I Broke The Laws Of Physics With The Machine Age Crisis In Stellaris | Full Playthrough

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easily my favorite videos to record in Stellaris are the First full playthroughs of a brand new DLC and that's exactly what we're doing today welcome to the Machine age welcome to the new version of becoming the endgame crisis and welcome to the new version of the synthetic Ascension today we are going to become Holograms and we're going to end the Galaxy through changing the very laws of physics itself so with the new DLC there are now two separate ways to end the Galaxy yourself the first of all is the old way breaching into the Shroud and taking the rest of the Galaxy with it and now the second way changing the laws of physics trying to create a new universe and ultimately I'm not entirely sure what happens at the very end I've stayed mostly spoiler-free but it seems incredibly fun and somewhat immoral in comparison to the other way which is more strictly evil this way it is a pursuit of knowledge at all cost going to a true extreme and that's exactly what this Empire is all about we are the continuation the machine counterparts of Organics which have sadly passed away after the overe exploitation of their world we have the arc welders origin one of the brand new Origins and this is adding well quite a lot actually so to begin with we do have a couple of negatives we have minus three to our initial populations and the size of our home world is only 15 which is absolutely tiny however we do have plus one to our Mega structure build capacity so yay for more Mega structures and plus one to the arc furnace capacity now this is important because we actually start off with one of these this is a new Mega structure it will add minerals to every single Moon planet and asteroid in a system and eventually when you upgrade is enough it'll also add Alloys at the cost of quite a lot of energy in addition to all of this our home world is incredibly Barren it has no mining districts however it has additional generator districts so the idea I'm going with here for the lore at least is that our species here is the machine equivalent of the Organics which once lived on this world which simply couldn't survive the overe exploitation of the world for once we didn't kill them they kind of just did it themselves and that's where our Empire begins we are the continuation of the work of our organic predecessors because we believe in what they believed which is the endless acquisition of knowledge at any cost so we are fanatic materialist we are authoritarian and of course we are actually machines we have the machine trait because now you can be individualistic machines rather than being forced to being the machine intelligence so we do need consumer goods and we do produce trade value now as for the build I've gone for a very general purpose build in fact that's the reason I went down the route of authoritarian because I want that extra influence so with Civics we have rapid replicators which is additional pop assembly speed we have masterful crafters for more consumer goods more building slots more trade value it just works with every single build and then as for our traits we have mass produced even faster build speed of our population so a full 35% increase total we have research assistance for an additional little bit of extra research and then the neutr which is adaptive frames now adaptive frames seems absolutely amazing depending on the job your pop is working they will change this trait so adaptive frames can become additional amenities extra energy food minerals research all of that stuff just based on the job the population is working as long as they're working for long enough and I believe you can increase how fast these swap light on with different buildings though I haven't yet tested that out I'm really hoping this is good because it seems to be that kind of trait which removes so much headache and of course our new ship appearance is the brand new machine ships which I think is going to be absolutely awesome so with all of that let's get into the game now I was going to for spawn the synthetic Queen however since we are going to be ending the Galaxy anyway before they spawn in I'll be doing a run completely focused on the worship of our Queen in the future but for now just random doesn't really matter too much mid game is set to 2,250 end game a little bit later than I normally do since I want to really focus on the end game crisis ourselves we have difficulty Grand Admiral mid midgame scaling as usual with the mid game being very early and everything else is as it is so with that let's get started and so we begin in the very outskirts of the Galaxy next to quite a few worlds arid and tropical and desert and ocean now sadly machine Empires don't work in the same way they used to rather than 100% habitability they get plus 50% to their minimum habitability so I could potentially grab the tropical ocean though I probably won't so then let's take a quick look see at our new Mega structure the ark furnace and there it is giving plus one mineral to every planet Moon and asteroid in our system let's have a proper look at this thing yeah once again a lot of gigar Structural Engineering Vibes which is not a bad thing at all definitely my favorite mod and definitely loving seeing stuff like this in the game itself I'll be using these probably as much as I can though probably not in every single System since it does have a hefty energy upkeep which I can only imagine yep increases as we make it bigger so so probably in very big systems like this this is a triner um star system stuff like this and bigger probably going to be using it so these are the three ways you can now become synthetic with the DLC with a machine Empire again I'll need to look into regular Empires if this is the same or different but for now this is what we have available we have modularity Which is far more like regular synthetics You're simply improving your people making them cheaper and giving them Advanced traits in addition to the synthetic trait for your leaders overall it is really nice loads of extra stability loads of extra assembly way too many modification points plus four tra pick points and modification points so you can have pretty much anything you want by the looks of things honestly it looks really strong if a bit more basic in comparison to the madness that is virtuality and nanotech virtuality I've tried to explain now four separate times and each time have failed to do so within 3 or 4 minutes so very quickly uality completely changes how the game works it is easily the most insane tradition tree I've ever seen and how it works is that you no longer have traditional populations you have virtual populations these virtual populations will pop into existence when you have jobs and then vanish again when you no longer have those jobs available no matter how many jobs you have you will always have populations working you no longer need to make these populations which is insanely powerful on top of that they get a plus 100 75% output however with a minus 25% for every world you have and a plus one 100% Empire size modifier for each world this is all to do with having a few very very powerful planets I'm thinking ring weld I'm thinking the archology project stuff like that and you also do get a lot of other bonuses you have different policies which will increase the output drastically of very specific things such as Unity research or leaders and and then you also get additional jobs like clerks bureaucrats and researchers from different districts and buildings so your worlds will be incredibly efficient you just have to have very very few of them and I've got to be honest I don't think this fits the theme of the Empire I'm trying to build today and finally we have Nano machines son the nanotech tradition tree I think fits the Empire better than any of the others and honestly it just seems the most fun with my particular play style the Empire size is reduced we have the ability to subsume Worlds we have a new ship type with the nanite swarmer I have no idea what that's like we get nanite deposits just loads and loads of different options which I think is going to be incredibly fun in addition to nanite research facilities whatever those are nanite Harvesters and finally some nanite related edicts all of this is brand new to me I have no idea how any of it works and I think it fits the theme incredibly well maybe it's just my background in pathology and microbiology but I love the idea of Nano machines causing all of these problems nothing screams the hubris of man and creating technology out of our control than something which mimics a disease and this just it's all the right kind of nightmares that makes the brain happy you know we've got augmentations that haven't even hit the black market yet safety tests are for cowards let's get you wired okay we're changing our advisor to the new one okay it's hinting that we should build a brand new Forge in this system oh I can see why look at all those asteroids so each of these will end up with minerals okay then as soon as we grab the system that's what we're going to build how much does a new one cost I remember it being quite expensive no nowhere near as much as I thought for some reason I thought a thousand Alloys as you can tell I did like a minor bit of testing with a few different build ideas apparently not paying enough attention how interesting machine template system now also increases our leader lifespan yay for robots hey everyone future LC here as is tradition with these four playthroughs just here to quickly say I think this may have been my favorite day one experience of a DLC in years this DLC has added so much stuff I really wanted and we ended up going with a build which was just so incredibly fun with the nanites and the different options with the synaptic lathe and the crisis it is a combination which was just so enjoyable to use and you'll see throughout the Run although I do make some questionable choices and are a little bit light to do things like the synaptic live things go a little bit weird by the end so I really do hope you enjoy and of course these full playthroughs are sadly algorithm poison so likes and comments always help out so much and really show that these long form videos are something you wish to see continued in the future which I always love because it's why I'm here on YouTube it's the content I love to create so all that Shilling out of the way back to to making the Galaxy Nano machines son The Arc furnace our home system was an excellent proof of concept a testament to our ambition and Ingenuity now in the Ancaster system another furnace Burns against the void far more than the resources this will provide our work here is open the door to projects of Titanic size and scale we can perceive further now as if standing on the precipice of a vast Horizon the only limmit is own imagination oh nice we got Tech progress for Mega engineering fantastic but way too expensive for now some tech and some Unity lovely wow 23 extra minerals but here's the problem you see so we have one mineral here one mineral here well 1.25 because of the bonuses but each of the mining stations will still cost us I think it's like close to one energy each which is a bit brutal let's have a quick look see so you there how much y upkeep is one so even with the bonuses from prosperity and eventually they will be cheaper because of prosperity I'm not sure if it's always going to be worth it maybe once they're more upgraded I can imagine them being better I've built a third Ark furnace already and probably the last one for a while because this system is insane look how big it is look at how many little one minerals there are now everywhere and that's going to be the one I think I upgrade first so once we upgrade it it will increase mining station output by 50 rather than only 25 which I believe also works with those minerals and it goes from one mineral to two as a base at the cost of an additional 20 energy a month that's a lot of energy really need to focus on that as soon as possible in fact can we afford yes we can capacity well just about that should keep us in the green for now we are upgrading the ark furnace here right now just look at how many minerals this will affect maybe making them efficient straight away on top of that let's take a quick look see then at How uh okay taking a quick look see then how good our adaptive frames are so these three all have the bonus to energy whereas these 10 do not that really needs to be upgraded because that is way way too slow I'm still certain there are ways of upgrading that later it could be the machine assembly oh yeah there it is pops with auto modding traits optimized per month plus two so as we improve that that will be faster okay nice so now it's a little bit slow hopefully maybe our scientists can at least be using them yeah it looks like every single scientist is at least getting the bonus research very cool to see the arc furnace might be a little bit better than I originally gave it credit for it's rank two now and this system is now giving 85 minerals that's because at rank two it's now uncovering deposits of two minerals and increasing all the station outputs by 50% at the cost of 40 energy it doesn't however increase theost cost of these little mining stations so they're still stuck at only 0.9 each the next level will increase the upkeep to 80 energy but go from two minerals to three and then also add one alloy with a plus 75% modifier we want this as soon as possible I'm going to save up the unity for that I'm going to buy the Alloys as soon as I have the unity I want that upgraded now I never go with adaptability but we're going with it this time because I really want to focus on the worlds as well and this will give a different bonus es to the Colony designations like unification Center generator all that kind of stuff will give us different bonuses but really I wanted the extra habitability that leads some of our worlds to go to 65% which I think is just about worth it so lots of Worlds here and it looks like we're stuck as well I don't really know what this Empire is like but uh yeah this one hates us and is a fanatic militarist so to say I'm a bit nervous is an understatement on the upside our econom is looking fantastic thanks to our Arc furnaces and we are upgrading the second one so soon this system is going to give us a lot of Alloys war is coming and we should hopefully be ready so all of my original opinions of the aramit are horribly wrong um this system is now producing 141 minerals and 38 Alloys at the cost of 80 energy plus the station so around about 100 energy the next upgrade is only another 20 energy and it does only technically increase it all by one alloy per body which is a lot of them but it also is another 25% increase to the mining station output that is going to be so many Alloys we are so ready to wage war we now have a defense packed with the fanatic militarists and because of that they've backed down the plague Baron are now just kind of sitting there so the Empire and the Empire great nice and easy to say your names individually then well we've rushed our military and rushed our economy and because of that we're actually able to attack this new Empire straight away and try and turn it into our tributary which I'm going to do first so you guys Rush straight over there I'll make some ground forces in the meantime oh also only a few more days left now until our new ark furnace is finished well it's fully upgraded I should say so I think it's fully upgraded with this one right okay the fully upgraded Arc furnace here's how it looks beautiful let the month play out so everything updates the system is now producing 172 minerals and 95 Alloys admittedly at the cost of a lot of energy but still for that many Alloys that is so worth it so I didn't even consider this because it's so weird having a machine Empire which isn't you know the usual single Consciousness but of course migration treaties are fantastic for this Empire because now I'm getting the really quick build rate of of our main species which is all focused around really quick build rate and the slower but still decent growth rate of our neighbors friendship is very beneficial for the machine Empire standard users onsite Invasion meanwhile the war continues to take over our second tributary once this is done we can really start focusing more on things like Tech which we really need to do if we want to do all that endgame crisis stuff the year is 202 44 our second Arc furnace is now being upgraded to giving us Alloys I'm almost universally producing consumer goods and no Alloys on our worlds and we're about to try and break free towards the left here so we can grab the sky world and grab all of these worlds over here ooh tomb worlds this is either going to be the Tom worlds which have nuked each other or it's going to be the start of the broken colonies either way fantastic either lots of Worlds or a couple of pre FDL which I definitely definitely need yeah straight away machine intelligence gets to plus 10% then I believe there is a Civic which further increases that uh same with corporate if you go corporate and then the rushed um Space Age one which makes you a little bit weaker to begin with you get more bonuses there as well ooh look at that augmentation bizaar never seen that before that looks awesome augmenters and you can increase resources from cyborg pops that's really powerful looking either way there it is the privatized exploration which increases mining station output by 25% so I'm thinking about placing another Ark furnace I'm trying to figure out where I want to place it this one looks pretty good there's quite a few candidates now I wish I knew where the limit was because now we're finally researching the Dyson swarm and as you can see plus three to the Swarm capacity I don't know how to see the capacity for the arc furnace honestly we have loads of good systems load systems absolutely surrounded by asteroids it shouldn't be too long until I decide one you know what I might go with the one I looked at earlier cuz I think it was just cooler looking and that sometimes is important this one here is there at least a molten world if there's no molten World there we are then we can't do it but of course there is so let's put down another Ark furnace so I don't know how many I can make I'm thinking four then if the regular Dyson Sphere gives you three to begin with I'm assuming that'll be the same for the ark furnace we have three currently that'll be the last one time for some new Chrome oh would you look at that the racket some just joined us because of the Traders are now cyborgs they're not psychic wow so that's like 100% habitability everywhere well that's great that means every world we grab then we can at least grow them yeah with the oldfashioned tomb W World preference that's a minimum of 60% habit habitability everywhere and then with cyborg that's a plus 20 so that's 80% minimum before the bonuses of our Empire Kim from research so yeah I think it's 100% to every single World well that's pretty amazing actually I definitely want those everywhere so it's going to be an Empire of synths and cyborgs well not synths specifically well eventually synths actually yeah so what is it before best boy bin hello of course we'll hire I don't really have a space for you right now but I swear I'll make some space for you later I love baring look at his chubby little cheeks we've upgraded almost everything by the way yep that's now also producing alloy this I sadly couldn't afford straight away can I yep there we go this Arc furnace is now going to its max level turns out once one of them is producing alloy it's very easy to afford the rest of them I'm trying to find the perfect star though for the Dyson swarm because as far as I understand how the dys swarm works until it becomes the Dyson Sphere is it will simply increase the output of the star so if it's a physics star it will give you more physics research I believe that's how it works you know what I am going to just put it here cuz I really want to know if that's correct or will it just start producing energy and then that just gets ignored again I really really don't know so right now we stand at a point where most of the empires actually we still have Superior Fleet power to us um we have allowed a lot of difficulty increases in this run we have midgame scaling which has already completely run its course so now they're all getting the cheaty bonuses and we're also allowing the tech scaling the version of tech scaling which makes the I Tech count more than ours based on our difficulty so they are rocketing ahead soon we'll be able to attack the Empire however turning them into our third tributary and potentially we'll even get the Empire on our side we can also now start expanding quite aggressively towards the West which is fantastic so much so I'm bringing these two back I have stopped them with what they were doing a second ago because I really want all of the space once we go down our synthetic route we are going very heavily into very very wide play so we definitely need this extra space all of our funds at the moment are just going into upgrading our Empire not so much building up our military that's why we're a little bit behind we had that first military Rush then we kind of stopped okay we've grabbed the synthetic age and this has now started the situation transformation this is basically as far as I got in a little test run I did I wasn't using this origin cuz I wanted this origin to be brand new for me as well but I did see this occur despite the superiority of the machine form our advancement has remained iterative at best self-imposed safety standards have resulted in stagnation conclusion more drastic measures are required small scale experiments suggest three distinct options for growth nanotechnology and its variable form shifting advantages which is what we're going with today modularity for individual units optimized with specific characteristics I am curious what the um the advanced traits are within modularity and then virtuality the abandonment of the physical form in favor of a digital existence definitely something I'll do in the future evaluation process initialized analyze options and deliberate okay so if we go on here then let's see what we can actually do so we have our standard which is monthly Unity minus 10% error correcting which is no monthly Unity drying but much slower and then overclocked okay yeah let's just pay all of our unity and try and speed this along as fast as possible and then save up Unity so we can start nanotech as soon as we're finished with the situation then after that the next tra we're getting is going to be the new crisis cosmogenesis guess who's been trying to read this for a straight 10 minutes preliminary research suggests Electro mechanical constructs called nanites present a promising Vector for advancement while rare they possess unique qualities including programmability self-replication and the ability to form a swarm intellect this technology offers unmatched transformational capabilities but the requirements to support it remain unclear potential significant scalable cost unknown it'll be our top priority at minus 20% research yes some words dyslexia just don't like you know not not best friends with them here's our Dyson swarm currently at the minimum level you can hardly even see it the little satellites going around it you can barely see how bright the star is well let's upgrade it so currently it's giving 500% extra star output so we're getting 20 um physics rather than the five so now I guess we'll upgrade it 1,000 Alloys 2,500 unity and this will make it go to Plus 1, 500% eventually I believe these are required to make the Dyson spheres I think okay so I am in fact capped now with Ark furnaces so it is three you could normally have we finally increased the size of our government well we are in a second so now we have a new Civic which is meritocracy cuz once again I want to go with quite a generalist kind of Empire and this also allows me to put yet another scientist on our Council making four total scientists in fact I could do is swap the government later lose the minister of State then I can have the special Governor position which Boren brings and then the the meritocracy one and we can have a total of five scientists that will be a lot of extra research bead which would be very very very welcome really need to build on these Dyson AR around a less um Bluey Whitey star so that's jumped up to 20 energy and I'm making my final one also around an energy star so two energy Stars One science star living metal is viable and fused with mechanical bodies allowing our units to alter their characteristics without compromising internal functions this ensures maximum task base compatibility large scale deployment of the infused modular functions is projected to increase resource yields across all sectors and yep we are now also producing living metal fantastic some secrets are ours I'm guessing if I go down the route of nanites I'll be able to make more nanites and if I go this I'll be able to make more living metal it certainly makes sense another firewall cracked we are friends with everyone except for you you'll let the one Empire just hates us and finally we have virtuality the one I was tempted to go with for this run until I realized how much Nite would fit the theme better the most profound option is to transcend the physical to embrace existence as pure data this transformative virtuality possesses the promise of a seismic shift in our infrastructures core drones to singular bodies become obsolete once fluid and virtualized our data streams can seamlessly integrate with any vessel as necessary oh so it's not necessarily Holograms okay I was thinking kind of Star Trek Holograms like the doctor and Voyager where they can do work and are kind of physical but this makes more sense we can just jump into bodies and do the job that makes more sense okay of course top priority complete virtualization entails a number of issues notably surge in energy demands necessitated by the infrastructure adjustments this is counterbalanced by several advantages including a decline in the demand for physical housing management and efficiency of our drone Workforce will be elevated as we move towards operational Perfection out of all the available options virtuality stands as the most transformative yep definitely does ooh and we get some energy and dark matter oh I was thinking that virtuality didn't seem to have a resource attached to compared to the other two but yeah okay it's dark matter okay so we can either extract all the valuable resources from our old shells as we become nanites or we can simply bury the past and increase the situation speed I'm going to be increasing that situation speed thank you very much today we have achieved what once seemed impossible transforming our bodies into reconfigurable Nano machines the process was not without difficulty the transition far from easy but whatever may have been lost along the way our new new existence offers endless possibilities okay so now we have instantly activated nanotech operating in unison the tiniest things can topple the greatest of Empires available buildings the nanit research facility and available star Base building the nanite Harvester what do I want straight away then the research complexes will give us more nanites I'm assuming we're going to have to use nanites for like everything interesting do our species have a new trait then now that we're Nan nights uh just stand machines all the usual stuff is that I guess once we get some more stuff that's when our people will be changed at the moment it seems like we're kind of just identical to how we were we've data mined this system dry so that'll be something we'll have to change up later I guess sure here we are the nanite research facility nanotech researchers turn suum goods and nanites into research points this seems identical to regular research honestly what's the big difference here is it just the amount of jobs research jobs two research jobs three oh wow I didn't see the engineering there never mind it's why more engineering how many nanites am I producing by default six okay interesting let's um yeah let's put some of those down is there a limit per world or no okay then our home world's only going to have the nanite research facilities I guess can I buy nanites no I can't so I need to figure out how to make them one of them was the Harvester in space wasn't it nanite Harvester uncovers a size 0.1 nanite deposit on every rocky planet Moon asteroid that does not have any research station deposits oh brilliant we should put it over here then all of these as long as it doesn't mess up our regular Harvest then yes let's start putting down some nanite Harvesters one of our Dyson swarms is now completed and that's changed our star to give 95 science all by itself not bad I'm curious to see what happens when we get the tech for other stuff cuz again I think that's how you make Dyson spheres now can we make a tech sphere molecular reconfiguration everything in the cosmos must gravitate towards the Swarm we Embrace then transform the Galaxy in our form available buildings nanotech cauldron and available research nanite transformation which I believe will be an engineering one right oh that's just a Nite trans okay that's cool I thought it' be something more unique still cool so what's The Cauldron then The Cauldron upkeep 24 energy two nanites and it produces Alloys without needing a job okay that's not particularly great each World assimilated into the Swarm expands our Collective reach enriching the fabric of our unified existence so what exactly does subsumed World actually do something game changing subsume world transfigure this world creating one or more blockers that reduce the habitability and districts of this world but provide more nanites for the flood ooh interesting well I'm grabbing a couple of new worlds now this one isn't finished yet so let's do that okay didn't expect that to be instant honestly fle does it take time is reshaping this world okay I'm going to do it to two of them and the new one as well and we'll see what happens oh okay consume world has happened twice nanite Harvest Basin it's producing 0.5 each oh and by looks things is also going was a burst did it uh it's hard to tell I'll double check next time so can I actually stop that from happening now I'm consuming it can I stop consuming it oh dear well that might just be what's going to happen to this world then we finally finished off nanotech with nanite augmentations we are each Factory vessel Armament and shield each a mere droplet in a vast Deluge of our Collective might giving us some edicts which we'll check out later and then of course we have the finisher effect nanite Harvesters they're the ones on the stations right yes they are nanite Harvesters yield improvements every 5 years either increasing the size of nanite deposits okay so that's how we're going to get a lot more nanites or creating nanite swarmer ships oh I didn't even read that before so we're just getting the ships for free interesting this effect is limited by the size of the planet that deposits are created upon Empire fire size from planets minus 50% we now have a new Ascension perk which is going to be our crisis insatiable curiosity it is an axiom that science paves the way for Progress if we wish to fulfill our true potential there can be no other path our technological Mastery is self-evident but far too much remains beyond our comprehension the WIS of the Fallen Empires the power of the leviathans the mysteries of psionic insight to glean meaning from the innards of reality requires a new kind of science a new kind of computer the synaptic lathe represents a significant first step on the journey to unlimited knowledge new job in the situation lock so that's the brand new Mega structure where we plug in our populations it was um presented a lot in all the trailers how much does it cost I'm assuming expensive where are you am I blind I could be blind or perhaps it needs to update so we can actually see it or maybe I should learn to read we need to research it first thankfully it's not too too expensive upgrades incoming the mega Corporation out of nowhere just requested to join us they were keeping up with our Fleet for a very long time our fleet has not really improved then suddenly they had a huge drop off I'm not entirely sure what just happened ah oh okay so they went to war at some point and last good someone's trying to connect not good cuz that sounds mean but good whoa these cost a lot look at that initial cost that is ridiculous okay nanoc connected generators just plus 50% energy plus 25% Alloys plus 25% uh Navy capacity extra research speed okay so that's all stuff we definitely want later on then how am I so blind situations I don't know why it's like a blind spot for me I always ignore them so to stop the nanite consumption we can simply show restraint stop consuming the world even though it goes against our nature you know what no I'm going to allow these three worlds to be destroyed cuz I want to see what happens I'm the good guy here also now we should be able to make the synaptic La okay so it costs 150 influence and 15,000 alloys so if we take a look see at the crisis we get Advanced logic well that like um static effect from the uh portal then was so weird anyway so how exactly do we get Advanced logic we've got some already research new technologies research applied Infinity thesis I guess we'll see that when it happens retain oh brilliant okay so having vassals which like their Sciences are helping employ neural chips that's what we're going to be working on soon controler science Nexus sec cure Gala okay this is the weird one make the galactic Community adopt Unchained knowledge resolutions isn't that just the really isn't that just this uh send one of our leaders over in fact yeah let's make a leader specifically for this then if this is going to help sure send in one of our cyborgs yeah untrain knowledge wow no one likes these that's really annoying but okay then we'll try and um Force those through oh okay one of our worlds has became a nanite world so this is what happens near the end then oh cool just like in the hell cluster huh doesn't really seem to change things for us oh okay never mind nanotech World building production plus 15% building upkeep plus 10% n uh minerals from minus- 35 nanites from minus plus 35 oh that's loads oh that is brilliant okay so nanite worlds remain under our control and are purely well almost purely for harvesting nanites brilliant absolutely brilliant I love that glory to the Swarm so the issue is that our cyborgs aren't very happy here yep even with the cyborg tra that's only 38% habitability good to know so we don't need to go overboard with this though there is a lot of nanites per month maybe a couple more I really want to go heavy with an nanite so sure 86% of the way into our newest Mega structure the synaptic lathe and it seems like we are now getting more nanites from every system where we've put down the Harvesters so that first time all we got was additional nanite which is great cuz we're now on plus 60 a month which is a much bigger Improvement than what we had before so much so once we have the initial cost we can turn on one of these fact you know what let's go with the extra research speed first then when we can I'll probably just go with the extra energy because we are struggling with that a little bit at the moment we are using solely the nanite auto cannons right now because it really boosts our Fleet power and it absolutely rips through Shields excellent we are now ranked two in our crisis ooh unlocks the technology for the Fallen Empire escort ship Advanced Fallen Empire buildings can now appear as Tech and we have the tech for the enigmatic decoda and dark matter propulsion oh in addition to this plus 10% research beautiful I'm sure that has nothing to do with one of the other Empires now disliking us a bit more as we start to unravel the very Galaxy itself where's the lathe oh there it is wasn't it showing up on the map oh it's classed as a world and look our very first neural chip so the synaptic live how does this work then we can Ascend it which is interesting yeah so it's acting Lo a world processing uh unit as I burp into the microphone there Let's ignore that so the processing District increases the maximum amount of districts along with housing and amenities okay stability is low cuz that people are unhappy I'm guessing being a Computing component isn't exactly the most happy thing ever cognitive overload minus 33% okay so let me just have a quick bit of reading and I'll figure out exactly how this is working okay so the more neural chips we have the more resource we get and the more efficient each of the neural chips is essentially it feeds into itself however for every neural chip we also lose our populations faster essentially that overload will kill them eventually the stability is important but it seems like maybe some of the buildings later on can make us more stable yep things like the neural stabilizer that requires building slots which we simply need the districts for the neural Gates will give us more research per chip whereas the other one will give us more advanced logic so one of them speeds up the crisis the other one just gives us extra Tech right now I want to see what happens if we go down the tech route though I'll probably upgrade that later so straight away I'm going to build two of the neural Gates these will increase how much physics how much every research from our neural chips then I'll start to feed it some of our population although we can always just throw people in from a certain Market as well okay good to know we're also about to get a new tributary so that'll be way more energy so that'll be great for us ooh we could steal their Dyson array wonder what that is is that energy or what do I have anything else of value well actually I am already climbing that aren't I fantastic good so I'll get two more Dyson rise as well by doing this wonderful I also believe I was wrong earlier when I said that the nanites uh research facilities were increasing how much the upkeep was the more I had I was just mixing up the upkeep of the building which is one and the upkeep of the jobs which is over three I thought that the one had turned into three there's the class four Singularity all will serve in the end even though they're an Overlord they were weakened by war against the Federation and have now joined us we take the weak and mold them into our own synaptic sustainer advanced cogitator oh so these are for the uh synaptic live Empire modify whoa excuse me Empire modifier amenities minus 50 resources from jobs minus 35% I'm assuming that's meant to be um modifier to the world because that is very very very very bad and not worth it at all so burner will ship increases Navy capacity and ship experience gain yeah I doubt that's going to affect all of the resources on all of my worlds otherwise you'd never ever build this so that's changing your Tech and everything else into making this for military the sustainer increases housing and amenities actually that would be really useful cuz we already basically minus amenities and that's only with this small amount of chips honestly we want way more than this oh we've already reached enough okay Advanced logic I'm actually getting faster than I expected so we can Now activate danger at the moment Fallen Empires are already um humiliating us every chance they can so we get less influence and happiness and everything else and everyone already hates us it's actually very quick how much they really really dislike us it seems like we're pretty much even for research new technologies and neural chips that's where all of our um Advanced logic is coming from a little bit I imagine actually never mind um all three of them having these vassals have also really fed into this so the next level we get the Enigma battle cruiser that's the battleship version of the Fallen Empire Fleet so after that I'm going to go to war with the Imperium which are still keeping up with us by the way in terms of tech they're not but everything else they are hopefully with this will end up breaking them okay so we need to do this Tech then which is um here it's at this moment that LX has realized that the class 3 Singularity isn't unique per Planet you can have multiple of them and that also goes for the class 4 Singularity its upgraded form how much is dark mattera per one not that much 40 per unit these have an upkeep of just less than one and produce 75 in addition to six technician jobs the upgraded version keeps that only one dark matter upkeep goes to 200 an energy per month just passively and has six technician jobs so it doesn't increase the amount of technicians but just gives an extra 100 energy for just the upgrade cost okay we need some more proper energy worlds most of our energy is already coming from these and we need to really double down on that also consume more worlds I want as many nanites as possible currently we are producing 163 per month and I want absolute swarms of the swarmers thank you other Empires for continuously feeding us your people for a fee of course oh that is very cool so these are the battleships then from the Fallen Empires and I didn't realize they had a double size X weapon well you're instantly my favorite thing ever uh I'm actually going to keep lasers once rather than going with the nanites cuz I do want to start taking out some leviathans very soon I know there's The Ether Dr nearby and I think the matriarch since I do want that burst of um Unity the problem is right now with the auto cannons which deal terrible damage to us his armor we' get absolutely ripped to shreds do I really only have Scout Wings Well for now uh this is pretty much what I want yeah just a mix of everything that's fine just give me at least some of the repair systems from the nanites and I will start building a load of you to go against the next enemy maybe I should go with the particle Lance then rather than the aramit yeah if we're specifically going to be hunting down leviathans for a short while let's go with that we'll swap them for the Arkham is later potentially we now have access to Dark Matter deflectors so far honestly this crisis has been worth it just for the tech it gives you so we need 18,000 for the next level wow we really need to start um getting these things done faster so can I go to war yet with you or are we still at truce still at truce soon as that truce breaks I need to go to war so what we can do is grab all their population and just throw them all into the synaptic lathe our harvesting swarms have grown and assembled into new ships okay so now we're starting to get the ships now they've upgraded so I guess this is the maximum they can upgrade so I think I was right earlier eventually once they've um stopped being able to Simply add more and more nanites they didn't just give you the ships interesting they're a little bit weak at the moment since I have just um changed them so that they're now using lasers cuz we want to burn through some armor still that's pretty cool some new Chrome it's not all that many but yeah sure 34 at a time though I have added loads of these later so I guess I will get some more um ships once all of those have also matured currently I'm getting 3177 nanites every single month I'm now also starting to expand again trying to grab any worlds I can see because I want these worlds to become nanite worlds so I've been trying to think how are we going to use the swarmers in the future the problem with them is they have incredibly low armor and even worse hole points they're essentially one- shot kills the whole point of them of course is in the name you get loads of them very quickly and as we get more worlds that's only just becoming more and more insane but I don't want them to get knocked out straight away so what I'm thinking is if we give them the carrier computers they stay right at the back and then use just strike craft they're not very powerful a single strike craft but still that way they're not being killed straight away and they're going to provide a lot of Point defense support for the rest of the fleet how long range of torpedoes are any of them at decent range oh actually we could go with that still sticking with the carrier idea cuz if we go with the torpedo option we're going to run right in we could potentially lob some of these proton launchers sadly the armor Torpedoes are way too short range and then that's what we could use yeah I think that's probably what we're going to do a mix of these and just these single hanger Bays so here's something I didn't really pay attention to and I really wish I did a bit earlier nanotech Worlds the very first bonus there are building production plus 15% which means the singularities give plus 15% we were right if there was ever any doubt about our world it is now being put to rest gravity can be used to bend the rules of reality but could the right adjustments break them completely so far our experiments have been done conducted on the smallest scale and any edits were quickly erased as reality reverted to its default setting we now suspect that this is simply a problem of size by applying energetic paradoxes at a far grander level we can drastically reduce the cost of such edits at least in our Dimension no matter the risk there is no turning back now only those who dare to break the rules will ever be able to rewrite them so we are now at rank four Calamity we can make the Paradox Titan the Golden Age extraordinary Fallen Empire buildings can now appear as research options unlocks the technology for tachon lances we already have that and artificial dragon scales that's neat and then finally rule breaker unlocks the rules of reality technology that will bring us closer to our goals also unlock the applied Infinity thesis that's over here to get more of the Logic repeatable Technology that can yield considerable amounts of advanced logic monthly physics research increased by 10% whoa we need 45,000 for the next one but that will give us the void viager vo void Voyager which will give us the Horizon needle which was in a lot of the trailers Arcane Fallen Empire buildings appear as research options and unlocks the technology for the nanite repair system okay you have all that because we are in fact nanites so after this we can finally do one of these the um science Unchained knowledge options no one seems to really want to go with these which is a shame because our crisis wants us to do this but it's just very difficult to get people behind us I wonder if that make people like us a bit more cuz right now everyone hates us the only reason that they're not attacking is just because we are strong enough to fend them off and they are fighting each other this is one giant Federation who's devouring everything nearby there's a vassel group over here and everyone hates each other as well so it's a constant state of War if they were all on the same side we'd just be dead simple as that Oh look The Machine strikecraft first time actually seeing them that was easier than expected but that just gave us one of the best relics The Ether Drake trophy which will increase stability and happiness for all of our worlds look at how much Tech we get each time we do that it is beautiful okay lovely and of course we will encourage that let's find some more leviathans there's a void spawn over there not the best one but any of them will do because they give me the burst of um uny when they're finished also need to grab these systems over here thank you very much whoa okay so now every 5 years we make 84 of the swarmers sure they're weak but that's a lot of ships we're thankfully no upkeep okay so our final tradition uh really it's between Supremacy and domination domination because the end is Empire size from Pops minus 10% pretty much all of our Empire size is coming from our populations - 10% right now would be like minus 80 which is pretty good at making all that Tech a lot cheaper right now it's stupidly expensive Supremacy on the other hand well it's Supremacy big scary fleets in it I think I'll go with domination also want a bit more influence honestly and more experience of the council yeah let's go with domination agenda available oh void spawn I thought it was the um black hole creature the terror oh we just finished off um our very first rules of reality super light one of our reality experiments has made light significantly faster of course it did the resulting increase in solar energy output is good but we fear that there will also be some long-term consequences for our colonies things will return to normal eventually but we may have to prepare for the worst until then our relations with other empires have deteriorated obviously I just changed light speed Empire sizeus 50% for a while extra energy weapon damage extra energy credits extra shield hit points okay well that's a beautiful timing oh look at that tiny Empire size everything just became so much cheaper melt everything new job in the situation the science Nexus is finally being built it took me ages to find the tech and our Mega Shipyard is basically done so once that's done we can then go with Galactic wonders and I want to see just how we make these Dyson spheres Aug oh dear who have thought there'd be consequences oh but we can do it again obviously would we're doing it again intense heat the increase in sunlight Exposition could have been better for our colonies which are progressively heating up things are manageable for now but we'll likely keep escalating over time every owned Planet scorching heat modifier added for 12 months extra sorry minus habitability Devastation oh is it affecting everyone's worlds as well not theirs I'm burning planets alive okay too hot to handle as the temperature of our colonies continues to climb it becomes harder and harder to sustain them and unrest is spreading as living conditions deteriorate if things do not change soon we fear that entire regions will become uninhabitable in the long run- 30% habitability plus 50 Devastation two of our worlds just became no one became a desert one became Barron I just lost a colony the worst of the galactic Heat Wave is over while still high the speed of light has almost returned to normal we only need to hang on a little longer until the extra energy has dissipated on the upside here it does seem to be affecting every single World although we can't see the debuff um every world I've looked at has this massive amount of Devastation so we've basically just brought the entire galaxy to a standstill for a while the next Infinity thesis just shrunk one of our planets okay okay we can start building oh I didn't even consider that yeah of course you can't build a Dyson Sphere in a system where you have colonies please say the science one isn't okay good I want to see what happens here then do we get Tech or no so it just turns straight into the regular energy version then on the upside though the initial version is instantly giving us energy rather than it just being a frame so that's pretty nice oh and of course we can't build more than one Dyson Sphere because this isn't gig Structural Engineering which occasionally I have to remind myself we have a lot of um unemployed people now because of all the problems we've just caused on the up side we have a solution to that it's called the live so anytime I see un uh unemployed people they are going to contribute to society in a very specific Way by being put into our Mega structure isn't that nice for them how many do we have now I was just doing that earlier we now have 61 people currently here giving about 1,000 into every single research and 207 in to our crisis we are very close to activating this not going to activate it straight away though because I feel like things are going to attack me and I'm not really ready with everything currently still having major Devastation would you look at that I was massively underestimating the power of the lathe when you just put loads and loads of neuro chips in I knew they were feeding off each other and increasing the power but I didn't know was by that much ooh we're just about to finally finish domination fantastic that'll lower our Empire size a bit so what I've been doing now is I've been feeding it sounds mean cuz it is I've been feeding workers into the Lae as well essentially I want my worlds to be filled with Specialists and rulers and then any excess population I'm now going to feed into the LA that will decrease our Empire size while also giving us loads of extra Tech yeah that kind of goes a bit crazy doesn't it 5,000 to every single Tech if you have the energy to afford this the resources are insane I'm also going to change this now over to Pure Tech because I think we've reached yet we've reached the exential Threat Level if we want to activate it and yes I am doing another rules of reality because I'm just insane we have succeeded fundamentally making a precise but widespread edit to reality we have rounded down the mathematical constant of Pi making calculating it much more manageable of course the resulting changes have thrown off some of our mathematical and scientific models but it is only temporary and everything will return to normal soon Mega structure build speed increased ship speed build increased science from jobs basically annihilated oh for Pete's sake incoming I just threw several worlds wor of populations into the LA we're now producing 12,000 of every single research this will increase as I increase the Ascension tier really should have done this earlier yep especially since we nanites and we can now survive off the singularities we build on our nanite worlds very easily really should have done this earlier we could have zoomed ahead in terms of tech it cannot be and yet it is no matter what we try our edits to reality remain stubbornly temporary this universe is simply too old for the changes to take hold but in the midst of frustration there may be times of opportunity and a new experiment has yielded unexpected results while we have long known about other dimensions the to travel there reliably have eluded us not anymore younger universes dwell within the infinite gravity of a singularity these have proven far more flexible we have the technology to dispatch probes into a black Halle yep knew we needed the black hole once across the Event Horizon they will begin to apply pressure bending these youthful planes to our will that sounds so creepy where space folds into eternity lies the door to another universe that holds an another younger universes too deep down in the abyss of the Multiverse we will find a im malleable reality to shape into something extraordinary it must Bend for we will not break so that gives us access to the final stage unlocks the nent universe's technology which will allow us to build a horizon needle and fulfill our goals memory and creation Arcane Fallen Empire buildings can now appear as research options and Nano swarms and yeah we saw that before okay cool oh the hyper Forge I know you okay so are these the new buildings I think now we are producing so much Tech it is beautiful nourishment complex don't really care about that too much oh yeah we're about to rided aren't we do I care enough to defend ourselves not really fleets please get in position should I feed more to the synaptic lithe no not just yet our energy is a bit low though I am building loads more of the singularities right now so that'll solve itself fairly soon oh that's the auto Forge I was thinking of love the artwork on the uh new buildings all very alien which makes me very very happy these are only nanites the ones currently fighting here and yeah they're doing an all right job loads and loads of swarms honestly they aren't too bad if they use strike craft because they're a size two so they're the size of a destroyer so you can get four of them for the size of a battleship so four strike crafts slots for a battleship obviously it's nowhere near as good as a battleship but these are almost free in fact some of them are but still they do tend to stay far enough away they avoid damage so that's pretty nice amenities plus 100 Entertainer jobs plus 4 sorry plus six it's a shame we don't have a research version of these a total of 70,000 research now per month yep going to be getting all these pretty quickly then I just sacrificed another two worlds to the Live Another World fed 121,000 research a month and killing five of our populations as well that is just insane gamechanging upgrades incoming we're probably going have to do repeatables now oh my God every two months that is yeah so worth it because as well I've now unlocked a building which will further increase our population growth by a true margin I wish I was doing this earli I could have fast forwarded everything where is that building because I can't find buildings now there's so many and they all look similar to me because I have the same style there we go robot manufacturing Nexus it gives an additional plus4 to our build speed of our populations so you know what we may as well keep feeding our people to their greater good our repeatables are going to be just every month at this rate okay so what's that then let's wait till the end of the month it's going to be over 150,000 there we go 166,000 per month time for some new Chrome that may be the highest Tech I have seen ever 188,000 research per month and yet the next rules of reality still takes 4 months total every other repeatable is basically instant I don't actually know who you are provisioners but I've just started making a load more um battleships in addition to loads more of our swarmers so that probably won't last too long biogeneration Institute increases leader lifespan every time we build one of these nice in addition to six medical worker jobs if we were the Mega corporation which focuses on that stuff that could be really good research now at 252,000 this thing is insane oh this time we didn't get any negatives we got the reality computer though which is pretty awesome which is from one of the precursors nice and of of course a big old chunk of advanced logic not that we really need any more of that at this point so this is kind of the max we can do at the moment guess we could add another synaptic sustainer rather than this one which is more to do with upkeep so it would end up costing more energy but then we'd have more housing and more amenities which would help our stability stay higher because I just threw loads more people and it only just about increased the amount we're actually getting so a little later we now have 268,000 research per month Let's ignore that for a second our experiments had an unexpected effect while studying other dimensions and the means to travel to them we accidentally shifted our ships into hyperspace partially Against All Odds their situation appears to be stable and non-lethal as a positive side effect they can now move a lot faster than ever before so it seems like U once you've done some of those rules of reality effects we're getting these just bit more time positive ones now so the Horizon needle requires 50,000 Alloys now thankfully the last thesis I just got just gave me um 10,000 which is great but obviously nowhere near enough we're getting almost 1,000 per month now I'm starting to Levy more from my vassals I'm going to start converting my worlds into Forge worlds maybe sacrificing less of them to the synaptic lathe maybe maybe yeah it seems like now every single Infinity thesis just giving us resources 100% of the time okay so maybe isn't always um random resources our most recent edits to reality have changed some essential properties of staright a change in wavelength has shifted most of their light outside of the visible spectrum throwing chaos into navigation and stargazing to name a few these somewhat embarrassing changes will revert in a few years we have learned a lot plus 30% to monthly physics research plus three to cloaking strength and then less sensor range and stability once again I love the fact this is affecting everyone it's just so funny also we've just opened the crystal Rift so that we can go and find the unbidden in the center of the Galaxy well the unbidden cousins anyway hopefully we can make them into a vassel cuz that would be nice we should be okay we are using quite a few laser weapons but we are also focusing a lot on strike craft and shields so we're pretty okay versus the unbidden at the moment hello there okay I've already gone over this um in a previous video so I won't really go over this too much but essentially these are the unbidden but the good versions and we have to protect them at the end we can either just let them go or try to vassalize them for huge bonuses obviously we'll try and vassalize them when the time comes I'll leave my resources my fleets there for the time being are these all nanites when did all you get there that's a lot of nanites yes at the moment my nanites are all using strikecraft which is pretty nice there is a researcher one well obviously I want the quantum Innovation Nexus although most of my tech is just coming from our life at the moment oh the swarmers are size one I always thought they were size two for some reason new research long as we keep on protecting our future vassels this should be nice and simple look at how many strike craft we have that is absurd also I love these battleships just being able to use the Fallen Empire models just makes me happy okay so first of all we are now getting every 5 years 138 swarmers for free which is pretty darn lovely then shroud tiar the dimension known as the Shroud permeates the flip side of our galaxy several factors make it very interesting there is a bird currently yelling at me on my window anyway makes it very interesting to study including its plasticity hypothetical connection to black holes and how different reality is during an experiment meant for us to peer into it we accidentally caused many Subspace ruptures in our galaxy causing several hostile shroud Spirits oh God we've done that to be let into our Dimension the barrier between our worlds appears to have been significantly thinned by our actions things should return to normal after a while but is best not to poke too many holes in that direction extra leader experience gain less shroud cool down damage versus shroud Spirits minus okay so be more difficult to get rid of them for a while they tend not to be too strong honestly so send in the Swarm let's try and get rid of this one here looks like we got pretty lucky not many spawned in our territory spawned everywhere else though which is lovely lost a few swarmers because again they have practically no health so single Cloud lightning hit and they're dead but still Victory nonetheless they are slowly getting some armor but yeah with a base of only 100 there only so much repeatables can really do for them yes it turns out I didn't actually need to go to the black hole now thankfully that didn't slow us down so it didn't really cause any problems but the Horizon needle is built over your Capital And So It Begins I don't know if I'm going to have to keep on upgrading this afterwards or not but I'll definitely save up Alloys until then so far there has been a steady piece the the empires have not awoken I'm still able to keep the two major factions are B but it's being just about strong enough to hold them off and with all those repeatables the nanites are now scary enough that even if I just Spam those we should keep on increasing a leet power enough to not be overwhelmed in theory meanwhile most of our fleets are just chilling here awaiting um the all clear by our new friends our most recent experiment on shaping reality caused us to slightly reduce the mass of carbon atoms in most cases this reduction proved insignificant but at large enough scales models predict that it could cause some trouble on some celestial bodies pessimistic models even suggest that habitable worlds that already had low gravity might experience losses in atmospheric density so that's going to ffect two of our worlds apparently oh dear so that's one of them oh yeah low gravity Wonder's going to happen soon then it's both very mean and very satisfying just sacrificing a world like this why do we need tech worlds when we have the beauty of the Lae I just need to make sure to always keep enough people to work our um roboticist Jobs Plus 28 a month right now on those robots that is ins quick population build aarch we're now getting 1,000 nanes a month which means we can build manually two swarmers every single month so what I've started to do is basically sacrifice all of our worlds reduce them to only a few are able to build more of our robots and then we start to devour those worlds I want all of our worlds to become nanite worlds we run almost 2,000 per month and our nanite fleets can now reach 203,000 per Fleet it isn't much especially this late in the game we should be looking at 500k plus minimum really for a tech rush like this but often we get these for free and what we don't get for free we can make very cheap and they have no upkeep if we have a fleet of literally thousands of these that could be our Fleet to defend us and it would be incredibly fun and very very silly so going heavy into the nanite Swarms Plus the less people we have the less of the Empire size we have which is great so our Tech carries us further now this is a fleet I like so the nanites here obviously are a lot stronger you can see they're almost 400,000 it's because our leader just got the shield of the Empire tra so this is our protective nanite swarm each of them now have 3155 Shields it isn't much but it's better than zero okay so one more bit of tech going a little bit mad here our latest experiment was only partially successful while we managed to enact it upon the entire galaxy it had yet to have the anticipated results the modification in material properties of our Alloys has made them more brittle and prone to cracks the issue is temporary and everything will be fixed in a few years but it will increase costs until then on top of that we have now got our newest vassel the formless and although at first glance they seem pretty much worthless what they're actually doing passively is decreasing the cost of all of our physics research by 50% which means in terms of at least physics we're pretty much going to have instant repeatables from now on which is great as long as we can keep enough people in the synaptic Lae speaking of which anyone available for purchase yes they were yeah these um different bits of research just do such random things now it's less food upkeep and more research speed into biology The Horizon needle is finished harnessing the power of a carefully maintained Singularity it can edit the flow of gravity around itself and will without a doubt be able to transverse a black hole when the time comes however before attempting this we must Embark our entire nation we will visit each of our colonies to gather the local population afterwards we can travel back to our capital and arrange the final details of our Exodus we must be cautious for the Horizon needle is not a military ship and must be defended at all costs its loss would be a terrible blow so Embark population I guess what a cool design time for some new Chrome oh okay how about I actually do the thing am I going to have to send all of our population or is it just a percentage game changing upgrades incoming takes a while oh I'm hoping not every single colony otherwise that's going to take ages and definitely has a chance of the endgame crisis spawning thankfully we do have enough Fleet power we can definitely fend off the first few waves of pretty much any crisis okay so yeah we did just lose that Colony so then the solution really is fairly simple before I get to a world and actually Embark the population send all the population over to the synaptic La I'm hoping that doesn't count if it does we'll just visit their last time for some new Chrome it'll be fine actually it should be fine cuz our economy should be propped up by our vassals since every time we lose a world all of our costs are also Vanishing very very worst we might need to lose some of our regular non nanite fleets we should be fine because our our nanites are Now Plenty powerful saying nanites makes me stammer like 50% of the time it's very annoying considering our choices 3155 K Tech as I abandon each of these worlds the live is becoming more and more fearsome some of the more generic ones the stable successes are actually fantastic just plus 10% research nice would love that earlier the spiritualists have awoken however they are inferior to us and we continue to build so not too scared and if they attack us I'm using aramit battleships and strikecraft that kind of count as Fallen Empire ships meanwhile the spiritualist rivals have also woken up the chroniclers who we're actually at war with currently which is interesting oh was it not you who woke up it was the other one well either way the rivals woke up there we go the reclaimers so at any point the war in heaven could activate and I'm really not worried just my regular fleets here my regular nanite fleets are now at 700,000 The Fleets which are led by a shield of the Empire are now at 1.8 million yes it's all in strikecraft but that's more than enough to deal cataclysmic damage against the enemy and hopefully now even survive some very very light fire so it really does seem like it's just kept on giving us more and more and more nanites every single time because now we get a truly ridiculous amount of these swarmers every 5 years yeah I definitely move the The Fleets out of the way these were all new like a million Fleet power just given toou every 5 years admittedly all in the form of very vulnerable swarmers but when you have that many it starts to become pretty powerful we're now visiting the last of our normal colonies then we'll find out if we need to also Evacuate the L incoming okay there we go sure status score is fine colonies embarked we have successfully embarked the population of our colonies we must now Journey back to our home world to make the final preparations before we leave this universe behind just jump straight there then I'm hoping it will instantly teleport us to the black hole because once we have no worlds our resources are going to be really stretched though saying that we do have the Dyson Sphere and a number of Dyson swarms feeding us so hopefully once everyone's been devoured here in the synaptic life it should be fine in theory look at how many swarmers we have they're almost invisible because how small they are until you see them next to the sun or something something bright in the background then suddenly you realize the horror that is my home system just countless swarmers I guess to get my energy back as well I could just delete the battleships over here then all we have is swarmers yeah yeah yeah I don't care strap in you know what we don't really care about tech anymore either okay start doing Autos where is there it is Horizon needle making it very slow final Trek across the home system it just jumped so it's moving slower embarking the final people of our home world I now realize I never actually named our homeold it's just the auto one but still surrounded by nanites filled with nanites everything is nanites in fact a lot of the worlds I've left behind I guess are still probably nanite worlds yep they definitely are W this galaxy is wiped clean and a new Empire Begins the game what a weird section of Galaxy the remnants of Fallen Empire Tech mixed in with nanites mixed in with a population that seems to have vanished just leaving no trce of their existence that'd be pretty neat okay let's see what happens once we hit 100% population embarked preparing for an exodus on such a scale is a daunting task our entire Administration is working to smooth the process and ensure nothing critical is forgotten surprisingly a segment of our population has elected to stay behind they will ensure the continued existence of our kind in this universe technology and supplies have been provided enough to help them survive once we are gone that's neat as well now I think I just need to get to the um black hole right yep dive into the black hole thankfully I have hyper relayed the entire way and we can jump ooh everything is ready we are cleared to proceed to a black hole our Crossing of oh we can already go to the center can't we ooh sorry I've been playing this all day my mind started to Mush a bit then I kind of read ahead a little bit okay everything is ready we are cleared to proceed to a black hole our crossing of the Event Horizon will not be painless for the rest of of the Galaxy oh dear but we have done all we can to ensure our capital and its surroundings will be well protected from any temporal or gravitational disturbances we must now choose the Gateway for our journey which of the Galaxy's black holes we wish to journey through most should be easy enough to reach but if we want to enter the super massive black hole at the Galaxy Center we must first overdrive our jump engines and calculate a suitable Vector I mean that seems why cooler right we must reach the center good job in the situation Lo we need to calibrate the jump drive of the Horizon needle and calculate the exact coordinates that will allow us to okay so why do need to go for that okay move over to arar it's surprising that we didn't end up in an allout War like the normal crisis I guess this one is a lot more well it's less aggressive isn't it it's not hostile xenophobic anything that it's more just how far can we go sorry if problems occur well it's on its way the approach to the black hole is not without apprehension our resolve is increasingly tested as we pass the accretion disc of the singularity editing modules engaged The Horizon needle begins to rewrite reality armor plates fall away before the ship asserts that the singularities pull has no purchase on its Hull with each minute edit each snip of the spatial fabric the needle's power causes coils to form in SpaceTime like a pebble thrown into a pool the ensuing ripples spread into rings in the end vast wives crash against the Galaxy we can only hope our capital is protected well enough we have no choice but to trust the needle to pierce the heart of this this black hole oh oh interesting look at that it didn't actually end the game well it didn't end the game for everyone it seems to have absolutely ruined some systems after the violence of the crossing the other side is quiet and unnatural Stillness surrounds us the needle is damaged but no C iCal components were lost between one moment and the next Telemetry reports begin to flood in the mist and creeping Shadow a haze permeates the fabric of this place the feeling is familiar a feverish energy Rippling with Sonic potential we have entered the Shroud there are powers here that remain far beyond our own already they are aware of us in the shifting miasma strange shape bear Omens of death our only hope is that reality here is thin and prone to tear with a swift edit we open a transient Doorway to take us elsewhere as the Horizon needle div we finally understand the length of the road ahead at last oh I kind of wish we knew a little bit more where they finally ended up I also love the fact he didn't destroy everything at the end just a lot how very very odd also it's saying a home world was the archology project in the end which was not the case so if I just press continue um can I just select my Empire please so I had to just go on regular Observer mode because it's kind of interesting what they've done for some reason it's turned our empire into a fallen Empire so this is a planetary Capital which is fine but as you can see it's completely changed what buildings we had and everything else and also turned us into the archaeology project but then if we go to another one of our worlds unification Center Forge World but I'm sure a second ago I saw something a lot more interesting which is Fallen Empire colony and once again just Fallen Empire jobs like the hedonists it's kind of bizarre it's like it fast forwarded this Empire this is what remains of our once glorious Nation now that the vast majority have left eventually they became this a fallen Empire with their uh Mega structure surrounding them living heathenistic lives protected by swarms upon swarms of nanites really interesting so with that thank you so much for watching I really do hope you've enjoyed of all the DLC releases this may have been my favorite experience in years honestly this DLC seems fantastic and we haven't even scratched the surface of a lot of the stuff I will be back soon to play through with the new synth Queen crisis end since I want to see what that's all about likely we are going to become a machine cult well a cybernetic cult since that also favors siding with the queen which apparently is an option siding with the endgame crisis you know we're going to do that so if you have enjoyed then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out of me helps out the channel and most importantly shows up from the depths is it theis is a series you wish to see continues in the future I need some sleep goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 142,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, DLC, stellaris DLC, full playthrough, playthrough, gameplay, lets play, part 1, Age Of Machines, The Machine Age, Crisis
Id: CRaooAlnejU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 17sec (5177 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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