"I Am Sick Of The Palsy" - Victor Jackson

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[Applause] well why don't you clap your hands to Jesus everybody for those of you that are excited why don't you clap your hands a little louder if you have expectation tonight why don't you clap your hands all ye people and somebody shot unto the Lord with a voice of triumph if if you believe God is here lift up your voice hallelujah Jesus such an honor and such a privilege to be here with every one of you I'm so thankful for the presence of the Lord that I fill in this place so thankful to host pastor pastor Lance and sister Lance and the host Youth Pastor brother and sister Martin and why don't we give a hand clap to the Lighthouse Church a man and I appreciate so much the worship to singing the anointing that was here was really blessed my brother Seth Hartman his keynote how many of you were blessed by that word I believe that was the Holy Ghost speaking to us amen all the ministers brother Glenn by the ivy but the Brockman thank you so much for your kindness it's my beautiful wife Louisa Fernanda Jackson praise pray I'm sorry I'm okay I got a preach I'm sorry amen I just felt something mommy praise God amen so thankful for my beautiful wife and my son she travels with me literally like 98% of the time because I'm just a wreck without her praise God I remember whenever she had my son and let her arrest for like a month at home so I had to travel out by myself and man I'm telling you what I showed up to the pulpit with my shirt untucked I had the wrong preaching shirt at all and forgot my time I built Sun done and not my host suits wrinkled I look like a homeless man when I got up there they're like is that the speaker yeah my wife just is in here he's got and so she keeps me in line and I give God thanks for her well we worship praise God might as well get into the word huh I'm trying to calm down praise the Lord but I might just come out swinging here tonight amen I want to build up but I might just you know just start swinging into this place praise God why don't we open up our Bibles to the Gospel of Mark chapter 2 Gospel of Mark chapter 2 I literally come here and in the will of God because what I fill in this place is God is just wanting to break through some things more than a tear more than an emotional moment but something that is forever broken anything that the adversary has set up in your life I feel like God is going to break through that here tonight and if you move he'll move praise the Lord and I thoroughly believe that the Gospel of Mark chapter 2 and verse 1 thank you to the worship thank you to the musicians thank you to the singers this is such a wonderful job Gospel of Mark chapter 2 verse 1 if you have it say Amen and again Jesus entered into Capernaum after some days and it was noised that he was in the house straightway many were gathered together and so much that there was no room to receive them no not so much as about the door and he preached the word unto them and they come unto Him bringing one sick of the palsy which was borne or carried a four and when they could not come nigh unto him for the press they uncovered the roof where he was and when they had broken it up they led down the bed were in the sick of the palsy lane when Jesus saw their faith he said unto the sick of the palsy son thy sins be forgiven thee but there were certain of the scribes sitting there helpme Holy Ghost while one person was willing to tear the roof off to get to Jesus there were others that were already in the house and a better position to be touched by God that said there okay I'm preaching already praise Allah make a plan while one person had an inadequacy but was willing to move despite his inadequacy those that had all the intellect and all the talent they refused watch this reasoning in their hearts analyzing why does this man thus speak blasphemies who can forgive sins but God only and immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves he said unto them why are using e these things in your hearts whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy thy sins be forgiven the artist say arise and take up thy bed and walk but they may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins he saying to the sick of the palsy that man that had a paralysis I say unto the arise take up thy bed and go thy way into thine house last scripture and immediately he arose took up the bed and went forth before them all and so much that they were all amazed and glorified God saying we never saw it on this fashion I want to preach about that person that was sick of the palsy whenever he just finally got sick of the palsy I want to preach on that subject here tonight I am sick of the palsy I am sick of the paralysis I am sick of the depression I am sick of not fulfilling God's will in my life I'm sick of the palsy why don't you lay your Bibles now and everyone close your eyes and lift up your hands close your eyes and lift up your hands and let's ask the Holy Ghost to come down and touch and minister lord I thank you for your anointing that's here I thank you for your spirit I thank you for you your spirit that has already saturated this place god I asked for you to loose a breakthrough into every person's life I asked for you to take down fetters and break chains and loosed them into their anointing loosed them into their calling lose them into their destiny cast up depression cast off sickness cast off anxiety cast off fear cast off all of those things that would prevent them and open up the windows of heaven tonight like you've never done before come out of heaven and touch every person in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ha I wish somebody would cut their hands unto the Lord and I I wish somebody would lift up their voice into Jesus I put on shout like something's about to break already lift up your voice like a walls coming down already and Oh somebody shout you ass look at the person makes you tell them I'm sick of the palsy tell them hey I'm not sick of you but I am sick of the palsy you may be seated in the presence of the Lord ah I'm the way for you to get comfortable I know it defers when you start preaching now you missed the first minute because you're just turning yourself on off all day alright everybody's good put the smile on all right see if you fake ones praise the Lord it was General William Booth that founded the Salvation Army he wasn't really a general they just called him general because he was the first presiding president over the organization Salvation Army and General William Booth he was a man of fervent prayer he was a man that would fast often that would go out into the woods doing whatever it took to get a hold of God and have his main focus on God and through his passion this organization Salvation Army was birthed and it was birthed off of the principles of providing food to those that were hungry and providing water for to those that were thirsty in providing shelter for those that were homeless and we see that that Salvation Army still does those things to this day but it all started with this man of God and through his devotion it grew in an unprecedented fashion so much to where he would send young missionaries all across the world to provide shelter preached the gospel provide food and provide water to those that were in need and anyone that felt like they had a call he would send them out all across the world to go and change their world and he believed and going into the worst places into the poverty-stricken neighborhoods where they would turn those communities upside down with incredible revival and on one such occasion he sent these young missionaries to Los Angeles to the Los Angeles ghettos in the late 18-hundreds and he sent them there to go and plant a church and these young people they were not content to be average they were not content to be mediocre huh they were not content to just sit on a Pew and never do anything in their life there was a hunger that was deep on the inside of them and they felt like that God would use them the planet Church and the Los Angeles ghettos so they went there and they preached they went there and they provided food they went there and provided shelter in provided water they did everything that they were trained to do huh but after three years nothing was working huh after three years they felt like they were in a paralysis after three years they felt like nothing was breaking happy their dreams were in a cave their dreams were shackled down three years and no results I have a cow but I'm stagnant ha ha destiny but nothing's happening for me right now prophecy over in my life but still it seems like I'm frustrated and it seems like the more prophecies are better spoken over me the more I get frustrated because I feel in a paralysis and after three years of nothing happening I finally huh they said General William Booth the telegram huh today we will call it a text message aren't you thankful you don't have to send telegrams I thought somebody would run the owl's right there Hey aren't you thankful you can just press the H the E and the Y and just send it I thought somebody's not the free--free right there they send them a telegram to express their frustration with their paralysis and they said we've tried everything huh we preach we've done everything that we could huh we've been here three years with no results huh we felt called but we're done we're quitting we're leaving this place and a couple days later General William Booth just responded back with two words try tears try getting compassionate huh try not taking no for an answer huh you try getting so sick but where you are that something has to come down from heaven I mean to touch your school to touch your church I need to touch your youth droop you try getting so sweet I've come to Jackson Tennessee to preach to you huh what nothing else worth something try tears I mean try getting so sick but where you are let God's gotta put it on order God you it'll turn your hollow hallelujah I said you've got to get sick of the palsy huh somebody said it this way if you can tolerate it you'll never change it if you can tolerate not living for God you'll never change it but you can tolerate not operating in your calling you'll never change it if you can tolerate being depressed you'll never change it huh but the enemy is so afraid of a bunch of young people on a Friday night let's say sick and tired of being sick and tired of gonna go after God where that red thing are they inside I'm sick and tired of not walking in my anointing ah I'm sick and tired but nobody pray it through lucky I'm sick and tired but barely getting by I'm torn I'll tell the roof on the back got suit but I'm giving a thread leg up haha I said you're not sick yet huh I said you can almost shy huh you're not sick yet huh if you can live without your calling I don't know if you're tall if you can live without your dream come in the past I don't know if that's a dream from God but if something is on the inside sailing with you you'll do whatever it takes I said the enemy will try to paralyze you huh to make you give up on your dream can i apprec and the Holy Ghost can I preach to somebody right now huh you wondering why you've been stuck you're wondering why nothing is happening huh hey you say you know what ha I never even done anything for God yet yet all of Hell has come against me let me tell you I because hell haha lies the one that invented the abortion here's the one huh that will try to kill you in your infancy before you ever do anything he's launched all demons a hell against you huh not because of where you are but because of where you're going up and I come to preach to you you're going somewhere you're going somewhere hallelujah taka hallelujah hell sent demons up hallelujah to Jesus hometown he sent demons the Bethlehem and he's not even two years old huh he sent demons huh and yet he never opened up a blind that I have he sent people to kill Allah and he never unstopped the Deaf hear he sent people to kill him and they never seen his personality they sent people to kill him I may be it yet to die for our sins but he'll new if I don't get him now ha ha ha I'm not gonna be able to stop where he's going uh if he puts em on somebody you're firing at me because there's a potential bar they inside that's training I need somebody to clap their hands unto the Lord ah about preaching to you you need to lift up your voice if you somebody needs to shout right now hallelujah so he will fight you how to keep you stuck to that chair huh you better not worship you better not look at your weaknesses huh look at you you better not nip the people look at your weaknesses huh look at what you've been through look at your mistakes come on I'm preaching to somebody but you gotta make up your mind I'm still paralyzed but I'm sick of being paralyzed I'm so sick I got to all right you may be seated some of y'all waiting me to preach for me to preach good I didn't come here to preach good I come here to preach to you out of that pit you've been in I've come to preach out of that cave you banana and stop analyzing hard and preaching and start responding up but telling an origami comes on the inside of you that tears down that bridge somebody needs to clap their hands unto the Lord I don't care whose Messiah huddle if not your boy [Applause] you may be seen it huh history tells us when those young men tried two years huh that there was a great revival that sprung out and that Los Angeles ghetto huh can I tell your revival begins in your life huh when you get sick of the palsy huh there's not enough for your pastor to get sick of your situation huh it's not enough for your youth pastor they get sick of your situation huh it's not enough for your parents huh to get sick of your situation that won't change anybody huh but the moment you get sick and tired huh and the moment you say this is the last straw and the moment you say huh when I go up to that altar ha I'm not coming back the same I'm not gonna struggle with those addictions anymore I'm not gonna struggle huh with that depression anymore I'm not gonna struggle happen with that heartache anymore huh I've come to lay it on the altar huh I've come to pray through huh I've come to lift up God I've come to give my joy back I've come to get my anointing back I've come to get everything that devil stole from a man you may be seated huh can I tell you the old testament huh is filled with people that got sick of where they were huh Jacob he was a liar a deceiver that's what his name means a liar deceiver supplanter usurper huh Jacob huh and he stole the blessing from his brother Esau huh and when he stole the blessing huh now he saw was so mad huh then he ran after him my god God's telling me to stop on that point real quick can I tell you Esau huh he did not despised his birthright huh when he sold it to Jacob look what the Bible says that he sold it huh and then he ate he drank huh he rose up ha and he win his own way thus he sought the spices buys his own way you're not here at me right now ha ha ha can I tell you if you to spread them beans out but come on now have you to spit them beans out and say boy give me back my birthright ah God could I use them for his glory huh but when he made up in his mind huh then I'm doing things my way and not God's way huh that's when God lifted off of him and put his hand on somebody else huh that was more hungry for a move of God that he was I don't think you're so good that she can't be replaced I mean can i I'm gonna preach to somebody right now I come to preach to somebody huh he may feel entitled like Saul but just like what happened to Saul huh you gotta lift this hand off the saw and put his hand on a David that's worship it doesn't care what nobody thinks about them because this Jakub he was a liar and when he stole the blessing from Esau huh he's on the run and Esau wants to kill him huh and finally when Esau wants to kill him huh he goes off and finally huh when he goes off he has a dream of the angels of the Lord ascending and descending on a ladder huh and when he woke up from that dream he says surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not huh Jacob kept missing out on the supernatural he kept missing out on the miraculous huh he said I woke up and all this stuff happened huh but here I was asleep while it was happening huh and he said God was here huh and I knew it not his presence was here huh and I didn't respond huh he kept on missing out on God's presence huh so finally when he was about to go back home huh and he was about to confront and meet with he saw ha the Bible says that he came to the Forge ibaka that word for word it was a river huh he came to the river's apakah and he told his family family chosen life huh you go on the other side of the river huh but I'm gonna stay here on this side by myself huh because I gotta get along with God huh and while he was alone with God there was an angel that came and wrestled with him and that he just said turn me loose for the day breaks huh but he said I'm not letting go until you bless me huh I've got a little piece of heaven this time and I saw you on the ladder before but this time I'm holding on and happy but so something gets inside of me that changes me forever you gotta make up your mind in this atmosphere I'm gonna take this with me hey man huh but can I tell you huh that change came huh when he came to the forge apakah that angel said what's your name he said his Jacob liar deceiver supplanter huh I didn't just said no more shall your name be called Jacob huh it's gonna be Israel because of as a prince you prevailed with man and with is with God but that miraculous change happened huh at the Forge Ibaka that word for word it means the transition huh and the words about means to pour out are too empty huh make it plain by the Jackson huh you cannot transition huh into who you are purpose to be huh until you pour out and empty yourself of what you already are because you will never become Israel until you're sick of being Jacob you'll never become Paul until you're sick of being sawed you'll never become a for ham but till you're sick of being Abraham's baby hey man too many people want to change in a cheap cause huh can I tell you change cost everything they say you know what you want to be changed so bad huh here you go huh I'm gonna touch your hip hop hey you know what your hip is therefore huh it's they provide equilibrium to your body it's to provide balance to your body huh and once the hip joints goes out huh you're immediately out of balance huh so for the rest of his life huh he limped up out of balance but he had a change what are you saying brother Jackson huh we've talked about balance so much huh they're everybody's mediocre now huh come on it's time for you to get out of balance I mean it's happy to gotta balance in your worship gotta balance in your praise how to pilots in your prayer life how to pilot senior somebody shout yes if I'm helping you wave a hand right now if I'm helping somebody okay you may be seated I've come here to help somebody here huh but Jacob did not understand huh that when he got sick of where he was as an individual huh that a whole nation would be birth they still exist to this day he didn't know that when he got sick of it that there was a messiah coming out of his loins he didn't know all the souls that was tied to him saying enough is enough okay okay I gotta come down here I guess I'm preaching Greek up here so I'm like come down here and preach English praise the Lord I said when he got sick of it the whole world benefitted from one man saying enough was enough and that's why you would you can attack because of all the souls that are connected to you I don't know if I'm gonna finish this message he didn't understand that when he said enough was enough then we are byproducts of that experience but one man had to be willing to fight the battle with himself because it's easy to blame everybody else but I got their poker face on now praying at home I'm in trouble now I feel at home now praise God they won't use me you'll even read your Bible oh what you can say when you get up there Jesus come on now he's easy to point the finger it's because of you where I am it's cuz of your mom and dad that I'm here no no that that I'm am where I am in my situation no that's not true you're there because you want to be there and the moment that you don't want to be there anymore you don't have to be there anymore you can start a prayer life tonight you can start a worship life tonight you can start come on somebody praise God I'm not gonna finish this error you made me see it I'm not gonna finish this but it's gonna help somebody Oh help me Holy Ghost Moses was paralyzed in Egypt until he got sick and tired of being called the son of Pharaoh's daughter and he chose rather to suffer the affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season God prophesied that the Israelites would be in a strange land for 400 years but guess what the Bible says that they did not come out of Egypt until after 430 years they stayed 30 years longer in a situation that God had destined him to come out of and he was waiting on somebody that got sick of it and Moses gets so sick of it then he makes a mistake praise God and he killed an Egyptian and when acts 7 when Stephen preaches about Moses he says this that Moses killed that Egyptian supposing that Israel might understand that by his hands he was their deliverer in other words Moses knew he was called he knew he was chosen and he had a destiny on the inside of him and he was so sick of being paralyzed that he killed an Egyptian before God's timing and Moses is beating himself up now after he gets isolated into the strange land of Midian and for 40 years he's beating himself up say I made a mistake God could never use me anymore I shouldn't even did that I I messed up I moved out a god timon but then God speaks to Moses out of the burning bush and essentially says Moses I know that you made a mistake but you're still called you're still chosen and you're still my man for the hour and what God was saying was hah I rather use of Moses huh that made a mistake huh that was this content with where they are huh then they use somebody that has all the talent and all of the ability but they're so comfortable I can't even squeeze the anointing out of are they use somebody with the rough background then they use somebody that's perfect but they just sit there and I'm telling you that if you don't move I'm telling you the kingdom of heaven is bigger than any one person huh Victor Jackson gets comfortable huh God Oh lift this hand off with Victor Jackson huh and put his hand on somebody that nobody knows about huh they put his hand on a worshiper that nobody knows about huh but I'm telling you that God will raise up a crack addict off the street huh if he got too hot to get this gospel out huh you keep on you keep on putting that calling on a shelf you keep on pulling that calling on the shelf for school where after I graduate then I'll go after God huh well after I do my thing then I'll follow after God well guess what when you get there we won't need you because we got somebody else to take your place than while you are procrastinating I'm in trouble down I said I'm in trouble now Moses got so sick of it huh then he would be the luck god help me huh he's beating himself up and that wilderness for 40 years I'm saying that he's a nobody huh and while he and he goes up to God and God says I want use you huh Moses says huh Lord I you can't use me I stutter huh but God says huh well here's my answer to your inadequacy look what he asked what's in your hand a staff that's enough what you have in your hand right now is enough so accomplish God's will for your life he didn't know huh that that snap in his hand huh would be used to split the Red Sea huh he didn't know that that staff in his hand huh would become a snake and with operate in the miraculous huh but the whole time for 40 years he's holding that same staff beating himself up saying he's a nobody huh but the whole time huh he had what it took I said stop beating yourself up and go after God with everything in you huh and he'll use you beyond your abilities you see the Lord the Lord's talking to me right now and I my mother helps somebody I'm glad to help somebody he got sick of it and a whole nation was delivered from bondage whose deliverance is predicated on you saying enough is enough I wish you could hear their souls crying out right now but you can hear your campus soul is crying out right now while you're content being normal your campus is cry out how is some body you can hear their souls crying out right now it's bigger than you wish you hear you're lost family members cry out right now thing that you're holding before your calling put down that ungodly relationship that's taking you out of God's presence because if you don't do it I'll never see Jesus who you need a payara ties up God's presence of man you're calling because there's more people better aligned I'm in trouble now you may be seated yeah I'm not here me I'm not preaching this to be to be cute I'm I'm preaching this for you to move not just move here but move when you get home a man I don't know about you but I'm tired of praying through at a conference but going home and being the same I'm I'm tired of praying through a youth camp in camp meeting and coming back and I'm still the same but place I was a year ago come on something's gotta move on me tonight top so he can't move out of me when I get home where it can't be loose hallelujah where it can flow like a river of living water where where chains will fall down I wish I was preaching to somebody here if you want a move of God when you get home up you better clap your hands right now if you if you want a demonstration of the Spirit when you get home okay all right hallelujah praise God all right all right I got I got I got about 63% of you right now we're almost there I started with 15% praise God we're building we're building the case here in the Old Testament there was a famine and this famine was so bad oh I'm gonna tell you what the Bible says say this is what the Bible says not brother Jackson but this famine was so bad that they started to eat and sell donkey heads everybody go anyone here ever tried fried donkey head okay good if you to raise your hand we'd have had a counseling session after this family so badly they started eating and sadly dumps done I don't even want to know if you've ever tried dad because I'll get the how could the ushers out here and be like escort him up he's not right his family was so bad that they started eating and boiling their own children everybody's seen too far well I say they're in a family I'm not saying all they had was fruit loops so I thought they had nothing to eat they're eating and boiling their own children to survive but finally there are four lepers that just got sick of and they said this why said we here until we die if I stay where I'm at I'm gonna die if I go back to where I came from I'm going to die the only option for me no matter how difficult it may look is for me to press forward in my future come on somebody huh those poor lepers huh they were they had a degenerating disease they're losing all types of limbs because of the pain in their body huh because of the disease in their body huh but they made a decision huh to go in the right direction huh and as they started limping along together huh because they said enough is enough huh I know I'm not much but I can't be where I've been huh I know I don't have it all together but I can't be where I've been and as they limped along they went into the enemy's camp and when they went to the enemy's camp on their way huh the enemy they didn't hear the sound of for lepers dragon they feet huh they heard the sound of a mighty army in chariots and that army was so scared that they left their transportation huh they left all of their food huh they left all of their spoils huh and they ran on feet for ties huh and those poor lepers showed up and all of a sudden had all of his spoils huh and all of this victory around them huh all because they made a decision huh to go in the right direction what are you saying whether Jackson ah you don't have to be much happy to make a decision tonight it'll go in the right direction come on somebody and if God will help me huh maybe just maybe I can't get where God wants minute and these lepers they got victory watch this after they made a decision and too many people want victory before they make a decision too many want victory before they make a decision for God you know when our generation is suffering from something called indecisiveness being undecided and normally I would say you know I don't know if I'm gonna serve God I don't know if I'm glad I'll call you know I'm just feeling me down and you know normally I would say yeah I understand take your time take your time but I began to look at the synonyms for the word indecisive and you know what the synonyms for the word indecisive is undecided is first synonym that shows up here it is lukewarm Saturday nothing opened lesson in them borderline on the edge on the fringes when people can't make up their mind they look warm and all the enemy has to do to you watch this because some of you are there right now some of you are paralyzed watch this because the enemy did not attack you look what he did he just threw another option at you other than serving God other than serving God and other than fulfilling your calling he didn't even attack you he's through adoption at you and watch this you spend two years should I do it should I not should I do it a year of none no impact to the kingdom I just exposed the adversary for somebody I'm not even getting attack I know there's no need to attack you your look more because you can't make up your mind whether you're gonna serve God or not and you know what when you're on the borderline Jesus said that they were a seed that was sown on the wayside you know what the wayside means the seed that sold alongside the path on the borderline and he said when it was sold on the borderline that the enemy the files immediately came and snatched it and you wonder why you receive a calling at conferences but then you get home and is like what happened am I in your mailbox tonight don't don't resist me I'm helping you you come and God gives you a prophecy but you're on the borderline and watch this when you're undecided you don't protect what God has spoken to you somebody's got to be like Abraham where he had a season a promise from God huh and when those fowls tried to come and take that promise huh he began to hit those fowls back hit him back this is mine come on somebody because he made up his mind that I may be barren right now but I'm going somewhere if I live or die I'm going with God and man hey man ain't man a man huh a man in Soul woman's eyes when you're undecided the seed is not fruitful huh you receive a prophecy but in three days is all gone huh because you face the little resistance huh and as soon as your face resistance can I tell you huh all of a sudden huh you have another option that you want to go to huh hey just in case this calling thing doesn't work out just in case this doesn't work out I'm gonna go there's something else huh hallelujah huh but if you can maintain resistance as I don't care what you do to me devil huh because your resistance is affirmation that I'm on the right Road huh your resistance huh it's just encouragement happy that I'm going in the right direction come on somebody and have got before me happy who can be against me uh he sooner or later that resistance is gonna give way decision you know the definition of a decision is making a choice based upon what you have thought about haven't you thought long enough about the goodness of God maybe thought long enough about the greatness of God it's time it's time to make a decision the synonyms for the word decisive are these unbending unyielding [Music] I'm telling you when you make a decision you may be seated somebody say we're for the Jackson you know I understand what you're saying am I helping somebody I'm not trying to belabor this point a man somebody say brother Jackson I even I don't think a decision is that important well let me tell you this the Revolutionary War was considered man we just haven't history lessons huh come on somebody the Revolutionary War is considered by most scholars most historians that it was the most important war in America it's the most important battle that we fought because that's where we've gained our independence from Great Britain to birth this nation the Revolutionary War and we all agree that that war was incredibly powerful and we know that is right and I began to think about how important that war is and how important it was and I started thinking about you know what that war was so crucial to all we have today watch this and I don't even know when the war was won and not one person here can tell me when the war of revolutionary war was won help me Holy Ghost and we don't remember watch this when the war was won but we celebrate the fact that a decision was made and we celebrate the Declaration of Independence on July 4 1776 we don't celebrate the fact that we won the war we just celebrate the fact that they made a decision this is the last day I'm gonna be by the adversary somebody needs to celebrate the fact that you've made a decision here as for me and my house we will serve the long and the good times at the back hey man a mess somebody shout yes you may be seated don't worry I'm preaching what a timer a man we got nothing else to do on a Friday night praise God I mean I'm preaching with a timer amen everybody's good nobody's if somebody's those and all to say hey this is the good part is the good part you saying that by faith I think I think this is a good hey man whoo I'm sorry it happens this excited a man I'm trying I'm trying to hold it back I'm not to just let it go prepare perhaps these paralyzed men this paralyzed man thought about these heroes that I mentioned to you in the Bible and when he thought of it when he thought of it he can't move he's paralyzed all of a sudden here's Jesus is in town and he can't move he's paralyzed but his friends his four friends come and when his four friends come he just kind of starts looking at their legs a little bit look at their arms huh hey guys why don't you bring me to Jesus I don't know if you noticed but I'm sick of the palsy and and I'm sick of having palsy and why don't you take me to where Jesus is and they scoop him up and they bring them to the door the door of the church and there's no room there and perhaps one of the four friends were like hey hey man you're gonna have to get your miracle next move conference America next youth camp mix conference next service there's just no room here for you but he's in the perfect position where he's looking at top of the roof top of the roof man and they go on top of the roof and they began to tear up the towel of that roof and they began to tear up everything that prevented them from getting to Jesus they tore up the ungodly relationship the ungodly friendship tore up everything necessary to let the man down to get his miracle and that man got his miracle because he got sick of the palsy and now authors describe four different types of palsy that a person may suffer from and these are the same forms of palsy that the enemy uses against us the first form of palsy that doctors describe is something called Erbs palsy and the symptoms of Erbs palsy are a paralysis and a weakness of the arms some trialing your life some pain in your life something that's happened to you where you have been paralyzed in your arms or you can't even lift them up and praise God anymore something that's paralyzed you in your life where it's no point you feel to lift up your hands and glorify God because you don't have victory and you've been if you have not been able to lift up your hands in the service tonight I've come the priest you you've been suffering from a paralysis huh and the only way for you to get out of that paralysis it's the sound sick of my arms being down I don't care if I feel it or not I'm gonna lift up my hands of glorified God the second form of palsy is something called cerebral palsy and the most apparent symptom of cerebral palsy is something called developmental delay not growing as fast as you should some trialing your life some pain something that's happened I don't know what's happened to you I don't know what statement well what happened I don't know but something has paralyzed you where it's tough for you to grow in the Lord or you've been in the same place spiritually that you were three years ago something that's paralyzed you were you growing the Word of God you don't even grow and worship and it's just just a little ritual that you do but you're still the same never give the fruit of the Spirit never hunger for the gifts of the Spirit come on somebody never hunger to go to the next level come on now come on somebody and churches becomes entertainment because I'm not growing anyway and can I tell you you're not growing not because of who your pastor is you're not growing because you're paralyzed and you're so paralyzed you're you can't even hear what the pastor is preaching to help you grow Holland I don't care what pastor you have stop blaming your pastor for your spiritual condition and why don't you humble yourself and submit yourself come on somebody and open up your ears to hear what thus saith the Lord I'm tired of people saying yeah you know I'm not where I have you know I'm from a small church I'm in trouble I'm in trouble and you invite your pastor and where you came from when really it's a submission problem if you wouldn't sit down and humble yourself and hear the word of the Lord come on and serve at your local church maybe God will raise you up call somebody and maybe you'll get his anointing or do you come on now it's time for you to submit yourself I'm in trouble I'm in trouble now the only way for you to get out of that paralysis I'm not growing I say god I'm sick I'm not growing I'm gonna submit myself I'm gonna humble myself I want to grow from this point this is that last day I'm gonna be in this versus the first the third form of palsy something called burgler palsy and the symptoms of bulbar palsy is that the tongue appear smaller and the tongue loses its mobility some traveling your life some pain something that's happened to you where you've been paralyzed or it's tough for you to speak in tongues tough for you to get a renewing and the Holy Ghost every service we trying to get you to speak in tongues again I got their poker face on tonight what's going on around here is there a card game that I don't know about who's got the cards give me the cars man because everybody come on now it's up for you to speak in tongues they may your tongues don't mature because you've been paralyzed oh all the way for you to get out of this saying god I'm sick I'm sick of not speaking that language I'm sick of not speaking that language of heaven I'm ready to let the rivers of living water flow out I'm a God okay let it flow out of me tonight everybody's standing with me everybody stand with me musicians you don't need to do nothing yet don't need to do nothing yet mmm just I don't want you to get paralyzed there I don't want to have you sitting there for a long time amen I want to have him sitting there 15 minutes while I'm in the mic amen we're about to have some Church in this place praise God hey man it's one of my favorite piano players by the way I don't know if y'all knew that we did it we did a men's conference there brother Kenzie's together amen you're the man last one last formal palsy that I wanted to talk to you about is this one Bell's palsy and the symptoms of Bell's palsy are a dry mouth dry eyes and the loss of ability to taste some traveling your life some pain that has paralyzed you where you've had a dry mouth always speaking negatively speaking negatively about everybody including yourself look in the mirror and say I'm not gonna have a good day today why did I even give it up I'm not come on now you tear yourself down and the worlds were framed by the Word of God your words frame your world you are where you are because you spoke yourself there hey man you feel how you feel because you spoke yourself there come on now the only way to get out of it said Lord I'm sick of speaking these negative words I'm gonna start speaking the words of God I have a chosen generation I'm a royal priesthood I've been beautifully a wonderful name also the symptom is a dry eyes where it's tough for you to cry in the presence of the Lord and some people say well I'm not emotional well you used to cry come on somebody and all of a sudden you can't even feel the presence of God no tears flow think about the first time you came to the altar thinking about the first time you heard about the blood of Jesus and him washing of your senses how you broke down at the altar your pastor didn't finish his message before you were down there curled up in the fetal position praying but as time goes on and as hurts and wounds happen all of a sudden you could be in the presence of God all like this and still not move thinking about your next text message thinking about what you're gonna do afterwards thinking come on come on somebody you're not even engaged it's because you've been paralyzing you've had dry eyes and the only way for you to get out god I'm sick I'm not crying in your presence let me feel your presence again let me feel your anointing again let me feel your touch again I don't want to go through the ritual I'm sick of this ritual God I'm ready to engage you in a greater way the last symptom of Bell's palsy is the loss of ability to taste you've forgotten how good it is to taste and see that the Lord is good alleluia alleluia but where you say God it it's not a burden for me to come on a Friday night it's it's not a sacrifice for me to worship you it's not a sacrifice for me to stand on my feet and and clap for your word god I've tasted the sweet honey of the word of God I've tasted of your presence God Lord restored to me the joy of my salvation hey man somebody needs to have that experience tonight where you get sick of the palsy so much so where your life has changed forever and I'm telling you that type of anointing as in this place here tonight there is an anointing in this place here tonight matter of fact I want everybody to come to the front right now uh sure they can move the chairs back everybody come to the front right now I want you to come to the front I'll give you instruction in a moment but I want you to come to the front and lift up those hands to the Lord lift up the both of those hands to the Lord if you got a purse just put your purse on the altar somewhere put your purse up front put your Bible on the altar and I just want you to lift up your hands don't worry about anything come on lift up those hands everybody come to the front and lift up those hands I'll give the instruction in a moment but something is about to move in this place right now hallelujah come on lift up those hands right now lift up those hands right now in the name of Jesus come on that's it moving in the back there's room up here there's room up here don't worry about the person beside you I just want you to lift up those hands right now oh ha la voz chatter ah da da ba Katia he da da da boho dakara wakaru ba-da-la-la-la-la Bohus ara da da da da bobba city-related ibaka yeah come on lift up Oh everybody put your hands in the put your hands up to Jesus right now lift up both of those hands close your eyes I'll give you instruction at a moment but the anointing is here right now hallelujah Jesus Lord let something break in this atmosphere Lord you told me that something would break let it break here tonight let it break here tonight let it break here tonight let it break here tonight Oh Lobos chitara Lala bhai Dakota Robo shuttle are behind Oh hallelujah hallelujah everybody hear me everybody hear me a lot of you have heard my testimony but can I tell you whenever I was raised I had an abusive stepfather they used to just beat me all the time military man punch me in the face bloody noses all these things all the time she used to beat the daylights out of me and through that pain I never had that affirmation from a father and so I sought affirmation elsewhere I wasn't saved and I found that affirmation being fulfilled in basketball and I started devoted in my life to basketball I literally consecrated myself to basketball I never drank our I never smoked because I was consecrated to that sport gave my life to it and through that devotion it led me on a basketball scholarship to the College of Central Florida starting shooting guard number one team in the nation scholarships everywhere got friends that have played in the NBA friends playing professionally overseas people that I played with and against that was where I was headed that was the road that I was down the while I was on that campus there was still an emptiness inside of me there was still a void inside of me basketball couldn't take the pain away basketball couldn't take the hurt away only Jesus had the power to the pain away and finally I before I made up my mind I said god I'm sick of this I'm sick of curse and I'm sick of living how I'm living I'm sick of doing what I'm doing I'm sick of this void and and I was just so hopeless and when I got sick of that all of a sudden that next week there was a Bible study on that campus and they called me over they said hey would you like to have a Bible study I I had a tank top on I had Jordan shorts on Jordan slippers I mean I had I had a Jesus peace medallion on a man didn't look like a Christian praise God I didn't look like I knew anything about God and I wandered into that Bible study they started talking about receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues I said what church do you go to they said Souls Hardware first Pentecostal church I went there that Sunday Bishop Varnum preached on eternity I went up there and I received the gift of the Holy Ghost 11:45 am i spoken another language and when I got back to my campus there are others that had received the Holy Ghost that day there were other but when I got back to that campus I decided Lord this is my name change moment right here all of a sudden within two months every week I was going to about four or five Bible studies I was so hungry for God I was just hungry within two months I started teaching Bible studies so my friends on campus 69 basketball players tattoo sleeves speaking in tongues getting baptized in Jesus name seeing them pray at the alternate it was so crazy God called me to the Ministry at a Youth Congress 2009 and I remember after God called me to the Ministry I saw those basketball players that were my teammates and I saw them literally 6:10 just bending down at the altar just weeping and crying and I'm just praying for them and that burden was so huge God spoke to me and that altar call he said Victor give up basketball give up your college scholarships give up everything to follow me you're gonna preach my gospel to the nation's I cried I broke down I said God I've been holding on to this for 11 years God God this is where I I this is where I I got happiness and joy because of what happened in my life God but guy was like you take it away get it out of your life and I'm telling you I'll do something glorious in here can I tell you I gave up basketball I gave up I gave up everything I was just so sick of I wasn't content to be normal I was it content to be mediocre I I gave it all up to fire sold out to Jesus and you know when you make a huge step like that you know my coach was like he throwing your life away and my family pretty much ostracized me for three years they didn't want to talk to me because I was the failure in the family following Jesus and after after I gave it up I thought God would just immediately promote me and and and do all of these things but it was a three year wilderness I was working on a golf course maintenance I was living paycheck to paycheck I'm living by myself in a state where none of my family and huh I was so sick of it that I refused to quit I refused even though nothing was going right I said God upstair with that you spoke to me you've been a calling about life you put a destiny about life God and I'm sticking with it and when I stuck with it all of a sudden God began to open doors and begin to honor his word but let me tell you something if I did not give it up I wouldn't be here right now how could I have known that when I got sick of it how could I have known that my teammates would receive the gospel how can I have known that I'd go to Alaska and Canada and Belize and all these places seen people receive the holy goes their lives changed because I got sick of it I'm trying to tell you in the Holy Ghost that where you are right now there are people that are gonna receive blessings five years from now two years from now next week next month because you made up in your mind I'm not gonna live I've been living anymore and I'm going after my calling and my destiny with everything that Noah leaving if resistance comes my way let it come but I've got my face centers of flint and I'm going after God with everything in me and nothing's gonna back me up up but I want us to do what I want us to do because I feel done the Holy Ghost everybody needs a fresh start we need a fresh start and the way to get a fresh start is we gotta we gotta ask God to forgive us we gotta has got to forgive us for mistakes that we've made we gotta ask God to forgive us for for things that we've done just for being comfortable and all of these things we're gonna repent everybody say repent repent is is saying god I'm sorry for my sins I'm sorry for everything that I've done sorry for this condition I've been and I turn away from my sins and I turn my heart in my mind and my soul to you afresh and I want you to open up your mouth and ask God to forgive you and wash you and to cleanse you and while you're doing that I'm gonna repent nobody's nobody graduates from repentance everybody has to repent I want everyone to close your eyes and lift up both of your hands and that's got to cleanse you right now open your mouth that's it don't meditate come on God I'm ready for a fresh start Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done Laurel I'm asking you to wash me I'm asking you to cleanse me God Lord I'm sorry for all the mistakes that I've made I'm sorry for all the mistakes that I've made God I'm ready for a fresh start I'm sick of the palsy I'm sick of being where I've been God I just I just need your help I just need your spirit I just need your blood I just need you to change me kada I just need you to do something in me god I'm tired of living I've been living Lord I'm tired of being paralyzed God something's got to break through Lord I just need your spirit to break through hallelujah I just need your anointing to help me come on let's it open up your mouth and tell them I need you Jesus I can't do it alone and I'm tired of doing it alone I need the glory of the Lord to touch me right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah here's what we're gonna do yeah here's what we're gonna do let me tell you something the anointing of the Lord is in this place in a powerful way and I feel like there are destinies that are going to be determined here and can I tell you that's what Bishop Haney said that Youth Congress whenever I preached that he said whenever whenever he preached he said destinies are gonna be determined here he didn't know that he was talking to a college basketball player whose life would change forever and I feel that unction on me here tonight that destinies are going to be determined here you're gonna lay down things that have been preventing you from going after God with everything there is going to be such an anointing that is birthed here in your life God's going to give you favor he's going to raise you up he's gonna use your hands to touch your school he's gonna use your hands to touch your coworkers he's gonna use your hands to preach the gospel he's gonna use your voice every time you sing anointing is going to go forth and chains are going to break there's an anointing on this house the destinies are going to be determined you'll never be the same after this what i'm going to do right now is I'm going to pray the prayer of faith over you I'm going to pray with everything into me I'm gonna loose the call and loose the destiny loosed the power of God and when I am done I'm going to shout to the top of my lungs hallelujah everybody say hallelujah say it louder louder let me tell you something when I sure I'm done praying and when I shout hallelujah over you I want you to lift up those hands in a moment and I want you to see you see yourself operating in your calling I want you to see yourself operating in your destiny I want you to see yourself operating in it and as you see it when I shout hallelujah I want every person in here to shout with everything in you hallelujah with faith saying you say hallelujah saying God I believe I don't care I I believe it you're gonna lit up that hallelujah seeing it no matter what the enemy is trying to lie to you about no matter how the enemy's tried to tear you down when you shout hallelujah there's gonna be changed they break off of you when you shout hallelujah I'm telling you you're gonna go home a total different person if you believe that say Amen I want you to lift up those hands and close those eyes right now I want you to get that picture in your mind right now get that picture in your mind [Music] come on that's it lift those hands close your eyes and get that picture in your head right now Jesus by the authority that is in the Word of God and by the power that isn't the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I lose the anointing upon every person here I come in Chains to fall off of them right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I lose the working of miracles and the gifts of healing I lose favor on their lives I lose the power of deliverance now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] let's see that that that [Music] I said that said that's it that's it that's it that's it now here's what I want you to download should I lay your hands on the person next to you right now I want you to pray over them huh and I want you to speak prophecies over there huh I want you to encourage them how can I love o shahe don't be afraid to use your gift right now let's it lay your hands on them and lift up your voice and pray over them and about kiya ha and then I'll have the Holy Ghost pray and through to the Holy Ghost God's using your hands right now that's it lift up your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hallelujah Anyhow
Views: 18,735
Rating: 4.9088607 out of 5
Keywords: victor jackson, victor jackson preacher, victor jackson nayc, victor jackson upci, victor jackson 2018, pentecostal preaching, apostolic preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, apostolic church, apostolic pentecostal
Id: M-XbIuPUqzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 57sec (4617 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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