LAUNCHING The ULTIMATE Warship in Kerbal Space Program

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called kerbal space program today we're gonna have a lot of fun torturing some kerbins because we're building something that shouldn't go into space yeah we're gonna go to the space plane hangar even though a world war ii ship is not actually a space plane it's it's a ship that meant to go on water but if you strap enough boosters onto it anything can go into space and i'd also like to thank a game called world of warships blitz for sponsoring this video now i know what you're thinking but no i am not actually part of the game but i do enjoy playing it world of warships blitz is a 7v7 mobile naval shooter mmo with over 400 warships from history each of the ships can be customized and unlocked as you play through the game and you can even upgrade them with equipment boosters and camo and assign commanders with special skills now there's a lot of ways to play the game personally i prefer to hit hard and fast with destroyers but if you'd like to play with power and range of a destroyer you can do that or even sending in torpedo bombers from aircraft carriers it's all up to you on how you want to play there's 10 different tiers of ships and warships from us uk japan germany italy and others that have different features and different ways to unlock and upgrade them the last update made the user interface a lot smoother and brought some new popular ships to the game like the german cruiser moochen and the french battleship flandering so if you want to help out my channel and have a lot of fun playing world of warship splits make sure you tap on that link in the video description to download the game on your mobile devices and use the bonus code here on the screen to get two premium ships seven days a premium account and 2.5 million silver which are all valued about 30 now this is going to be a very interesting build i kind of want to throw in a giant fuel tank system right in the middle of it and i do want it to be rotated about 90 degrees this way so that's going to kind of be the base of it i need to test this thing out real quick and i totally made it backwards oh well all right is that a little better let's see oh yeah that'll work we have we have thrust i mean we're not really looking for thrust but we're looking for the ability to drive right now and then it'll go to space eventually because i have some gigantic amount of fuel in here oh boy uh well uh we're gonna crash that's always always good crash trying to turn i can't pull up because i literally have nothing on this thing so that was cool aha nice sorry to get rid of these things because we frankly don't need those probably don't need that either hopefully we didn't delete the little kerbins that were inside and now we gotta slap on a fuselage onto this bad boy i'm kind of thinking maybe like wing parts would do the trick that's actually not too bad i might need a few of these but it could work and i think for the sake of this it might be one too long i feel like i gotta delete one of these off this is looking pretty good i just gotta figure out which way which there that worked okay that's not the right win okay i need a different way i need you maybe and then i'll just press buttons until it lines up properly that's that uh-huh which way this line up this this way this somewhere in here kind no oh i figured it out look at me i'm so smart in the ways of being smart okay i actually need it back here more and then we'll move it slightly back yeah that works and then up i will attach it to there and oh yes i like that i still got to figure out how to figure this out one of these wings should fit very nicely one of these wings will fit very nicely did you like my song i just made it up and then we'll rotate that and then we'll flip it and oh ho ho do you see what i see come on oh that that's perfect right there yeah it might not look perfect but just you watch ready and it's not quite right so we'll delete this no and then we'll duplicate this guy and we'll slam that on here right like that and then we'll move it like such as and it actually worked kind of nicely can i move you oh ho ho yes we have a deck of a ship i really think that looks cool almost like a penguin in a way but i don't really like that i want the cockpit to be up in the tower so we're gonna delete that would you attach please like please attach why don't you want to attach be on there fine i don't want you anyway well now that we have our deck on we need to you know what i could do i could put on i should put on like wings down here to make it slanted that's gonna be an absolute mess to do so let's get to it i guess oh i'm not looking forward to this one but it's worth it so do i want to use these i gotta connect it to the outside they're gonna just be little flappy boys here i wish there were a little bigger wings but i think i mean these are the biggest the gigantic space wings they don't really work for what i want them to do unless i'm going to make it an actual penguin and the tail fins don't really work either but i could make the tower out of that so we are 50 minutes into building this thing now uh it kind of looks like a ship a little bit with a giant rocket on the back of it that's fine i gotta figure out a way to box this thing in so that can come out and i'm not sure how to do that i also just realized i built this whole thing without using symmetry on the side so oh that's not good i almost wonder if i shouldn't just delete them all and then just make the symmetry again nah we just need more thrusters probably okay we have the fuselage kind of mate i like this looks like there's like a a hall underneath but in it just kidding it's not a hull it's really a gigantic pile of thrusting juice i kind of like the look of those things too i don't really know what they're for but maybe like little little railings coming out so now i need to build up the uh what is the control tower or something here in the middle i'm not sure how to do that you know i feel like i could use some of these things because they look kind of cool like a structural fuselage along the side this might work i don't want them to be like too much weight because it's going to really throw off the whole symmetry of this thing so how does that look for like a little basic control tower i know it's not perfect but we're we're in kerbal we're we're not in like minecraft or something different i was also thinking in the science there's like utility stuff here check out this uh if i rotate this around i'm making a lie on myself i rotate these around and i deploy these oh that's that's definitely not what i wanted to do oh no oh no no no i could rotate those things and they kind of look like guns yeah a little bit it's also a mining excavator it's kind of small but it also kind of looks like guns and at a certain point you just kind of stop caring about weight also i should probably save this we're gonna totally no no no no no no no no cancel where's the save button there's the save button yes save please save world war save it like 18 million times i'm actually really kind of um i don't know i'm kind of happy how this is turning out it it looks pretty cool i could maybe add another thing up here but i don't really know what i what else i would add um i mean it's let's be honest it's not gonna work maybe i should try it should i try it we're gonna have to switch the editor to the other one so it goes vertical balls we have to we have to make it we're gonna launch and throttle maximum activate all right all right so far so good land whale we made uh it's actually getting pretty good speed except literally everything is falling off and the drag on the ground is not working well i have to get it in space i wanted that to go vertical but you know one thing i learned i didn't have nearly enough antennas on it no why why would i try to launch something into space without some sort of satellite dish that's that's kind of i mean i learned a lot more than that there that looks a little more official but the thing i learned is that i have to figure out where that structural thing is yeah the structural and then get the duct tape out because i have to duct tape the absolute schnozzleberries out of this thing uh-oh not like that maybe if i do a little bit of this nope in this way nope not that way um hello oh there we go and then whoop whoop and then whoop and then down down i did it i figured it out we're gonna make this bad boy go vertical maybe oh it's stuck in the ground there we go hot dang okay cool so that's up um i need to get some of these things in here it's gonna stabilize the bijeers out of it that way it's not going to explode i mean it probably still will explode but this way it won't explode on launch okay save no no no that's the wrong button safe oh i love it it's not a huge ship but i why is it on this space plane runway i don't care whatever and throttle should we not throttle max i feel like partial low throttle and jeb is like yeah we're gonna do this all right let's see what we can do uh-huh all right that was cool increased throttle awesome oh it's kind of flying whoa it's kind of not flying you know what that calls for calls for awesomeness that makes me giggle okay good job i really wanted you to be in the other editor though so i could take you to the proper launcher there it is and same thing's probably gonna happen so whatever everything goes at once oh yeah there's way too much thrust on the top way too much thrust so here's what my thinker is thinking the one attached between my ears that i should probably switch this and add like an additional one i want that one to go in like tier two and this one to go in tier one what is this by the way i have no idea what those are but they look cool i thought like little missiles on there how cool would that be yeah we'll leave those for later we'll just put those way at the top all right you're going to be in it goes from the bottom up right and we can try that i still don't think that's going to work but the fun thing with kerbal is you got to keep trying it's kind of a cool cool little jingle increase throttle to 100 activate thrusters we don't have enough thrust to get a world war ii naval ship up into space okay yeah that happened do you know what that means that means more boosters oh yes oh my favorite liquid should i just slap in i could do like those what are they called like the crickets or something weird no that's from men in black the little gun thing oh these would be nice just strap on a buttload of these the shrimp that's the thing i was thinking about but why would i want to do that where i could use the clydesdales yes that looks fantastic i just need some couplers on here this isn't gonna work but i think it's hilarious all right mr thoroughbred let's see how you work oh yeah this is gonna be nice i don't really mind if it clips into the other stuff oh except it's not even coupled is that coupled i maybe sure trial and error is my favorite vegetable i eat it for breakfast every day i mean those look on yeah i need nose cones oh no not docking ports nose cones nose beautiful nose cones the beautiful nose cones nice you go away you're not wanted anymore all right stage number one it's these things and this will be your booster in space we've got that boy going on in there and we're gonna move you down here okay so that'll be our next booster i have no idea if this will work or not so let's try it and kind of oh you know why yeah and activate because i didn't hit i didn't hit the button go it's not going oh that one is it's like yay because of the the dumb these dumbs we don't need these dumb oh there's only one dumb okay that looks better i'm guessing that was the problem we'll see [Music] throttle up and activate oh it's lifting off all balls uh oh no hey it worked sort of we got a new flight record though so that's good 218 meters nice i can never figure out which button makes work right happening go away i don't want that i think the good idea is just to duct tape it you just slap some duct tape on everywhere that one didn't even work because the duct tape decouples if this decouples so oh man it's gonna take a while that's the one thing in this game if you don't learn anything about like real space travel you'll learn that duct tape and more thrusters solves every problem oh yeah that worked it didn't even it didn't even launch now i can't even control the thruster because all of the crew died whoops what'd i do wrong this time probably just needs more of these like a lot more of these i don't even care how much money these are because we're in sandbox mode oh it's it's holding it held um quick quick oh ball okay we got to do this really fast this time and then maybe it won't fall apart got it got it whoa it didn't fall apart oh i forgot an sas module uh oh is it gonna work i mean it's it's going backwards quick um that's not not quite right oh yeah things are blowing up we just actually have a missile projectile fall out of the bottom side uh-huh and then nice it worked i think we got a new record oh yeah 508 meters only like 1 000th of the way i need to go so the real question is why and i'm guessing because i need more thrust on the top and less on the bottom so i'm going to delete this guy that boy's gone we don't need rocket thrusters on the bottom of our ship that doesn't even make sense go go go oh no that's that's too much too much of failing and now i oh oh oh oh it's working oh sas module i forgot about that we need more like mini boys in there we need more little thrusters to kind of keep us going vertical yeah that didn't work at all okay that was better still fiery and explosive though we gotta go so fast after the game loads i added on a swivel engine on the bottom of it i'm gonna turn sas on and launch up into space as fast as this thing loads if it ever wants to load are you gonna load it's loading okay sas i didn't do it right but i got 94 meters so we got that going for us all right we're up we're up turn the sas on okay the swivel is not going can you activate activate activate activate why is that engine not on ah poop nuggets wait actually that's tipping over the wrong way um okay go sure it's uh stabilized yes wait is it going no no it's going backwards oh balls we're gonna set a flight record though oh the sas is turning it that's what's going on up and it's like nah just kidding we're gonna shut everything off until we can go vertical again or not what are you doing hey [Music] no idea what's happening but oh i thought jeff was gonna live he didn't 530 meters oh 900 meters i'm so good at this game well what's going up again it's a little bit hard to make something fly in space that doesn't really want to it's meant to go in the ocean like over here i can't even make it go in the ocean right now oh yeah 9 45. all right slight modifications we need some lifeboats on here throttle up i'm hoping that i have it at the center of mass properly and the center of thrust is going to be sideways instead of vertically yeah i don't know i guess the only way to figure it out is to actually go oh okay so we need it down a little further so it pops up but that's kind of working i mean it did kind of it didn't it's not working but i got plenty of thrust i think that might be enough fuel to make it work oh just kidding okay so i'm starting to think my bigger problem is these things and that i need to have the swivel engines on so i'm gonna switch out to get the swivel engines on these guys and hopefully the sas will take over okay so i got another slight modification added a few different things we have the swivel engines here i don't really know how this is gonna go but i'm gonna try it go okay those need to be on the same one hey it's working uh oh sas on oh i forgot about that oh no oh no no hey we're going up extremely slow but we're going no you dare don't you don't you dare go that way no no no no no no no no no okay so it's tipping back this way meaning there's too much thrust from the back side man we were doing better before okay so i've changed a lot um i might have added some super duper big stuff on here hoping this works uh it doesn't i'll be honest i don't really know what to do i've tried a bunch of things even like uh making a booster on the backside and some others so we got sas on throttle to the max and let's do it okay it's working it's working pretty well i'm going vertical oh yes yes we're going to launch battleship into space hey we got oh well we got a long way to go yet oh my uh too much thrust on the back side i can't turn oh no uh wow i made it into a thousand so i got that going for me oh yeah yeah no no no no no no oh oh we're going up again we're going up again okay this is this was i just planned on this okay you stop i'm taking this oh no you can keep going okay we got 11 we're going to do a barrel roll really quick and then uh we'll go back up again and then i'll be perfect this time yeah there it goes there it goes okay uh the good news is oh yeah i like i saved it oh we're going backwards even though throws is going fully forward ah that's the closest i've been yet huh i don't i'll be honest i'm too big of a kerbal noob to really understand what i'm doing so i just if i hit that button then we have i like that i should just try to land it in the water uh-huh i really wanted to get this thing in orbit but yeah it's not gonna oh those those can move a little bit hey look at those going we just made missiles that crashed into the ground i know kind of what has to happen like that center of this thing has to be kind of straight in line with this other one so ah it's just you can see that little angle is just a little bit to the back adding more thrust doesn't really help either but i'm going to do it anyway because that's always fun and activate why did it decide that the link is going to be the first thing that goes sometimes this game's just got a case of the dumbs so do i but i'm not a game all right activate nicely done do it again oh yeah okay it's pushing it back too far i should have put that thruster on the other side but it's holding together it's holding maybe if i put it right here and then i can thrust it back oh balls why don't i just make that one go that'll do the same thing and that's it oh that's satisfying oh now it's too much but i can i can i can make this work i can make it work we're going up we're going up we're going into space we're going into space i'm so excited right now i've never launched a world war ii battleship in this oh that's wrong wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no houston we're cleared for takeoff there it goes yes yes yes no no keep it steady keep it vertical keep it keep it vertical keep it vertical it's working it's working keep it vertical i said it's not vertical anymore oh wow we just hey that that kind of worked somehow ripping off the bow of the aircraft carrier or destroyer ship it seemed to have helped yay i just want to keep this bad boy completely and utterly straight oh we're getting up in atmosphere that's 8 thousand meters musta ran out of oxidizer for the other one because that just shut off that's okay it was mainly cosmetic i didn't think it was actually gonna help wow we're at twenty four thousand twenty five thousand yes i guess i can kind of go over like 45 degrees now kind of try to escape the atmosphere wouldn't it be funny if i get this thing into orbit oh something else just fell off i'm not sure what it was it just it just disappeared oh the whole top [Laughter] uh whoops okay and those are gone so it's cool did i get into did i i'm losing altitude i'm losing speed okay um these are gone i can't disconnect oh because the cockpit flew off if the cockpit flies off there's nothing that can tell me to tell the ship to work anymore did it work though oh it's been so long since i played this game toggle map there we go oh it's gonna crash back to earth it's so sad so that means i need more duct tape i'm betting these flew off themselves just strap on the duct tape that's all we need to do just keep duct taping it around those will come off eventually i don't particularly care i just really want it to stay on there right now all right i think we're going to do it this time i think we're going to launch this bad boy into space we already made it 100 meters i know that's how tall it is throttle up sas module on and thrust activated yes okay all right all right here we go here we go we're going up we're going up i'm just going to kind of keep it going that way keep her moving as they say in wisconsin it hurts it's not why are you failing me oh yeah that whole bow situation isn't very good oh oh but we're going back up again there we go and then and then right the wrongs all right all right looking good looking looking good we're going up into space and stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah wow or we're gonna go over to the airfield on the island then oh okay okay i didn't want them parts either and we're taking the battleship to see very nice would you stop sas you're making things worse i can control this from here on out i got it i i'm i can right this ship right in right into the water sort of not really and made it to the ocean mission completed well you know what they say when in doubt add more thrusters right so i put some of those on there hopefully this being aerodynamic or something is gonna work i i don't know sas on throttle max and activate oh did you see that all of the gas is coming out okay it's going perfectly vertical a little bit back nope nope wait wrong way okay i'm going to try to just brute force it vertically i know this thing is so hard to get up into space but [Music] no no no no no okay okay okay we're just doing uh no no okay oh whoa whoa whoop whoop right the ship ride the ship jebediah right this ship up or shape out or whatever they say okay we're going up again that's kind of weird but whatever yeah we're just bathing the entire thing in ashes or flames or something okay somehow it's it's functioning um okay and then uh get rid of those we don't need them anymore whoops yeah yikes okay somehow i'm still going up somehow i'm doing it i'm going into space our boat is is broken i'm hoping the main capsule doesn't break off um that's okay though if it does because there's no parachute on there and they'll just glide back into the atmosphere and then crash on the ground but they're curving so they don't really matter i did i say that out loud my fingers are going numb from trying to keep this thing upright and i know this isn't the best way to do it because we're supposed to go at more of like a 45 degree angle i'm just really scared to go at a 45 degree angle because if i do anything the game's just gonna blow up but there's the moon also looks like a death star it's it's functioning though okay are they're almost ready and then there we go i made it oh no wait throttle down throttle down everything will be fine everything look he's having so much fun oh gemini is not even the pilot well the good news is uh we made it we made it up in into sort of orbit um sure i did it apolapsus here i made up a new word give me that wow that's big brain stuff right there i don't even know what that means well my friends i kind of managed to do it i kind of got into space like that was the gold and stuff uh there's a little bit of problems though i know i know i should just turn off the engines and let it drift forever that would be fun too but i did make it out of the atmosphere and i'm kind of excited about that so i hope you enjoyed our episode today if you did make sure you go ahead and download world of warships blitz down below in the video description there's that link and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patrons including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave hawk's hawks eagle arc whip it good dez bogger maxer sarnoff baron fox jason mcfarland deegan rail splattersacks and iffysphere [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 544,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, kerbal space program, ksp, kerbal space program mods, kerbal space, kerbal space program blitz, blitz kerbal space program, kerbal space program ep 1, kerbal space program ships, ksp ship, ksp spaceship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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