WAGYU MBS 7 Sous Vide Live!

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[Music] what's up everybody welcome back to su Vida everything today we are going to go to the live stream and it's going to be fantastic are we live all right we're on welcome back to Sevilla everything everybody today yesterday I posted a video for you guys to ask you guys what it is that you wanted me to cook I did give you two options how we're gonna cook a regular ribeye steak or are we gonna book good are we gonna cook a Wagyu marbling score is seven and which one do you guys think you went with obviously you went with that wait a second 75% of you said to go with this beauty check out our angel we're gonna go down over here we are gonna go down with this this is what you guys chose look at this this steak is absolutely incredible isn't it look at the marbling as you can see is a thick steak it is not a thin steak quite thick I would say probably I don't know maybe like an inch an inch and a half or something like that so you know give me one second here everybody I gotta put something here all right very good so it's about an inch and a half thick now this is a an Australian Wagyu I want to show you guys a difference so that we can actually compare between an Australian Wagyu and score marbling seven and some other steaks so let me get on other sticks for you guys to check it out and then we're gonna try to study and find out the difference check this off do you wanna hit a rock I don't blame you but hold on a second I gotta show you some more stuff then you might want to eat it raw - check this out this one right here let me fold this what oh thank you so much you guys are generous by the way everybody all the donations that you guys are giving are gonna go a hundred percent towards the channel so that we can make it better I didn't say this before but this is my very first live stream so I know I'm gonna have a lot of mistake and you guys are welcome to make fun of me anyway let's go back to the steak and you check this out so here's the difference everybody we got this right here as you can see this is a prime steak see that it's a prime steak so look at the marbling on this this steak right here it's it's incredible look at that very similar to this one I don't think it's that similar but there's a difference this is a prime steak this is a waggly of square marbling seven and as you can see the thickness is quite different as well this is like I don't know probably about two inches steak this one is like an inch and a half now so I'm out a little bit angel by the way and let me introduce you guys who we got over here come on up an angel let's say hi to everybody come over here come over here angel come over here come over here you guys know my nephew Wray he's on the camera today this guy needs no introduction who's this guy over here all right and we got more people in the back - everybody's helping out okay so I showed you two steaks already we got the go down here in John who fruit great thank you so much okay so this is the prime steak and we got the Wagyu steak and then here we got the duo of all the steaks you guys know what this is I've done a few of videos about it we got our Japanese Wagyu a5 as you can see right here you could tell the difference right away this is the how do you say it the creme of the crap the the cream of the crop not the crack anyway this is the Japanese Wagyu a5 everybody we got Australian Wagyu my believe score seven say that again dry potato and jam that's an awesome nickname right there I love that one these are the difference everybody the between all of them so from Brazil I told Valley Ranch I blast what was saying I mean so these are the difference between steaks I wanted to show you guys a regular steak as well but I think you got the point in the difference between them right so we got prime Australian and Japanese Wagyu a5 now I have to put this back on the refrigerator right away because we don't want it to go back mama please put it on the bottom on the freezer for me like this one I might have to disagree with you I might have to disagree with you because it looks good already sometimes people tell me good I can't eat that steak raw and I don't blame you right it's Oh enough talking right enough talking right let's go ahead and open up this beautiful steak check this out everybody so let me go ahead and open it we have to when they come by the way they come like this okay so let me let's open this up look at the marbling on this steak Wow are you kidding me Peter thank you so much check this out everybody look at the marbling of the state link for the cutting board while I'm working right now with somebody that is going to be helping me out with the cutting board everybody and as soon as I have it ready I'm gonna let everybody know but isn't it beautiful I love this cutting board and it's nice and large - thank you thank you for it check this out everybody what a beautiful steak isn't it let me actually do this I want to show you guys a little bit of a close-up so you can check this out [Music] check out the marbling on the steak everybody Peter you're too kind thank you so much I appreciate that look at the marbling I mean you could tell this is an incredible looking steak it's like we are in for a treat right now isn't it nice Wow very good so now as always everybody thank you thank you thank you so here's the question I'm gonna ask you guys and I want you to go in the comments below right now and comment what it is that you want me to do should a beautiful steak like this a lot of people tell me you shouldn't put too much spice on it because you want to go you know easy on it should we do a salt pepper or shall we do salt pepper and garlic comment right now and let me know what we should do and you guys tell me what they say all right well I got the salt ready thank you thank you guys if you're donating thank you so much and you'll go down over here for me no garlic no garlic seriously go down a little more NGO so no garlic no but nobody wants garlic powder for real or granulated garlic mama wants garlic powder about you angel they don't want garlic powder they do want garlic powder you guys tell me over there just like that well let me know if you guys want me to just slice a little piece right here I'll just slice a little piece and hold you recession is dire get down for that angel while you eat it you would try it wrong well put it up angel you guys want to see mama I'll try this thing right and tell us what it tastes like rock you're doing for real mom I would do it I like that mama is a game player you do they want to see it tell me tell me if they want to see it if they want to see my MA reading this thing do it yes or no let alone a definite answer you see there yes or he's either no come on now what is it well ma ma ma ma ma ma ma all right I'll come over here we're gonna we're gonna give my mom a little go down here angel' we're gonna cut this thing here while you tell us you want a little bit of a cap or you want a little bit of this one here just to see the flavor I'm the chef all right I don't think you should do this but they want to see they want to see it what are they saying do they want to see it they are crazy we're gonna go are we going to go we're not gonna go well mom you're gonna go for it we're gonna go sashimi-style very thin someone can give it a try all right they're saying no more than that are you ready for this or do you want a little bit shall we put a little bit of salt why you want a little bit of salt there now maybe a bit a bit of salt no no you shouldn't how Carmy let's put a little bit of salt and you come down here Omar team player right here we're gonna go half and half Allah all right we're gonna go half and half I mean a beautiful steak like this session my styie let's put a little bit of salt on this one here a little bit that's not that I think that's more salt than actual steak which one you gonna go for first what is it you got to speak kind of over here it's it's good it's good it's good I have to get close over here cuz googa has a microphone of it are you sure you just want to get too close to me not that much you tried it what was that no no salt and so description it's very fairy it does it taste like a regular raw steak or no no no no like a medium rare or something no no no yeah it's like a medium rare extremely rare and cold yeah it's good but I could definitely mama go for their next one check out me mama mama I'll go for the next one the next one has a little bit of salt can you show the audience there you go has a little bit of salt everybody within a true am i you're insane I think it's yeah we want to know the taste raw or mom is it better with the salt it's better wow I didn't know that yeah it's better without the salt if you're gonna eat Australian why you raw do it at your own discretion we're now responsible if you decide to do this everybody we do not recommend it let me be very clear we do not recommend it no but if you do try it is it good so much salt I'm go for the wire oh ma hi guys let's go ahead and season this beautiful steak they said no garlic powder right they don't want any very powder that's what they said it was 50/50 then we're gonna go with no garlic powder then all right a lot of people ask me about the salt what kind of salt I'll use go in here and just show them the salt I use more than salt everybody it's very bright right now but let me put my hand here so you can kind of see it I use modern salt and the reason I use modern salt to be honest with you is really for the camera it's not for anything else the reason I don't use the fine salt is because you can get too salty and if I use kosher salt it also it doesn't show very good on camera that's the only reason I this is more like a finishing salt and the only reason I use it is for the camera to make it look good everybody now that season this beautiful steak let's do it thank you so much and everybody that is donating ok so I season now this is something that you guys never ever see on the video i'ma show it to you right now check this out I seasoned very heavily this is a thick cut of steak so yes I go heavy and it might look like I'm overdoing it and every time I make a video about this you guys always tell me Google you're going insane that's a lot of salt like nice like a pound half of South yes it's true look how much I'm gonna season but what you don't see on the videos is this watch I'm gonna show it to you so we're going to put some pepper and yes I go really heavy this is a thick steak right you gotta go heavy you know oh thank you thank you thank you so I get really happy but what you don't see is soon as I cut up so from here on sometimes I do my nice beautiful slides as you guys are familiar with the stay with the videos but this is what I do right now check this out I pet it and every time I make a video if I don't show this you guys make a comment when as soon as I'm done here I rub the excess off just like this alright so only the right amount will stick for me then you stay there arrange oh you don't need to move I bring all my seasoning back in here and then I seasoned the other side of the state and I rub it on the board completely this is how I seasoned every single steak that is the reason look how this doesn't look very good on camera and very sexy you know what I mean that's why I don't show it every time so what I do with all my steaks every single steak but I don't like to show this on camera because you can see it right now it doesn't look I mean you know you got the point right however if you can see right now this steak is a hundred percent seasoned and it's seasoned very very well and I do that with every single steak that I seasoned everybody every single one of them he goes like this check this out always always seasoned see that perfectly seasoned all the way through there is not one piece of the steak that hasn't been seasoned every everything is seasoned completely all right so that is how I season that's the I know a lot of you every time ask me Google make sure you season both sides I always season both sides but you know not to show that going around on the staying all the time I don't show it every single time so now that we got this beautiful steak ready what's next everybody you guys tell me because I forgot what I'm supposed to do next this is a live stream first time I'm just joking but tell me what are the what what do we do next tell me what they say oh that's a great question what you you know a lot of time okay there's a few reason why I use gloves number one obviously I want to keep everything clean with sous-vide you are cooking at low temperature so cleanness is extremely important you are taking that meat to a medium rare or if you cook poetry you're cooking it to 150 degrees Fahrenheit you know it is important to keep everything clean pay attention on any video I do i season the board after I've season this I mean I'm sorry i season the steak after i season the steak and I do my slide pay attention the board is always clean we clean everything probably too many times five six times but if that's one of the reasons that I actually use the gloves but there's another reason today I'm lucky enough to have my nephew angel here without my mouth we got a lot of people but a lot of times when I'm making the video at night I have almost no help almost no I have no help at out so it makes it easy for me to be able to season the steak take out the glove and move the camera around because where I'm preparing the steak is not next to like a kitchen where I can wash my hand or I can use the glove the towel I actually try to use tower's one time but it doesn't get all that especially with Wagyu the fat just renders too much so when I clean my hand and I touch my camera my caramel was like all greasy and I was like no no no no no no that's not gonna work so but that's the main reason I use gloves all right they said what's next they know what's going on they didn't they don't know what's going on what's going on everybody makes you tell me what do we got to do when am I gonna do that what am I gonna do okay all right let's go down here since you guys are not comedy what's next we're just gonna go for it let's put it on the grill and you're like sit on the girl film this bag right here and let's talk a little bit about bag so is it necessary to have you know a vacuum bag or a vacuum sealer no it's not but your life is gonna be a lot easier if you do have one everybody you can use what is this car ziplock bag I gave up on this right at the beginning of the Kochs because you didn't make as pleasant as it is to use this one it's so easy to use this one you know what I mean so I just I give up on this one but you can't use it if you want to all right all right so let's go ahead and that first thing I like to do is fold it back and the reason I do that is so that I don't get any yep fat grease on on the edges here and it can get a nice seal okay Heights go down here well back it up [Applause] all right we got our beautiful steak ready right there Oh Martin you dumped this salt for me right here my mother's a treasure here and if you think you go behind me all right now we're gonna go see right now if I'm working with a camera I probably I would have to adjust the camera so I have I always only sacrifice I tried to only touch me one time with this hand and then this hand I try to keep it clean all the time so I just get rid of that one and then we got our concealer ready for today I'm gonna use this one I also have a vacuum chamber by the way if you guys want to make a good investment I definitely recommend a vacuum chamber it's more expensive but the bags are cheaper because these bags right here oh they are pricey they are real pricey so a vacuum chamber bag is really really affordable just go ahead and vacuum seal this one [Music] [Music] huh I'm shooting it from my garage this is my garage everybody we got a lot of people here we're having a great time once it's sealed perfectly sealed and ready for the water bath check this out now there here's the thing a lot of you don't see it on the video very much but what I like to do is I like to let it dry brine overnight so I most of the time I leave my steaks dry Briony overnight and you know the salt really penetrates through and I do that very often with most of my steaks but at the same time when Sophie is cooking you dry brining it automatically as well so it's not a hundred percent necessary but I definitely recommend it if you do have the time now let's go ahead and get our sous-vide machine ready to cook this up all right and I'm going to use this machine here what temperature should we'll be cooking the steak on everybody I want you to comment down below right now and let me know what temperature let me know if they say the temperature that we should be cooking on okay okay 131 Wow Wow really nobody is going for the temperature that I like the most for rib eyes so this question is very difficult to answer if not impossible because it's all about your preference what temperature you like your steak at I like my medium-rare which is probably between 129 to 1:31 that's a perfect medium-rare temperature because when you're searing it you have a little carryover but not that much but for rebuy steaks and steaks that are really really fatty like this one is Japanese I mean Australian Wagyu I like to do it at 135 if it's like a New York Strip then I like to do it at lower temperature at 129 sometimes 131 it really depends on the mood that I'm on ninja likes a little bit hotter my MA likes a little bit rare I like in the middle section everybody has different type of taste and you have to adjust it to the one you like alright but this one here today I am going to be cooking at a hundred and thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit there you go we're going to be cooking this one at 135 degrees Fahrenheit now here is a question this is a thick steak this is a thick steak are we going to be cooking the steak here for how long do you guys think it should be cooked for since it's like an inch and a half let me know what they say okay two hours oh who said two hours Wow everybody said two hours most people say two hours and privat pretty much every person that is saying to our is absolutely right two hours will be cooked now what happens if I take it out of two hours after two hours if I take it out of two hours everybody what happens there you go two hours two hours what happens if I cook at more than two hours if I live this stay tuned for three hours what happens apparently we're having some technical difficulty it blows up it's not gonna blow up so here's the rule of thumb this rule of thumb is not really perfect but this is what I use at least okay it's not perfect but it is what I use at least so if I'm cooking a steak for about two hours I like to give it double the time maximum for it to stay on the water bath before you start changing consistency so if I cook a steak for two hours I can leave it there for two hours maximum and then you won't change the consistency but if I cook us like prime rib for six hours I can leave it there up to 12 hours you will change the consistency a little bit but not so much there's really no rules with sous-vide like you have to cook this much you have to cook that much it's really kind of trying error and I've been learning a lot by cooking it you guys see it I cooked everything I can but now we're gonna go back to this beautiful steak come down over here angel in the magic of time obviously I'm not gonna have you guys wait for a total of two hours waiting for the steak we have stay there angel you're good you're good two hours has elapsed look at that oh that's the only on TV right there that's a fast two hours I'm telling you right there one after two hours of you're you know looking it looks exactly like that all right this is what it looks like as you can see you know what I'm about to say right now right everybody huh you know what I'm about to say but I'm not gonna say what so let's go ahead and remove the steak and I cooked that at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours everybody that's what I cooked it for oh hi angel let's go down zoom out a little bit right here on our steak we're gonna take this beautiful while you out a lot of people say I have a finger of Steel because I grab it from the heart trust me everybody when I tell you this it hurts and it is hot I'm not joking it is hot and it is very hot every single time is hot all right let me get this one out of here oh they know what I'm about to do right now they know what I'm about to do right now all right so we got our beautiful steak right here let's open it up oh look at it doesn't he look unappetizing I'm with my mom I'd rather eat it raw and eat it like this what do you think angel oh my god doesn't look appetizing right now I gotta be honest with you that's coming right now so let's take $100 Koji rice well I'll tell you about Kody rice cause de rice is excellent within an experience experience not an experiment and it tastes very very good very unique flavor it resembles dry aged but at the same time it is not exactly like dry aged but it does resemble it quite a bit and a lot of people are asking me to do more Koji rice experiment and I definitely will so we got our searing rack right here give me some give me the frame range or both of them together so we can see what's happening the flamethrower oh no you want me to burn my garage down and my tip by the way I built this beautiful table right here with my nephew angel gave me five angel we did an awesome job it's a heavy-duty table everybody oh you contaminated a glove you contaminated the glove Wow angel what's up with that I give you fire with their own hand I mean not their wonder if they want to know anything you guys can interrupt me at any time and ask me the question I want you guys to ask me as many questions as you want all right we're taking this is a cook together everybody we're doing this together all right let's go ahead and take the steak out and I like to always this is what I like to do I've never done that I didn't have the courage because it doesn't look appetizing if I eat it without being seared you really I know I say this a lot on the videos and I say it every single time and and I really mean it and when you say when I say it doesn't look that good right now I really mean it to the heart so for me that does not look very appetizing at all all right let's go ahead and take this beautiful steak out look at it I mean seriously I mean seriously and just zoom in on that steak it was beautiful now he looks kind of like what does that look like what does that look like my mom well my is harsher than me and you what is it look like and Joe is a fan of Wagyu and he's not gonna say anything bad about you oh look at this everybody Brazil a switch of a Brazilian branch eyebrows press towards brasileiros eh all right guys like always I got a pedicure I and I thank you mr. fantastic I like to pet it dry real good everybody because if you don't pet it a lot of people ask me all the time in a pretty much every single video if you don't care to dry what will happen well you don't have to pet a dry if you don't want to but if you want to get a good sear you don't have a choice you have to pet a dry real good and as you can see we got it here going it is ready to go now this is a part that you guys normally don't see it in the videos this is the part where I put this in and mia mama are in the office and we start going outside to the parking lot and getting this things here yeah what is it What did he say for this thing Camino do you have a promo code for this steak right here oh that's it that's almost as good as my deal right there 30% off for this one Amelia if let's let's let's tell them if they ordered this steak here right now from you give them a good price how much can they get it for let them know right now they're probably the amelia is gonna comment the price because I do get a special price because I already broke everybody I don't order one steak I get a lot of steaks so go ahead and let me know what I mean it says how much will this specific steak this is by the way this 30% off on everything I'll keep that keep that special for me too okay when I'm done with the livestream this is a 24 ounce steak everybody you could order 24 ounce steak and you can also get 12 ounce steak for sous-vide I really like a little bit thicker but you can order the thin one as well if you open the freezer right there I have a thin one to show you no no no yeah right there mom right there no no the one on the top let me get it for you guys yeah thank you my mom see this right here zooming in here enjoy this is the it's the same exact steak but this one here is that 12 ounce and the one we're cooking right now is 24 hours look at the thin the thickness you see it's like a it's like a finger dick trust me you you you won't go wrong with this one either you will not go wrong and anyway let's go back to our sticky angle so as you can see it's already kind of I pet it dry real good all right and we're going to sear now you guys are going to get to pick what are we going to sear this thing with you tell me do you want me to pan sear it we want to go with a torch do we want to go with flamethrower what is it that they want to they want me to sear it's going to be their choice whatever they say Sears oh oh boy oh boy they'll go oh my god try to steak like that huh you want to try like them oh wow mama we'll try a raw steak but he won't because it looks like death it looks like a zombie steak look at it he's like it's like it doesn't look very appetizing like always alright so what are they saying what do they want me to seriously they want me to bring down the garage are you serious Oh see angel knows what's up charcoal is always fantastic right value okay everybody so we have a few options over here we have this here nobody said pan sear right nobody want really a lot of people's imprints here flamethrower is the champ isn't it whatever all right so here's the deal with the flamethrower everybody angel loves to do the zoom in and zoom out guys that's angel on the zoom in and zoom out make sure you comment below if you don't like and let him have it so this is the flamethrower here's the deal mama can you do me a favor go outside and a backyard and bring me the whole flamethrower piece by itself you know what I mean so that they can see what it really is supposed to look like the ninja the ninja is at home he's taking a break is a spinning of the door time with his family you guys know he has children and his wife and all that he's not here today okay so the flamethrower come on down here angel this doesn't look like this all right it was made from one of my subscribers he said Google I know you go outside a lot and you sear your steak outside so I'm gonna make something for you that you can use this little propane itself and this thing does not look like this let me show you what it looks like thank you mama hold this for me enjoy real quick this is what it looks like as you can see right here this is what it looks like this is the real flamethrower it's the exact same thing but he cut it and he made an adjustment so that I can I can use it outside in the in the in the office you see it's the same thing I know you guys ask me all the time Google can I get this one right here you won't be able to get it because it was custom-built they don't sell it and I'm not a professional I don't know how he did it that he cut this thing over here yeah but this one here connects to the propane the the big propane tank they do have a back zoom out oh okay I guess they want to see me okay I rather show you the flamethrower but anyway okay this connects to the you know the big what is a 20 pounds propane the big one they do have adapters so that you can connect to the little one but I don't have one to show it to you but I tell you right now I did try to put this one on the adapter on the 1 pound propane it is not very powerful the flame doesn't come that strong because you got to go all the way through the hose and come out so exactly and not enough pressure Thank You Alma Xena you could put that one right there give me the flamethrower let me show it to them because I know that they want to see it so the this thing here works fantastically but obviously we don't want to burn that house down go down here angel so if I were to use it so if I were to use it there will be a little bit too much see that I have my family members going like this going like this to me because it's too powerful body this is very powerful look at this and I am not turning down the knob all the way it's like halfway it is powerful but I do not want to burn my house down if you are going to use the flamethrower you have to do it outside you cannot do it indoors because this thing will burn your house down I put that there so we do have our mini flamethrower check it out oh yeah it's like it's cute isn't it it's cute we got that we got the father and the baby it's like a cute baby it is I love it alright but you guys know that we're going to go through our awesome searing right now and you guys know that this is not gonna be a sous vide everything live if we don't have my Siri music right so some way somehow we're gonna bring that music up are you guys ready for it angle you're gonna sing a range are you gonna do the guitar you are the guitar are angel' let's go down to steak let's start seeing this beautiful steak [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] as you guys can see right now I'm almost done I hope you enjoyed that searing music everybody that is one of the reasons I always fast forward is because this does take a little time it takes a little bit of time look at that we got a beautiful sear going I I'm a big fan of searing so I got a really want to get it nice and and beautiful and I'm not shy and if we have the flamethrower going you would have probably been done in like 1/4 of the time it's much much faster but as you can see I like to get it I like to get it I like to get a heart everybody I like to get a nice beautiful crust on I don't play around and look how much you flares up imagine if I was doing the flame throwing here my whole garage would be a fire right now my entire garage ok this there you go dad I already did flip it promising with my mom's pay attention to the comics that's right pay attention to our people we've seen stakes all the time sorry I forgot my he doesn't look that good right now but what's this promise you on the next livestream I won't forget a cheque to stake out alright let me put him right here I'm gonna go close to you right now angel so you can give that let them see it's beautiful stake a lot of people have always asked me Omar can you put that definitely thank you a lot of people always ask me Google how come your steaks look so juicy after its sear how come you look so juicy do you put something on top of the steak to make it look juicy I put nothing everybody most of the time what I do I just cover the steak to get everything ready because we are in the office and when we're in the office we gotta wait for everybody we got our way for the ninja we gotta wait for you know everybody to be ready and all of that stuff so you know I just covered the steak and when you cover the steak the juices flow right on the top you're gonna see right now after angel Goes Down you will come back out see it's getting juicier and juicier and juicier so when you're when you're searing it it's really really dry then you let it be there for a second cover those juices will flow so I do not use anything to sear the steak okay right now it is the best part we're gonna cut this beautiful steak and we're gonna try it out and see how we like it are you guys ready for it well I'm ready for it this was this was awesome I hope you guys are enjoying this let's go ahead and cut this beautiful state all right check this out that's nice it yeah let's see if become our medium rare in the middle oh man oh boy I never rest a Suvi steak there is no need everybody because it's already equalized I don't rest suhee steak you can rest if you want to but we like to eat at heart there is no need as you see the juices are not running out like if you would cook it on the barbecue the juices that are here is because of the searing of the steak the juices will not run out there is no reason why you would rest a Suvi steak at all no resting the steak ever and I'll be honest with you I know my knife is sharp but this thing cuts like butter like nothing I know I'm sewing the steak as I'm look how juicy it is as I press them but look I'm showing it just to make a show but look at this look at this like butter is it's like butter I don't know how to explain it to you if you have never experienced why'd you everybody you have to give it a try I like to I've already talked what mini flamethrower I already talked about the mini flamethrower the torch the torch I got I have it on the description down below of the video everybody you guys can check it all out it's all there for everybody to see if you're interested in this storage the only torch I would recommend is this one because the the other ones are just not powerful enough they take forever I obviously I recommend the Sears or as well but you guys chose the little mini flamethrower so you know there you go everybody we got our beautiful tomorrow a little bit angel so they can see these beautiful state look at that edge to edge perfection cooked exactly the way I like it this doneness is a hundred and thirty five degrees Fahrenheit cooked for two hours one and a half inch steak and it is a Wagyu score of marbling seven 24 hours all right enough talking it is time to try them and Joe give me a little bit of a wider angle there so we can all try this I don't want to try steak along we got family members over here and we're gonna try this and Joe shoot down a little bit that camera there you go let's try come on over here and Joe come over here do we have mama I'll come over here can I come over here you gotta zoom out a little bit zoom out a little bit stay here with us and we're all going to try the steak and we're going to see if it's good or if it's bad is that really a question is it good or is it bad come over here Kayla we got Kayla here she's always with me on Google its China everybody better come over here kid this is Angelo's girlfriend Kayla she helped out on the livestream we have some other family members there as well but they some of them are shy you know camera shy but anyway Oh angel look put that and Joe go ahead put push down push push push down hard ah okay you guys come over here don't zoom out too much more that's good got everybody on the frame here we're gonna try well I tried this thin life you know I'm not gonna try because I know what it tastes like you guys gonna try it yeah I wanna give you a four top clothes kind of to me so that you guys can tell us you went for the big piece I could have little piece for everybody Wow Mama's gonna go for a big piece too now now you guys watch they're gonna be true forever or cheers everybody how is it hmm I think your life like you like live stream now huh how's Emma was he good what do you think Kayla we wouldn't know from a woman's perspective what does it taste like I've never heard like sous-vide like right after you never had that's right you never had to be you always do we always do the grilling yeah what do you think it's really soft and like super Kenny's very medially let me give it a go mm-hmm I know what he's gonna say because he says it all the time it's missing nothing what is it missing some taco you need some chalk on your life mmm guys dig in please come over here Caleb now you don't care to enjoy this I really wish you guys were here it's like a brisket when you cook a brisket and it's like you know oh yeah my mouth which was no suction me wine you four you know it's good but not like this this is better guys I hope you guys enjoyed this live stream if you do enjoy this live stream make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber make sure you subscribe for future videos remember if you're interested in anything I use everything is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching and if you guys want to see more live stream like this comment below let me know if you enjoyed it hit the thumbs up that's how I know it was good and if you want to give suggestions for another live stream later on in the future I would love to know but again thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care of buddy don't forget to read the bail so you guys get notifications and remember we love you ah that's a good ninja statement right there unfortunately he couldn't be here anyway guys thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys later take care everybody we're out
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 511,729
Rating: 4.8342204 out of 5
Id: dc1oIz5yfVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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