One Box PAID IT OFF! I Took A Gamble On This Abandoned Storage Unit And Hit The Jackpot!

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guys we paid 135 for this storage unit which is pretty cheap but there is a caveat i took a gamble because there's not really anything that i can see with my bare eyes worth money here we go guys i just looked it up on ebay that right there pays for everything it sells for roughly 279 on ebay so there you go that's double what we paid for the entire storage unit [Music] all right here chicky chicky chicky what are y'all doing you know it's supposed to be over here y'all better get back to the house y'all better get get on out of here go oh oh there's two more come here come here come here come here you better get what's going on guys jason thrift trader coming back to you with another video got james with me today and we bought a storage unit unit number 105 guys we paid 135 for this storage unit which is pretty cheap but there is a caveat i took a gamble because there's not really anything that i can see with my bare eyes worth money but there are a lot of boxes and a lot of totes so 135 bucks guys it's worth the gamble to me we're gonna see if we can't make our money back so let's just well let's wait for the storage manager to get here take his lock off of it and we'll open it up and maybe we'll find some riches you ready are you excited as soon as he gets here as soon as he gets here it's a waiting game there he is there he is yay waiting for the lock should be a good time the strangest thing i've ever found yeah hey um adult toys and but i don't think that there's anything really strange other than drug paraphernalia and adult choices it was just a 5x10 and you know usually when you look at the prices they're down around which he paid and he paid something like six or seven hundred dollars turned out had a motorcycle in it uh what motorcycle for 600 bucks now i've i've gotten some pretty i've gotten lucky a couple of times paid 460 dollars for a storage unit let me do that okay sure paid 460 for a storage unit found fifty five hundred dollars in gold yeah well you know the guy that's the auctioneer on this i think if you've been to the lord there you go at the uh on that story yeah dan dodson no he would they won something in the neighborhood about two million dollars wasn't it dan dodson dana and laurie i guess somebody had coined or something i mean just some of that stuff yeah sometimes sometimes that's why we do this last year and i was at i guess our rockwell place and that's what this guy had made has been for two years because i said well he had a 916 area code i said well that's sacramento he goes yeah he said but i've been here for two years and he made his living off of just doing auctions and results and i'm like yeah that's what i how did you do into that uh well um i've been a reseller for quite some time but um i just i started buying storage units about two years ago i had a good friend of mine that up in oregon that was buying storage units his name's wade um and he convinced me to start doing it and i've never looked back one man's job yeah i mean it's a lot of work obviously yeah it's a lot of work but i mean shoot i love it that's the thing if you love your job it's not working if you have fun what you're doing you know it's not working at work nope there you go yeah and i don't know what the heck we're gonna have in here look at this guys take a look at this all right so why did i buy this mostly just boxes and tubs but lord knows what we're gonna find like i said i'm taking a gamble here that's kind of a nice picture 135 bucks we'll see what we get we're gonna james and i are gonna start loading this thing up and uh we'll show you when we find anything halfway decent lookie here we found some records the florida boys let's see if we can country music dirty dancing okay so they're not i was hoping they were classic rock but we didn't get that lucky of course we don't know if there's any in here or not blue ridge quartet oak ridge boys okay well shoot maybe we'll find something nice in here that's always a good thing when you find records heck yeah all right well oh let's find the cards now so let's find the cards now okay here's another good sign toltecs this is usa made stuff we're gonna have vintage clothing in here but that's not to say we're gonna find single stitch tees or anything but we have an a chance at it we have a chance at it okay so we just loaded this box and i pulled it off top here and james said and i was like what and then this guys this is a wwf trivia game somebody bought at a yard sale for a dollar but i guarantee you that's probably worth more than a dollar bro it's got like jericho and uh we missing things sure looks like it sucker punch in the gut yeah there's trivia cards maybe maybe the box is worth something dang it sexy boy dark side slick the rockers football weird okay well we're gonna keep digging lord knows i think i see some kind of trunker chest there there's something right there too who knows yeah um wonderful yep the mice have been around here we've got you can tell just from all the paper shavings and everything oh wait what what we got there bud oh old marbles bro yeah these will sell that's what's up bro oh yeah these swirl marbles these big swirl marbles yeah these are these are old you can tell because you can see right there you can tell they were hand hand blunt levels that's cool good find good find let's find some more of that kind of stuff punch back to nerd or dom notre dame i'm not most of that's gonna be junk there's a good sign nintendo wii let's hope i can find the chords i don't know if the chords are in here there's a controller for it there's the chords yep bingo bingo bingo bingo nintendo wii we got we got mr muscles here what do we got completely full of highly collectible signed baseball cards me too no this nope wait a second oh hey that's what we're talking i dare you no we better not it's a candy dispenser folding hanging manicure set that's nice that's nice hey hey another one bro i don't know if that's worth anything now we're talking yeah that's what's up okay collectible ornaments these are ornaments are these anything special no dollar general but uh here let's put this back in there that's cool yeah that's nice what's in this okay christmas stuff i think this is a christmas lot now i think we're getting into christmas like we need more christmas huh christmas i'd be willing to bet it's christmas i didn't bring the tripod guys okay older lights yep i bet this is christmas i bet it's all christmas let's just assume nice okay gotta keep going check this out guys this stuff is really pretty we got two blue two red it looks like these are fire king anchor hawking fire king pretty darn old likely collectible at this point in day and age but uh and it's just few and far between we've got a few things scattered here and there that have been worth our money um this right here guys looks like it's going to be a sewing cabinet so excited for that we're still making some headway so we're going keep we're gonna keep going look at this guys show us show us this is crazy he just popped this thing open look that is a brand new keurig a brand new period literally wow steel blue color is steel blue guys this probably paid for the whole thing not model number b79 steel blue this thing's brand spanking new wow out of all this crap we've been finding we run across a brand new keurig there we go guys i just looked it up on ebay that right there pays for everything it sells for roughly 279 on ebay so there you go that's double what we paid for the entire storage unit one box paid for it all right there hey hey look at there duck hunt let's see if we can find more stuff in here we have yet to find the classic nes but if there's a game there's potential oh that's that could be vintage rail foreign betting i'm not thinking there's anything in here crud well we got a game we got more totes more totes here's to hoping next tote more clothes i'll oh the rats were bad in here what does that say burns that's military uniform probably oh yep yep that's his military uniform yeah he was in the military pull this bottom jacket out i'm curious what brand is that where guard okay well dang right come on baby oh my gosh the clothing and bedding is killing me killing me nothing all right what about here what we got in there pans of nice pans actually cooks essentials that's actually kind of nice it's a whole set it's a whole set right there okay that's all that's in there yeah blue we got toys in here hey buddy oh let's go yep okay nice dritz looks like we got some sewing stuff in here enesco it's always a good brand [Music] dress bag what you got there anything exciting probably just photos okay nothing too crazy nothing too crazy okay okay empty clothing what's in this box this is how the majority of the box has been looking guys just random crap always makes me wonder there's some sewing stuff in there but it always makes me wonder if this is just leftover junk that they like the storage facility staged in here always makes me wonder but then then again why would they leave a brand new keurig so it's hard for me to say oh yeah this looks staged or there's no way this could be staged because there's a keurig in here but then the next question is why do people store why people why do people pay money to store trash why it just you know hey that's weed eater straight use that what's in here oh oh oh all those photos yeah they're photos we'll have to keep those and give them back to the manager i don't know [Laughter] yeah this is this wasn't a dud of a unit but it sure wasn't the best either what is all that that looks like homeco or burwood one of the two yeah well we didn't find our best finds obviously were the records and that keurig um i'm curious to oh we got more stuff down here that we need to get to ah that's not gonna be worth too much i don't think it's too old too old that's nice see this this kind of stuff i do well with this kind of stuff that's salt and pepper shaker look at those they're not german steins unfortunately that one's a cracked crud oh that's cool jim what's this jim oh yeah that's a um bible verse yeah cool cool well not too shabby we're gonna get the box truck loaded up and get the heck out of here hell yeah ready let's just flip it top first ready now that is how you get rid of crappy furniture without taking up 200 square foot of your box truck [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 4,277
Rating: 4.9414635 out of 5
Id: mcZIKwrIMsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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