"The Wonderful Ministry Of Mistakes" - Jeff Arnold

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so I I give my thanks to brother Tony for inviting me to just kind of speak a little bit and III went for two weeks thinking I had a word from the Lord and and every time I try to put it together it was like God read my notes said nah nah about three in the morning the other morning he woke me up and said this is what I want you to say and so I direct your attention to two portions of Scripture Acts chapter 9 and then from first Timothy chapter 1 Acts chapter 9 and I'll try my best I got instruction from sister Arnold to be nice so so I have to be nice I was going I was going to be nice anyway but I just anyway saw yet breathing out threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord went into the high priest desired him letters Damascus to go to synagogues that he found any of this way whether they were men or women bring them bound on to Jerusalem as he journeyed came near to Damascus suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven and he fell to the earth and he heard a voice saying unto him at what the pastor preaches warn Saul Saul why persecutest me he said who art thou said the Lord said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest is it hard for the either kick against the pricks he trembling and being astonished and they said unto Him Lord what would you have me do he said well arise going to the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do now I want to read another rendition of this from first Timothy chapter 1 beginning with verse 11 according to the glorious gospel of the Blessed God which was committed to my trust and I thank Jesus Christ our Lord who hath enabled me that he counted me faithful look at someone and say not worthy faithful not able faithful not skilled faithful said the Lord counted me faithful and putting me into the ministry who was before a blasphemer a persecutor and injurious and injuries but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief and the grace of the Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus and this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus cried might show forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting I I was given a message about 3-4 months ago and I preached it a brother varnum's Church and and if you've ever been to brother Warner's church it's like an explosion looking to happen and I put it away and waited for some day it was going to be in like three o'clock in the morning the Lord just brought it to me and said now is the time to bring this so I want I want to talk to you on the subject the wonderful Ministry of mistakes now all of yous that don't have any mistakes you have no idea what I'm talking about any of you that think you don't make mistakes you have no idea what I'm talking about but I feel like the Lord has got a great word of encouragement for this church tonight Lord bless the preaching help me to be a good guy help me to behave in Jesus name Amen you may be seated it was those of you that a movie movie people Sophia Loren in one of her books wrote a very interesting statement and she said mistakes are the price we pay for a full life and I add it to our statement providing we learn from it any fool can make a mistake but a wise person learns from it you got to stay with me because because I got some stuff I need to say it was those of you that are football people Vince Lombardi made a great statement I like reading people's statements I don't agree with their lives but I like their statements and Vince Lombardi made a great statement he said the issue is not whether you're going to get knocked down the issue is whether you're going to get back up it's it's called an addiction dictionary resilience now and in the in the Jeff Arnold book it just says this I'm gonna get a lickin but keep ticking and I'm not afraid of mistakes some people are afraid of mistakes now most of us hate mistakes we don't like mistakes they are embarrassing they're hurtful they're degrading they're humiliating they're demeaning and yet they're God's choosing of a catalyst to take us to the miraculous because mistakes come into our lives so that we can discover things consider all the mistakes that mr. Edison made and thank God we got some lights think of all the mistakes and the failures that the Wright brothers went through and now we got airplanes and travel think of how many times you and I have made mistakes secular or spiritual and if you are wise enough you didn't let the mistake destroy you I'm gonna tell you something right now ho ho Christmastime you're ready the adversary wants to maul you and mane you over your mistakes but your Ally wants to use your mistakes to take you into a dimension that you could not get there without making a mistake now I'm not gonna be long like I usually am because I'm nervous right now having preached so long I don't remember quite how to do it but just stay with me for just a second you got you got here your adversary wants to mock you and maim you so that every time you try to reach for a new level a new place in God he's in his lying way we'll just bring up and said yeah but you did that and you got involved with that and you failed there and you flunked there but you understand he's the greatest mistake maker the world's ever known so I wouldn't listen to his opinion because God can transform your mistakes and give you a miracle and give you a new dimension and bring you out of darkness into his life mistakes should not maim you mistakes should not become a prison house that holds you hostage I'm not going any further till I get some response from people who make mistakes please be seated mistakes can be educational they can be informative they can be revelatory remember it was the mistake that Adam made that brought to Adam a revelation about God he never knew he had no idea God was that long suffering and that merciful and that forgiving and that gracious and that at kind you know what released all that mistake he made I wish I could get a witness right now is there anybody in the house besides me that you've made a real dumb blunder you failed you made a mistake and all of a sudden you woke up and God didn't write you off and God didn't throw you out and God didn't put you up for adoption I know we're saved by grace but i'ma tell you there is a thing called great grace and great grace usually comes after great mistakes there are people who experience dimensions in God that nobody else experiences because of mistakes now I'm gonna say this as kindly as I can I got sister are looking at me right now you may have made a mistake but you're not one you may have failed but you are not a failure greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world you may be down but down is not your destiny your fixing to get back up you fixin to experience a resurrection you're fixin to come out of it I feel good iiiii feel good I do I feel good don't you get mistakes are God's Way of ministering to us things about him we don't know except when we read and talk you see we believe a lot of stuff us holy rollers that we never experience we've got doctrinal things that we believe nobody can shake us but we don't experience them we got aspects of God that we talk about but we don't experience you but you just let a crisis come you let a mistake happen you let a failure take place and that mistake will open a doorway of discovery and you'll find something in God you did not ever find by experience before now I'm not saying we need to go make mistakes so we can discover God or that we have to fail to discover God I'm just telling you there are dimensions and aspects in God that you don't get any other way all right and now I'm sorry patty I gotta get rude for just a minute some of you folks you have made enough mistakes you ought to be the best Fraser's in this house if anybody on a worship with abandonment it ought to be those of us who have made a mess sometimes who have fallen flat on our face had said things we shouldn't have said did things we shouldn't have done felt things and thought things that shouldn't have happened and from that God did not give up on us I'll be finished in five minutes okay now I'm a little awkward right now because the Reverend asked me to do two things tonight burn the barn down and preach a message for because of the times well I've got one for the because of the times I'm just not preaching there anymore so I'll have to waste it on you I priests lots of messages for the general conference they never let me preach it so I just gave it to you I'm telling you I have a word for the whole Pentecostal movement your failure is not final your mistake is not final I heard the Prophet say rejoice not against me all my enemy for when I fall I shall arise and when I sit in the darkness the Lord shall be my life I'm coming out of this I like to use this illustration oho and I saw the comb here baby that's one the smile as babies I ever seen I like that little kid he thinks I'm nice I like that kid how many of you raise children would you put your hands up put them down how many of you have ever done with the rest of us who have raised children that when you are raising a child and they get ready to walk they're down more than they're up but their down time does not do for them what it does for Pentecostals when that child falls down and bumps his head or its knee and tears running down his face man you get ready to try to straighten that child and that child's got a determination and a drive inside them I got to walk now they're walking is not so romantic I'd rather have a bunch of Pentecostals walking kind of weird than sit and kind of steal I wish I get somebody to tell when your child started walking didn't you do this if they fell down you didn't curse them out you didn't rail on them you didn't criticize them you just picked them up kiss their boo-boos and said come on try it again hit it but I got news for you we serve a God that says when you fall down get yourself back up try it again walk again do not let your failure become final I appreciate the few of you that say hello thank you very much I appreciate that I just I just I got to say something it's very important I didn't hear this on the tape I didn't get this off the internet the Lord just dealt with me it's what he said tell my people that in every one of their mistakes is a hidden door of discovery your mistakes become a portal of possibility your your mistakes can become a catalyst from God to get you to do better to reevaluate yourself to determine that I'm gonna I'm gonna just do more than I did before let me try it again if you're not careful we will let our mistakes become a prison house and God wants our mistakes for it to become a pathway he doesn't want us to be shut down [Music] uh-huh I'm preaching the whole UPC right now you ready I need to tell this whole movement something because I've never heard it said in all the years I've been here God will never define you by your mistake that's that dirty damnable spirit of the elder brother it's the elder brother that defines people by their mistakes but the father never defined the returning boy by his mistake don't join the devil side and define people when they fail and define people when they make a mistake in my live in UPC am I on television now you got to hear me now that seem that doesn't do much for you because apparently you don't make mistakes but but I was I was preaching the probably the largest meeting in this whole Pentecostal movement I did it for 31 years and two or three years ago while I was preaching I made a terrible mistake I said something I shouldn't have said now I think what I said was right but I said it in the wrong way and it offended people and upset people and since then I'm unemployed wait a minute because in our movement we define people by mistakes but when I came home and in the bedroom pouring my heart out asking god what did i do did I get sidetrack what happened and the Holy Ghost poked to me said son I will never define you by your worst moment [Applause] he said I'll leave that to your people they enjoy that now they usually pay me and hire me because I hear from God I will tell you right now I do and when the Lord dealt with me about my own failure my own mistake he warned me said son beware your movement is filled with preachers leaders and politicians who are filled with the elder brother spirit don't let that spirit work in you you've received grace you've received mercy you've received forgiveness if I ever heard the voice of the Lord I heard it last night when I was praying here's what I wrote it on my notes he said tell my people mistakes and failures do have consequences but they're not supposed to control your future I'm going to stop my sermon right now because I can't have see you people right now I need I'm just going to put in a commercial if any of you have ever made a dumb move set the wrong thing made a mistake fail terribly and you experience grace and mercy I want you to stand up and shop we're not here because we're spiritual we're here because God is merciful that's what Paul said I made a terrible mistake but I receive mercy No hold it don't stop now aren't we I wish somebody shouted I'm again into grace I'm a dinner to mercy I'm a dinner to the patience of God I'm a dinner to the long-suffering of God even had not been for God who was on my side ain't no telling what I would have become can I preach a few minutes feel a few more minutes I guess I'm not gonna I guess I'm not gonna preach because the times okay you got to watch out because we have a tendency to allow our mistakes to maim us now I'm trying to say this without being too past oriole I know where most of the skeletons are in this whole building I've dealt with all kinds of problems and situations and I'm here to tell you right now I know the people that are in this building that you have been mercifully spared though you've made some childhood bow mistakes I'm not going any further I would say again inhale wants to maim you and heaven wants to make you heaven hell wants to chain you heaven wants to conform you God is not saying you didn't make the mistake and I didn't make the mistake he just said I am NOT going to define you by your mistake so Paul is making a caribou blunder in acts 9 attacking the Christian Church persecuting them putting him and God stops him in his mistake and the Bible said he fell to the earth that's a great statement it's in the book of Job watch what it says and when men have been falling down or cast down I think its job 20:29 something like that 20:29 said when men are cast down this is a revelation to me this to me said then thou shalt say there is lifting up now it's not a revelation to you because you're it's just a wonderful man but it was to me because I kept writing those notes and finally the Holy Ghost said you're writing it wrong and I said no I got it right here when men are cast down thou shalt say there's a lifting up he said no you're writing it wrong and I went back and I looked at it again JC I said I'm writing it right you said why do you keep putting a in the sentence it's not there I said what's the big deal he said real easy if it's a it means one time he said if I leave out the a and say there is lifting up its continuum did you hear me Rob it's continuous its continual when there is a calling down a casting down there is lifting up and God shall save the humble person and the humble person is the person that says I've sinned I bloated I made a mistake I said what I shouldn't have said I did what I should [Music] Oh God try it again you're ready dolly now if he don't say anything just reach over and slap him and I'll be there in just a minute you ready said I I've made a mistake but I'm not a mistake I have failed but I'm not a failure see our whole Drive is to discover the door that is hidden inside your failures and inside your mistakes because inside of both of them is a portal that means an entrance and opening into something that we would never know anything about had not God allowed us to have the mistake now maybe maybe from the lack of response mistakes don't bother you they bother me they bother me they bother me whether I'm working on one of my old cars bothers me whether I'm I'm trying to fix the wiring and almost electrocute myself or I put something on a run it bothers me mistakes bother me because mistakes feel make you feel like you're stupid and the only thing worse than that is when you make a mistake in a spiritual realm and those people make sure you are stupid I'm just trying to decide whether I want to go home or go home just you got to bear with me just for a second Abraham made a horrendous mistake he lied two different times about his wife you ready for this I got a lot of money in my pocket I probably have nine dollars I'll give that nine dollars if any one of you scrip torian's will show me when he lied twice that the Lord ever brought it up you didn't get it yet you serve a god that when you make a mistake he says oh by the way I'll never bring it up I will rub your face in it I won't make fun of you I won't hold you hostage I won't stop your promotion because you made a mistake now I'm not putting a premium on let's make mistakes but I'm here to tell you that I have made up my mind by the grace and mercy of God that even though I make mistakes I go on I move on I apologize where I need to i repent where I need to somebody said I don't make mistakes those of you to say you don't make mistakes you are a mistake I've never had one time when God has convicted me about something I've said done watched it whatever he never turned around and said hey listen by the way he didn't do that I've told you conviction is the voice of love conviction doesn't condemn conviction tries to correct and help and so he turns around and uses that mistake aspect as a catalyst to take us beyond you know I can't you know everybody in this church except maybe the Tonys know that outside of Jesus my favorite person in all the Bible is Elijah everybody knows that Elijah's my man I just love Elijah but he lied to makes a terrible mistake he outruns the chariot 19.2 miles he ends a three-and-a-half year drought with 63 words of prayer and brings forth water down brings fire down and makes a hem look like a jerk and then he outruns the chair and then that old bag Jezebel sends him a note says hi I'm gonna kill you about this time tomorrow love jazz and he abandoned ship and takes off 90 plus miles across a wilderness desert leaves his only encouragement behind and goes to mount because he knows that's where God meets people up there now he goes into the into the cave this is what blows my mind and in all the conversation that God had with Elijah he never brought up his failure he leaves that to his people he leaves that to the political office people I'm gonna tell you you want to guard yourself before this life's over against the spirit of the elder brother because when that prodigal son came home it was the elder brother that damned and condemned and mocked him and tried to hold him hostage and said you made this mistake you you messed with these loose women you lost you and Harold and she shamed our house what's the old man running down the hill he runs down hugs him kisses him puts the new robe on the ring the slippers and never mentions the mistake listen I'm telling you you get revelation from the other side of a mistake this boy got one of the greatest revelations he ever had after the mistake after the failure the father shows up and shows such grace and love and mercy and patience and kindness that he discovered something about the father he never knew I never do how much he really loved me I never knew how much I meant to him and that's what happens when you and I realize we made a mistake when we when we move in that direction you're going to find out you mean more to God than you ever thought you meant you're loved by a love that will not let you go am i talking good yet am i talking good yet any reason why you're sitting and Jacob lies and Jacob the sees his father and Jacob was a scam artist and God beats him in Genesis 28 said I think I'll bless you he didn't know God would ever do that for him you're not candid yet there's revelation after mistakes this revelation after failure when Simon Peter lied and denied that he ever knew the Lord Jesus and he ran out in the night and he wept bitterly fine well we always know that story where he met him on the beach John 21 but there's something that we don't know the Bible said when those guys from Emmaus came back and Luke 24 he said they told me said the Lord has met with Simon there was a secret meeting that was recorded but not explained don't I wish to god I knew what was said there he's got his head down he's embarrassed he's humiliated he's ashamed of himself and God never brought up the mistake and God didn't walk over excuse me Rev to Simon Peter and say I can't trust you give me back the keys when God gives you a gift and God gives you a calling it is not given up and discipline just because you've made a bad choice and because you made a mistake that devil is a liar I said the devil is a liar don't let your mistake hold you hostage don't let your failure hold you hostage there is a door of discovery in your mistake there is a portal of possibility in your mistake and you've got to find it it's almost like the Lord looks at us when we make our mistakes and says well in spite of your being stupid I'm going to use you anyway am i preaching good yet I'm a little nervous here I'm just just I don't know whether I'm helping you're not what do you got to read for me right I'm 38 yeah what's this one this is a good one I like it for MD oh wait this is the one that when we go we're all going to start shouting okay are you ready now you don't have to leave your chair some of you shouting could just go woo that was it we know God's in the house if you do that woo go ahead for in the Oh Lord do I hope yea thou will hear hola my god what's this I hear me less otherwise that should rejoice over me right now watch this when my foot slip is that Lord I need you to hear me what not if but when my foot slip ahthe when I make a wrong decision when I go in the wrong direction when I say something I shouldn't say or do something I shouldn't have Lord when my foot slippers hear me and help me and come to my rescue don't let my mistake maul me don't let my mistake mark me that's not usable all these people have made these mistakes God still used them in spite of their mistakes don't let the devil tell you you can't be used don't let the devil steal your future because you made a mistake I don't know whether you get what I'm trying to tie into this thing have you finished reading that no sir they magnify themselves against me yeah for I am ready to halt whoa whoa I watched it this is a man yet the God's own heart he said I'm in such bad spiritual condition and my emotions are erupted and they've exploded watch they said I'm ready to stop I wish I had somebody in here be honest they don't say there's some times that I'm ready to stop there sometimes are ready to throw the Talmud but God who is rich in mercy but God who delighteth in mercy but God who loves us more than we can imagine will let us stop he sent some encouragement he sends the scripture he lets you feel his presence you hear a sermon God touches you now maybe that didn't do for you what it did for me he says but I'm about ready to halt and my sorrow is continually before me for I will declare mine iniquity oh stop hold it hold it here we go I'm trying to get to you already Frank you're a charge that whole section back there you make sure you bring him to the altar here in five minutes you ready watch what he said I will declare my iniquity come on it's time it as Pentecostals lip-lock stuff to stop life and death is in the power of the tongue if you got something you need to confess you don't need to tell anybody else you just need to open your mouth and tell the Lord says I will confess my iniquity I will admit that I did something wrong why because from admission comes remission come from declaration comes restoration there's nothing wrong with us say you know what I didn't handle that real good I I I wish I hadn't said that like I did I wish I hadn't done Michael is that is that oh yes yeah okay because I'm hide behind that beard I can't tell any movement there you that was a yes okay so so you do a lot of bad things right well you should see Wendy I'm not talking about magnifying mistakes watch when you make a mistake and I make a mistake and we fail remember those two issues are designed by God to magnify his mercy His grace his kindness his long-suffering his goodness the devil wants to magnify the mistake God wants to magnify himself well here go we made some mistakes then you're ready I'm still here I'm still here I'm still preaching I'm still praying I'm still fasting I'm still loving God I'm still trying to do what's right I'm trying to be an honest god-fearing man yeah I've made mistakes but I will not let my mistakes to find me I'm almost done I'm almost done what else you got to read you got some other stuff to read forsake me not O Lord my God be not far from me yeah make haste to help me O Lord of my salvation o my good one what else did I give you hurting 101 31 okay for all you folks that are super glued in your seat here's your chance to break loose right now ready Psalms 133 and for if thou Lord shouldn't mark iniquities O Lord who shall stand hold it if the Lord keeps track if the Lord kept tally if the Lord aah if the Lord kept going if the Lord would mark iniquity who could stand nobody could watch this next verse read but there is forgiveness with thee but there is forgiveness with thee because God is greater than your mistake and God is greater than your failure and God is greater than your own choice so we could not stand but God there's forgiveness with you there's great mercy with you there's great grace with you so my mistake doesn't become my prison-house I'm almost done I'm gonna give you any more scripture let Israel hope in the Lord yeah for with the Lord there is mercy and with him there's plenty as Redemption do you understand the difference between grace and mercy I save you for years in Bible school Gers they don't know it I know it they don't know it grace gives you what you don't deserve mercy holds back what you do so we need grace and we need mercy in the book of Proverbs I think it's about chapter 16 watch what it says by mercy and truth iniquity is purged not truth and mercy because truth is too powerful truth will blow you away truth would destroy us so before the truth shows up here comes mercy it comes once you experience mercy you can handle the truth that's why this church we need to preach the truth but we need to preach mercy so the truth doesn't destroy anybody by mercy and truth iniquity is purged and by then that fear the Lord shall they depart from evil you're never going to fear the Lord until you start experiencing mercy now I'm sorry to belabor this I'm almost done okay I'm old I'm almost done you ready for those of you that have ever received mercy ever I'd like you to act up [Music] hey girl I know you're visiting with us but we've had a whole church prayin for you we've been before the throne of God for you you have you have received mercy you have received mercy you bur sink now everything ain't finished but you just think what kind of hell in chaos it would have been if all this would have happened when you were back there God sent that hurricane to bring you here oh yes he did he let all that happen so you could be here so these troubles and these problems God could show you mercy why cuz he loves you more than you love yourself I'm loved by a love that will not let me go and I'm not going to insult the mercy of God I'm gonna be thankful for the mercy of God where it had not been for the Lord's mercy where would we be you may see to give me five minutes and I'm done give me five minutes I'm just I'm struggling here I am I guess I'm not supposed to preach it because the times I thought this was because of the times but I guess it's not okay fine do you know how many people in this movement are held hostage by their mistakes that the adversary brings up you got hear it Bob God will not bring up your mistakes now God will deal you in conviction and chastise you and correct you but he's not gonna bring up when David committed adultery and murdered her husband now I'm not talking to you about that you're okay but watch you're gonna be hard-pressed to find one scripture where God ever went back to David and said hey regarding the sex affair you had and regarding this thing where you bumped off your eye I'm a little ticked off about that he never brings that up you know why because if you live in fear of God exposing your mistakes you can't get comfortable man when he lies you went into that cave he was blown away by the discovery the door that he went through that God didn't bring up his running away that God didn't bring up his fear he just said to him what you doing here he lied and he started that stuff well I've been jealous for the Lord and they've killed all your profits and I don't I you didn't answer my question what are you doing here well you see I'm jealous for the Lord and they've killed your prophets and typical he must have been a Pentecostal preacher because all he did was this now watch now see if he had been if he had been in UPC he would have lost his license he would have been nailed to the wall and said you can't preach no more cuz you made a mistake but God didn't bring up his mistake now I'm not minimizing mistakes there's consequence to mistakes but I'm turning around that God tyronn said okay I need to put you back to work I want you to go anoint this guy I want you to anoint that guy and I want you to anoint that guy you got work to do he went for those 17 years God didn't stop him being a prophet and God is not stopping you being what you're supposed to be for God just because you made a mistake I lost you apparently you don't fail as much as I do you know it's very hard to misdirect a parked car and too many of us are just parked say well how do you make all the mistakes I'm glad you asked I tried all you sweet darlings and are playing it safe oh I never have no failures I don't make any mistakes right and you don't accomplish anything either better to fail trying than not to try at all am i right I'm almost done what else you got Alex 145 oh look out look out I'm fixing to go for a run right about now the Lord is gracious wait a minute anybody know what that word means I've taught you for 20 years what the word gracious means in the Hebrew here's what it means you could write this now Robert take it somewhere and tell him God showed it to you you ready gracious means disposed to show favors it's almost like God says I can't help myself I just want to bless you I just want to hug you I just want to restore you I just want to help you I just want you to come out of the movie Grubbs the Lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and of great mercy and of great mercy the Lord is good to all and he's turned the mercies are over all wait a minute I want to debate all the theologians in this house now what part of all are you going to dissect and say it has nothing to do with people that have failed let me give you the Hebrew an explanation and the Greek translation of the word all Oh now you're not getting it see some of your people sitting here now and you haven't fallen at the scene and you haven't had an affair and you haven't done stuff you know you just laughing about it but what about the people here that are wounded what about the people here that wish to God that had never happened I got a word for you from the Lord he is good - oh he's good he will not bring up your mistake he will not bring up your failure he will not bring up your wrong decision [Applause] keeper keeper Enoch I'm almost closed doors 14 there lord upholdeth all that fall stop what part of all are you struggling with right now Matt now I don't want to hurt your feelings Wendy because I don't work here no more so you can't fire me but-but-but I'm gonna tell you when they just said that he upholds all that fall I thought for sure you would jump up and start dancing around Michael cuz you've seen how many times he falls flat on his face and you could've danced in front of him said you're gonna get up you're going to get up he upholds all of that far oh I feel like running little bit [Applause] well I feel excited you don't know I can do I said you don't know like I know when they make a mistake but I am NOT a mistake you may fail but you are not a failure you can stand with me I don't I don't need to go any further you got anything else you want to read the Lord of hell did all that fall and racist up all those that be bowed down wait he he raised up all that fall that's where we started Saul went down for the count and God raised him up and made him the apostle to the Gentiles and said your mistakes are not greater than my grace don't you get it for the people that fall I forgive for the people that make mistakes I show mercy for the people who act in disgrace I give more grace I don't write anybody off church people do that I think I got a divided house on my hand right now I just can't seem to get you on the page with me maybe this means something to me it doesn't mean to you [Music] when I was just a boy fifteen years old driving a Vespa scooter delivering papers Frank you could relate to this and in not you being stupid me bein stupid and in my stupidity I pulled out in front of a car and when that car hit me I looked and that headlight was right here that lady in the car hit me knocked me sideways and I had my head against that headlight and she she dragged me from here to that wall because she was hysterical and she hit the gas instead of brakes and one and one that she finally swung out of the way that Vespa scooter flipped over in the air hit the ground when it hit the ground I was up so fast Shaboom and I looked at my scooter and it was all twisted and bent and I couldn't drive it and the only thing I was afraid of was George Arnold and I was right because when I head home George raised Cain with me and gave me a traffic lesson and told me how to jerk I was and why didn't watch the traffic and bla bla I'm thanking God I'm alive I thank God that I'm not crippled I don't think you didn't get a jet see if my early dad wasn't real good of mercy but my heavenly dad is real good with mercy yes I was wrong yes I made a mistake but when people make mistakes they don't need you to breach them into condemnation well it's good that you're not paying me it's good that you're not paying me you know finish reading talk come on the Lord is not unto all them that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth he will fulfill the desire of them that fear him he also will hear their cry and will save them the Lord preserveth all them that love him but all the wicked will he destroy okay now this is my Christmas gift to you I wanted to give you something that would help you and would make you realize that your mistakes are not going to be defined by God and your failures are not final consequences yes damnation condemnation not hardly now if if you would do me a favor if you would if you would you don't have to and I'm not gonna call you up when you go home fine but if you would leave your pew and just kind of parade up here for a second and and with your own way of doing it you would you would reach out to God and say I know I've made a lot of mistakes and I know I've failed more times that I'd like to remember but you have not dealt with me according to my iniquity nor rewarded me according to my sins but there's a father pitieth his children so the Lord pities them that fear Him how about rose was it worth coming it was okay cuz I know I know you I'm one of your favorite preachers and I'm one of my favorite preachers too [Music] if you will reach past your mistake and past your failure you like the prodigal are going to discover some things about God that you believed but you had never experienced before you've been saved by grace but there's gonna be great grace coming there's gonna be great mercy coming why don't you why don't you just lift your voice to the Lord for just a minute and just ask God thank you Lord that you don't define us by our mistakes you don't label us by our wrong choices you know you don't put labels on us [Music] God wants to magnify his mercy on the other side of our mistakes he that comes to God must believe that God is and he's a reward come on just just another two minutes just another two minutes God knows where all the skeletons are in this church God knows where all the past failures and mistakes are in this church come on it's time to get free Christmas time he's free he's not going to define me by my mistake ah not gonna let my mistake take control of my future [Music]
Channel: Hallelujah Anyhow
Views: 26,153
Rating: 4.8588233 out of 5
Keywords: jeff arnold, pentecostals of gainesville, pentecostal preaching, apostolic preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, apostolic church, apostolic pentecostal
Id: v_xcDjmU38E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 41sec (3161 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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