GE Patterson Hindered By Unbelief

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[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] if you have your Bibles I want you to stand with me and open those Bibles to mark chapter 9 all right do you have that now mark is not tricky you know where to find that second book in the New Testament right chapter nine I'm going to read verse 14 and we've gone to alternate and read the through verse 23 and when he came to his disciples he saw a great multitude about them and the scribes questioning with them and he asked the scribes what question ye with them and whether so ever he taketh him he Terrace him and he foments and nash's with his teeth and pine it away and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out and they could not [Music] and they brought him unto him and when he saw him straightway the spirit terraeum and he fell on the ground and wallowed foaming and off time it has cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him but if thou Kenneth do anything have compassion on us and help us last together Jesus that is the verse that I want you to let soak into your spirit if thou canst believe some things few things one or two things all things and that little word all includes everything and excludes nothing all things are possible to him that believeth I want to talk to you briefly about hindered by unbelief give God a hand the praise and you may be seated as it has been said so many times God never fails whenever there is failure lack of success none fulfillment of a goal the failure is not in God but that failure is in you and in me you can say what you want to most of us do not have the kind of vision of God that we ought to have we think about a God that might be able to remove a headache but last stages of cancer is a challenge for him we think of a God that may help us to be able to get a few more dollars to have much money until payday but we don't think of him as being a God that when there is no visible means that will bless us with finance in abundance to be able to pay off all of the bills and buy a new house and have money left over but if we have the right vision of God we know that he is able to do not just a few things but exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think tell somebody that simply means that God is bigger than your imagination now that's saying something you know we think our imagination is really big but he's able to do exceedingly even abundantly above that which we are able to ask all things well somebody say no at all because I can think up on thirteen trillion dollars but God can't bless me with that he's not gonna bless me with that no because what you said you said it without thinking nobody in here even has an idea of what a trillion dollars is you sit down and write it on paper and you won't even be sure that you wrote it correctly because it's something so far outside of the realm of our thinking but you can fit within the realm of some thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands and God is able to bless you above your ability to imagine and when we start thinking about a God who is so awesome that even here we are now looking for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and scientists are yet discovering new stars and new planets being born here they are looking tell my so many light-years away such and such a thing is happening and a new star has been born and they're yet trying to probe Mars and see whether or not there's life on Mars God created this earth I don't know how many years ago don't let the scientists fool you when they tell you that there was so many hundreds of million billion years ago when the dinosaurs roamed and blah blah blah blah they don't know they time out they don't have no idea how many years old the universe is but I want you to know however many years old it is some of the old Bibles used to have the day of God creating Adam as being four thousand and four years B BC and I believe is older than the four thousand years before Christ that would make there it's about six thousand years old but whether it's thousands millions or billions of years old God created it and when people are wondering it Bishop do you believe that's in it life on Mars is there any life in the way else it may be and if it is God created it it doesn't matter what they is whatever there is it is the result of our awesome God and I'm glad I don't serve a little tidbit god lord I don't serve a God who can only touch black folks I don't serve a god that can only save folk in the u.s. y'all hear what I'm saying I was saying to someone the other day when we were walking around the foundation out there that certain that we have a lot of young african-american males that don't necessarily want to work and and we've got a lot of Hispanic speakers out there maybe about 12 to 15 every day and I see black out there I see white out there I see Hispanic I said in the Lord is saying something now these same folks that's building the physical temple the Lord is just saying that once you get it up and I'm gonna fill it up with all kind of ethnic people and you may as well get used to it see I don't serve a god that can only work in your corner some of us that are saved and sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking with tongues we don't think nobody else got it but the tongues FICO's but you got some folks have never spoken tongues they got a real relationship Jesus had a rebuke his disciples one day they came in knots the master let us tell you what we did you send my soul of a side of the sea and we saw one over there casting out Devils and he had the nerve to use your name Jesus said what did you do we forbade him we told him to shut up the consi followed not us in other words he was calling on your name but he wasn't in our denomination he didn't have our papers and some of us we still don't think ain't nobody say but to folk in my church and if we get to hell but we don't have some surprises the first surprise will be that you made it and the next surprise is that some of those soap that you knew that have a copyright on heaven you know Rose that every every time they saw you honey let me tell you something the Lord told me to tell you so and so and so and you just believe that sister mystery if anybody heard from God its sister mystery a brother wonderful deep and you gonna be surprised when you get that looking for sister mystery and brother wonderful deep and they don't show and then your third surprise is gonna really shake you up those folks that you knew are not gonna be there he ain't gonna make it I don't see what it coming up in here for when it come in the church but he'll make it you gonna be surprised when you get the heaven and they gonna say oh I've been waiting on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we serve a big God he's an awesome God and if you enlarge your picture of God then you won't have to walk around here wondering I wonder is the Lord gonna bless me to get that job I wonder is the Lord gonna heal me from that city I wonder if the Lord the Apostle said on one occasion he said if God spared not his own son but gave him for us then you know he'll do everything else if the God that I serve wouldn't withhold even his own son Jesus Christ from me he said and I go hold him with whole akak if he's no I need transportation to get to work hallelujah if he said his son he is not gonna hold back his ability to the heel glory to God because just like Hezekiah roaring to God when the word came from the prophet Isaiah set your house in order you got to die you can't live this man turned the stage to the wall and said Lord now you know I've done the best I walked upright before you and I ain't ready to go yet and i'ma tell you why I'm not ready so if I go in the grave I can't praise you and no praise going on in the cemetery hallelujah down laughs but six feet under I can't give you the glory but if you leave me here hallelujah I'll give you some praise I'll give you a brawler and got caught up with the prophet Isaiah before you can leave the courtyard prophet go back tell Hezekiah I heard his prayer and tell him I mad in 15 years and if he wants her a sign the know that I mean what I said tell him to look out his back door the stairway that was built by he has and he has set the sound way have a sundial he said you could look out there and tell the time of day by whoever shout of the Sun hits on the steps but I'm gonna back it 10 degrees letting them know that I'm back in our time and I'm giving him 15 more years [Applause] if you don't believe that ask Abraham here was a man already 75 years old and God said I'm gonna make you a father of multitude and this was not in the end to the nubian world when men expected to live 900 years or more but this was after God said the days of man years will only be a hundred and twenty years somewhere before he cut it down and said 90 years he catches old man 75 family idolatrous worship us that had left her of the counties and moved down in the hair and of Mesopotamia and God said to him come on hearing of Mesopotamia leave your father's house get away from these are dollar trees worshippers I'm gonna make you a father of multitudes how old are you 75 tall is your wife 65 how many children do you have none 11 years later the man is 86 God visited him again Abraham you remember what I taught you yeah how many children you got not none Sarah said listen Abraham my main beautiful black girl Hagar the Egyptian girl go and go go into her I'm too old help sugar go bone in the Hagar you sure and he went into Hagar and she conceived and you know as a result Ishmael was born and God said well I'll tell you what Abraham because he's you'll see I'm gonna bless him healed father twelve sons twelve Prince's will come from him I'm gonna bless him because he's your son but the real son of the Covenant if still gonna come from Sarah Oh bless the Lord and when Abraham was 99 years old angel of the Lord said Abraham still gonna bless you Abraham fell in the dust and laughing in the face of God Sarah was over in her tent door and she stopped laughing the angel of the Lord got angry with her why Sarah laughing is there anything too hard for God you must not know who I am and you don't look that 17th chapter of Genesis says I am El Shaddai I'm the Almighty God the word al meaning the strong one God the word shad refer to the breasts God said I'm the one that can take old folk and make him fruitful hallelujah he introduced himself to him by the name El Shaddai and he retained april's named Abraham and survives name Becerra glory to God God said I'm gonna do it and on the 100th birthday of Abraham 19th birthday of his wife Wow pass the flower over years rockin a little baby and laughing because God said when he's bored name him Isaac and the word Isaac means luster she had the nerve to laugh at God so dachshund named the baby laughter and I see Sarah rocking him haha you just say what you want too many times the blessings of God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you I got the clothes here this ninth chapter mark opens with Jesus on a mountain I don't know if it was a mountain of Hermon of the Mount of teba but the incident caused the mountain to be memorialized by the name Mount of Transfiguration because on the mountain Jesus hallelujah the glory that he had with the father before the world was appeared in his countenance and lit up the top of the mountain Peter James and John were the only three that it took to the top of the mountain and when they woke up and saw his face glowing Peter who was always quick to talk say hey master it's good for us to be here tell you what let's let's build three Tabernacles one for Moses one for Elijah and one for you and you know we can worship in Moses temple awhile and then leave and go to your temple awhile and leave and and go to Elijah's temple and while he was making that ridiculous recommendation cloud over shattered the mountain and the voice of the Heavenly Father said this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased hear ye him and when the cloud had rolled away Moses was gone and Elijah was gone and nobody was there but Jesus own man and that's what I tell folk when they're always trying to tell me about other deities I don't have no problem with you that want to be Islamic I don't have no problem with you they want to be Buddhists I don't have no problem with you who want to be Shintoist I don't have problems with you they want to a religion of your own mind mentality you know your positive mental attitude but I'm soul on Jesus because I know that when the cloud of time roll away mmm just like Moses was gone just like Elijah was gone I want you to know Buddha will be on Mohammed will be gone and I want you to know Confucius will be on that won't be nobody left in the presence of God but Jesus only you can have this whole wide world but I'll take Jesus for mine everything I need Lord I got to quit here in Jesus when I get down and depressed there's a joy wheel that all I can do if I call on the name of Jesus a joy wheel begins to turn sickness maybe in my body but when I call on the name of Jesus sickness begins and leave out of my body and I have to join in with the old folk that sell oh how sweet the name Jesus sounds it doesn't sound sweet to everybody but it sounds sweet and a believer [Music] hallelujah and when when the cloud rolled away and nobody was left with Jesus they wanted to stay on the mountain Peter James and John they didn't realize that down in the valley that was a man that had a son that was a lunatic you see Peter James and John they were there with Jesus they weren't concerned about what was going on at the bottom of the mountain and I got to tell you saints of God it's alright for us to be on the mountain of priests but we cannot forget that down at the bottom of the mountain there young people with automatic weapons shooting up classrooms shooting up their teachers and parents down at the bottom of the mountain we got young for killing folks as an initiation into a gang down at the bottom of the mountain we've got folk that are hung up on drugs strung out on heroin and cocaine and crack the bottom of the mountain trouble is in the land you want to stay on the mountain with Jesus that's a man with a lunatic son down in the valley and I don't care what you say about it this one is operating under demonic activity the devil is trying to destroy our young folk trying to destroy our land and we think that the only reason that their thousand Florida the only reason that storm sweeping our nation is because al Nene oh but honey let me tell you this ain't hell Nene oh this is Jesus because the Lord told Israel he said when you sin and if I can't get your attention no other way he said I'll make your land desolate and God have taken one of the prime spots in the u.s. Florida the beautiful vacation spot and every day and every night we're looking at the television reading the newspaper the Lord also said I'll make your highway desolate and I heard him the other day closed up a hundred more miles of Interstate 95 because of the smoky fires God said if I can't get you attention no other way our sin drought through the land house and storms through the land and you will be in one trouble after another until I get your tensioner he's trying to get our attention hallelujah you see when he get our attention will not only shout in church but will go down the mountain and will find the man with the lunatics son and will ask God for some power in order to cast him out with Jesus and Peter James and John got to the bottom of the mountain here is a man reporting to the Lord about his church master my boy is demon-possessed master my boys a lunatic sometimes he's in the fire sometimes he's in the water in other words the devil is slowing him from one extreme to another and I realize that if I was gonna get help I needed to fine you and your disciples but master I brought them to your disciples and they don't have the power to cast him out what a shame when you bring trouble to the church and with all our Holy Ghost we can't cast out one little old demon and the truth of the matter the weakness of the church calls the man to doubt the power of Jesus so after he saw that the disciples couldn't do anything he said if you can do anything have mercy on my son but I hear Jesus said bring him here listen you've got to learn how to hear his voice you got trouble in your home you go to the counselor and the counselor couldn't help you I hear Jesus said bring him here you got a disobedient child I hear Jesus said bring him here you got an alcoholic spouse I hear Jesus said bring him there you rang up to Jesus [Applause] Master Han will make everything all right three Tobin tell somebody bring them to Jesus hallelujah jesus said bring him here he rebuked the devil and so you got to know what the devil's tactics are when the Lord rebuked the devil the boy fell out and looked like he was dead see when the God's peace the devil know he got to come out and sometimes the devil take you through a worst stage after the Lord commands them to come out you give up because I've been praying from a loved one they drinkin more now than ever I've been praying for me they stealing most stuff and buying dope now than ever look like pray I'm not doing any good it'll be getting better it's getting worse honey when it gets worse that's time to shout [Music] because the devil is trying to do his last because the master has spoken and he'd know that it's got to get better [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory to God and wind the man brought the child of Jesus heal the man didn't have the faith that he ought to have master if you can do anything verse 22 says have compassion on us and help us I heard my dad has said the man if Jesus and Jesus if came back if you can do anything how mercy on my child Jesus say if you can believe come on a turn of somebody when wondering what God can do it God wants to know can you believe [Applause] you can't believe you make demons travel bit Sonia diseases you can't believe he'll make your enemy nice with ya you can't believe hallelujah oh thanks I got to quit but I feel something Stern [Applause] if you believe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on turtle somebody tell them don't push the panic button believe God [Applause] how do I feel this prevalence in here now if I don't succeed in anything but helping you to take a new look you who are discouraged you who are depressed you who called the pity party you that's down in the dumps get out of the dumps shake off your a pathetic state shake off your leverage it come out of your clothes of poverty I believe that the tide is gonna turn I believe doors open somehow I'm written to sit down but watch even if you have to move across the seven people believe [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] please go oh he worded he's waiting the better [Applause] I'm gonna give you another 60 seconds I want to the tourism [Applause] Simone maybe battled over the building come on holding onto the ellipse listening listening [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we dare not close out the service without giving you hallelujah without giving you an opportunity you don't have a reason to shout if you don't know why we're shouting you don't know Jesus in the pardon of your sin some a man/woman burger and wherever you may be we want to give you an opportunity the door to church is now open the door to church is open if you're not saying hallelujah if you're not saved oh I couldn't think of a better time than now and give your life to the Lord time is winding nothing hallelujah Bishop told us this morning and in the conditions of this world are getting worse and worse them hallelujah if you don't know Jesus man woman bar girl we want to invite you we want to introduce you to a man that was Savior that will deliver you hallelujah you once knew the Lord backslider you straight away you left God you left the church wouldn't you get up and you come on back we'll welcome you home today the door to church is open hallelujah won't you come we're praising and we're shouting we're magnifying God but it's not complete it's not complete until we get give you god bless my systems it will give you an opportunity to get to know the Lord Kelvin right now is rejoicing over this one soul is another one in the West Wing to my left to my right god bless you my brother Amen god bless these that are coming bless this young man bless this young lady come on I know you're here you wants knew the Lord but to straightaway welcome back to God come back to God today the daughter church is open hallelujah hallelujah perhaps you just want to join this ministry you already save and you want to be a member you want to be a part and this fellowship but this worship service then you get up and you come on down we'll gladly welcome you we give you the right hand of fellowship on behalf of Bishop Patterson I'm gonna give you another 60 seconds hallelujah hallelujah wherever you may be to my right god bless you my sister wherever you may be whomever you may be the door to church is open [Music] won't you come oh I know you're out here I know you're here hallelujah Bishop Allison preached on at the Norton of the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost has convicted your heart once you get up man woman Borger on the door the church is open hallelujah come on quiet lettering out oh praise God god bless you my brother Kevin is now Rajasa elimination in heaven hallelujah the Bible say that there's more with Josslyn over one sinner one soul that repenteth then over ninety-nine hallelujah Oh Lamb of God oh praise God praise God God bless you we're gonna ask that those of you that have come god bless you to follow Ella Thompson amen he's gonna lead you further into the scripture and share with you amen god bless you my brother follow that of Thompson Nate man just going down hallelujah god bless you amen come on everybody let's give God a praise for these souls that has come amen amen we do want to be mindful of all the announcements that was made a mental note from the bishop amen and message from him we Bishop wants to meet with all of the leaders amen this side of the morning for our monthly leadership fellowship breakfast conference amen this Saturday morning at our White Haven location Bishop Patterson wants to meet with all of the leaders every deacon elder Minister you hold a leadership capacity you serve in a leadership capacity then Bishop Allison wants to meet with you this serve the morning eight o'clock I believe amen we didn't want to be mindful of the announcements that all of the announcements that was made sister Hamilton mayor Hamilton is having emergency surgery right now at this present time at Methodist central this is the mother of Deaconess Denise Hamilton we want to pray for her that God will give her a successful surgery amen The ministers and elders you will be meeting with elder Roth I suppose in the West Wing amen as just a person will meet with the women here in the main sanctuary a man in the other announcements we thank all of our guests those of you that have a visit to visited us on today we welcome you the temple that delivers do feel free to come again god bless you amen shall we stand the youth will be in charge on tonight Amen this is the first Sunday the first Sunday night worship service that I downtown in our White Haven location the youth would be in charge
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 28,575
Rating: 4.7794795 out of 5
Id: T-S0fL82kdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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