Matthew Tuttle - "Three Steps To Great Faith"

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somebody I'm here to tell you what great faith does well what does great faith do when it doesn't get goosebumps it's prayed and it's not heard back from God and it's been crying out and screaming out here's what great faith does it just keeps on saying Jesus because the first step to great faith is this great faith never gives up I said if you want to be a person of great faith you gotta make up your mind come he'll come hot water come good service or bad service hug favorite song or least favorite song huh I made up my mind this is the only thing that works this is the only answer and I'm gonna believe great faith never never give something oh the devil's got one answer for every problem quit give up turn around stop believin stop worshiping stop going to the altar but great faith says I might have been here 337 times huh I'll be 338 and if I don't get it on that time there's for sure [Applause] my parents were men we're in the mid 70s they desired to have children but we're told it was impossible of italy by doctors specialists my mother had a disease that would never allow her to have children in the mid-seventies she made up her mind she said that might be what the doctors say but I've got faith so she went to the altar the next Sunday morning and she got her head anointed with oil and the preacher prayed for her and guess what happened nothing this was the 70s so she went Sunday night the next Wednesday night and the next Sunday morning in the next Sunday night and camp meeting a conference and in conference and camp meeting it can't means a conference and and in matter if it was Monday night prayer of who was ladies get together didn't matter if there was a prophet preaching her if it was somebody that there was their first time momma was in the front and mama was gonna get prayed for her she didn't quit she didn't quit until July 30th of 1980 she stood the prayer line for two hours until TW Barnes prayed for her April thirtieth nine months to the very day haha Mathew Tuttle hug was born you might want to tell me that miracles I know you're trying to tell me miracles are past her baby look a miracle in the eye and listen to him tell you if you'll just make up your mind to never give up huh you're listening to a preacher that had a mama that said if I don't get it tonight I'll be back tomorrow night don't come I'll go to my grave say it exceedingly abundantly there's gonna be by His stripes I am healed on my lips as I go into eternity coz I've never given up great faith you got to make up your mind I'm never giving up look at your neighbors say don't give up I remember we started a church in Amsterdam it's one of the most wicked cities in the world over a million people it's the most international city in the world more cultures are in Amsterdam represented in Amsterdam they know their city in the world ain't it nice that y'all can sit down I can't sit down my wife's always like why don't you tell him to be seated I said because I can't be seated and I got a scream all they got do is stand there most of them that's all they do is just stand there I'm up here sweating like a pig I said the least they can do is stand a little bit there you go welcome it makes the stand the stand I figured something about standing while the preacher it don't feel quite as bad when you do stuff like this ooh matter of fact if you start doing stuff like that he stops preaching uh-huh well we're starting a church in Amsterdam it's a wicked place we've been there a year trying but daddy taught me great faith don't give up you go into the city and you go and you don't give up you pay and so fun one day he gets a he's out we're like a year in something and we ain't got nothing finally God gives them a vision of a full-page ad in the Dutch in the Amsterdam newspaper so he calls up the tailor cut off the Dutch net newspaper he says I've got a vision I'm God I need a full-page ad from my church that I've been having here over a year and they told him the price and he said what's half a page cost and then he said what's the quarter of a page cause finally we got two lines in the classified section on the last page daddy didn't know Dutch so just put two lines in in English the two lines head if being born once has not given you satisfaction try being born again and it had a phone number in English there was a prostitute high-class prostitute prostitution is legal in Amsterdam she was walking by she said I don't know what encouraged me but I picked up this Dutch newspaper she didn't speak a word of Dutch she said I'm flipping through the newspaper I get to the last page she said when I saw those two lines you know she said they filled up the whole page because when God gives you a vision now you might not be able to afford [Applause] but you ought to use what you do have instead of moaning about what you don't come on you need to take your thumb a patty of Bowser and say I might not have the strength to run straight the clap so he'll take all of my Yamaha she whopped him to the church we knew what she did by the way she looked we grabbed her arms around her pray for her she received the gift of the Holy Ghost now she's still in church today later on she became my Sunday school teacher she's a praise singer today in the church it's been 25 years ago cuz you gave that's what your missions dollars do ladies and gentlemen well she she had a boyfriend a Dutch boy friend named Jerry Jerry she wanted Jerry to get saved but Jerry was a barky and he worked on Sunday she said I can't go to church cuz I got to work on Sunday so my momma said my mom is a great woman of faith she said well we'll just pray the bars shut so mama mama got a little oil and whatever she gets and she gets out there in the bad part of town and she would march around his bar in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we need Jerry Mullin mall to be saved in Jake and you know what she marched the first time nothing happened second time nothing happened two months later she's still marching around that bar three months later they got three months later three months later there's plywood on the doors a cos mama said come out of March once and nothing happened but they March 7th I come Oh somebody oh you gotta make up your mind whatever it ain't for revival in West Monroe what I've gotta kill don't you fill out that envelope flippantly you fill it out with faith that cattle provide great safe never gives up great safe never ever gives up finally finally finally she's screaming she's screaming oh I made up my mind if he ain't gonna answer me I'm gonna drive him crazy I'm gonna NOI him you know what I mean that's like your kid daddy cannot please daddy can I please have some candy daddy can I please secular here you go bud using candy I don't care how I get blessed some of y'all care you like I need to get blessed in style I'll take my blessings sloppy I don't care how you get it just get it to me baby I don't so you see people like this they roll on the floor people like this run the aisles and dance like this people like that they don't care what anybody thinks they need a miracle [Applause] hey honey pally she's driving finally she you can't drop Jesus crazy you get to driving the church board crazy that's good too she did she got him messed you they were irritated they go over to Jesus which one he all wants to be Jesus he's be Jesus Jesus Peter's like you know the crazy chick there's screaming in the middle of the church I roll it on the floor and doing all that crazy stuff we're losing people people are starting to talk about us and they think we're crazy can you do something about it Jesus like yeah I got this man he walks down to the chicken hey hey chicken we're not here for your type ooh think about the political correct snowflakes would handle that in 2018 you know how many you can't even say nothing anymore about anything I do but who cares right we're not here for your type just turns and walks away that political correctness getting in the church now I'm off my notes of kind of feeling like I'm at home but I'm not invited but I'm thankful for preachers that don't preach politically correct okrill Christianity correct worried about hurting my feelings baby it ain't his job let me tell you something this is not your personal masseuse well I like that church cuz it makes me feel good then baby you probably ain't got a preacher that's gettin you to heaven this ain't living way massage parlor and spa this is the sanctuary this is where you come and get your heart right preacher don't worry about my feelings worry about my soul tell me tell me if I'm dressing wrong tell me that a girl or two look like a girl and come on tell him tell him tell him see I don't have to be invited back it's a long drive so I'm just gonna say it I had I had a lady a mouth was just two weeks ago a little longer I can't remember yesterday but it's been recently and she said she sat down I'd never met her before she stepped in herb her friend her boyfriend or whatever and she said she's crying she says our lives are messed up I said well I want to teach your Bible City she said I said I'd never come into a Pentecostal church I said well let me ask you something and I've asked probably a hundred people this question I said what's your number one question about Pentecostals you want to know what her question was why do you ladies have long hair and why do you wear skirts that's what the whole world's wanting to know and then they come to our churches and we're like well lesson 13 of the new converts class back in the back room and we'll tell you about it I don't believe in that so I just told her I read it to her first Corinthians 11 there it is right there she said she said I don't believe it so well she said I can't believe my preachers never told me that I said trust me he forgot to tell you a whole lot of other things too I said how about we read this one John 3:1 through 8 then let's read Acts to 37 and 38 billets redock skin and that's 19 next thing you know she's got tears streaming down her face I got my hand on her head she's speaking with other tongues hey the world the world's looking for a preacher that'll tell them the truth and not worry about their feelings you are a did God race you got a man of God that's not afraid of you but that's afraid of God get out of here she he said get out of here we're not here for your type that'd have been me if he would have got up here tonight and said you know what we're not here for tall guys over six foot four of flour ties and white shirts black shoes from Texas oh not a look at my black shoes my flour every time my white shirt in my six-foot self from Texas I don't went over and found the offering plate took my offering and your offering and I'd have made my way back to the glory land of fresh air and wonderful places called Texas and so would you so would you but but I'm not here to talk about what you or I would do I'm here for the answer to every miracle we need in this building and it's great faith so what does great faith do after it's been ignored it doesn't give up what does it do when it's been rejected here's what it does verse 25 Matthew 15 20 I gotta haven't put on the screen cuz y'all ain't even gonna believe me Matthew 15 25 years what she did here's the second step great faith never gives up then she came and most of y'all have to have a fancy song but great faith gets its feelings hurt and it says you when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart I will dance that day the dancer great faith doesn't worship by feeling great faith worshiping my it's driven by its natural I'm giving him praise not for what I got I'm dividend praise for what it is I need if you've got a need you ought to be on your feet giving him praise not for what you got great faith worships for what it needs great faith worships I'm sure that patty-cakes couldn't drive heaven crazy I'm sure your little Bob he's gonna drive huh but I'm not here for you I'm here for somebody that says I need you God I don't know where yeah I don't know what you're gonna do I don't know how you're gonna do it but I can't go home the way I came I said I can't walk home ha ha ha there's emptiness there's loneliness I deal with here in depression but I'm gonna give you praise for what I wish I had a mama that had a backseat that would give him praise I wish I had a daddy that had a sickness in the body that could give him [Applause] [Music] whoo that's how we do it we bounce our way until I get to the next point or have you back up next great faith we read in in that come we read in 1st Samuel the book of 1st Samuel 21st chapter there's a story about David he's he's being chased by I saw Saul's wanting to kill him how many of you read that story before him 6 people Oh God it takes forever to preach when they don't read their Bibles and then they complain about how long I preach not good guy do I have to tell you the whole story how many of you have read the Bible there we go thank you and that speeds things up a little bit births a me of 21 David's fleeing for his life he's scared to death he's full of fear like some of you are tonight you're afraid you're afraid cos God's put a number on your heart and you're afraid to ride it down God's already been speaking out of fact he spoke to you before this thing ever started how much he was gonna give and then what he's done in the last night is he's told you to double it and fears gripped your heart fear fear fear it might not be about that number but it's maybe it's about you finance maybe it's about your friend maybe it's about home life I don't know what it is but David is in a fearful place you know what it made him do made him lie he ran over to Abimelech or a Kish is the proper noun of that same individual he runs up he's fleeing for his life scared to death I'll read it to you first Samuel chapter 21 David arose and 10 verse 10 and David arose and fled that day for fear of Saul and went to a Koosh the king of Gath and the servants of acre said unto him is not this David the King in the land they didn't sing of him and dances saying solid slain his thousands and David his tens thousands and David hears these words and puts them in his heart he's afraid afraid look at your neighbors say he's afraid the king and he changed his honey to David give me where's my buddy at David come on up here but David I think they've probably been looking in you but you'll do David David no David scared to death and all of us say because he's hiding because if somebody recognizes who he is they gonna kill him his life is in danger all of a sudden the servants of the King they recognize him and they go to the king and they say I got him that's that's David hiding in our and David says oh my goodness they've caught me so here's what he did he threw himself down on the ground do it come on there good job changed his behavior come on started acting like a crazy scrabbling at the doors of the gate and let's spits coming out of his mouth down his beard don't stop then said a Kishin to his servant slow you see this madman wherefore then have you brought it to me I have I need of a madman that you brought this fella to play mad in my presence huh then it's next chapter first first day the departed fits and escaped to the Cave of the deulim he got away when he acted crazy he got down don't stop don't stop he's acting like the fool and the Kings going this guy has lost his mind you got some 34 and while the King thought he was crazy here's some 34 here's what he writes now you got to read the first little bit the introduction part that you guys always miss a psalm of David when he changed his behavior before Abimelech who drove him away here's Tom here's what he was writing he said I will bless the Lord at all times his praise officially be a phrase used to look like that's what got us here roll it on the floor praise the Lord the Lord with me together I sought the Lord and he heard me Oh taste and see that the Lord is good that's what faith does when it's afraid that's what hey worships with it doesn't know what else to do let me tell you something Pentecost pattycake n' is it what's gonna work come on Bob in your head three times isn't what this world needs her what the world needs is some people that'll get out in the ow [Applause] they call us holy rollers sadly they're disappointed because we're too good for that now you know no no we're not too good we're just not afraid enough but you let hell break loose in your family you let all huh and out but I've already made up my mind before it gets to that I'm gonna bless him at all times his phrase I said at all times we're not cuz great faith doesn't worship for what is God in order ships for what it needs I need out of this I'm in a mess my daughter's previously vexed by hell oh but my praise can't give me I wish I had somebody that would worship like she needs your worship to be an escape door like you need your praise to be an exit you ought to give him praise he might tell your BAE [Applause] come on close your eyes stop worrying about who's looking at you and start giving God praise yet of us I pray in the name of Jesus Christ [Applause] Pinnacle's needs a revival of that personal Akasha come on we need I said the church needs a baptism of Holy Ghost worship where we get drunk in the Holy Ghost where's the last time that carried you out of the building when's the last time you praise until you forgot what time it was where's the last time you worshipped until the Holy Ghost fell and something happened [Applause] oh here none of us none of us oh go ahead and clap me on to the next point but I wish I had somebody that had faith I said I wish I had somebody that had Snaith and needs a miracle that would put your hands together by faith hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus they'll Senna David hell of course who have mercy have mercy have mercy great great faith never see the first step is you got to make up your mind I'll do anything I never given up and then the next step great faith always worships they don't matter who's preaching or what sermon they're preaching it no matter what song we're singing they don't sit down on the praise team no no no no no no no no no you don't have to beg them to come to the altar that they don't use the altar call as their their reward to the preacher for doing something new that they've never heard before they just come up because they love Jesus because they've got a need Lord I need you I need you Jesus I need you Jesus sure he looked at her and said he said I can't take children's bread and give it to dogs he called her a dog said you're a dog he's ignored her he's rejected her now he's offended her she said truth Lord you're right she said truth Lord she said you can't offend me see great faith never gives up great faith always worships and great faith can't be offended you gotta make up your mind I don't care what they say about me I don't care what they do to me I don't care how they talk about me I don't care what comes my way I'm never giving up I'm always gonna be a worshiper and preacher you can't preach it straight enough no I don't care what my family says about me I made up my mind I'm gonna live for God hell no I'm almost done and God's gonna do great works here I invited I invited Elijah Bob to come to church when I was pastoring in the Netherlands he was on the street Elijah said I can't come to your church I'm a Muslim my father's an imam in in Africa where I'm from he said if I come to your church they will they will actually communicate me from my family I said well where they act he said they're in Africa I said I'm not gonna tell him if you don't tell him he said okay how come so I talked to me and it took a lot of talking and convinced him but I got him to come I guess what a larger front walked in we hadn't even played a song we hadn't even prayed he just walked in the door and I shook his hand I said Elijah I'm so glad he started crying Oh see some of you you you've lived in this your whole life and to you it's just another move of God oh yeah that's God there's people in the world never felt what you just had what it just walked by you all service long and you set down on it you set down on what some people would give their lives to experience Yetta logic he said have you warm all of them if you want he says I think this is a love that's what I've never felt love in a place of worship because they lower ship out of fear we worship out of love this that's the beauty of this thing well he got the Holy Ghost of course and baptized in Jesus name and he became the head usher of my church his friend was Jade Jade found out that he was going to a Christian Church and told his family called him up and said son never come home we want nothing to do with you he came to church that Sunday crying and said pastor they said they'll have nothing to do with me unless I renounce my faith in Jesus Christ I said what you don't do he said I'm never leaving what I found here he said I don't care what anybody does this is the best thing that ever happened to me in my life you gotta make up your mind my family might not be found but Jesus I said who told him he said Jade I said Jade where she at he said she works down at the corner she's got a nail salon I said let's go down there and talk to her that don't make me very happy so we walked down to Jade's nail salon walked in nobody was in there she had a little mat out was praying we let her finish her prayer I said I won't talk to you she said what I said has has that God you pray to five times a day or with your little mat on the floor has he ever talked back to you she said no I said have you ever even felt him she said no I said why don't you come to my church she said because if I go to your church my family all excommunicate me I said where's your family now she said they live in Sudan or somewhere I said well I'm not telling you don't tell him she walked in and just like Elijah Elisha was one the greeted her she didn't even you know the little entryway in my church she didn't even get into church she's just in the little entryway and Elijah's got her hand she's just crying all over her she said I feel something like I said that's love that's love that's love my goodness I wanted her she threw her hands up and we prayed her through the gift of the Holy Ghost had been her boy Calvin came in and her other son came in and we baptized him in Jesus name and their family excommunicated them and they don't have anything to do with them but they found something bigger than an offense they said I found faith that's greater Yamaha telling of us Hey ladies and gentlemen what would happen if you stop caring about the person on your Pew they they gave up their families for the miracle of love could you give up the opinion of the person sitting next to you to get a miracle come on I've been watching you all service but there's something in you there wants to break out there's something that you that wants to join the 13% up here at the front but you can the great faith can't be offended right faith doesn't care what anybody thinks right facing truth Lord truth Lord whatever I gotta be and whatever you call me whatever my neighbor calls me without what I need from you Kanaya Messiah I wonder if you heard about such a career maja right now in the name of Jesus all the Holy Ghost is here come on I'm not gonna preach any longer faith is in the building come on a few faith elevating you to a new dimension of greatness something's about to transpire in the building hold that you would worship Him come on living way lift your voice about apostolic lift your voice come out begin to let the gifts of the Spirit stop worrying about what anybody's gonna think come on I need you to get over lay your hands on somebody right now come on begin to pray miracles come on God's giving you a name while I was preaching you need to walk over to him right now and begin to prophesy come on come on they might be in the back of the building stop worrying about what they're gonna say and start operating in faith come on living way we're not gonna have to count one two three and shout it's here right now where the level of faith that needs no hype that just needs something to happen Wow I'm driven I'm not driven by my emotion right now I'm driven by my need I'm not sure about what I'm feeling I'm driven but what I need my hellos living way can you be driven by the need of a world seven billion people one hundred of them die every minute you ought to be driven by the need that's it couple living way let this let it happen really flow pray them through to the Holy Ghost if you're a guest here and you need healing in your body you're in the right place you're the building ready to experience the supernatural oh oh let it happen no eye is open every believer in God is exercising great faith come on great faith worships for what it needs great faith runs up to the altar driven by the knees great faith can't get its little feelings hurt it doesn't matter how the preacher preaches it doesn't matter what the so-and-so says it's got to get to Jesus my need is bigger than my feelings Oh so God if I don't feel yeah and if I feel you and it hurts it doesn't matter I got a daughter with the devil I got a son with the disease I got a family that's falling apart I got a tumor back behind my eyes I got sugar diabetes is about to take my life I've got cancer and fear that keeps me from sleeping tonight I got an addiction to pornography I need you Jesus I need you Jesus so I will live my voice I said I'm gonna lift my voice Jesus you're the shouted Jesus that's not a day better [Applause]
Channel: Hallelujah Anyhow
Views: 11,569
Rating: 4.9296188 out of 5
Keywords: jrfer, matthew tuttle, matthew tuttle preaching, matthew tuttle upci, bro matthew tuttle, rev matthew tuttle, three steps to great faith, eastgate church vidor texas, eastgate united pentecostal church, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, apostolic preaching 2018, apostolic pentecostal preaching, apostolic pentecostal church, apostolic pentecostal worship, apostolic pentecostal sermons, apostolic pentecostal preaching videos
Id: N8s-NmxQ6wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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