just keep blowing it up here we go oh my gosh now the holes are even bigger well i don't think the holes are any bigger but i think the planet is just a lot smaller this looks unbelievable oh my gosh i completely destroyed saturn with laser things i want to blow up jupiter really quickly i also looked it up it's called the goss cannon i i have no idea what a goss cannon is but that just sounds incredible let's blow up jupiter with the goss cannon we're gonna turn it into a swiss cheese gas giant again oh my gosh look at this if i turn it into slow motion you can kind of see the laser going through the planet you ready oh my gosh i love this this might be one of my favorite weapons ever in this game which is saying something because they have a lot of really cool weapons you can see it shrinking in real time so it kind of keeps the amount of mass that it has left but it just fixes itself so it kind of shrinks as you blow it up this is really cool so let's do the same thing uh goss cannon i still have no idea what a goss cannon is it looks like i'm literally taking bites out of the planet like i'm so hungry that i'm chomping bites out of the planet you're ready i'm hungry let me eat the lower right side there we go beautiful now i'm not hungry anymore so you can't blow up the sun with the goss cannon but what if i slow things down what if i aim perfectly at the sun but hit jupiter maybe it'll go through and hit the sun no it stops it doesn't make it all the way oh come on i really want to blow up the sun with the goss cannon nope that's not gonna work so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna blow it up with the ice cannon because why not oh man i would about i would have apologized to jupiter but i kind of already blew it up so the biggest part of the new update that i have not explored is down here in the custom planet they completely change the custom planet this is gonna be planet tfg i am building the frustrated gamer planet and we're just going to mess around with a bunch of stuff so right here i think i can add land yep what if i make like a bullseye so there's wouldn't it be cool if planet earth actually looked like this actually it probably wouldn't be cool so let's go bullseye all the way around and uh yes so there is a land mass with water and then another land mass around that water minus oh so we can kind of get rid of land too so what if we put a dot right in the middle beautiful oh i accidentally froze the middle of the planet this is what i'm really excited for so you can change the population of planet earth so let's actually go over to the area that has sun let's do let's make a little island over here i'm gonna call this um baldy island this is the frustrated gamer planet so it's gonna have a baldy island so let's go over to ad population whoa okay everything kind of turned dark so what if i just kind of like start adding populations okay so i guess the darker it gets or maybe the brighter it gets the m whoa okay okay okay so so when it turns like orange or white there's a lot of people living in that area when it's pink there's not so many people living in that area so can i see how many people are there whoa okay so there's 532 million people on planet tfg right now oh that gives me a fantastic idea i'm gonna see how many people i can shove on planet earth i'm hoping for a trillion ice i can raise the whoa okay so i can i can turn planet tfg into a giant ice ball but ah we don't want to do that what's this clouds i can increase the amount of clouds such an awesome update they have what's this stuff asteroids i can give my planet asteroids well obviously i'm going to give myself a ring of asteroids that's just awesome and then what's this last thing a shield wait before we shove trillions of people on planet tfg let me because this looks like a different shield than machine world i just want to see how strong the shield is all right so let's move things into regular speed let's hit it with um let's let's throw the moon at the shield and see what happens uh moon shield here we go okay we've got the moon heading right towards planet tfg and oh the oh never mind i thought it was gonna be a stronger shield than it was what if i throw lightning at the shield lightning oh okay oh okay so maybe the shield is a little stronger than i thought one black hole versus planet tfg it looks like it's not doing anything so you can see this the shield generator right down there what else can i throw what if i throw like some asteroids at it okay this is a strong shield this is a really strong shield i just wanted like what else can i throw that so what about the uh anti-matter bomb thing i was calling it a nuke last week you guys kind of yelled at me for that it's an anti-matter bomb okay wait for it to kind of implode on itself and wow okay the moon is stronger than i thought because that's the only thing that penetrated this shield oh what about the new weapon what about the new what was it called the gauze cannon gauze cannon three two one go wait did it oh my gosh okay never mind the gauze cannon is completely overpowered the shield was no match for the gauze cannon first things first i'm gonna shove as many people on one tiny island as i possibly can and then i'm just gonna shove as many people on planet tfg as i can and see how many people i could fit so first things first let's go land let's add a tiny i added an island and then i blew it up i'm sorry planet tfg let's add a really tiny island right there let's add the population i just want to see how many people can i shove on this little island can i add people in the ocean nope no okay we can't have aquatic people floating around that would just be ridiculous okay i have made the population as dense as humanly possible let's do this wait wait i want to see let's go back to regular earth undo 500 million okay this tiny little speck of an island probably not much bigger than the state of hawaii has 500 million people more than the amount of people that live in the entire united states so i'm gonna pause the simulation i'm gonna go to ad land and i'm just gonna fill the entire planet with land so there is gonna be no oceans on planet tfg it's just gonna be all land who would have thought removing the entire ocean in planet earth would take so long i have literally been coloring in this planet forever okay i removed like 99 of the water on planet earth there's a couple little specks left but uh we'll just call that their drinking water supply okay let's start adding population uh everywhere i have literally been filling in this population for like close to 20 minutes now this is taking so long i'm like not even halfway full what are we at right now we are at 22 billion people six and a half hours late okay i think this is all i can handle i am declaring the population challenge once this update comes out try to get your population as high as you can and let me know in the comments of my videos let's see what i'm at three two one i have made the population of planet earth 53 billion let's just call it a trillion and let's blow them all up three two one bam oh i just took a chunk out of planet earth once again thank you so much to vessi for sponsoring this video hit that subscriber button and i will see all of you in the next [Music] video
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 1,625,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash update, solar smash new update, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, the frustrated gamer solar smash 2, solar smash cube world, solar smash cube, new solar smash, I Added 1 Trillion People To Earth, solar smash secret planet, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, solar smash markiplier, space simulator, space simulator game, the frustrated gamer
Id: d56N-tsNEDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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