Sous Vide Beginner's Guide | Sous Vide Everything

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[Music] welcome back to severe everything guys so I know a lot of you received gifts throughout the holidays and you probably got a sous-vide I got my niece here her name is Johnny and she's going to represent you today so Johnny here's your gift thank you extra price hey so the first thing you got to do is now you want to learn everything how this works but first we've got to open it up you ready I'm ready [Music] I absolutely love it you love it yes alright so that she got out of nova as you can see I like that she was not gentle with it she just opened that thing yeah I love it that's how you're supposed to do it she has no idea what to do have you ever cooks with you Johnny no never alright so here's the deal we are going to start from the beginning the first thing you need to do is get some containers okay so here's the deal I'm gonna give her total freedom to go in the back of the house herself and get whatever pin she thinks it will work good so let her do it let's see what she's gonna come up with okay okay so here are her options which are quite interesting why did you go with this one I don't know I just picked it that was your first option which is good but the problem is as you can see the circulator here you connects on the back and it for you in order for you to put it in here what's gonna happen you know it's like you got to put all the way to the bottom it's not gonna work this one is out this one is a good option it's a very good option as you can see it's nice and dirty and I love it that way anyway that's my fault by the way okay so this one is cured because it's a little bit deeper but at the same time we have to go look at that even more lower over here which is which will work you see it won't work okay but it will not be ideal okay so you want a deep pot minimum you know you gotta be deep this one here is a lot better option because it's deeper and this is what I used to cook on my head this is what I used to move on my pizza oven that's why it's dirty okay don't judge me so this one is better because look it's nice and deep and it will work just fine so this one is a good option good job give me five now let me recommend to you what is the ideal thing to have if you can and if you want to make a purchase this is the container we recommend and it's on the link in the description below it's clear it's nice and deep and it was made for it and it's easy to clean there is actually almost no cleaning when you're done you just knock the water even better yeah so this how it works you've grabbed nothing here on the back okay and you just snap it in here and you tighten it up go for it voila you're done alright so here's the deal now the cool thing about this container is that it comes with a lid you need a lid why do you need a lid because as you're cooking water will evaporate and Suvi cooks for a long period of time let me explain to you what Susie is all about people think that she is cooking boiling you're not boiling the meat think of Susie as you are starting the food let me try to be very clear with that as an example you cook a regular steak for about 10 minutes on a regular pan but on Suvi you might cook a steak for two hours so that longer right so you're not really cooking the steak let me explain when you're cooking a steak you're sitting down next to your pan and you're touching it and you're moving it and it's being cooked when you're cooking sous vide you're gonna throw in there walk away and come back later so for example you put in your steak in here and it's going to be cooking you're gonna go grab your son at school you're going to grab you you know go to the gym it doesn't matter what it is that you do when you come back and it's going to be cooked perfectly every time if you get caught up in traffic and you need to come back and those two hours have passed nothing's gonna happen it's not gonna overcook the steak but if you're there sitting down and cooking it yourself and if you leave it there and you go outside and you come back that steak is gonna be burned and your house is gonna smell and be stinky let me give you another example to cook a big roast I'd say you are if you are an advocate of smoking meat and cooking in your smoker as you can see it I am you want to cook a nice pork butt and a pork butt takes about 12 hours to cook but cooking at severe is gonna take you about two days to cook it now you might be thinking oh my god I'm gonna be cooking a pork loin two days you're not really cooking it you just story it you put it in there forget about it don't have to worry about it when you come back it's going to be cooking perfectly cooked now what if you come back after two days if you come back they're two days and a half nothing's gonna happen it's still gonna be perfect anyway so it's gonna be perfect every single time now there is a period where you have to stop if not the consistency inside of the meat will start breaking down and becoming a little bit different and you might not like it but if you forget it on a long cook if you forget it for three hours four hours nothing's gonna happen that is amazing I know that's why I like it Sylvie works for me perfectly why I get to my office I prepare my food I drop it in I go to work and then whenever I'm ready that's when it's ready now when the food wants to come out so that is the concept and you're not boiling it a lot of people might think oh my god you boil it you're not born in the meat you are cooking it at a precise temperature which can stay a lot longer than if you were to put it in the pan this on the pan you're gonna overcook it then you're gonna dry the meat out here nothing's gonna happen I will do a very extensive video on timestamps everything that you need to know in a later video so stay tuned for that but I hope you understand the concept how it works and how awesome it is now now we're gonna cook it up you ready to cook something this important all right whatever it is that you are about to do today this can never come back and what do I mean by that today is your most important cook ever my first cook believe it or not I hated it it was horrible you know why because I said you know what I just gonna grab whatever I have in the freezer and I'm gonna cook it up and I got a frozen pork loin that has been there for three months so I cooked it and it was terrible it was oh my god anyway so you can never get back what you're going to cook today so we are gonna go out and we are going to buy the most nicest expensive steak that you can afford because it is your first cook all right so let's do it so we're now way to get our stakes because she wanna cook steaks and she's right yeah steaks always better anyway you want to look for a nice thick cut of steak you don't want those little thin ones if you're going to a regular supermarket just make sure you ask your butcher or the you know the people are working on the back to cut it for you nice and thick any supermarket will cut it for your thick you just have to ask so let's go get those steaks on Johnny Johnny I have never seen that guys look at this this is so cool she has a baby and then check this out it goes all the way back to the car and he basically blows the air on the baby you are a genius Johnny if you live in South Florida heat is a problem so this is absolutely genius I love it [Music] yeah [Music] whatever one you want daddy okay scanning so she made a great choice which she got New York monists and it's a thick cut you want a thick cut you don't want it too thin but it was what it was interesting jelly what happened what is this you did a great trust on the meat now we're going to go ahead and bag it up and cook it ready now I'm going to put in plastic so that we can cook it sous-vide that's plastic yeah yeah you have to put in plastic but isn't that dangerous that's a good question I know a lot of people have a you know misconception that it's very dangerous and stuff I'm gonna make it nice and simple when you're using plastic make sure that your bag is bpa-free that's the only thing that you really care about there's a lot of variations out there I can really go in depth on this and this video will be like five hours long and we don't want to deal with that so okay as long as it's bpa-free it's good to use I'm gonna show you some options hold on before we go I need space what the heck is that this needs to get out we'll put in here just like that this is not a sponsor ad you better tell them there's not a sponsor oh yes I don't even know what so here are options Johnny let's clean this table up we have the regular standard zip it zip lock ziplock bag this is a freezer bag make sure you got the freezer bag okay bpa-free and then we have the other one which is the fancy ziplock bag which you can suck it out and you basically use this tool and you'll just suck it all out this fight is nice and cheap okay and then we have the next option which is a vacuum sealer bag and these bags look like nothing but they have like little I know like texture and it allows to suck the air out these are a little bit more pricey but in order for you to suck the bags out you need to have you have a vacuum sealer this is a nice inexpensive one that you can get and you can just basically put it in there and he sucks the air out now there's another one let me get it for you one is this one here and this is called a vacuum chamber bag Johnny now this one here is very very affordable bag okay these bags are like pennies when this one's can be kinda like very expensive these are the vacuum bags yeah so now these are the best two options however does it mean that you cannot use this one no you can use this one it's fine but you need plastic you need to put it in place good question so this is the deal this is your okay option and it's great I use it all the time and it's fantastic it also comes on this thing here which is a roller and you can make your bag whatever size you want let's say you have a big rib you heard that car yeah this is Night Man so this is nice and long and you have a rib I mean you not gonna be able to put like a rack of ribs here so you can use this one and put it which will work great now the vacuum chamber it's very expensive vacuum chamber costs and I have a link on the description below about the price I don't know exactly the price but it's the best you can get but it is an expensive investment but their bags are pennies so let's say if you want to start off you buy this one here and you're gonna do a lot of Suvi this is good and but it gets expensive but this is really cheap this is about I don't know the price I won't put prices I won't talk about prices because prices will change you can see on the description know how much discuss these bags are expensive these bags are cheap on the long run this one is a lot better if you're gonna do a lot of savvy this one is the best option at affordable and if you don't want to get any of them this will work just fine right now because she's my niece and I have to take good care of her this is for you yeah you're welcome so that's gonna be hers and we will be using this one today and we're gonna be using this vacuum bags now if you don't want to go with the investment and you'll never use Ziploc bag there's two ways for you to suck the air out of here you will put your stake and then you just basically push your the air out and then you seal it and you put it to cook the other option is which I don't recommend it is you put your stake and you grab a little bit or you have a little straw and you put it here on the side like that and you suck it out manually like this and you have an amazing taste of raw meat together with garlic powder and stuff it's disgusting don't do that okay the other option is called a water displacement and I'll explain you put your steak inside and then you fill your container with water all the way to the top as you go down with your steak it will automatically take out all the air and you go all the way to the edge and you just basically seal it out and then your steak will be completely seem better like that option B if you have to do that that's not you don't want to stick it out ya know so those are your options okay I'm not cooking any steak cheese we're going to season it season for real a lot of people think that because it's sous-vide you should not season it you should season it a little bit lighter no no no season like a regular steak all right we're only gonna be using salt pepper and garlic powder that's it I did a huge video on how seasoning works if you should seasoned it before it is just seasoned it after you can check out that video later on I'll put it on the description or on the card above and you should always season your steaks before there's a reason why you can watch that video okay that's the plan I'm not doing it she's gonna season the steaks and we're gonna cook him up but before we cook it up we are going to basically be loading this baby up here's how to you fill it up Johnny basically you want to fill it up with tap water not spring water or whatever just regular tap water the only thing you need to remember is that when you're feeling this out you got to keep in mind that you're gonna put your meat in there yeah so you don't want to over float it like if you put it all the way to the top like my mouth did with the ham check out the hand video he's filled it up all the way to the top when I put my hand water everywhere so just keep that in mind you don't need to fill it all the way up to the top just put it in there so can I cook sous vide in the sink brine it so why would you want to cook it in the sink because it's easier in my apartment small so I don't have a lot of space alright so it's funny that she says that because I tried that you know the sink is stainless steel so I understand why you would do it but what happens with me is when I cooked it in the sink it worked perfectly it works perfectly and it's great because it's right there you put the water in you heat up the water you cook it and then when you're done you just take it out so the containers no need right but mine sink lost the seal all the way around the sink because the water heats up so it's heating and cooling heating and cooling the sink all the way around and that cost me a lot of money to fix the sink put it in the container all right let's do it [Music] good now we got our water here you did it perfectly now we're going to talk about a little bit of time and temperature sous vide cooks about time and temperature combined together so I'm not gonna get too deep into it I know that everybody is learning how to cook it I'm just going to give you a tip on how to get started okay as time progresses you're gonna get better and better and better and you're gonna know automatically how you want to cook your steak and your pork and blah blah blah all that stuff but as a beginner you need to have some type of guide and the best guy that you can have in order to know how long to cook something is by watching all my videos watch all the videos because you know you're gonna learn a lot I recommend two things number one watch the videos and do a search sous-vide everything and then you would search like for example we have everything steak and you would show you a video on how I cooked it the other option would be the jus app Joey's fantastic Joe is Joe's is this circulator here okay this circulator here is fantastic I love it this one is the Innova I have every single circulator out there they're all fantastic now we're great but the app for this circulator here cannot be touched so you basically download it and check this out John let me show it to you so you open up the Jill app and then you click right here check this out you click right here she has the guides for everything all the diets that you want to do and then you scroll down to the bottom and you will see beef right and then you can choose your steak for example autumn at stake then okay let's cook the autumn on steak now the great thing about it that it gives you a visual dentist how well you want it to be cooked so if you want to go to like a 22 122 Fahrenheit that's how your steak would look like if you want to go to the next one 126 your steak will look like that 129 you would look like that and so forth you see so here you pick your darkness for the steak now my recommendation is if you want your steak perfectly cooked and it's cooked great I say cook at 129 that depends on your taste you like a medium-rare you like it well-done how do you like it medium rare she likes a medium rare so for her we're gonna cook at 129 if you like a little bit more well-done you cook at whatever temperature you desire this app is fantastic they did a great job and I recommend you as a beginner you go here as time progresses you're gonna know what you have to cook how long do you have to cook you get experience with it and you get better and better and better so but for today we're gonna cook at 129 for two hours now while we're gonna cook for two hours you don't want to just put it in there and 1:29 in 20 minutes and that's it's not gonna cook the protein you have to it has to cook for a minimum of two hours I will do a video very extensive about Suvi and temperature and time in the future for everybody to understand their science behind it but right now we're gonna keep this video simple if not it's gonna be too long this video is probably gonna be too long already anyway so we're gonna cook it at 129 got it got it now we're gonna season it she's gonna do it I'm not doing nothing I'm sitting back in recording salt pepper and garlic powder heavy on the seasoning let's do it let's do it [Music] interesting question what did you just ask me that's a lot of stake through that and it's just for yummy I know just the both of us now here's the cool thing guys this seasoning all of these steaks but we're only going to eat two and we're gonna put everything in the fries and seasoned and whenever you want to cook Johnny you just throw them directly into the civilian that's awesome that is awesome you have to do anything they'll be ready for you that's it I'll season these bad boys Johnny let's do it yeah [Music] kind of sticks oh yeah that's okay see that's okay see this happiness guys this is okay because it's sue feet so we're gonna balance it all out now remember always season both sides so let's do it so sneak you come here you see that when you put a little bit too much that's okay no problem at all this one you put a little bit less all right now they're thick cut of sticks so you wanna see you in them Hattie don't worry I know okay that's okay this is okay just rub it this is okay nothing's gonna happen because it's sous-vide it's going to be perfectly cooked you don't have to worry about EU didn't do anything wrong excellent now we're going to bed these bad boys up all right I suggest you using a glove guys using love I'm gonna teach you trick okay so when you're putting it in the bag you always want to pull the bag back like so and the reason you want to do that is that so you don't get this part here dirty so that when you seal it you have a good seal but if it's full of like beef juices you won't have a good seal so make sure you guys always fold it back throw your steak inside and then we're gonna take it to the sealer I wanna see that okay it's important to keep it nice and flat guys you don't want your steak to defend so that's what she was doing right there keeping it the steak nice and flat on it and that's perfect right there now we're gonna do the rest let's do it I mean are you gonna vacuum see these bad boys all right put it in there you want us make sure that it goes inside oh yeah yeah goes in there there you go enclose it and there's a latch right here just push it down push it all there down there you go and then there's co and vacuum seal so vacuum sealing you want to help it out just like this so that you know [Applause] [Music] we'll stop automatically nope nope you wait for it and it will stop whoa it's fancy fancy there you go that's ready now you open it boom your instinct is done a fantastic job not like you were asking me we're only two of us today so we're not gonna eat all these steaks is a lot of steaks so what we're gonna do is we're gonna save these two here and we're gonna put it in the freezer I'm gonna freeze exactly like it is season than everything and then what we're gonna and whenever you're gonna cook these steaks all you need to do is put an additional 30 minutes and it'll be perfect exactly like these things are gonna come out these will be frozen but you'll be perfect every time now we're gonna head and cook them up ready right now you got to prepare this so here's step one first thing you got to do is turn on the circulator right here yep exactly and then we're gonna set the temperature to what 1:29 that's right set the temperature at 1:29 it's all ours yep two hours we're gonna just throw it in there now put the lid on and walk away let's have some fun we're done all right John III go ahead and put the sticks in there and your job is done and now we're going on a party but let me show you a trick watch this and you put the edge like this like that when you put your lid on turn it on there you go you need no click that's no fun we just went out with the kids and had a bunch of fun we just came back you see you don't have to be here babysitting a Johnny that's the best part I love it now it's ready and we're gonna sear it now I'm going to talk about Syria Syria means you got to finish the meat because when we take it out it's going to look kind of funny so here's the deal I did an entire video serious about searing you can sear in so many different ways you can check out that series on the description below you can see it with a torch you can sear with a pen you can sear with a barbecue you can sear with a million different things but the important thing is sear it what it's available to you right now today we're gonna have fun though I mean we're gonna have fun right so you know I have here give me that John fun toy here which is called the Sears off and I definitely recommend it Sears all I recommend it but [Applause] yes it gets really hot so this is a cool toy to have but we're not going to use this one because a lot of people might not have this one and also in the Amazon they sold out I guess my entire videos made them sold out they are not a sponsor of this video by the way or any video and we have the second one which is a regular torch anyone can buy this I definitely recommend this torch is fantastic and this one is for you all right thank you another toy we're gonna learn how to use it right now so first we're going to take out the stakes and we have to pet them dry that's very important why you want to pet them dry it because if it's not dry it takes longer to sear and the longer it takes to sear the steak will cook even more but if it's dry and you're just burning the top you will sear very fast now Siri is not just for the looks it also develops a nice charred flavor and also a more complex flavor to your state so you have to sear it you wouldn't have to is good without searing let's take it out let's do it find a pressure washer with the neighbor okay Johnny okay alright go ahead take it out [Music] we have to come inside because my neighbor decided to pressure wash his boat right now and interrupt us so we're gonna continue in here okay Johnny let's do it let's open that up there you go I'm so good do they think I'm lying when I tell them that in the video I'm not lying all right so now we got to pet them dry Johnny like I was making it very important go ahead you cannot skip this step if not you could overcook your steak in theory I'm going to give you a quick lesson on searing this is a torch that you're gonna be using and we're going to sear outside we're not gonna see inside does not mean that you cannot see it inside you can it's just that your entire house will smell like steak and I guess there's nothing wrong with that but we're gonna sear outside okay this will produce less smoke than a cast-iron pan a cast-iron pan will produce much much more smoke than a torch so as you can see right here the flame goes all the way up to the tip the only thing to remember is that there is truth the flames there is this flame right here and then there's the larger flame just the only thing that the only thing that you have to remember is you can use the entire big flame just don't use the little flame because there if you touch it with the little flame you will have something called torch taste and that doesn't taste very good so we are going to use the entire flame okay now I'm gonna go grab a little container so we can put it we can sear the steaks let me get it not continue I mean you don't think - you know sear the steaks so this is perfect links down below if you're interested in getting this but you don't need you need this you don't really need this one you can actually just use your plate but since I have it we're gonna use it anyway if you use your plate it's fine as well okay but make sure you take the paper tower out if not even all right so basically let's go ahead and put it in there now my neighbor is still using his pressure washer so we're gonna go sear it and show you guys what it looks like use the big part of the torch not the little one big part are you ready for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you can see right here it's perfectly medium-rare all the way through and that is what you're looking for now sometimes when you cut it right away it's not pink but it becomes Pinker and Pinker and Pinker and that is because of the oxygen that is there's no G kind of Mo command okay the baby's hungry we gotta cut it up let's do it [Music] bamako muneca inesita Luton ambry this is my goddaughter Kyle Annie Lisa hello ah hello mm-hmm to get a kind she wants to meet okay so let's try the meat okay let's see if it's good she's gonna be the judge I love Okita [Applause] kimitaka Wenham de volta otro she says more she wants more okay otro garlic very good well if you have a baby approval you know it's good right Johnny because babies are picky she's asking her if she wants it okay Johnny now you're gonna give it a go the fruit of your labor Johnny tell me how good it is so juicy juicy I love it good very good was it easy Johnny Sabri yeah I do okay okay okay okay she wants more when the baby speaks you just do it alright so this is our first tutorial for beginners I really hope you enjoy it it was a lot of fun there's a lot to learn there's a lot to teach and please check out all my other videos and I'm going to be born yeah okay I'm gonna give you more I'm gonna give you an extensive reveal on everything how everything works even more but right now we're gonna go ahead and enjoy our dinner because it's dinnertime already and the baby is hungry mask our name okay she wants more Connie which means more meat I really hope you enjoyed this video if you do make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber make sure you subscribe for future videos and if you interesting in any of the equipment I use today it's everything is in the description below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video the next one I'm gonna do an extensive review with everything that I su v--'s all about and you guys are gonna learn it about thank you so much and we'll see you the next one take care of of I you know I'm besito amazing the deer ah edition bye-bye see you see you next time see you next time Mosconi she wants more kindness we gotta go take care guys bye bye [Music]
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 1,550,418
Rating: 4.8929677 out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, beginner guide, sous vide guide, sous vide for beginner, what is sous vide, how sous vide works, use sous vide
Id: dee5FwKOnkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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