I Almost Threw Gold In The Trash | Abandoned Storage Unit Unboxing From Foreclosure Auction

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that's most friend children's motrin oh snap I remember this unit - I gave $20 for this unit hey what's up guys it's Jason thrift trader got my buddy Phillip here and Phillips on YouTube as well Phillip what's uh what's your need you run to your flipper frontier flipper guys not one tear the frontier about like a porpoise porpoise if a dolphin oh that's easy flippers I'm from okay I don't know what a porpoise is this guy's from Washington State so West Coast I was transplanted he's a West achill is a West achill originally all right guys so anyways I'm gonna show you something we're actually we're going through the box truck it's got four storage units in it and the reason why we're going through it is because I bought eight more storage units today and we need to get those out of the units all right guys we're gonna do a little unboxing here a little princess I'm not sure that's trash arrow chamber yeah that's a probably trash let me see if I can do this I don't have my gloves on Oh should I be worried Old Navy jacket Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle soap no wild cherry scented soap I'd say that now smile it oh we got here John Lennon sunglasses holy Moses else we got here the cactus that was good yeah cactus would be one of cactus more than one I think so yeah I could be wrong I thought these are trash when you tell them that bags trash if it ain't broken Oh wallet oh hang on I can't show you all this let's see if there's anything in here I'm looking for the cash card of some sort in here good action star club card nope nothing in there guys wood shelving I guess hoggle slab marble slab Creamery please break step alright let's see what else we got in here what is this I don't know sorry there's a mop thing medication that's most friend children's motrin oh snap I remember this unit - I gave $20 for this unit shoot there's a laptop cool hammer galaxy note5 be in there be in there snot in there need some headphones though three years think so are they press this junk dear ash oops was a case nothing else in there newness Bohan guys give me a break what is this that is okay this looks to be a participation guide right yeah participant guide for onto you I guess they worked it on cue hello gorgeous oh I see myself I'm gorgeous underarm deodorant wipes man this is a it's a green Crown Royal bag those are you serious what $1 apiece this is nice made in China though it's not handmade I just sold three dollars off ten dollars from Louise Oh expires June 30 2018 darn hang on sweetheart sure swisher Sweets cigar towel okay and that's it let's look in this box these look like some really old books and of Green Gables ought to look those up here's the bulliest sweater of them all pretty crazy makes you feel itchy just looking at it yeah guys I really don't deal in clothing all that much I mean I'll look at it to make sure I'm not throwing anything crazy into the donate pile but that's donate sure it's a t y beanie baby this mug Nucor stoneware guys if you know anything about any of this stuff that I'm showing you tonight let me know oh we got something yellow right on on the box so we found this holy cow let's see here oh wow do that it's a little locket see that that's interesting it's got a stamp I just can't tell what it is so I'll have to look at look this up a little closer there's a baby I'm not seeing any markings on this but it wouldn't surprise me if it's Goldfield it's Hollow so yeah it's potentially Goldfield cool so that's pretty neat I have to set these aside I'll be trash and don't know what that is it's a neat little 10 it's a little warped and then up but it's neat nonetheless made in India so maybe an instance 10 or a potpourri 10 oh yeah this guy's it says Orion Monterrey Mexico so it's like a hot plate well it's actually a tile that's been hand-painted and then of course this is handmade as well but I assume it's for sitting like hot pots and pans on you got a Samsung DVD player here some kind of hand puppet I don't know he looks pretty torn up this is a bath towel not bath towel yeah if we put your feet on these are just night lights you got lights hey thank you here at some coinage a lot of a lot of coinage some of its looks like a big Canadian coin here cool off you go through that with a fine-toothed comb at some point that's the Corniche who is this looks like a rain rain jacket I wonder if I can put you guys somewhere else and you'll be able to see better I bet this look I bet this works a lot better so yeah look hand-woven coasters that's pretty neat all right look here guys I think I'm pretty sure that this is a jadeite turtle sure looks like it Britany know if you can see it yeah I think that's a jadeite turtle I'll have to look into this but it says it's designed and cast by Micronesian Goldsmith's in Guam USA it doesn't look like gold but I'll have to look closer into that alright guys will we open the top of this box we decided this would be a good box to do an unboxing so we're going to show you what we find coffee pot little incense looks like do I dare do you want you sure all right yeah I'm gonna eat good down the hatch [Laughter] yes I take one for the team oh my gosh yeah no those aren't those are in the trash yeah this thing it says simply fit board okay not so much now RCA this is a wireless antenna this is pretty cool guys Wow this might be an eBay item what do you think glass dish glass a glass dish a user manual - what Samsung it's nice what is this little cake dish yard sale all right I can't wait any longer I think it's genies lamp ah ho nude okay that is a really cool teapot y'all look at this it's made by who is who's Hughes and brews I couldn't even say color coordinates for coffee and tea Hughes and brews have to look this up that's pretty interesting potential eBay just track it's another what is this well it's plant hanger okay it's just a towel here's more wrapped up steps I like wrapped up steps oh it's a pocket Wow see the thing is is I don't know anything about this stuff I mean like there's no markings on it looks like it I don't know if that's pressed glass or if it's crystal I don't even know the difference between the two yard shale is it titus tortoiseshell did something it ain't there anymore some weight this is the further common pot hey y'all yeah there's the offset on button Roku streaming stuff just trash was that this yeah what kind of charger oh no this is not a charger this is a an infrared sensor yeah I do okay this is it they're here DirecTV HD receiver I don't brand-spanking-new France Spanky show that i io honest I don't think we can sell DirecTV receivers on eBay anything so I'll take it there for sure and they use packaged chopsticks it's all we got guys I think I'm T chopsticks and no Chinese trash we're gonna load this box back up with flea market stuff and you go to the next alright guys we just found this in a box full of paperwork and I'm about to call this and let's see if I've got ten dollars to spur on it what do you think what do you guys think do you think I just scored ten dollars to scrawny core what tell me tell me what she opine on dose if you would like to receive the balance of your gift card press one to speak with the gift card please enter the 16 digit gift card number located on the back of the card followed by the time sign please wait while we process your request the balance remaining on your card is $10 again wham bam wham bam thank you ma'am found a $10 Sonic gift card woo that's lunch yes awesome totally tubular all right so no joke there was I know it's kind of dark sorry guys but there was a box it was total trash and I got to the bottom of the box and there was just a bunch of junk like this just a bunch of junk in here and I got to looking for it and I was like you know what there's some pennies in there but I don't care and and so there was a bunch of junk in here and I was like you know it's not working time to pick out these pennies so I gave it to Phillip I was like dude if you want to pick out these pennies just not really worth my time go for it you know and and so he started digging through it and I'm not joking you guys he's like well you probably want this and sure enough it's a 10 karat gold men's band and I was like you didn't just find that in there he's like sure I did like that's nuts so he found gold in the trash so yeah what is it I got through the trash and making the cash yeah guys so obviously I didn't look through it close enough but that goes to show that you absolutely should be looking very closely in anything and everything even if it looks like trash alright guys and if I was Jeremy I'd be sucking on this lollipop but you know what I think I'm gonna pass today so something else that we found is this prayer chair I can't show it to you but it's right there it's a it's called hall chairs or prayer chairs I think this is probably a quick fifty dollars pretty easily then we've got a nice little fireplace set there and we've got this really cool lamp here I know it's dark guys I'm gonna try and remedy that here in just a minute but yeah that's what we've got so far [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 4,675
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: found gold, threw away gold, gold in the trash, abandoned storage unit, found gold in storage unit, found gold in storage locker, abandoned storage locker, storage unit unboxing, gold in dumpster, trash gold, dumpster gold, storage unit gold, found jewelry, storage gold, found treasure, dumpster treasure, trash treasure, storage unit auction, storage unit auctions, storage locker auction, storage locker auctions, thrift trader, treasure hunting
Id: H9C35GkK6NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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