Hutts Uncuts - Best Greed Mode Start #3

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what is up everybody this is hudson welcome to another huts uncuts i felt like it'd be a really cool idea for us to play some greedier today i don't know who i want to play as i just kind of like spawned this idea last night where i was like it's been a while since i've played greedier it's been a while since i've done a hudson cuts and i think that uh it's a perfect marriage what if we did a random am i that crazy like greedier mode is actually really really difficult and i was realizing that i was like oh god not as hazel eden yes love it um geminis or scrooge five free bombs remote detonator is probably not something i'm gonna be using uh damage upgrade on the first item room that's good it's early in the morning by the way so you can see like there's bags under my eyes my voice is noticeably lower if you can tell i don't know if you guys can hear that um i yes absolutely i'm gonna get that candle the candle is gonna be got immediately i was like why what's happening did i say this was noticeably more difficult look at how badass we look too the most scared demon uh yeah this is great this is going very well so far i was trying to say that i noticed how much more difficult this was when i was watching sin victor play a normal greed run and i was like how is he getting that much money how is that working he of course uh broke the hell out of it oh what the hell is this golden poop what is going on right now oh cancer though uh this is honestly probably better to have the money and that that pain i'm gonna say because cancer is obviously one of the best trinkets it's a minus tier delay of two which is significant because it's not a tears up it's a tier to lay down which means it can break the cap of five so if we were to get to five we could get to three and three is so much stronger than five four is so much stronger than five three is so much stronger than four like i don't know if it's like a logarithmic scale or something let's see here we're crushing it right now we uh we don't have a worry in the world at nine six damage this is good this is good uh if i had the ability to carry two trinkets that'd be great but like i said you know this is potentially going to double our money which is everything else so let's say that we we took cancer right and we got less money and then we maybe got to like six fire rate anyways not a big deal we can get the five fire rate because we can uh afford more things and also get like a tech x laser and a bunch of other stuff you got to think about the possibilities is what i'm trying to say and i'm going to grab uh see that just doubled both of those pennies that i just picked up which is just good this is just that's amazing and i make the sakura sacks as well because the sack of sax will um give me keys and stuff and bombs and keys and bombs doesn't seem like it's that useful but it's incredibly useful way more useful than a uh phd would be let me tell you you see that predictive fire that i just put out yeah it comes with being uh skilled this gun just comes with the ears i spent the front line anyways how are you guys how are things it's been a while since i've done a hudson cuts and i feel like it's it's more intimate it's definitely more intimate i can talk about a lot more things are we gonna talk about more things or should we just like strictly focus on the gameplay are we gonna go for a deal with the devil uh yeah i think we should i think that steals the devil are a little like i don't know if i really wanna do that because we're not guaranteed health upgrades and we're not maybe we should just skip the first deal with the devil and go for angel but of course it depends on what we get give me a euro rune well you know what you tried you got close perthro's pretty good uh we'll pop the berk and we'll take the perth all right look at this what's that three damage upgrades a health upgrade and the sack of sacks with a counterfeit penny in the first floor it's just i don't know how you can i i couldn't write a a beginning better than this it looked like it wasn't going to be that good of a of a start but man oh man man oh mally oh jesus uh should we go into the curse room we totally could and i think we could afford red hearts maybe we should do that maybe we should just try it out yeah we have the bombs for this and we could try for the secret room as well since we're already laying a bomb i'd say there's about a 45 chance that it's right there okay got bombs got the health back paid for itself look at that and some money yeah that's good news um secret room wasn't in any of the places that the secret abnormality is and that would be on the far left side of the map still on the far left side could totally be right here and get a pot it's always in the left it's just it's it's it's the left thing i don't know and i can actually use that so that's you know not a complete loss cool all right i'm liking this like i said greedier mode is so difficult i'm uh i'm shocked here it at the luck that we've had oh my god hut's luck oh the speed uh with 0.88 speed honestly i'm gonna say that's probably pretty perfect all right reuter age up to 148 yeah a little bit better like just a little bit i've got a bomb for that cause i've got the golden tickets what do you got i'm a pill taker oh one floor too late bud it's still pretty good i still like it will appreciate i can find the secret room easily with the blue map but that's just kind of dumb all stats up that's probably worth it the halo uh that fire rate i don't like skinny odd i'm just not a skinny on person i'm a fat odd person no i mean yes technically with the mushrooms i know okay hey hey guys whoa whoa whoa first of all write down this seat that i did not type in i did not type in the c311 rbno no rbno for ribbon not type in the seed no is what rbno stands for wow amazing we're getting health upgrades too like passively on these amazing stat increases i i'm i'm just i don't know guys i'm just that good is what i'm trying to say empress why not damage upgrade hell yeah i'm in sew in look at me go i'm pretty sure that guy just jumped into my fire too i absolutely lifted the fire and he's like oh hey bud you missed jumps into it because i jumped into a burning ring of fire sidney just said that if you clear the waves out before the timer is up you get more money payouts is that true is that a thing that could that could be correct is that you know i've been playing this for so long i guess i just didn't even notice the lack of money i just have so much money all the time never needed to look into how to play it any better world card you didn't show me the top secret room of course you don't do that multi-card's absolutely useless let's just take it out but yeah i know i've never even needed to look into like how to play better because i just i'm so good at playing that it just seems so easy i've never not had just unbelievable amounts of money it's just you know the steam sale mixed with this trinket is is unreal unflip and reel double pin action bring it baby with all these holes you can't get by you can't even get in here get done just give up bud go through the fight awesome so if we were to leave the room we would obviously lose our uh damage upgrade via empress here which is why i'm going to ride it out i'll be your ride or die mostly ride not very much die sorry guys sorry this game i don't know i don't know if i drank liquid luck before this or what but phenomenal time to start recording as well i'm a pill taker but uh telepills here would ruin or deal the devil so let's just be smart per throw probably gonna be popped inside of our deal with the devil not this one well unless it's krampus head of course no one is not i just i'm not even sure you guys maybe we should just start talking about my life instead because the game had there's nothing more to say about it there's just nothing more lemon party that's a big old lemon party that's a juicy lemon um i don't want any of this stuff there's no rear machine there's no reason to mess around any longer than we need to that's pretty good with a sack of sex totally unnecessary so cool yeah my life's going well um ups and downs ups and downs it's like i don't know if you guys have been following a lot of like the og youtube crowd every single one of them has had problems of burning out and i'm i'm just alongside them not so much in like getting millions of views on every single video i have to just pursue in here waste not so much in the millions of views but in the time i've spent playing this um that could be you know it's a three cent pedestal it could be handy maybe at some point in time i don't know blankies i don't think blankie even it does anything two parts just use it let's get it out just pop it pop and lock it i'm gonna go for this secret one please nice secret room thank you i'm gonna push to this all the way but yeah i know a lot of youtubers uh just kind of crash and burn and um the ones that are still here have had this track record successful or not of taking breaks and i'm i'm right there look at that gloriousness this is wonderful that's just great um do i run a re-roll or do i want to go harder this pedestal blanket's not bad or not that's bad enough for me to just say i'm gonna re-roll but uh a lot of you guys want me to do more things like like do more vlogs and stuff i'm gonna wait for maybe a bomb out of a sack of sex and i i've been really having a hard time finding a balance between doing youtube and twitch and then doing these extra things like uh vlog channel or extra series like even just the series that i have going i'm still struggling with like darkest dungeon for example uh i still have to finish that i'm not even focusing on my fires that's how strong my tears are this is crazy and uh yeah so like vlogs and even just like doing my house i think the original problem is that i'm not doing my house as much as i should be there's nothing to report on you know i've done like a wood wall i finished my kitchen but i think i i shared that on twitch so i didn't like make a vlog about that i know that it's not it's not a huge crossover honestly like let's say that i do a twitch stream and it hits like 180 people and then there's what 100 000 people that watch me on my regular youtube channel huge huge difference there getting any bombs we're not getting any bombs all this money though we had 99 cents which is nuts then i could just use money to reroll not a big deal bruh you're done there's a bomb full card magician just use that now i try not to struggle from too good to use syndrome i try to just pop things immediately like uh back in the day when i used to try to like min max like a like a two of clubs or something i'm like wait we need to drop it because there might be some more bombs in the floor and then i just completely forget about the card all together all right what have we got do i want to pop out of the room first or go hard let's go hard not too bad of a fight i'm liking this gemini is actually really handy here proximity proximity germany is what i call them on the streets okay you're not really doing a very good job there though um do i want to go guppy not really i suppose it's possible that we get guppy yeah why not i should have totally used that red heart on the demon beggar before i gave it up we could perth throw the paw after the fact too especially if this guy gives me i just kind of want to take that actually as i said he could give me another item that would be potentially garbage and then i could uh per throw that for another chance for guppy that is thank you for that guppy piece that's that's wonderful thank you yeah the old cat leech oh everyone's got a cat leech give me the goods fire rate i take i can go for the no trinket i'm not exactly sure the usefulness of the no trinket uh i'm not sure if it actually works in this i would assume it does work we can go hard on trinkets it's a two cent trinket pedestal no i mean yeah good things maybe oh god what are we doing oh my god the horror this is this is not going well okay seriously there are a lot of trinkets so this is honestly just my fault uh you know what i will take the rod and penny as a chance to give me shocks too though ron penny has a chance to give me flies i think upon picking up pennies it could have gone harder you know what i can't see what's behind that the left hand you mind next bud um nothing there i would like some mate it's pretty good once again one of those passive health upgrades that we just keep getting starter deck is okay i'm not really going for okay though i'll twist my nipples greg buddy um i would like a cuban meat actually it'd be an xl cuban meat it's worth seven cents i'd say i'd say that it's almost better to just d20 this room because there's nothing in this room take the school card and put it in this room greg extra large greg mind you you beautiful bastard i yeah let's just d20 right now save the rest of it for the next floor what do we got look at that bombs and keys and gloriousness and the ability to carry multiple trinkets after i just got rid of all my trinkets that's that's uh yeah i'm gonna just take it hell hell status effect second hand doubles are satisfied time we don't have any status effects currently so let's uh should we just like keep going though while we have a a reroll pedestal a reroll machine i mean probably maybe speed upgrade's not going to do it right 2-0 you know one up or like what up half off battery could have been something that we could have uh really mucked with that could have been fun we get everything we did let us go we're cruising i don't have a bomb for that tinted rock i'm a failure remember back in the og days of doing uncut stuff a lot of you guys are like no i started following like two weeks ago blood clot you're fine just come on get on the the car boat machine vehicle i like i like parasitoid i do i like compound factor okay we don't have a railroad machine and we don't have a battery so we have some issues let's discuss i want to say three cents for what four four soul hearts that's not bad either oh yeah that's not bad oh good three bombs for three cents that's honestly not bad either this is crazy the damage upgrade for three cents okay that's pretty bad hey how about a second steam sale okay you know my luck had to end somewhere i uh one bomb for five cents we just paid three cents for for three bombs for five four four bombs still am i dead uh i think i'm just gonna take the money here instead of d20 because the money just is better than the rest of the stuff okay i don't even know how i took damage there something spawned on top of me inside of me police game is important and sexy what we're talking about yeah balancing my life how about balancing this conversation i can't do that you want blogs yeah right dreams all these sacks too wonderful nice sack bro what the hell are you who are you greg died oh no i was excited and then i was i was confused and then i was happy and now i'm heartbroken absolute roller coaster of emotions greg are you greg are you greg incarnate do we have anybody that chooses anything other than rotten baby no because then we have a second round baby that's amazing that's super good wonderful welcome aboard remind me not to pick up any other familiars unless it's like somebody that doesn't affect it like uh you know obviously little brim or multi-dimensional or something like that sweet but yeah long story short back to the conversation that we were talking about um it's been kind of a rough year like kind of a rough while and and i i feel like almost stupid saying that because i've had like really awesome things like i live an amazing life um it it it kind of goes to show you that you can't really run from depression and you can't buy love which i'm not i'm not trying that sounds ridiculous you can't buy yourself um like i said out of like sadness that doesn't work that doesn't work so like you know you're like i'm gonna spend like all my time and effort to do this one thing be it uh youtube or be a dating somebody and you just fall into this black hole thinking like well i'll get like big one day or like get a lot of money or like she'll love me back because of this one day and you end up like doing things that make you incredibly unhappy at the moment thinking that it will make you happier because of love or money or whatever these things are and you come to realize at the end of the day you're like [ __ ] [ __ ] uh i actually have to like work on myself and like you know i gotta do myself basically is there a battery up here no there's a battery in here right there that guy hello battery so yeah just kind of trying to learn about all that stuff um i've had some successes and i've had some failures and right now i think one of the failures has oh bff i'm not really gonna use it but great you know i could use it let's not say that we're not going to use it because we should um one of my failures being i would say the patreon the patreon like darkest dungeon going full circle right now back to darkest dungeon the patreon thing was like a weekly poll for you guys to come up with a video idea because at that current time i was struggling to find motivation because i was kind of working through a lot about the other stuff that we're talking about right now and i was like well this will give me motivation because like with enough money no like kinda i mean it was more of the expectation and like not disappointing you guys that that was really doing it there um we need a battery three cent pedestal though oh god give me a battery and a three cent pedestal or four or a cheap battery or nothing how about nothing did we get nothing thank you check that out the list got it oh good um a three cent health upgrade when i'm playing this guy is not horrible patreon just kind of fell through and darkest dungeon was like the longest hardest game i've ever played in my entire life like how am i supposed to like be done by the next week it was supposed to be like a one video idea and it spawned a series because of course it's an it's an amazing game and i wanted to keep playing it and uh yeah so like that just kind of didn't really work out and i'm not really sure what to do with the patreon maybe i'll just shut it down because i feel like the expectation is weighing on my soul and i'm absolutely crushed that's exactly how i feel that is that's if i had to sum it up that would be it right there i think um nip no battery there mr me top notch that's a half off pedestal you tried d4 for no walls did i get the extra trinket room i totally did yes there is a battery there i am well aware of that i need one for sale though please if i beg you please do to me is that what you want a one cent heart i mean that's just kind of like silly that's a silly price i will take this too since we are just covered in flies um how are we covered in flies we're not guppy right we're covered in flies because we did fly thing i have no idea so do we shut down the patreon or do we keep the patreon going are people happy supporting me on the patreon knowing that i'm not going to do a weekly thing because i like if i kept it going i i would get to it it would probably be more like a monthly thing until i until i until i what it's all i want huts you keep having this like imaginatory dream that like you're one day just going to be able to handle like 30 more hours of work every day and you're not going to that needs to be the full expectation that the the patreon might just solely be just to be patreon it's a good idea it was a great idea when i came up with it what if i tell the pills right now what happened he was like oh my god what does it even mean you did drugs did you had that's how you came up with that pill didn't you once again if i don't have a battery and we have one battery but uh if i can't continually buy batteries it's not worth it for me to turn things into uh anything other than money right now what am i going to do with 60 keys you know is that is that really smart no power bill our pill is good especially with an xl uh cube of meat which i'm just not even worrying about at all all right blue baby's only friend get in there show me what you can do give me what you got that's pretty good that's a lot leech is also in there tag team wwe style all right let's pop into here count our blessings and head out what do you got sure why not throw it in the bag with the receipt please we could be finding secret rooms i just i don't really care i can get lazy now um i think we're definitely gonna win i think that the uh the greed fight which is next by the way is going to be an absolute shocker and by that i mean it's over is there no reroll there is a real machine um the d6 is probably something that i'd like to save we're at max fire rate so blue cap i don't need you double charge is just handy blank card yeah i'll save that too oh just wow dynamite items in a row there d1 technically could like you know do things i suppose pass all right battery what do you got give it to me son of a [ __ ] i'm in let's do it what a good run i'm glad that we caught us our camera i've got that the one time out of like the last 50 000 days that i've decided to do this ended up being like a really good run incredibly lucky i'm still skilled at the game okay like i i'm good i don't need the luck i'm gonna probably try to do more of these read mode uncuts and they're gonna go just horrible they're gonna just be awful i can absolutely fool myself that that's basically most of the greed greedy euro runs are just you getting absolutely dominated we want to like take like small breaks let's just let's just finish it up finish it up trying to touch anything that guy just died like by looking at him he died when i looked at him looks could kill well it turns out they can and uh why not the devil deal is on the right side right now and i want to say that possibly that's because the secret roam is like right here because it should be here but maybe the secret was there yeah see i totally know what i'm talking about why would the the devil deal be over here nine lives we should go for cup why not goodbye health and now we we do the thing with the stuff from the thing and uh yeah and so it begins i don't want to like spend too much time here this is kind of supposed to be like a shorter video i know you guys are like oh please keep going forever i mean there's like a couple of people on there that are like your god please stop i don't have time for this i gotta go to work i wanted to watch you for like 10 minutes in the morning nickels i pick up nickels i pick up dimes and uh yeah keep going before you open up the chests you want to leave by the battery and then you can re-roll i should have bought two batteries oh well you can reroll the shells of the containers oh that's good cracked crown being one of my favorite trinkets what if we got uh cancer again what if we want full loop okay two batteries it's it's so in the bag you guys we got it unlocked like i said we could spend three hours here um i'm actually gonna leave to for a a camping trip soonish luck pennies though this is nice so i don't have three hours to spend on this it's been a fun little chat so far though um kind of think about like what do i need to do do i need the bone hearts i don't really need the bone hearts i don't need the eternal heart so i don't need anything besides the money i definitely don't need the able or the i need the bob spring you're right game you've convinced me you son of a [ __ ] i'm in another phenomenal trinket there that's gonna really save me from having to pick up keys if we have a gulp pill that we could find on zed floor it's a charged key i'm going to grab that is that a gopro no that's the ed took drugs once pill sicko pill and just piss on the floor pill after i took the drugs he pissed himself and then he vomited i think the pills are telling a story right now and i think this story is actually a little bit more important than we're giving it credit for ed are you okay is everything okay i had to grab that one right no power pill that was the power trip he got from the drug trip thing okay this story is kind of ridiculous i digress yara it's over i don't know what you want me to say bud another pill that i haven't taken uh at this point in time let's just not you go pill i want to go pill like for real though the charged keys we're just getting like so many charge keys is there like an increased charged key chance or something going on right now what did i miss i'm gonna what if i just took abel so it doesn't show up again like come on in join the fun talk about how garbage you are and you are but like we got uh we got no need to exclude you right now go pill what color was it wouldn't that be really cool if you could hit the back button or like some sort of button and it would bring up a pill menu i know that's like kind of cheating and like half the fun is like not remembering it like causes the game to need more skill which is very good for a game like this making it uh more skill based is wonderful like the the time that you realize like that that it was like a very difficult game right but then the better you played the more stuff that you got you're like holy [ __ ] devil deal with the what is that flight i take i'll take a dece i'd really need a gulp pill you know what what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna take our [ __ ] off we're gonna take our good trinkets where'd he go i'm gonna just run into the other room and just drop quick we'll deal we have a golden key so we don't need to take batteries anyways so like we're saw that that that that's okay no need to worry there damage upgrade another bob sprite how many bob's brains can we get in the floor is the real question and how many is too many health uphill no you even existed i mean now i guess we could take some freaking pills i don't even care anymore 99 cents by the way 99 cents so we should just get the hell out of here and start buying things on a three cent pedestal it sounds like a good start but uh mind you this is the boss pool which has some solid dps upgrades box it's really not what i wanted that's a secret room have we changed pools it looks like we're changing spun and our luck dropped is the only thing that happened there that's a boss that's a boss now we're back to boss that's a boss that's maybe a boss well i think we got fire rate unlock marbles marbles is a chance to swallow our trinkets upon taking damage and i could just sit here and damage myself until i swallowed them if there was a like an iv bag or something like that i'm not sure it procs of the iv bag in theory it sounds really cool it's smart by the way i got uh new emotes on twitch that's one thing that i decided to finally sit down and i i finally decided to sit down and take the uh extensive effort that it took to email somebody to make them for me oh no you sound pathetic i've got a lot of stuff going on okay i told you that having a ton of uh fates rewards could actually be a fun thing [Applause] is my voice getting lower and raspier during this i feel like as i wake up it goes the opposite way that's the tick i could just grab the tick it doesn't really matter you guys do we really are we wanting any for anything right now no we're not infamy i don't even see that that was a thing i don't even see what's on the floor i'm just like walking around 99 cents already i'm just gonna leave there's a joke crackerjacks mr dolly way to break gender stereotypes mr dolly hand a hand to you a hand a hand off clap off i don't know what i'm saying anymore but the weird thing is though yo exactly you know exactly what i'm trying to say and you're like no that made sense but wait i'm a bookworm number one screw my range literally only just hurt my range a nazi book [Music] i can't get another steam sale um i don't think i want to tech this run up tech is just kind of a party pooper wouldn't that be really cool if tech made it so that you not only shot your but that's what tech 2 does you shoot a laser and you shoot your tears is there really a good way around tech not really without trying to make tech conform to all other synergies that would be like the one thing that i would ask for you know what what if one for a gulp pill what if that was a thing feels like i'm walking on the sunshine feels like you pinched my nipples well that wasn't too bad at all white and black um we could just look for white and black pills at this point in time we don't need to i can't i can't reroll this the or use the rear machine rather um i could use the d6 but i need a passive outside the room do we have that yeah we do it's right there wow call and answer um yeah i don't know what the game is doing right now but it's working it is working i am rock hard that's silence though horseradish we can't talk that's okay that's the third bob's brain this is getting exciting literally though i would like to have like 13 fates rewards that'd be hilarious i'm probably not going to sit around and wait for that time to come nice little blanky blanks what could happen though let's say that uh we found a chest that um we found a chest that had an item in it and we somehow were able to double that or or get like multiple yaris i think we just rerolled through the blank card so that's not what can happen but like for a future run for your food for thought let's say that there was a chest that paid out you grab everything else in the room you clean it all up you get that one chest alone and you keep doubling it and then you you open up the chest you leave the room you come back you open up the chest you leave the room you come back and that is how we are getting um multiple bob's brains because apparently bob's brain hasn't been removed from the pool by opening up the chest it's uh it's all very confusing it's all very technical there's a black ruin in there yeah probably not huh sharp straw just like no one likes sharp straw it does like your damage to the entire room when you walk in it charges itself it's not bad by any means but it's kind of bad at the same time totally just ham it up with the d62 once we get enough passive pedestals that might be the way that we do it it's it's easier that way just buy batteries and reroll buy batteries reroll buy batteries go so much faster than one item at uh flippin time rune bag what's that that's the holy poop olive ground do any of you guys even know what hollowed ground does some of you guys do and you're like i do i do yeah shut up no one asks you you suck up kidding love all you guys uh but probably most of you it's a very uncommon item you take damage and you drop this holy poop and when you're in the aura of the holy poop oh you gotta be kidding me when you're in the aura of the holy poop you get a tears up is it a tear up or is it to your delay down see i don't even i don't even know the specifics of it run through this like there's my poop right there i'm in the uh the aura looks like it's a tier to lay down because we broke the cap we're at two fire rate okay hollow ground you just moved up a little bit in the world in my opinion my humble opinion do i care about this item not even a little bit just give it to me give me some passives though i kind of was serious about that whole passives thing there we go because that's really what's going to make the world go round i like i said i don't want to sit here and break this until we breakfast it just it takes too long once again in my humble opinion what is that's that's good monster was lung bye by fire rates it was fun knowing you i'm not gonna not take monstrous lung or like triple shot or quad shot but like some of them are just like not that good let's be honest 23 um money's 20 monies left oh take that for sure jacob's lighter oh yeah i mean holy light okay yeah that's a pass oh yeah no don't take that we're good we're we're good no thanks d20 swap it for the d6 come back in start re-rolling through and then i think we can be done after that honestly just like kind of cool that this happened in the last floor too i'm not going to lie and you know what i'm i need to run through and grab some moolah is what i need to do mysterious paper what are these stupid trinkets that are clogging up my life ugh the bane of my existence are the stupid things that end up filling up this room let's start rolling through some stuff now adele style rolling through the deep i we don't really need the nine volt for any specific reason do we have piercing we have piercing at this point in time there's no way we don't have piercing so i can forget about the piercing i don't need the tarot cloth i don't need to talk through all of my decisions is what i don't need to do um chaos it at this point in time would would make sense to me that would make sense since we're just gonna roll through everything do i want this jewel bag i don't need it i just need some damage although having the uh sprinkler with like some of this that we have going on is would just be hilarious it's too late it's too late baby now it's too late though we really did try to make it we're already guppy why am i going for guppy pieces you need to really prioritize here what do you need and what don't you need excrete the rest i will take i believe that's hot hot happening i would not mind purity as well but see now we're already diminishing our pedestals for what for like mediocre mediocre stuff um really really focus on what we need chalky milk necessary i don't even need that damage up with the hood it's a it's a small damage up it's teeny tiny sensor handy that another guppy's tail why are we getting multiples of the same thing book of the dead is phenomenal but i'm gonna say no that's a double damage upgrade [Music] okay see now this is why we hold out for some of the good [ __ ] [Music] okay ma the void uh yeah it's great fine i'll take it you thought i'm gonna say i was gonna take it i mean i was planning on not taking it honestly oh tech five in there i didn't even see us hiding behind the book that's a passive i took a breakfast too son of a [ __ ] give him my d back and we could do a little run through for money again did we get a bob's brain or am i just not seeing the brains in here or maybe we got a perthro or something what happened to all the items that were in this room oh the bob's brains are there okay i still see him now wow that that is actually hard to see them um we're up to 13 fire rate because of uh the monstrous lung that's right i remember messing myself up with that i was almost confused for a moment whatever let's just come on hurry up that's good this is ridiculous that's pretty spicy as soon as these pedestals dry up we're going this is full scent i don't really need the dry boobs he's so far back that it's just not even i don't mind this it doesn't take away a pedestal either considering it's uh on the bot pedestal um skippy stones that just sounds wacky incubis you son of a [ __ ] how about 20 20 how about immunity to bombs for that last wave huh how about that what if we could get that could we get that did we get that anybody no healer bingi i don't mind a little thingy okay i can't believe you said that huh shut up eucharist not not and no nothing right home about who's riding home in this day and age good on you for keeping penmanship alive single-handedly there's like some good things in there and like yeah sure try saigon just like really i actually would like immediate bombs though do we need it yeah absolutely not some of the stuff is like good and i know i'm just gonna trigger you guys by not taking it or a babylon would just not ever be active monster bud oh my god i can't believe him he's cute okay twist my nipples i mean arm i mean arm nipples do we have the d20 still we do have the d20 still let's make it happen the money come on my money on my money my mind 37 cents full send here to the end some of the stuff is good pop pop is just something that probably is going to pop the game [Music] popping off the top of this esophagus and now we just have the two pedestals and i think that that's just like we can really call it a day is it really worth it to try to shuffle through okay i'm out of money oh no he took my only food [Music] is it worth it as he just can i can't stop i can't stop i have a problem i'm leaving i'm leaving now we did it we're gonna crush the game it's absolutely busted i don't even want to see what my tears look like until we get there they just blow is absolutely the worst [ __ ] tears ever seen abaddon took away all my health by the way but i mean we're fingering them to death oh my god we're cool with that we are though literally and he's done that's it but wait there's more i said awesome run you guys that was phenomenal i absolutely enjoyed this i'm glad i decided to sit down and do a hudson cuss today thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did let me know your thoughts do you want more hot sun cuts and uh yeah i'll see you guys in the next episode bye
Channel: Hutts
Views: 265,185
Rating: 4.9485817 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: WnK2AuFXvOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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