Greedier Mode - The Binding of Isaac AFTERBIRTH+

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haha we're screwed hey what's up everybody this is Hudson welcome back to The Binding of Isaac after birth plus so I've been thinking you guys I've been thinking like what kinds of videos should I be making for my channel right now what kinds of things should I be doing and when I came down to it I decided that I just kind of want to knock out all the achievements I kind of want to just knock out all the items all the achievements I don't really want to be doing too much crazy highly edited challenges and stunts and things like that it doesn't even make sense to do those right now so let's jump into an Isaac greedier run let's do it so this is greedy rich it's greed mode but it's even harder than greed mode it gets pretty ridiculous Wow so are at the bat uh you know what I think that means that we should go over here into this room and use some red hearts and then come grab that so hard Wheel of Fortune you know the bombs could be pretty good here if a CAC okay well we found out how we're gonna beat the first run here III don't think I can pass that up I don't think that's passed up a bowl so what I'm gonna do here grab the matchbook take my stuffs drop my wheel of fortune oh yeah daddy lots of stuffs and things a nickel yeah I should probably blow this machine up too don't you think I kind of want to just buy the ipecac as soon as I possibly can it's very possible to that we we kill ourselves to the ipecac because there's so so so many enemies the chances of us blowing ourselves up it's up there it's definitely up there and you know what it doesn't really make sense to get that right now let's get the key so that perchance we can use our d6 here I'm not gonna do I think that's good I think that's good it's new item you guys what is it Jacob slider electric tears I think it uh when it hits an enemy has a chance to shock to other enemies which is really good crowd control on a game that's like made up of crowd control I'm sorry I was like choking there look at Jacob's Ladder Oh so greed mode greedier mode rather you get less money I think and you get more enemies and get more waves of enemies it's just it is difficult oh also I think the timer is shorter between waves which is pretty serious seriously bad that is look at how far the Jacob's Ladder zaps go I love you also don't forget about the voids that just constantly spit enemies out that that's ridiculous their stench not at that that's a mistake that shouldn't be a thing you know all right crowd control central daddy let's go it even zaps when I hit the wall this doesn't zap when I hit the ground okay I mean the wall is essentially the ground the ground is essentially the wall that's just flat you know you know I mean think about that no you didn't because you're selfish you only think about you all right we got our money that was like really easy do I still get the zaps if I've got epic AK if is ex ha ha ha I hope the laser does 43.5 damage Oh daddy also though damn it the relic could have been really good I suppose I still a chance I can get like a secret room or something like that please tell me it's not in the curse room oh [ __ ] uh yeah um free teleport to the deal the devil I mean there wasn't anything in here but uh we didn't have to fight for it so that saves me a boss fight I can't tell if I'm upset or not I just don't know okay you know yeah we're fine we're fun we have epic hack we have Jacob's Ladder Zippity zappity lling pretty okay I'm okay mega fat he's gonna end up hurting me with his stupid teleports look at look at that it's already spawning a second boss it's already spotted a second boss haha it's just monster though he sucked a dip into me now I'm not even mad about that that's just impressive good job all right to penny short to penny short of that delicious relic that we could have had some of beach next floor let's go how many bombs unlimited bombs for unlimited reeling with ipecac ah screwed you know if actually faster fire rate does sound pretty tasty here with ipecac because it's fire rate sucks puberty apparently 3 puberty pills in one room turns you into an adult which I've heard gives you one red heart container so like that's that's pretty good ah the lunch bag has a chance to give me a health upgrade like spawn the pedestal the health upgrade I think when I take damage could be pretty delicious here but I think I do does it really matter to go for okay first of all [ __ ] dime ah yep it really matter to go for damage upgrades does it really matter to go for the damage upgrades is 43 damage really differ from 44 damage I don't know these are the questions I don't know you guys because we could totally just keep rear Oleg and try to get something ridiculous like chaos and then pull off something like place you know but I'll go for it I can't say no to it and another two years upgrade sounds pretty nice yeah it sounds pretty nice to me Prudential Saturday I'll secret room all right yeah fire oh that's good but I'm not giving up my d6 I'm addicted to it I think we got to be capped that only gave me a minus to fire right change we probably are capped here at 24 Zama dick I'm a dick cuz I'm a dick cuz I want it and I need it I'm a huge mother dick mother dick are you guys even trying are you even [ __ ] trying am i I guess we should probably go for the damage upgrades because if I get something like a cricket's head or something and it starts multiplying all the damage that I have accrued we could be hitting like 100 plus damage and that would be pretty good uh the one thing about epic AK that I'm worried about here is the damage scaling on the ultra greed fight how am I going to handle that how is he going to handle that most importantly and we're just cruising through this though I like this very much oh yes give me an easy boss that I actually can clear in ten seconds what is it normally like 30 seconds for the other boss to spawn it's something pretty big I think you know what else is pretty big I this rug in my living room it's it's pretty big ladies and bye rug I mean my dick no it's it's it's a rug it's it's a rug I almost feel like buying trinkets is worth it because if he I'm getting something like suave penny or a counterfeit penny those could be really good so you know what let's do it let's take bag lunch let's try it out and like I said I'm gonna assume here I'm gonna assume here that the work apps now they give me 19 cents that's actually an unfortunate number because I can't buy a key and buy an item I would say that my chances are higher to find something worthwhile by just reeling plus if I don't get something worthwhile by reeling for free mind you because I've got bomb tears our explosive tears are not really bombs uh I can just decide to go into the shop after that or I to room rather words and things in English [ __ ] you English haha oh okay double Incubus soo ah it's the [ __ ] Carina of time does not look like an old Carina that looks just like an ocarina that is also a penis starter that could be pretty good for me here especially if it starts spinning out things like two of diamonds and [ __ ] like that but we're not gonna get very many cards and pills from here on out it's half off I know but still the [ __ ] arena it's actually an arm by the way with a little thumb it's called polydactyly I think and that is an actual condition that means that you grew an extra finger it allows you to hold two cards or two pills or two rooms it's basically deeper pockets I think we can do better I mean these two things together honestly would be pretty dynamite but I can't afford it Abel Abel hype if I reroll with my d6 does that make that seven cent item into a different seven cent item because that could be worth it continue on with the sale well there zebra pockets I was just talking about you and a light bulb it's an all stats upgrade when my active item is completely out of charge which is not going to be the case for very long so that's not worth it but it's good to know blank card oh if I could have had blank card half off with the starter deck half off I you know if hindsight man hindsight I'm gonna say no I'm gonna say no I'm gonna say that's probably not gonna happen potato peeler half off haha store credit wait what is that what is that thing I'm gonna get the store credit I want to buy something for free but what what is that free thing that I'm gonna get it's an extra trinket slot it's the same thing as mom's purse well car battery would be stupid potato peeler takes one full red heart and it gives you a point to damage upgrade permanently and uh a permanent Cuban meat I did that on stream one time that's not very good I think maybe I'd like to reroll that but maybe possibly instead take this item and then re-roll everything else and see what I can get for free probably would be a better use of my time or I can get multiple trinket rum for free and then take those trinkets over there let's do it let's do that let's go hard on the new items here oh it drops a trinket to the poop is moving little larvae actually gives me one fly OOP that I destroy no I like the callous idea better I kind of like that idea that we had better yeah see multiple trinket room I store it in my bellybutton that's disgusting okay moving on even if I miss them the Zippity zap zap a zip zappity Zoop out of them what a convenient room for me haha what a convenient room for me the games like I bet you don't have any more bombs haha alright we didn't use our D charge so I might as well pop it yeah why am i stupid why am i stupid I'm so stupid like you guys really cricket's body or no balls okay crickets body or no balls look at me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't want to do the exact same thing dry boobs yes that's a health upgrade that is a little Steve another syringe with a damage upgrade attached to it yep we should probably just end up going for a spa at this point in time this is gonna be like near impossible not to kill myself this is ridiculous can I get rid oculus using a sentence please those pancakes your mom made were ridiculous strength card yes yes use it to steal a deal with the devil you're absolutely okay I get your pollute Lee use in a sentence please you're absolutely not yeah see this is the crazy part here ah stop hurting myself me I feel like lava shot it and then just like oh look away don't hurt me please or just shoot at the wall and hope the Zippity zappity caribou zip these apps away that's actually working it's actually working so maybe I'll stop complaining Oh talk about crowd control dayum damn girl get my synth oil on that's the same health grade that dip addicted the boats right over there they did something with the item pools they did something different with the item pools and I don't know if they like they know they do run out I did breakfast at one point so we do know that but it it does have the ability to re-roll over again somehow I don't know how but it does avoid use the void to suck up the d6 oh you know those moments where you love yourself and that's lucky Rock that is lucky Rock I was like oh [ __ ] I just wasted all my money and now I won't be able to afford the void I think we got it please tell me we still have it please tell me I can still afford the void if you give me 4 cents I will be forever pissed at you forever man I want to be forever mad do you really want to live forever forever forever forever mad I want to be forever mad I want to see you try to fight me that's a little more than 4 cents yeah almost seems like them faster I kill them the more money I got or something I didn't meant I'd have weight like we got like 400 cents there what are the money come from forever mad I want to be forever mad all right we have no choice but to right now uh soak up the d6 I have to do it so I'm gonna do it and then it used the d6 and gave me the blank card Pass pass but what I would like to do right now is to try to get a battery so I can start voiding inside of the deal with the devil battery please that is a split shot that I wish I could have is another rock here that should probably blow up huh split shot would be let's hope for some rocks and the deal with the devil I guess oh good lord what is that what is it it's up no no tuff Bighorn you remember little horn this is Big Horn oh no please look at how tanky he is look at all tanky he is that's unbelievable amounts of tankiness right there oh geez oh no oh no what was that what hit me I don't know I don't know that was oh he did oh he did forever man oh there's no rocks in here that's that's fine I guess amnesia balls of steel I beat you to it I win all right no battery no split shot man I wish I could have it all so I won't be able to suck up these things that are kind of garbage but I'm gonna take the health upgrade here midnight snack midnight snack who would it oh here's the [ __ ] ROK's I'm going back for split shot I'm hahahaha I forgot about this room honest and completely honestly completely it shows you how much I forgot about it okay well shield the tears [ __ ] it's too late just just keep moving forward don't look back oh we're screwed we're screwed we're done we're so done yeah nope it's that's a G G it's a bingo I have no choice I have no choice but to take Bank lunch with us let me just double check that that's the appropriate thing every time you take damage you have a very small chance to spawn a lunch item which gives you one HP up when the effect is triggered the trinket is destroyed so it's a one-time use and it's a very small chance let's let's not let's not the challenge fate here just I don't know man I I don't know what's happening I'm going to just lob in one corner of the map and run to the other one as fast as I can BFF oh that does affect Incubus mom's key would also be really good here there is no reroll machine so we can make it rain doom hell in here extra large be a little crusty face what's his name dry boobies is not yeah dry boobies he's also extra-large which is a good thing run run run run run haha look at this stuff oh look at the size of Incubus is tear cuz I love this game I want to be forever playing this game and there's my t20 so I could technically break the game if I really wanted to right now do you really want to live forever forever and ever forever young try to the tears oh wait yeah we did get more tears oh I thought we were gonna be locked yeah oh that's I'm gonna go with ouch I should just use regular bombs honestly I don't need money anymore that's that's a fact rune beg yeah sure and now of course I wish I had my cart which I had an old blank card there look at the range haha look at the range of those freaking tears my I need to suck up the 20s what I need to do there's no battery here though let's buy d20 and then suck it there's my spun to but let's not do the sponge just yet and let's not suck it just yet we can actually use the d20 before we decide to suck it in but that wait I'm not gonna get a charge of my void if that oh oh I gotta charge up my void charge up the void go back in gravity 20 then come back out then mess with the money the money is gonna be blowing all around though so it's gonna be really really really difficult not to pick up the money when it's blowing my face off what the one of the tears go but after the whole like crazy epic thing of doom there it is that was a little bit better yeah I was a little better Forever Young I'm gonna hurt myself here just to stop it I want to get as many charges as I possibly can what's this guy doing does he know where I am I think he knows where I live oh [ __ ] oh Jesus what the [ __ ] was that I was I supposed to dodge that you dick alright suck it up then it reroll Devery thing because I stole the d6 you dum-dum I've got D 20 d6 this game is amazing but really confusing I'm not gonna have enough charges here to get a full D 20 I think so did this two more fights left I don't know who's up there but you're gonna go down oh holy [ __ ] just don't jump at me man you're making my parents both you're making life hard on both of us right now yeah we got it we got a full charge mr. Fred I am so sorry from me to me oh wait didn't we clarify that there's no battery yeah there's no battery so we can really yeah we can't really break the game until next floor well we can get some stuff still you still do some stuff and things like apparently get a [ __ ] ton of keys we still have every chance to blow this you guys we still have every chance to muck this up better damage worse fire rates plus some health now we are spun and a balls of steel pill alright next floor let's see if we can't get a battery in the shop you guys I really want to I would really like to break the game the pencil new new new new new new new new new new no no no no no no it's terrible it is terrible with epic every 15th shot you like do like a monstros alone explosion with ipecac it just goes right in front of your face like 17 shots and then it's a single boom with all the split shots going on it yeah Mir black candle would be nice right now considering I can't see [ __ ] yeah I think we can afford it I'm pretty sure that we can afford a black candle right now hey the potato peelers back if we break the game we can do the potato peel again there's the battery for sale Oh dreams what's important is getting as much money as possible in this room so that we can destroy it so it only activates about the wall with it all right ox are you in the wall ah just don't make me pick up my money I don't want to pick up the money okay the red hearts are fantastic too those going to be we're old algae's I actually kind of want to just use that right now and then just help myself clean up the floor one spider was left he's like what's up right what's I do what's going on why is everyone did woo I'm just firing into the corner down here yeah that works that what is up with these deals with devil I just don't understand I'm like I guess I guess I'll take that fine ah all right and now to the breaking but real good safety scissors is gonna give me more bombs on the floor technically so it's probably we're taking here yeah throw bombs in a regular bombs that I can then re-roll mom's key Oh life is good strategy here is simple open up all the chests and then we roll again and get more chest and then open those up pretty simple morgue up more gup-a do I want to absorb the guppy item nope no maybe I should / throw it before that happens but if it ends up happening I do absorb it I don't I don't really give a [ __ ] so if you guys don't know how the void works here if I you can only use it on item pedestals first of all that's the only thing it actually works on and if you use it on an active item like uh peas pav you absorb the ability to use that active item every single time you use the void next just like how I absorbed the d20 and the d6 now every single time I use the void I get D 20 and d6 charges I don't know what the hell this is a cork uncorked increases the radius of the creep that you produce actually that could be very good with like a headless baby or something alright and then if you use this on a passive item like a Bob's brain it will absorb the item but it gives you a random stat boost instead of doing anything else instead of giving you the Bob's brain you don't get the Bob's brain you get some stat boost so it's just a way to turn something that's normally garbage into something that could be pretty helpful what is this what is this gonna look like I feel like we're gonna crash the game feel like this is gonna crash the game hahaha I kinda want that I kind of want to absorb it hey we got another Pandora's box with the [ __ ] you doing here again are you doing maybe maybe we will absorb it right cuz who cares if I haven't got bees pot charge I don't have any red health nope we don't have a choice to absorb it or not every single time that I really thing I absorb all the passives anyways it's just going to be a big absorb fest so that every single time I do this from here on out I'm gonna also activate Tammy's head just to reroll the room this is my life wait a second wait a second d20 is gone d20 is gone I'm not t20i I closed out the game and I came back to save it and I'm no longer I don't have the d20 anymore the game that that's a bug that's hi hello my name is game bug you may know me from other things like oh my god you just kicked me in the dick well okay I mean I'm having a hard time really complaining yeah confirmed ah okay that's that's fine I guess I guess I'll just go and finish the game then hello darkness my friend I mean really the goal was to finish the game so like it I can't be that mad we're still got we got lots of good stuff here I'll count that as a broken game all right I'm gonna count it still but the game did screw me over I'm a little mad about it it took my oh you know what haha we have immunity to bob damage I can handle the lead pencil now but yeah it took my d20 just right out from underneath me it's almost like if you try to save the game you back out it doesn't have the appropriate ability to actually remember what the void had sucked up and that's pretty sucky oh well I guess oh freakin well check this out check this out Tammy's head charge hahaha oh no this game is just too difficult what am I ever going to do about it yeah okay I'm sorry what what's that I can't hear you [Music] all right one shot ultra greed time let's go one shot him with one Tammy's head charge I would like to try it out let's do this I don't know about you but sorry bud sorry bud wrong place wrong time really here goes nothing Oh trip Reed oh ah you're dead that was one charge okay what's it didn't I didn't do it the day yeah you know left much to be desired that's fine okay that's that's that's a second charge there that's okay now we're starting to shoot I can't really complain about you guys I really don't have the ability yeah yeah so that's that that's that are you going to see those okay are you here to see the victory do you like it what what oh no there's not a victory kittens right sorry it's been a victory never been this far blam-blam-blam-blam back [ __ ] it's disgusting I never done seen any of this I never done seen any of that Wow are we done here d1 is appear in the basement oh my god am i refilling this machine by the way do I have to get greedy ur mode he's licking my microphone that's not a weird um do we have to get the grittier machine up to full 100 999 I guess we're gonna try just in case it does something holy crap that was awesome you guys that was a really really really good run I like that a lot what did you think about it dude hmm alright you guys that's our first greedier run done I haven't beaten it so I didn't know that that actually happened is the cutscene any different kind of looks like it's the same to me alright cool if you guys liked that hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 1,321,760
Rating: 4.8242087 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Ru8ySe4XEBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2017
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