Making A Surprising Profit On Opened Hideaway Home ~ House Flipper 2

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what's happening everybody Ro Master welcome back to more of house flier 2 and I apparently missed something up there I just patched that up so that's all good and I think somebody said something I don't know if it was this house or the last house I don't remember I apparently missed something somewhere in a window oh I'm just I'm quickly doing some double checking there's no windows down here that's actually something I wanted to check by the way uh go back I didn't do this here I've done this at all the other places okay so there is no hidden there a hidden piece of trash right there try to take care of that in a second that about inside the be it's not cool man all right ah I got it didn't like that was that counting against me I wonder all right and then here I missed a window sill somewhere is it this one I think somebody said the green right there okay yeah I see those I missed that and that I don't know how I managed that all right yeah thanks for pointing it out so we can fix it I'll just paint that up real quick and I don't imagine this house to take too long uh feel like we'll probably finish this up pretty quick cuz there's not really a whole lot to do in here we got a lot of it done we got the upstairs bathroom done which really like I really like I wanted to put a railing up around this I know that much wait there's one over here I almost forgot one just thinking wait a second that didn't seem right there's still something else right here there we go yeah I don't know how I managed to miss that I miss these every once in a while it's it's it's uh it's I don't know hard hard hard to see sometimes I guess there's just so much that I'm like doing at one time all right so let's tell you there we go oh and then the spot on the stairs that's right I remember somebody saying that one too all right all right yeah we're all good down there yeah I didn't see that one either but that was another spot somebody fed out boom there we go hands okay okay I'm pretty happy with this uh I want to do the railing first before I do anything else so let's get this structural elements H what does this even look like that is huge no this is for this is definitely for an outside thing yeah this seems more suitable there we go okay and then I can just do some quick adjustments to this that Driftwood yes make this light winde yes and we just copy paste and paste okay I'm happy and we're all do with this I want to keep this open because I want to have an idea where the stuff's going to be o you know what I was going to have the bed here but I'm changing that up now this is coming over here and the bed's going to go right here cuz this putting that gives this a little bit less room than I originally thought yeah I don't know let's let's get a bed we can see exactly so beds uh and I saw suggestion I don't I like this bed I've never used this bed I don't recognize this bed now they haven't there hasn't been a patch so they haven't added any I feel like I've just always missed this but I like the little uh designs here all right what do we got this is a green room okay can I change the that's pillows actually that's fine with the pillows back do they okay there we go H I'm getting this one I'm getting this one only because I think it looks like oh it looks really weird yeah it looks like it's like there's something wrong with this bed it should be fine enough room to not really I may have been wrong go over here for right now grab this F this around this way okay I need a uh window still no or is yeah I don't know I don't know I feel like in the forest cuz you got all kinds of trees and everything and all kinds of stuff having having the bars for more protection on this it's normal somebody you asked like why do I end up leaving those on all the time I think it's cuz my apartments that I live in I have those on there and it's just to me it's just natural on that the the one house we did last time though I really did like not having those bars on there I thought that worked out really well here in the forest I feel like it makes more sense just for like durability of that no why why the window still is not there now I got to paint this thing here we go no I'm not selling this yet just in case I move other stuff around okay honestly this feels better still plenty of room to get to the bathroom yeah this feels better we can use like we can do some storage over here or something actually I could put a desk there I don't know I don't know oh oh yeah right didn't I say I was going to make this place very heavy Cherry I I really didn't do it I mean I did the floors and that was about it uh I think the last place was this winge thing right no maybe it was here no cuz that is yeah I don't know Driftwood light wind okay what is this detail yeah I think I like that okay yeah I dig it all right so let me first off move this thing back over so we can utilize that space this I want some storage oh I want to get the small storage first this is what I like doing at this see would kind of fit I mean do we have space for this oh it won't let me put it right there I thought that would be so perfect go all right I like that all right um be pushing the wrong buttons cuz I've been playing so many building games lately to open open up the building menu this it's tab in other games it's B in other games it's X in other games it's Q it's like oh my goodness uh so tall storage I don't think tall storage is really going to work in here unless I get like a tall skinny storage those are bookshelves though I don't really want bookshelves up here cabinet no see that's a cabinet I was thinking dresser I mean can no there's no way there's no way there's no place for this not enough space I mean I haven't fully made this the bedroom yet right how about the bathrooms here it just wouldn't make sense to put the bedroom downstairs ah no think that must I do remember somebody saying that I thought it was the front door no the front door is how I want it to be so I think that must have been it I do remember somebody saying that there was like I missed a tile on the door too I see a lot of comments and I always forget to I I know I forget some of them but I try to like M I try to keep it in in my head and always work well all right medium storage so I mean I could get a dresser like this we could kind of put it under here it's medium like that I don't know I mean it's like what it comes to dresses yeah I got some style to kind of like this one is there like a skinny version of that I was thinking if we could put another one right here okay wait that was the handles okay that's not exactly what I expected oh yeah I say I'm pretty sure it's already set to drift wood okay uh [Music] and I want something over here too they want the same thing wait is there I actually got a better idea how about low storage no I see they're too big though yeah cuz I even tried that one there wardrobes maybe there's a wardrobe that fit I mean I do have this one so really skinny one actually that that could work and I can I can just not use this corner for this we can put this one over here in this corner and then you know what I'll put a bookshelf here that's fine B Storage uh this one no no I like the space I don't like crowding stuff okay these apparently have two different ones this one I can do light winge oh wait handles see that's weird just just have the metal handles there we go okay that one did well wait wait how did I don't understand there was only two options on that before yeah that one doesn't change whatever it's fine okay and then I looked I looked I know it's fine now if I do this there like specific pictures I can use in here or how does this work like what will it do to this is there anything that's like Center framed ah that one's kind of cool I like that one this is the first time I think this one legit will work here we go yeah it's great I like that it's like the perfect section of it okay okay yeah I thought I saved a I thought I saved a background to the wrong place can't show anything in that game until next month Uh custom picture this by the way comes out next month I had no idea Pacific Drive was coming out in February February 22nd same day as to Nightingale chill just chill cat pitchure wait no that's where I'm going to put the put this right I need to make it smaller this is where I want to put the TV I want to put the couch right here I want to finish upstairs though I want to try to do one room at a time right you oh rugs always add to it this is a tiny little rug it's not going to help ah I don't like that I can't make it perfectly flat both sides even well now I'm happy with this place too I didn't realize that I needed that oh you know what I don't have Outlet I've seen people say that they haven't put these in and they still got a good price for a place but if you didn't put it in what happens if you would have put it in would You' have gotten more money for it I don't know really I don't know that's just that more of a question because I just don't know but yeah yeah I was I was I saw that comment I was like oh I wonder if it see I don't I don't know I don't know what does things I do miss the people that were on the right hand side in the first game which every a lot of people were saying they want to see the first game when when they add more stuff to the first game to go back to that one I'll 100% do that said 100 video series on the channel right now only thing that's been that long I will 100% go back and do more of that cuz I I I just I love I love these games these games are so fun to turn something nasty into something that looks so cool okay so yeah oh no I'm missing one more thing upstairs I don't do it in a lot of oh no you don't have a rug in here do need rugs but I also I want to put plants in I always forget about the plants I it's not I guess it's not even so much I forget about the plants be honest I'm not a big fan of the plants in this game like I don't I don't know what it is about them I don't like the plant options the Planters are fine I do like like the hanging stuff and the plants that hang off the sides but I don't know some of the plants I just I really don't like the plants ooh ooh [Music] wait got an idea okay this is going to kind of look crazy but you know what I'm I'm I'm I'm digging it potentially I haven't seen it yet is it not big enough and can I get a smaller one maybe that not a planner I'm so confused okay like I could put it down oh what why can't I put this here oh cuz I'm not yeah I see I see why okay so sell this I don't understand the planner there I'm not going to lie that confuses me greatly this a bigger one right is it because I'm like not high enough like I don't you know what I have an I have a solution to this uh I'm right here for a second yeah I think maybe that was why it wasn't letting me plant it because I wasn't high enough to actually be able to do that now I can take it and we can put it up here no that's driving anybody's OCD nuts right now ever slightly off it's fine grab a mean little nuts uh all right then I planted these here some more if the leaves weren't so big that they poked outside I'd get those this oh that's bigger than I thought it was let just get some flowers you go all right and then the last thing I think besides a rug that I still have not added up here uh want some lights you know what this is the first place I feel like this could actually work cuz that's the vibe I can get from in here all right all right we got lights and then the last thing is the the thing this do decorations rug um a flower rug right there right there need copy paste yeah that's fine like the purple I don't know if the purple H yeah yeah no I'm down I dig go with the purple okay where's my light switch here wait did I destroy my light switch for here I may very well have yeah they're not connected up to anything oh oops you know what I think I actually need to do something here oh just right there slap these up so can I fit this back in here yeah there we go the paint should be fine top little part right here I can put the light switch on here I'm like I don't I don't know it doesn't seem like a good idea not to have the light switch there I wonder can I put the light switch on top now I really want to know yes the pointy one can I do it oh I can't just walk up and just slap your hand on it one time and be like ow is this like this who constructed this see that's the thing is I I will say like I If it is were real life would I actually design a house this way probably not I would design it my like specific way like one way that I try to diverse the different kinds of crazy that I can that I have in my head when I do these so it's like i' I've seen people like your style is awful and it's like I never claimed I had good style never once like I I saw that the other day and I just I just chuckled about it I'm like I never said I had good stuff all right uh so TV right here let's get this uh slap up a big old giant TV CU we always got to have all right uh something for here though I'm trying to I'm thinking about let's get roll down there we go low storage I like that I like this is my favorite this one and this one those are the three I like CU they all have I guess this one's not bad either because it has a space but you got to have that space this one actually isn't super great because you don't want a sealed space if you're putting a console inside one of those things this one oh I thought it was Hollow this one's a big space yeah you know what I'm going with this I like this one like you want airf flow okay so can we go back to electronics I don't ever really use these and I want to to but I just never saw a time and you know what this seems like a great place for it there there over just every so slightly okay and we'll put our couch over here oh couch let's at least sort it cuz it is a lot easier to figure out which one that one seems painful like that legit seems painful I sleep on a couch and I I couldn't even imagine this one seems the most comfy one seems like legit just AED actually this seems the most comfy it looks so soft I think this is the one I want to go with though heck question is no it's not even remotely still not even this is much further over than I thought it was I'm going to move this over here no no that doesn't work I'm going to just move it over some eh I can move it over a little bit all right there there we go I'm I'm happy with that then we just simply go this back over a tiny bit more on the floor Electronics I want the big speakers see you know what I I want to put a little small table here bookshelf something storage uh medium storage sideboard sideboard sideboard is that what is the sideboard I I know what it is but I can't remember hurts me okay this will actually be perfect I just need to move this picture up a little bit I have new Duck pictures to add but that's not going to necessarily work here doesn't seem like the greatest idea but it's fine okay finish up the electronics real quick oh down here are these lights connected to stuff okay yeah that's fine I feel like that should be connected to maybe a switch somewhere else I don't know with the open floor plan it just I'll have a secondary switch here we'll just do this duplicate because that way all the connections are still there it just it I I just feel like you need to have it in more than one spot you know what yeah literally more than one spot same place right here and this one controls the one light in here that honestly is going to probably be enough hey and out here the only thing I could think is I'm just going to slap up a poster what kind of poster do we want like this another thing I look forward to is having more posters like more decorations okay I do like the fact that we can add our own pictures I think somebody said you could do that in the first game I don't remember ever being able to I mean maybe you you probably could and I just never knew but I don't remember ever seeing that so that that I kind I'm kind of sad I never knew about that to be could just paste that want to change B what is it like solid white and details what is the detail oh it's just the bottom actually no no no no change this wood okay can I yeah I can that's red I can do that with everything said I was going to go Cherry but I just I just I really like the light dark contrast color of of things so nice what just can't do the oh cuz they're already set yeah so what happens if I add this yeah there we go like this like this kitchen for instance which apparently a lot of people really like the kitchen I'm pretty happy with how it turned out to be honest I think the the windows in the back really make it nice and there is something that I wanted to do here realize that there was one or two things I felt like I could have stuck here that would have made it that's just that seems obnoxiously huge seems okay yeah there still I was I was thinking it' be cool to have a little thing like that but all these seem way too big just for that's way too big for yeah Edge right there okay I guess we're just going to go with some small Planters right here put one right [Music] there I put it there yeah I can we go and I didn't put any appliances in here too that was another thing right I really wish I could use the orchids I mean orchids are remember a few times having Orchid at the table and it's like I found out like orchids are like super toxic super toxic I remember if I'm remembering right anyways that one's going to be too big right no I mean these do work they are big enough all right got a little bit of color in here now little bit of life okay let's go back to this and now let me do the appliances real fast yeah I don't I don't even have a stove top I don't know which way is front on this and it drives me insane I feel like this would be but ours is all at the back and all the stoves I've ever had have been at the back I've also never had one that's not connected like the house they grew open then the house that my mom moved into the house my dad lives in the the apartments I've lived in every single place has always had this as one solid object I've never seen this before in my life it's so weird to me like this I mean maybe this is like a UK or uh you know other parts of the world thing or even just other parts of the US I'm I've always been up in the northwest of the us so I don't know it's just it's like certain things that you know like like carpets for instance the amount of people that said they've never seen carpets I've never not seen carpets you know I mean there's yes there's wood around but every place still has carpets uh you so it's cool that you know to hear the different perspectives of like what people see because it's it's Unique it's different something that I don't I don't personally see right boom uh um we need a toaster no no no no no no toaster always has to go next to the coffee machine the coffee machine always has to go on the end you got to have that coffee first thing in the morning that's remind is like as soon as I walk in the kitchen all right all right there we go so I at least have these no no no no I'm going to change it there we go it's like I could keep this the same but you know what and the other one I will make it white okay that didn't do anything to that one okay so I'm pretty happy with here the only thing that I don't have here is Outlets CLP up one down here makes sense uh probably have one back here another one back here against this front wall and probably have another one back here and of course we would have one back in the corner and then back in this corner that would disconnect down to that that's fine okay and now we'll go to the basement where it's well that try I was trying to get out of that I will try to figure out what in the world I'm going to do down here like there's two two ideas there's the office or we could turn it into a sort of game room I'm kind of thinking because I haven't really done that uh Hobbies what all do we have to work with I could make this just straight up into like a like full music area I don't know we have to work with I'm thinking go with this so was like a little over here next to the color bright bright stuff actually you know what let's give me I want I want a second one I don't know what the crap that is what is this what is this a roller what is that never seen that okay give me a couple of those give me a couple of those I'm going to move where they're at I just want to get these things placed so I have an idea of what what kind of storage we're going to want uh I I'm thinking I'm going to use I'm going to do a pool table over here uh maybe not this is a little bit bigger than I thought oh yes my evil Corners I I remember I did that in another place and I I can move it I can move it over a little bit and I think it'd be better uh it better able to be used but no now the person that has to hit the ball over here is just going to be like all yeah that's right I don't know why I might have so humorously evil we going put these on the wall right here like so n see I don't like it I'm wrong I'm I as soon as I'm looking around I'm just like nah it's just this room's not big enough it worked really well in that other place because we had such a huge area but nah I think an office would be better it would make more sense an office combined with like you know just like a little workout spot so I at least know on the type of storage low storage medium storage man I didn't think this was going to take very long holy crap there's there's so much to each room to make it look nice kind of thinking do something like this over here we can like store these on top here of course we'll leave like a kind of big old space here that seems like a dumb idea let's not do that I was going to put it in there and then I'm like wait that's glass oh it's doing that weird thing again this only happens at nighttime that's what I've noticed once it starts going night time it's like something about the shadows and dlss it just starts getting the Tron lines weird and it it didn't happen before I don't know why itly started happening right guess I can put this one up here with this over a little bit all right so we'll make sure to have a nice clean space here uh want yeah let's get our desk first give me a desk I mean a good storage desk I wish there was more Corner desks I wish there was more Corner desks I like this one I really like this one wait oh I thought for some reason it looked like there was nothing inside of the actual things okay there no like exercise equipment besides the weights for some reason I was thinking that there was was a B I mean there's a bicycle but it's not where's even the bicycle is that outside I mean we could store that down here that would actually work I think that would be fine but two these things down here no would I lied that would really suck to get out of here maybe it'd be better to leave them outside yeah I'm gonna leave them outside I do I do think this like bikes in the forest areas actually make a lot of sense ah do I get all my money back for that I hope so be honest I guess it doesn't matter we have 1.5 million uh yeah let's do this right here I do want to do some stuff outside too so I don't know how long this is going to be this is going to probably be bunch of time just in this cuz can't I can't help it I got to make my place is Fain okay and then I want to change you to right yellow that's fine there's at least two different kinds all right I mean I don't I don't really want to work on outside during the night time so really want to keep working in here for right now to get the night time to go by yeah there's no there's no other exercise equipment so I'm I'm like just like house flipper one I'm hoping that there's just going to be an insane amount of stuff eventually added to this I know they've said that there's going to be a bunch of stuff coming so speakers is there like a radio there it is I need like another give me cabinets storage why for some reason part of me just freaked out thinking I was like did I just hit did I hit stream am I streaming the whole time okay I mean this wouldn't be bad this is just really big it didn't stick out so much I think I would like this you know what I'm going to swap some stuff I think this would actually look better on here we remove these we can put this here this here and then I can open this that's a drawer not going to lie did not know that was going to be a drawer nope I want to sell that is better put that over here okay there we go give me the skinny one put it right there one more big one put it right there right there we go here we go and there we go all right now I'm happy with that radio radio can have its own spot up here okay then I don't I kind of want one of these Ottomans I'm thinking this one kind of over here in the corner all right back to Hobbies what other exercise equipment there was a gy ball that is the tiniest gym ball ever I mean I've seen it before I thought it was just a kids toy I didn't know it was the gy ball I thought gy ball i pictur gy ball I pictur something relatively large this does not seem like a thing we would be having inside is it is this just a weight or is this something isn't this the thing you throw maybe it's not maybe I'm thinking something else still know what this is like I I I have no idea what is let me know in the comments what is this oh you know what we have never done this we can have that there but we can also have a little table over here it's kind of just like the just chill and hang out section that's what I'm missing upstairs don't have a that's a huge coffee table there's no way that's going to fit yeah no way want something small this one's no you know what that one's not so bad still plenty of room to get by okay this is coffee table but oh what's the smallest chairs we can get I mean that's the smallest chairs we can get what's the second smallest chairs we can get uh bench see that's really tall though these I yeah these seem pretty short all right well this at least gives me an idea of the chair side and while I'm here going give me an office chair why is that chair so huge I'm getting that one all right back you up because I'm going to have to have space to put a table in this is the one that's yeah this is this seems perfect put that there that there pick you up and put you right in the middle what does it say im imaba chest set okay all right all right I mean I need I need wall decorations and everything down here of course I mean you know what it's a bad idea for like work purposes but we'll put a little TV over here work out and like watch a TV you know do workouts and everything uh then just give me a little tiny table I mean I think this one would be perfect no what about small store or this small storage I want nightstand they all considered nightstand office drawers I mean that doesn't necessarily look like office drawers I think that still work right there is there any sort of like no I like is there any sort of VHS players literally the thought that came to mind but I don't think I'd find that in here we'll do a stereo receive for sure why not then it's at least something that's so much smaller than I thought it was crap oh you know what this one this one works this is what I have you know over there I like that cuz it still matches here and I actually like the orange some reason the orange and the purple just kind of Pop I dig it okay and then over here you know get in a fancy computer you're just getting a laptop but for some reason every time I go to place down puts it backwards right I remember this desk now and I don't like it you can't put stuff any closer than right there it puts it on the floor for some reason doesn't make any sense to me okay uh accessories office supplies this this thing up like right over here I mean that that's not what I thought it was I want this yeah put this right [Music] here nice little calculator sticky notes not right there would I put that right next to the computer crazy talk these are back here desk [Music] organizer um another one for pay for like I don't know notes I guess I think that's good I mean a pen yes you always got to have a pen especially if you got sticky notes don't like that I can't put it in here right next to I don't know why I keeps putting on the floor that that's what's confusing me more than anything is why does it keep putting it on the floor seems very strange uh Mouse okay there we go so we have a nice little spot here we have a nice thing here uh I am going to put a rug here decorations this right there I we had the yoga mat but that's with this whole that's why I want a big open area right here here uh I do want to change this I don't know why I didn't change it beforehand because I'm not doing anything else so first off I'm just going to go do this uh I guess you bam bam bam bam ah it's too much okay here we go that was quite the transformation there you I don't think I want this I'm going to [Music] try yeah no no I really like the orange stop it was like I don't know if I get the coloring back perfectly or not D it discon we've lost our copy there we go there's no changing that that way ooh wait not it wouldn't let me do this right and I hope it goes I hope it I hope night time goes away soon where we at so we're on the bright colors and we're right in the middle of orange bright colors right in the middle of orange o oh yeah I like that one details for white no I don't want this at all no no fringe there we go see it's like it's crazy how much of a difference Fringe adds to this thing like it instantly looks like an entirely different kind of rug all right I still want decorations I want pictures let's get ourselves some pictures in here custom picture uh let's go with I don't know UFO picture yes I like this clap that up right here above the table there we go okay we'll kind of up some posters here too it's Bor to be wild doing different kinds of office work uh another poster over here the poster right there okay we got a rug in here I don't have one thing and then I think we're good I think we're done with it here other than maybe doing some stuff outside but oh this is actually I can see pretty well for being nighttime be pretty well for being night time all right you know what I like what they got going here but I think I kind of want to extend it a bit there we go go ahead and oh that's not what I want I want this first copied this thing right here [Music] boom right keep going over keep getting all this there we go I I knew I was going to run out pretty quick I was just going crazy on the clicking okay yeah right cuz there's already some there to begin with something I wanted to do for a while I feel like we could do that here uh go to no no auction house yet outside Brickstone barbecue never had this I thought this would be such a cool little place oh this is I could I vastly underestimated how big this was okay it's going to get a little bit bigger and I'm going to be adding some lights out out here for sure I think go yeah yeah yeah like do I I could just do this and then we could put the barbecue right there but no I kind of want it in the middle a weird way to do it but sure whatever it works there enough on here to do the rest of this I don't even know I may have to buy one more I can slap it up everywhere Noe we got enough okay they still got these sides oh it's so dark oh I got a flashlight using it like half the game I don't know why in the world I would not it's fine have a slight bit of brain fog right now all right you sell bam okay so give me this I'm going to put that I mean I could put it like on the ground no I can't cuz then the Grass Grows through it and that just looks really weird and I don't like it right here yeah wanted to put this up in a place somewhere like this is perfect and we can do do you have oh no it's just normal tables right okay let's get our lights first because I can't see anything out here is it on there we go I actually want it on a set spot here we go there's no lights out here at all okay uh this one there go straight A CL across it's this one right here okay so that's for inside duplicate put that right there disconnect you okay so all right that's a good amount of light I'm pretty happy with that right uh quick I just want to make sure I got all this before I sell it yeah I think so I want to quickly go to place the table it's weird that the table is not listed out outside yeah cuz part of me wants to kind of do something like this I I I literally only I just want to extend it from here no don't go down just come over just a little bit right here now I am going to have to buy one more there's no way this is going to be enough ain't no way this is going to be enough yeah it's not like again it's not like the money is really a problem anymore like if I buy a house for a million dollars yeah maybe be a little bit more of a difference but hey I don't think there's a house that's worth a million dollars I think we're good okay so you know what that actually makes it so I can move this over to here here I mean I guess we could also do this then cuz it is next to the house we go a little bit more light over here feel like that's actually the best place for it if I move it over more then it's going to make the middle dark darker oh actually you know what we have we have other kinds of lights don't we uh if we go here lighting we have like a lamp yeah right here there a little more light all right I'm happy with that okay I mean that was the main thing I really wanted to do here get that done so let's sell this house and see what we can get let me make sure that I got all the stuff outside real fast I mean I know I could add a couple of things we could just be like old gazebo pool and stuff but I really wanted to sell this house today and I'm pretty happy with how it is as it stands feel like we've done a lot with it all the different rooms look really nice wait I not connected up to anything there we go how about you are you connected yeah you have to be cu the lights on then this is obviously connected up I'm I'm pretty happy with down here too uh okay it's been so long it's going nighttime or Daytime Nighttime has completely ended all right anyways we are done with this place though I not 100% sure how long this is I know it was over 50 minutes so I'm think I'm probably going to sell this place and we have time for that at least I I I forgot to hit pause so it's like an hour and 25 minutes right now auction house so we spent 248,000 this is actually like this is this is kind of what I wanted to do and I'm happy it worked out this way I wanted I wanted to buy the house for a lot of money and I wanted to not put the amount that we put in that last house we did we put in so much money that we sold the house for a stupid amount compared to what it was but it wasn't a lot of profit because we put so much into it this one I wanted to put kind of want to wanted a smaller house too the the price that it was uh I I I wanted to kind of switch things up so it works so we can see how much of a profit we actually get like this is crazy that's crazy to me this is over 500,000 so we doubled the house I mean it's like it's it's it's insane I didn't spend that much but it's so much more of a profit and I don't know why that's the that's the part that drives me nuts at least in the first first game there was a chunk of the time I didn't know why but I kind of started getting the hang of it and figuring it out I still don't quite figure it out I don't know exactly what it is it's weird it's weird I feel like it's entirely based on the top like how much you buy the house for not so much anything else like you will make your money back almost it seems like but for anything that you put into renovation cost but as far as like the bonus that you get you obviously can get more by doing certain things but not even 100% sure what the certain things are okay so what house should we buy next or should we do missions should we do uh do do some uh go to sandbox and do some of the the other missions I I I'm not sure I I I I don't think I want to do the forest again I don't want to do the beach if anything I think we maybe do one of these Mansions but oh no actually somebody suggested the barn there a barn old barn I don't know about that that one looks like the roof is going to give me troubles uh but yeah I think it's something either this one the burnt house this one this one doesn't have much to oh no this is oh you know me and my love for the plant houses they're just covered in plants and then turning them around it doesn't seem too bad though there's the Mansion I don't know what should we do should we do this or should we do one of the mods let me know in the comments thank you so much for watching uh thank you for continuing to enjoy this and I will see you in the next video bye-bye for [Music] now
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 7,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper 2, house, flipper, like, hgtv, redecorate, clean, clear, old, parts, maintianance, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, what, is, what is, Buy, repair, remodel, devastated, houses, sim, simulator, House Flipper, new, 2023, December, release, hammer, destroy, build, rebuild, January, 2024
Id: M4W7yW3YrZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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