I Believe God

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[Applause] [Music] and walk me through I'm living this long me because of you I [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm living in moment [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well come on give a lot of another hand to free how many can say that your grief and mercy brought me through hallelujah breathe the name of Jesus God bless you [Applause] we praise and honor God to form permitting us again to be in the house of worship on this another Lord's Day and of course I just want to say that God is good and he just told you [Applause] let me acknowledge the presence of pastor charles e thomas of blytheville arkansas the pastor of gospel Temple Church of God in Christ just stand was so happy to have him this is in what it today in I believe that what three others that came with him members of his church you all stand up to we glad to have you with us three three of his brothers that's with him became a man god bless you and welcome the temple of deliverance last Sunday was a tremendous day Women's Day 1993 and since I saw you last who were here at eleven o'clock I've preached seven times if you're wondering what's wrong with my boys and after preaching Tuesday night we went to hot springs to attend the holy convocation of the second jurisdiction presided over by Bishop Daniel Lindsay and spoke on Wednesday night Thursday at noon Thursday night Friday at noon Friday night and then again this morning at 8:00 so I don't have a whole lot of voice left but I've come to this point than when I've used up all my voice if I can't say a word I just waved my hands [Applause] amen and we have an appointment this afternoon with Liberty Church of God in Christ at 3 o'clock elder William Samuel Wright our male chorus is going to sing for us at that time and as many of you as possibly can and will I want you to go with me now I certainly want to let you out of here at a reasonable time where we can have time for dinner and then go to the afternoon service young man that was with us for a period of time a few years ago l dantana flag he's going to speak tonight at the evening service and you who remember him know that he's quite talented singer musician and preacher a man so I wanted to make that announcement so that those who might normally maybe you don't normally go to church on Sunday night but you who know of his gift in the ministry and would like to make it tonight then you be sure and do that I said to the Saints at 8 o'clock this morning that with the kind of rigid schedule that I have I just kind of talked to the Lord about it and the decision that I came up with was except in extreme cases you will know for sure that unless something happens your pastor will minister every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and every Tuesday night but other than those three services don't y'all depend on me we've got to worship coordinators and elders and ministers and missionaries who are well able to carry on the services and by the way I got a call last night about 11 o'clock from Kosta Willa Jay Campbell and he and some of the men of his church will be passing through Memphis Tuesday and when the Mississippi winds did so he's going to stay over and preach boss Tuesday night hey man I don't have to try to sell him to anybody of the preaching when I said Campbell you know what they expect a man so he will be present for the Tuesday night worship at 7:00 p.m. I'm just kind of taking my time and I hope you know even I don't have much voice when I'm into the vein way I'm in now I have to fight that long-winded spirit and I know I'm I know I'm fighting them today but I don't want to be before long we are getting ready and I know you all the same now when did he come up with this it's something that the Lord laid on my heart early in the year and I've come to that point where this is something that whenever the Lord inspires me with I try to shake it off there's some things the Lord puts on you and you just my lord you know I'd rather not but yet when it is his time and when he keeps pressing you in the spirit to do that which you know needs to be done then there's no way around it during the month of August we are going to become involved in one of the greatest soul-winning efforts that our church has undertaken in recent years no later than the second Sunday night which is obviously eight we're going to stretch a 60 by 120 feet 10 out here on just off the parking lot a man and while I was in hot springs we were ministering to the people daily and on soul-winning and I didn't complete it but wrote most of a tract that we're going to use where the front page is advertising the tent revival but the inside is giving the clear easy instructions of how to come to Jesus and be saved and an invitation to the backsliders those who have known the Lord to return unto Him we're going to be 101 I'm talking about those of you who haven't said anything to anybody about Jesus on a long time I'm trusting God to stir your spirit and we're going to be one-on-one witnessing and we're going to be giving out these tracts amen L ask you didn't know it but he's going to print about a hundred thousand of them and we're going to especially impact the foot homes the Cleveland home hello y'all this city of Memphis is in serious trouble crime rate is rising and if we ever get it in our mind that the robbers the murderers the rapists the drugs abuses that these people are beyond God's ability to change if we ever come to that point we have really crossed into that area of sheer and utter hopelessness the Lord can save them just like you save you and me it's beautiful thing that we don't testify about everything that we've done you know it's difficult for a sister to get up and testify about being saved and then go back into the sins of the past and start telling you all that she used to be a prostitute because even though God forgives that some folk who don't never want to forgive and those who and they are those right here in this building now that before the Lord saved you you actually were a murderer but you wouldn't dare tell about anybody you murdered because folk get around and they get nervous I'm only trying to say that there is nothing that the devil is doing to folk out there that he was not doing to those in here and if he saved us he can save anybody a man young man we're going to have to come to that point where we offer to the world that which God has given to us Peter and John our prayer being the ninth hour which were three o'clock in the afternoon came to the beautiful gate of the temple there they found the man that was lame from birth he was sitting there asking arms of the people and when Peter and John approached him he looked on them expecting to receive something the world is expecting to receive something from us Peter said look on a silver and gold money we don't have any event but I do have something and such as I have give ID well what do you have Peter I've got a name hello now say what you want to maybe you have been downtown a few places you can go now I can't go anywhere and get out of the car if I pull up to a service station and it's not a full service station and get out I can't even pump the gas before somebody's walking up and now and I don't care you can give them change or you can give them currency but it's gonna soon be used up and they're going to be having a handout for somebody else but if you give them what Peter gave this man you will give them that which will turn that life around we all run out of money sometime Peter said silver and gold I don't have in it but I've got something whatever you got I've got a name check somebody and tell them since we got a name and that name is the name Jesus hallelujah in the name of Jesus we can command sins cripples to rise up and walk hello this man's natural limbs were affected and he needed to walk but the devil has crippled this world them with drugs them with homosexuality crippled the world with robbery purple the world with murder crippled the world would wreak this is a crippled world but we've got to be willing to do like Peter to extend our hand and catch you by the hand and give to them that which has the power to change them and it is the name Jesus and don't you tell me they have no power in that name stop for just a moment and look out the back door your own life you have been saved always do you remember where you came from come on ask somebody do you remember where you came from do you know who brought you're way off you see and we we get up and we testify and we make it sound real nice you know I was in sin and one day I heard the gospel and I decided that I needed to do something about my life you know we got a whole lot of little ways of telling it and it's nice the Lord saves a little nice time and made us sane out of me but I think so folk had it when they used to sing you don't know like I know what he done for me a man you know what angle tell you some things he's done for me I won't tell you [Applause] Bishop Washington used to say he said I wouldn't take a million dollars for the experience I've had but I wouldn't give a nickel to go back through it a man and we've got to know that what the Lord has done for up others can experience it but don't sit here waiting for the pastor through radio and TV to draw them in a man that's not the way it's going to happen we don't have to do it oh praise the name of Jesus hallelujah do you really believe he's our Savior come on lift up holy hands and praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah Freeza long I didn't do you sister Linda stuck your husband is back here faking but go back then and check on him he feeling the best she's sitting over here and he's sitting back there in the back trying to act like he's faking but some folk you know when they need attention open your Bible with me to Acts chapter uh what is this Acts chapter 27 you know got your Bibles amen Acts chapter 20 oh you thought I was through preaching how I haven't started yet I told you I I got that long winded spirit I'm faking the day but we got a three o'clock appointment I'll be finished before 3:15 I should know actually I don't intend to be before you long but let's just look here at verse 23 through 25 acts 27 do you have it come on read aloud with me for there stood by me this night the angel of God who I am and whom I serve saying fear not Paul thou must be brought before seasoned and lo God has given thee all them that sail with thee wherefore sirs be of good cheer for I believe God that it shall be even as it was told me all right these three little words you find in the middle of verse 25 I believe God can you say that I believe now when you come to that point it does not matter what is going on in your life when we can believe God and that is not how many other voices are crying out and calling to us it is the voice of the Lord that will prevail in the end it would be so easy if all we had to do was just hear the word of God whether through prophecy through the reading of the scripture and whatever the Lord says just catch a hold to it and then all of life's situations and circumstances would complement that which God has spoken but the tragedy is that once the Lord speaks and you receive his word then all of the forces of a hail and don't forget we're angry get angry with folks but people are affected by spirits nobody is acting really so much in self you are influenced either by the Spirit of God or you are influenced by the spirit of the devil hello and remember when you end the midst of the greatest struggles of your life the great storms of your life remember what the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians chapter 6 for we wrestle not against flesh and glitter so you can tell the person next to you and not my enemy and I'm not yours we wrestle not against flesh and blood our struggle even though it may be displayed through individuals our struggle is not with human beings we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places and when you get through going through those ranks you're talking about ranks of Satan's Kingdom and when you get through wrestling or Hallelujah against principalities and you stop shouting oh my god I just came off of that and I broke through I got a break through you just broke through principalities powers that yet waiting on you hello somebody once you break through the first rank the devil got his next line of defense and you got a fast and break the more and believed God some more and breakthrough power hello and when you get through and you saw shower all hallelujah I got the victory now I ain't gonna have to worry about this thing no more no you got to worry about something rougher you don't through principalities and powers but now you got to fight the rulers of the darkness of this world and when you finally get through that sometimes years later you still got to contend with spiritual wickedness in high places so when God word speak but that will come against you with everything that he has to offer look back on the illustration when Jesus had finished feeding the hungry multitude and he told his disciples come on let us go all across to the other side and Jesus knew that he had spoken the word and he knew that whatever he spoke was going to happen so he gets on board the ship he's been dealing with folk all day as he been ministering and so he gets on board the ship goes down and goes to sleep but when the Lord said let's go to the other side the devil got in the wind uh-huh I heard what you said but I'm gonna stop you fellas and they're roaring and going against the waves and the water is beating into the wind is beating against the ship the water is jumping in hello to the extent that the disciples got all upset discouraged and disgusted finally Peter to him I'm tired of this then working against this storm all night look like we're going backwards instead of forwards went on down then woke up Jesus and said master do you care that we perish how you gonna perish when Jesus is on boy how can you not go to the other side when God in His Word said we're going to the other side but I'm trying to tell you that even when the Lord speaks into your spirit and when he tells you what he wants you to do it doesn't mean that the devil is going to just somehow get out of the way as they come on through but the enemy is going to try to stop God's Word from being a reality sometimes the enemy will be displayed through your friends and through your relatives and through your co-workers and through your classmate sometimes he's even displayed through your church members a lot of folks are hardest jobs there have been trying to live for God it's with their own church they go to church and the preacher telling them you God don't want nobody trying to live like that tell the young lady yeah that's why you having them headaches you better go find you somebody and when you get through him weakness from the pulpits certainly you gonna be weak when Ralph come in after he's been out all weekend him and his Deacon brothers drinking and he come in red eyes when they stopped on my leaning they are one mean in this way dozen nobody who's leaning don't tell you to walk straight all you don't get what I'm saying and when the law tells you what to do the enemy is gonna pose you with everything that it has in them but all you've got to come to the point in your life that it doesn't matter what anybody says I know God the Lord Jesus said my sheep know my boy and the cause I know the boys of the law the Lord have told me what to do and no matter what anybody else says in the book of Romans he says let every man be a liar and let God be true and I don't know about you but when God's Word is in conflict with anything or anybody else that everybody else be a liar and let God's Word be true all you don't hear what I'm saying that's the kind of faith you've got to have even when you're sick in your body yes sometimes you go to the doctor and the doctor find a situation and don't get me wrong I believe in the medical profession I'm not one of those that's from such the old school that I don't go to doctors I do I go and get periodic you know checkups I go and let them examine me and see what's going on and there's the best of my ability I try to follow that dice it's tough like most of you all you know most up don't follow the advice about what the eating would not be but with everything else I follow the advice but when the doctor gives you that distressing news and tell you that you have a terminal illness and that you're not going to be around here but just another six months or eight months a year at most and that the job God is giving you the dude that you know it don't last the next five to ten years hallelujah don't you fold up your kid and say it's all over for me you just let even what the doctor said be alive and they got word is true when you've got that real case and certainly you don't know anything about jurisprudence you don't know anything about law but the lawyer tells you that your case is weak there's no way that you can win it but it's not that I've given you the victory in this thing I seen God make the judge reverse his decision that's a lawyer real life and let God's Word be true what time you got to even tell you old feelings let my feelings be alive let my own emotions be alive God told me and his wife is right by a meal and I thought claiming he was feeling hallelujah Oh lower you ought to reach over tell somebody I don't know what you're going through but believe God is spite of everything how to do hallelujah the enemy will destroy your faith if you let him I see people sitting around in church they don't have enough faith to get rid of a common everyday headache certainly not a migraine they don't have enough faith to get rid of a common every day it is looking how you're looking at me some of us don't have enough faith to trust God fine next 10 but we used to sing that song was yield not to temptation for yielding is sin and this is the Burson's of the pot I'm trying to get you each victory will help you some other to win instead of us drying up through the years you should go from victory to victory what God did for you yesterday all the fortifier but what you're going through today and when he brings you out on victor aside from what you're going through the day then you ought to have more strength and more faith to believe God for tomorrow all you don't hear what I'm saying we must in spite of everything learn how to believe God now this story of Paul I'm not going to try to adequately deal with it because really it's too long even the verses that I was reading and has you reading with me from the 22nd 27th chapter of Acts is not the end of the story but the story begins all the way back in the 21st chapter of Acts and maybe at your leisure you just read chapters 21 through the end of the story but it begins here in chapter 21 verse 8 it says and the next day we that were of Paul's company departed and came unto Caesarea and we entered into the house of Philip the Evangelist which was one of the seven and aboard with him and the same man had four daughters virgins which did prophesy and as we tear it down many days there came down from Judea a certain prophet named Agabus now the thing that I love about AGGA bus is that AGGA bus was not somebody who just jumped up in this chapter and decided that he wanted to be a prophet because what he was about to do would have been hard to believe if he didn't have a good track record see that some folks that come to me with some prophecies and that track record iddin do it hello I mean the ones who've been every time they prophesy and and the Lord said it not going to happen in ten days and it's been 10 years and they ain't happened yet now you be careful about believing those kind of prophets but the first time I read about AGGA bus is in that 11th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles beginning with verse 27 it says in these days came prophets from Jerusalem and unto Antioch and that stood of one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirit that there should be great dearth great warn't great need great food shortages throughout all the world and then it goes on to let us know that this came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar what he said came to pass then the disciples every man according to his ability determined to send relief unto the Brethren which dwelt in Judea its implemented was a time of calamity it was a time of catastrophe I read the scripture Saturday before last to our jurisdiction and at the end we received an offering because we've been hearing from our brothers in Iowa and in Missouri and in the area that has been stricken with floods and I'm talking to some other members of our general board and we're trying to get together a certain amount of money and when I said certain amount of nighttime nighttime I know three or four thousand dollars because from our jurisdiction I'm going to make sure that we send no less than five and we're gonna put together maybe six to seventy thousand dollars on hundred thousand dollars and send it in to these flood stricken areas that the Saints in those areas might be helped in in that time of need but when calamity strikes yes we have concern for all men but because we have people bishops and pastors in those areas then we put our relief in the hands and leave it to them to take care of bath community and this is what happened AGGA bus told the saints there's going to be a great time of drought a great time of trouble time of shortages and when the brother and heard this hallelujah then they release to the brethren that were in Judea as Abbas was the prophet that God used in order to give them a warning of what was to come to pass so here in this 21st chapter the same prophet by the name of Agra bus he was there and when verse 11 he will come unto us he took Paul's girdle and bound his own hands and feet and said the faith the Holy Ghost so shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the hands that own it this girl and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles now has a bus gave Paul warning the man that owns this girdle when he gets to Jerusalem the Jews are going to bind him and they gonna turn him over to the Gentiles and you would have thought that Paul would have said I know this man is a true prophet so I'm not going to Jerusalem but Paul recognized that the message that he had to share with his Jewish brethren will even worth him laying his life on the line and say what you want to that's the part where we've got to come to oh I know when I talk about witnessing some of you said nu-uh now I'm not gonna go up to them sinners and you ain't gonna find me over there in public housing talking about Jesus suppose somebody do something to me you got to recognize that what Jesus has invested in you is because he went to the cross and willingly gave his life and you're gonna have to be willing to risk something and all of that others may have the joy that you now enjoy now verse 12 are y'all with me and when we heard these things both we and they of that place bestowed him the saw pole not to go up to Jerusalem then Paul answered what mean ye to weep and the brick mine heart for I am ready not to be bound only but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus he didn't doubt the so he wasn't surprised when he got arrested he wasn't surprised when the Jews tried to kill him but just like a Gerber said after he got through talking to the Jews through a process of time and as you read it Paul when he was brought before the Sanhedrin when he was brought before the council and while they were trying to accuse him of stirring up trouble in Jerusalem Paul looked and saw that some of them were Pharisees and some of them were Sadducees and he was so smart he knew the Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection and he knew that the tower seized did so he spoke out and said the reason I'm here is because of what I preached the hope of the resurrection and he started the Pharisees and Sadducees the fighting among themselves and here one group instead of them concentrating on Paul they thought lamb blacks in each other so you got to watch it because the devil even uses that trick on us when we are supposed to be reaching out to destroy the devil's Kingdom if you don't watch him he'll get us fighting with each other the few fighting with the pulpit the men fighting with the women one denomination fighting with the other y'all know what I'm talking about and in the midst of all of that the soldiers had to come and take Paul and pull him out of their midst and through the process of time he had to let them know about his Roman citizenship taking the thing out of the Jews hand and they prepared to send him to set the real and while in Santeria he got a hearing the faux Felix who was the governor and Felix was there as governor for a number of years and kept Paul about two years and finally comes fastest to replace Felix and Felix trying to do a job that was the you know how good feelings and good vibes between him and the Jewish community he left Paul locked up when really before he left office and turned it over the fastest he could have turned Paula loose but he left him in prison so here Festus comes up another governor and Paul is bath with the same testimony the governor's office change hands but Paul kept his testimony the Jews decided well we'll go down the step the rear and we'll bring accusations against Paul and when they got there ready to hear him Oh hallelujah here comes the high priest and the priest he didn't think he was eloquent enough so he hired an orator named fort Ellis sometimes the devil will get folk to lounge they met if he don't think that that's the one that charging you is strong enough he'll get somebody else that got away with words you know you got some folks that just have a way with words they can tell a lie so flu and you don't even know it's a lie so two colors he comes in and he is talking before Festus and talking inviting Paul but no matter what went on Paul tells his testimony finally king of Ripper comes down and he brings his wife Bernice and Bernice this really is the half-sister and they involved in an incestuous relationship so they come in with a lot of pomp and splendor the drums are beating and the parade is going on and when they walk in the grip of sit down and Queen Bernie sits beside him and Festus takes a seat and Paul begins to give his testimony justifies about when he was on the road to the master how that he saw the light and while he's giving his testimony he appeals to Agrippa you of jewelry pup you know you know what I'm talking about and while Paul is trying to convert King Agrippa Festus hollows out and say hey Paul he said man much learning have made you man you going out of your mind you don't stop craving man and don't you know when you got a powerful testimony of Jesus Christ the world will accuse you're being crazy and you know those things they didn't even try to deny that because I told you a few Sundays ago they used to sing in my mind my mind my mind is gone but they come back and explained it and said that all evil my and I had my mind is gone and when you take on the mind of Christ you no longer have the mind of the world Oh glory to God Paul kept on until King Agrippa said Paul don't you know that almost you persuaded me to be a Christian but Paul said I wish that you are not just all hosts but all together just like me except for my bonds I wish you believe what I believe whoo glory to God and it's the process of time Agrippa says you know what Paul you could have been released had it not been for the fact that you appeal the season and since you appeal to Caesar you've got to go to Rome and when Paul was turned over to the captain hallelujah of the army the army officer by the name of Julius and the ship's crew they got ready to watch out and they came down to the little islands of preach and Paul that mister don't leave here because if we leave from here you're gonna end up in a storm but because the wind was blowing just and because the Sun was shining they didn't pay the preacher any attention but just about the time that they launched out and got out at the point of no return a song began to brew o4e and for 14 days they couldn't see sunshine the Lightning flashing the Thunder rolling and it was like it is today when you get in a hurricane and they named it by certain name so they named the storm you Rockler them it was a northeaster that because you wrote wha are you rock with them and in the midst of that you rock with them strong the ship was tossed the ship was driven the ship went under all kinds a terrible encounter let it be the name of God when they got ready to eat they couldn't eat because the ship needed every hand that keep it on a steady course but finally with the ship reeling and with the ship rockin Paul stands up on the deck and I heard him says that feel good here Oh an angel of the God who I am now you see you folks you got other gods but the God who lured one of his angels send me last night and told me that everything is gonna be alright you gonna lose the ship but won't nobody die and I want you to know that sometimes in the rock rhythm storm of your life you lose property you lose friends you lose associate you lose furniture you lose call but if the lot say I'm gonna keep you alive let the break up but hang all the gods word I'm trying to quit but I feel my help the wind was blowing the ships not breaking in pieces and when the ship finally we'll all broken up I heard the captain said some of you that can swim jump in the water and swim but if you can't swim grab a board grab a broken piece of the ship and they made it the land some swimming some on boards some on broken pieces but uh it doesn't matter how you make it if you make it somebody's overtakes me I've been through the storm and rain but I made it light for me what more ways the same but I made it I made it being light on I made being talked about I made Wow [Applause] not somebody telling if you believe God you can make it I don't care what the devil said let every devil in he'll be a liar and then God's work be through I believe God that no matter what I'm going through yeah pain is gonna be all right that is all right now [Applause] [Music] we don't tell somebody I don't know what you're going through but if you believe God everything is gonna be all right I got to quit but through his first circumstances I believe long through lean days I believe God through sick days I believe God with my name is alone the highway I believe God [Applause] I'm Oh quick halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah [Applause] anybody in here that came sick I mean came with sickness or disease or illness in your body raise up your hand if you came here sick colder but shut behind the Scriptures there surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him smitten stricken brothers smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised by our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was on him and by His stripes we are did you him it we ah he didn't say you can be but we ah heal you all lift up your hand and quit claiming sickness and say I am healed [Applause] wait [Applause] how many here's having financial problems you got financial problems take your hands down the scripture says the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell very Philippians 4:19 whoo hallelujah says but you think it got financial problems the scripture said but my God shall supply ll all your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus who's the enemy Savior broke but God works that you a millionaire [Applause] the work there the spirit bath witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children being an NGO heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ turn to somebody and ask them how can you think your fall when you are heir of God and a sword Alec right [Applause] now furnace about and Assam who report do you believe I believe the report of the law [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] free free free [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Lord just took in my spirit hallelujah thank you Jesus you know I don't do this often entire but there are 300 people in this building you may be having financial problems but while the anointing of the Holy Ghost is here hallelujah the Lord wants you to consecrate a $20 gift hallelujah I don't even tell you what is fine the Lord said is for breaking your poverty cycle hallelujah from where you are just bring it and throw it on these steps in it we're down here hallelujah from wherever you are don't you dare start praising it your delivery is in coming in a spirit of consecration in a spirit of rejoicing cost a lovable Sunday hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] Papaji [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] haben [Music] I know that's amorphous that really want to be in this consecration but God knows you don't have $20 but you know what you do have you just be honest with him and come in and I'll and do your bed hallelujah if you know you're doing your best God will yet counter to you for righteousness hallelujah only if you believe it only if you are strongly convicted yes there's an anointing here some of you your financial life will never be the same again stop get ready to move you up the harder does that God don't leave you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] especially the flash away [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now why would get praising God you that won't be saved come here now that flattered come now you don't want to make this your tone come now I'm not going to take a long time I shouldn't have to convince you the anointing of the Holy Ghost in here should have already convinced you if that somebody got your block in just tell them excuse me and make your way to the nearest aisle and come now in the balcony go to the elevator if that too slow take a step come on down flow on come on hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] if you won't be playing your back playing if you already played the role make this your home Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] halleluja halleluja is there another one thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh my god I didn't know I didn't know the Lord had all this pup today ha ha [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] halleluja halleluja [Music] they're more but there are at least two more and we'll give you about 30 seconds to get down here if you want to be saved come back Lila come seeking a church home and you know this is where God wants you you've already put it off long enough come on hi not here by bus here yes a home of a Honda thank you Jesus Oh Thank You hallelujah all right you got about 10 more seconds don't let the door closed on you this is your time see the enemy if he can't get you to just come up with a negative decision and said no I don't want to be in a hole in this church then he'll keep your coming but you'll keep that delaying to make that final step see because when you get up and come saying I want to make this from a church home god bless you my brother that means you've been committed you've made a commitment and the devil don't want you to make a commitment hallelujah glory to come somebody else come on come on hallelujah glory to God thank you Jesus all right listen I'm just gonna step down and shake hands with you you're gonna follow suit entender the Seger's all right praise God praise God god bless you man ha ha ha ha ha oh my god for Jesus praise God well the Bible said the last shall be first so I'll just shake hands with you first I bless you my lady just go over there to help us god bless you all right Polly all the stickers Todd bless you young man don't bless you god bless you god bless you we will stop all right [Music] the name of Jesus the hand of God be upon this child right now Lord I know not what the condition is but correct the condition that the fever might subside in the name of Jesus I speak to the fever I commanded I commanded I commanded in Jesus name gorebyss under area ha ha hey hallelujah hallelujah floor with the car somebody ought to tell God thank you to you in the name of Jesus [Applause] in the precious name - you tell somebody here darn - you are - you are - you in the name of Jesus the precious name of Jesus [Applause] he now we're getting ready to let you go [Music] you know got in after church leads all right not today praise the Lord don't forget three o'clock [Music] go to the deputy Church of God and Christ down on Range Road it's just about three or four o'clock
Channel: Spirit of Praise church of God in Christ
Views: 166,456
Rating: 4.6299291 out of 5
Keywords: your answered prayer, God hears, believe your call
Id: fg6deP8VRUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 47sec (5027 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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