I played 8 Souls-Like games you've never heard of (AGAIN)

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foreign [Music] that's kind of like Dark Souls maybe that means your character can roll around maybe you have to worry about a stamina bar or maybe big monsters just want to sit on you whatever it might be I like to find Souls likes that you probably haven't seen so that sounds interesting this is episode 16 of steam dumpster diving all right up first you have the demo for clash artifacts of chaos and I am super pumped for this because I'm actually familiar with the developer of this game I'm gonna guess almost no one has heard of them but this developer made Xeno clash and Xeno Clash 2. two of the weirdest games I've ever played and at this point they're like 10 years old 10 plus years old and the summary of those games is that you run around punching these like weird animal alien hybrid things with like Kung Fu and boxing moves and that's the whole game just you just beating them up in first person it's weird it's crazy and this seems like more of that maybe they pulled it back to third person and it's apparently a Soul's like it has the souls like tag so I'm curious to see how uh how that's gonna work let's check it out what a cool looking game what a cool game also look at my guy I really like this character design it's so weird alright so I can punch like this I can do a special move I can also Dodge rounds and we got a little jump I got this move this might be a Perry I don't know wait what's happening did I just become this guy oh okay I'm uh I'm this guy now arguably even more [ __ ] up than the last guy you know this cool little stat scream you can like customize your moves and stuff I don't think I have any options yet though okay so yeah this is like the Estus flask oh what the [ __ ] is that do I have to fight you oh okay ow [Music] [ __ ] you I can't even describe like a gorilla ant eater I don't know punch punch kick oh my God oh my God he just hugged me kind of okay foreign where am I where am I just I fell through the level I think I got knocked off the cliff what why am I getting a tutorial okay this is this is the first person mode that's cool okay hold on this is like a weird little cool game okay wait so I think I do have a Parry there you go okay that's the Perry look at these guys yeah look at this guy huh the ritual wait what is happening the ritual is a brief game of chance and strategy where each participant can choose a consequence artifact only the player who wins the ritual will activate their artifact which will be spent to confer an advantage in the upcoming fight whoever wins this game of chance it's going to affect the next boss battle I think like I'm either gonna get a buff or a debuff okay I won that was a weird little game don't tell me I'm playing as the old man now oh my God the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] okay I guess he's dead you don't want to end up like the old man I don't have any dice then I've already won I get to eat you first one of those sentences is true oh [ __ ] all right now we're fighting for real is he actually gonna hit me first okay well that's lame [Music] Dude where's this music [ __ ] got him Grandpa's dead yes okay from this point on sudo can challenge intelligent creatures to the ritual so before fights you can just play a dice game which picks who gets the first hit and if you get a buffer a debuff that's so weird that's so cool I'm into this game let's go with the tether artifact that will be pinned during the fights if I win all right let's roll well that's a pretty good roll oh that's a garbage roll you're gonna lose man I win oh the 2V1 hey cool look he's actually tethered yeah so yeah you're tethered over there barrel guy what the [ __ ] all right this is [ __ ] game of the year Contender also I like how there's just an enemy that other guy's not part of the duel the gorilla's not part of the duel he's just here he's just fighting seal heal okay so the more I'm playing this I do think the the checkpoint structure and the Estus flask are definitely kind of solesy so it's not just the combat and the stamina maybe why this game's being called a Souls like I think the overlap extends to the level design so um I don't know maybe Souls like actually does kind of fit can I fight you it's probably for the best I guess sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do [Music] ha you know the uh the exploring aspect of this game is kind of fun with the addition of the jump button [Music] okay wait so I just died and now it's night time and I'm this guy is that how the death system works you like find your body as the other guy I love what enemies can just hit each other all right so yep wake up and I'm back that's a neat little death mechanic I'm very powerful ask anyone why am I rag dolling oh my God he was really powerful why is that even possible why can I Ragdoll mid-combat cool I've unlocked Mammoth stance from that and this is mammoth's dance the best part about Mammoth stance you can see this drop kick move when you're running [Music] okay so I found out I just spammed the running attack on the mammoth stance to just Ragdoll enemies yeah I can just I can just do that all right I've haven't locked multi-strike the range of that is so funny [ __ ] Dutch yep okay get him up on the wall perfect perfect yep yep yep yep okay I love this game I love this game it's so funny what a funky little game I I love the design of this world and these creatures and you combine that with just like the absurdity of just punching them all and all the cool attacks and the voice acting and the cut scenes I am 100 keep my eye on this and I would say that if the pass games are anything to go off of from the same developer this is going to be a very cool and very weird game um it might be like inconsistent and like have its low points at times so it's tough to recommend but if you're like a patient person you're cool with Jank you're cool with weird stuff I think you'll be rewarded with just like an absurd and cool experience all right up next we have Knights of the kitchen table this game's been out since July zero reviews that's what I like to see and it looks like a game where you fight food monsters um you know just Monsters made of food let's check it out okay I have a jalapeno and two of these powers why is a grill just like a power your next dish grilled cheese my first enemy is a crustacean okay bread make bread go up low bread bad hybrid good okay sure why not roll oh hell yeah we got the roll bread go into Meats meet happy I think I'm feeling the um I'm leaning toward the rolling pin build [Music] go yeah magic present your dish to Warden gamsy Warden gamsy Gordon Ramsay good one game 100 out of a hundred let's go is that a bacon snake wait this is just um this is just bug snacks but a Soul's like so I think what I'm doing each level is I'm running around killing all these enemies and they drop different ingredients and I need to just collect enough ingredients for whatever recipe I'm making at that level and that's the whole game I mean I like this tomato guy he's kind of funny looking there is it's the king egg Benedict the arm a gettin okay there's no way to hurt him all my texts do zero even like changing weapons foreign making bowling pin sounds what is that potato potato girl Potato girl that's kind of funny I don't really want to keep playing but I kind of want to see what food puns the developer makes what Beefcake the meatosaurus how is that even a pun it's just a dinosaur oh yeah Alden ring prepared me well for this just like fighting a dragon take her behind rocks oh [ __ ] Where'd I go where do I go okay let's see it's a real Souls like now we got the swamp level the taler neon the Hydra violi I'm fighting a one-headed Hydra ravioli thing dude what the hell is this fight oh my God don't tell me there's like the bone wheel skeletons are you a cookie like a cookie cookie wheel it is the boom Oh my God it is they are oh [ __ ] whoever made this they really committed to it I think I beat the game I don't even know maybe I didn't yeah that was Knights of the kitchen table kind of funny um very very Jank I gotta say I just I respect the vision you know they just they wanted to make some food puns and make it into a Soul's leg and they just went for it yeah all right next up we have weird RPG this is one of those games where I actually had quite a few people reach out to me saying like hey this seems like a really good fit for the series you should check it out I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that this game is going to be weird and probably an RPG too yeah let's check it out space bar roll roll Kim briefly immune damage all right also hold on what is this inventory screen why is there a pokedex in the game are they allowed to do that okay my one Quest is this world has and crisis which could lead world end find out the cause as soon as possible all right let's attack yeah this game's called weird RPG I'm not seeing the the weird part yet I'm just I'm just running around to the forest killing guys picking up uh crafting materials I feel like I'm waiting for something I feel like there's got to be more to this the monsters is getting more oh no oh I broke his posture I think nice oh yeah he does have a posture bar I just noticed that at the top okay you know what I'm kind of into this oh is there giant yo wait I just realized I'm dealing zero damage to it yeah no it's Invincible until it's not going down see but I can use it to kill other enemies like that you know what I'm usually not into these types of games like the top down Diablo style things but something about this one is keeping me engaged oh exploding crystals Let's uh let's try on this guy nice I always really like little just environmental things like that they're all going through the traps look at them go it's like I'm playing a tower defense game music's sometimes useful then fist trust the power of music a rap song will make you strong what what did I just pick up equip play hit songs is this gonna play music when I equip it foreign what's that lovers pauldron call for mysterious power swear to God and answer every word why does it say microphone control use your microphone to activate special abilities wait it's when I talk when I talk it makes [ __ ] wait hold on does this do damage hello hello hello hello I can't this game is [ __ ] hilarious wait it has range okay well that's incredible but I'm not gonna do that the whole time what is this piece of gear in the shop says determines weaponability based on graphics card model the better the graphic the less the bonus wait so it's punishing me for having an RTX 3090 we're now in like a Sci-Fi cyberpunk area dude these items are incredible ability is determined according to the game's frame rate the lower your frame rate the more attack you get these types of games where you just go through a dungeon and kill hundreds of enemies aren't really my thing so I'm probably gonna stop here but if this looks interesting to you and you like the idea of gear that changes based off your frame rate or your microphone this could be a fun time definitely lived up to its name as weird RPG this was neat all right up next we have blind fate Edo noyami it's got the souls like tag and you know I've always thought that the world could use more cyber Samurai games just in general it's a pretty uh pretty good genre but uh yeah let's check it out welcome to what new creatures call City of Ghosts I can't see a thing I believe it may be due to your blindness you don't say all right X to attack y range attack right trigger Perry beat a Dodge so Dodge attack range attack okay it's gonna need so far x x up x x air Dash Down stomp okay cool okay wait so I'm like in the dark kind of hold sensor weight hearing sensor oh wait so I have a a hearing sensor of a heat sensor huh I have a smell sensor too I mean that's kind of a neat idea for like a character that's partially blind basically you can use all these other sensors to help navigate the environment at first enemies are invisible use your sensors to detect them every contact will make your enemy temporarily visible but beware its visibility will go down again if contact is interrupted is it gonna be like this for the whole game like I'm I'm blind and I have to just like smell my enemies okay smell and attack okay I did it QuickTime event okay I just went through a solid floor moreover the data I possess are 535 years old you need recent data to produce oh okay that makes sense so like the level in the world I'm seeing is 500 years old so it's not necessarily accurate to the reality of the situation so that's why I just fall through floors and stuff that's cool so hearing sensor and collect data oh that's cool okay I get it now so this is what it actually looks like oh [ __ ] I just I just ran into a guy that invisible enemy thing is gonna get me see like this invisibility gimmick is like kind of neat but like I'm already skeptical if this can like be fun for the whole game you know what I mean like it's neat but is it like full game worthy neat this game better start introducing new enemy types or I'm gonna start losing interest quick oh God you keep running out of stamina too like I don't really see the point of adding stamina to a game like this but okay so for combat I feel like I'm mostly ignoring the sensor system and just running into them and then my character stops moving that means I found an enemy so I just start attacking dude this guy has so much oh man dude this combat's not good damn it oh pet the dog okay nice all right game I'll I'll give you a chance still I'll keep playing audio does that the audio does that every time oh my God it's actually insane I just have to keep watching this for every enemy okay I think I'm gonna have to like I'll give this game a few more minutes but man I've been playing for a while and it's just the same two enemies and just doing the same little thing like man yeah I don't know I feel like I think I'm done this game has a couple really cool ideas and the blindness thing is neat but the combat is just wow it's it's really not good I've never seen combat that's this repetitive in this much of a slog get through like this it's actually just kind of baffling that this was released in the state that's in damn that sucks yeah I I don't really want to keep playing though I'm sorry all right up next we have warhaven it's a medieval fantasy sword fighting multiplayer game 16v 16. they're currently having a global beta for the game and I'm Gonna Keep It Real is this really a Souls like you know probably not really but uh you know you know like everything is is Art if you look at it from a certain point of view I think everything can be a Souls like if you look at it from a certain point of view so let's check it out all right let's do the tutorial [Music] we got this cool song in the background we can swing from this side and we can swing from this side Shield bash attack okay I'm getting this wait what the hell hold on hold on a second okay I did not expect that from a game like this okay there's kind of a Dodge in this game only after blocking though we got blade I got Spike we have a cat man Archer did not expect that big guy other big guy uh uh girl you know what this is like this is like for Honor if it took itself less seriously that's the vibe I'm getting just kind of like goofy go in there and hit guys game until the enemy's military strength is depleted our Victory depends on him why does that sound like it's coming through a radio I thought this was like a medieval game yeah and we got a rabbit on our team too okay I'm ready let's go the radio voice that's really throwing me oh [ __ ] oh my God there's love guys yo I got someone that's my first kill all right I'm gonna I'm gonna jump on that guy oh my God okay I guess don't need to yo what's up gamers oh all right I'm done [ __ ] around let's [ __ ] go I what the hell is this how do I control this uh um yo what's up guys I got someone hey what's up I'm on top of you so imagine like a third person class-based medieval game where everyone has an ultimate ability where you can just turn into a guy on a horse rest now this is sick this is just a mosh Pig there's voice chat in this game yo hello this is my uh second game I don't know can you speak Chinese nope okay from the US yeah sounds good man bro oh my oh my God holy [ __ ] I don't think you want to spawn on me oh goodbye my bro sorry man I tried goodbye bro okay stop Force pushing me oh no oh no because there's fall damage ow my [ __ ] helmet got knocked off what the [ __ ] you can launch yourself that's sick so I feel like they should rename this game Medieval Mosh Pit because that's exactly what it is it's just a complete mess of you running into the enemies with your teammates and just mashing the attack button uh it feels a little too simple for lack of a better word like your main options in combat are just hitting the attack button and blocking and there are some skills mixed in but it feels pretty simple um it's fun I had a fun time with it um yeah you know I think it's neat why not all right up next we have path of feyolad it's a PlayStation style Souls like made in two weeks for a game Jam the developers say the game wasn't play tested much so it's very buggy but uh yeah let's check it out all right we're just in the game I don't think I can change the resolution as far as I can tell I'm at like the bonfire and I can choose to level up my human form or my wolf form interesting all right so I can attack I can roll I can drop my weapon okay when bloodless gets full you can transform I'm trying to fill up my bloodlust if you just drop a heart all right werewolf time let's go that was it wait I go back you'll require two keys one is down the well to the east the other is in the swamp to the West um I guess let's go down the well hello you guys just gonna stare at me okay the Rat King is no friend of mine I will Aid you if you wish oh hell yeah all right let's uh let's go kill the Rat King [Music] holy [ __ ] oh there's little rats oh [ __ ] oh there's so many rats holy shit's the Rat King well you just made the rats go flying that's kind of awesome die Rat King die yeah it's kind of a mess but like this is cool I love the Rat King oh we got him is he's gonna stand there all right all right so the first obvious things I noticed is that uh there's no like recovery frames like you can I can just Spam attack and this happens so that's a little odd I think mechanically this game is kind of a mess but um I don't know I really like the like the visual style and like the atmosphere that like the low resolution and fog and all the texture is able to create also I like how the one enemy in this game is a skeleton and they drop Hearts it's like that's the one thing skeletons don't have all right hell yeah Dark Souls PVP has prepared me for this boss fight he's gotta roll around and then he's got a Spam attack I feel weaker as a werewolf I feel like I'm not even doing damage am I missing something with a werewolf ability roll no my heart why do I have negative experience now is that actually a mechanic like not only do I lose my souls or whatever but I'm in the negative is that intentional all right round two oh cool he doesn't get his health back well that's convenient oh [ __ ] the worst gonna help me yeah finally finally you come to help me yeah do it do not attack save me what the [ __ ] is this fighting what was this footsie what is this footsie [ __ ] got him here we go I serve KRON but I still owe you yeah yeah let's team up guys all I just realized is this guy a rat rather than a werewolf it's like a were rat all right the boss is just running around hello hello fight me this can't be intentional right like what is happening why is he shrinking I said I love the music just goes with this perfectly okay the one thing I'll say that's like kind of interesting in theory with the transform thing is that the fact that you have to drop your weapon to transform and like pick it back up I think there's some potential there with like you know mechanically how you have to drop your weapon and like find it again mid-fight if there's like lots of pressure that could be kind of cool all right you've had your fun running around let's end it let's end it there we go a bit of a mess but you know for a two week long game Jam game pretty neat still I'm into the atmosphere turning into a werewolf in theory pretty cool uh like this on the page pretty buggy though I would definitely like to see more werewolf Souls likes um definitely seems like some untapped potential there all right next up is the demo for mandragora this is game that's currently on Kickstarter and it's a Souls like metroidvania that visually looks really really impressive the developers were kind enough to send me a pre-alpha demo code so that's what I'm gonna be playing I also decided to look up the developers and I found out that they're based in Budapest Hungary which is pretty neat and they're also a team of 50 people unless I'm misreading something which feels pretty massive for an indie team but it does explain why the game looks so oppressive let's check it out alright so attack can roll I think that's blocking I think that's Perry okay when I have that spell and I have that spell oh not available in the pre-alpha this reminds me a lot of uh saw and Sanctuary or like Path of Exile just an overwhelming skill tree [Music] okay pretty pretty basic stuff so far can I take off my pants no I can okay I appreciate that they're they're going for some pretty in-depth um like stat and Equipment stuff all right we got a big guy roll attack ow oh giant rat he spits out smaller rats I like that okay run run run run run wait what was that I have a grapple hook it's fun oh oh okay awesome just ran over and kicked me okay roll through that let's let's buff my weapon ow oh no holy [ __ ] okay that's quick it's weird I think I think some of the basic enemies Telegraph their attacks too hard and I'm sensing the opposite problem with the boss I feel like some of his attacks come out so quick he attacks so quick that I feel like the most effective Strat is just to keep baiting out this kick attack and nothing else yeah I mean I know it is pre-alpha but I really wasn't a fan of that boss design like mechanically okay I mean it was near a checkpoint so whatever but I hope there's not a lot of traps like that oh God these guys have so much help yeah I'm not a huge fan of having to hit like basic enemies 20 or 30 times to kill them oh that's the ends there are a lot of souls like metroidvanias out there and I kept waiting for there to be some big hook that would separate it from that and I didn't see it in this pre-alpha demo but again like this is a pre-alpha thing right so there could be a lot more and also with metroidvanias it's really hard to tell how good they are based off demos because a lot of it comes down to level design and World structure and just progression and all that and none of that's gonna be present in the demo so I would say this game looks cool has a lot of potential I'm gonna keep an eye on it but not like super Wild by the demo but yeah you know I'll probably keep an eye on it and uh hope that it improves all right next up we have pain party according to the page pain party combines The Madness of a party game with the mechanics of a Soul's leg and precision jumping Souls like party game sounds like you know could have potential let's check it out so as far as the controls go I can roll I can also jump if I can like charge the jump okay you can also punch so I can punch these can I punch people oh he's [ __ ] dead I guess being suck here isn't the worst thing I could be stuck with my wife is this like Mario 64 there's like separate levels you walk into okay can I fire this oh oh they're trying to kill me you know chill oh it's a mine uh where do I want to go from here okay hold on hold on there we go okay we're good we're good nice nice okay so this game's just like just a giant obstacle course okay this is kind of a lot for level one okay I didn't see that God damn it skill issue all right thanks game I gotta do the whole thing again and the home stretch here we go yeah I do feel like this would be more fun with a Lobby full of people all right there we go [ __ ] yeah I did it all right let's try level two oh wait do I just guess the door just like that one okay this is just that one Fall Guys level where we're like it's fake doors and real doors so they're going for a okay really so here's my issue they're going for like a Fall Guys thing right where there's like physics and lots of traps but the thing with the Fall Guys is that you don't die in one hit you get launched but then you get back up and you keep going usually right like what am I supposed to do about this maybe I can like Dodge it if I'm fast enough sorry open the door okay all four doors have axes what the hell look there's one there there's one there and there's two down there every door has an ax what do I do oh that one just didn't go off you have to just guess roll okay we're good jump sinking okay we're good okay there we go what dude why would you make your game like this okay okay see I'm gonna come back I hate this game oh no oh no roll dude what is this yo bro there's no way I'm gonna die I'm gonna die holy [ __ ] penis I made it all right uh I've unlocked the clock world I think I'm I think I'm done you know what let's try I'll give it a shot what do you do what the okay fires like a Time slow Zone you know I'm starting to think this game isn't actually Souls like at all oh no I have to jump the clock while fighting these guys dude this is so hard you gotta be kidding me this game okay no I hate it I hate it I'm done just to see I'll see if anyone's playing the multiplayer I'm sure they're not but I'll I'll check yeah I don't think I'm gonna find a single person playing this game Dark Souls meets Fall Guys sounds kind of interesting I do not think this current execution is anywhere near what it needs to be to be fun or to catch on this game has an identity crisis does it want to be a battle royale platformer kind of party game like fall guys or does it want to be one of those masochistic stream games where the streamer just gets mad because the level is so unfair and so brutal and so hard I have no idea why the developer tried to label this game as a Souls like aside from trying to get featured in one of these videos which maybe that was the intention if so good job but uh I would not recommend this hey man you look like a gamer what are you looking at and I see you're doing some cooking nice oh piss off but see as a fellow gamer sometimes cooking can just take a long time and I want something filling and healthy in two minutes instead of an hour well so that's what this video sponsor factor is for let's take a look at this TV I dragged over you order your meals they come in a box and the smoke is unfortunately just for dramatic effect and you got chicken beef shrimp lots of protein Rich meals they also have low calorie vegetarian and vegan options to help you avoid fast food in favor of more healthy options America's tits you must be hungry yeah I usually am which is why it's great that they have good portions and actually good food that's very much not always the case with these types of services but I can recommend it so use my link or go to go.factor75.com and use POG iron nov60 for 60 off your first box thanks again to factor 75 for the sponsor and thanks for watching freshly cooked it is hey thank you very much for watching just want to give a quick shout out to googly Gareth who did the intro animated sequence I love how it came out super fun super cool say hi to him be nice to him throw a sub and I think this video is probably going out after Thanksgiving so hope you had to get one keep an eye out for maybe two or three more videos this month I'm really trying to get through a bunch of editing stuff but uh yeah thanks again for watching and have a good one foreign [Music]
Channel: Iron Pineapple
Views: 2,564,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soulslike, souls like, iron pineapple, dark souls, elden ring, gameplay, funny, co-op, review, guide, commentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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