Hutts is too lucky to be left ALIVE

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to after birth plus we only have a few challenges left next one circle of life baby i'm a dead guy hello this isn't one i ordered book of genesis i think it uh looking it up passively doubles damage taking grants one black card upon use three room recharge so we take double damage right this is going to be super easy with fiend folio yup i believe this is a retribution challenge so the fiend folio enemies were uh an unforeseen circumstance we have item rooms though bruh who's to say i don't just like get rid of this book i guess maybe i need it for the health i don't know little baby doesn't normally start with a book that gives him health so um look at all stats upgrade dead tooth you kidding me i need some money we'll have to decide what we're gonna do on the channel once these challenges dry up do we want to keep going with fiend folio do we want to switch it up is there a new mod that i don't know ouch that i don't know about hey you guys want to blow these up and then give me a quarter you do you don't [Music] kinda did come on yo i mean kinda almost it's not pin not champion pin thank god what if you were able to bomb over here pin and then open that up for me you then nope that's not that's not it you're dead yo all right challenge is over challenge what challenge secret um give me the goods that's not dead tooth come on uh that tooth them there we go ah you thought it was bad i'm using it like a genius you can kind of get into the room and poison enemies before they have a chance to do anything about it oh my goodness the poison damage i cannot be stopped halitosis more like calibrosis i'm almost full health too item room death cap it's the death cap that makes your stats go down and down and down and down and then on the final time that you eat it you apparently get a huge stat up and we've never been able to see that huge stat up today might be the day if i get the full health i'm fine with dropping this book you know what at this point in time i'm fine with dropping this book it's close enough to full health come on all right we keep eating it we keep getting stats down minus 0.53 damage magic mosh will see me through and then hopefully at the end of this we will see the light at the end of the tunnel unless i was completely lied to but that's never happened before right chat tithe at the start of each new floor lose all held consumables gain two percent angel room chance for each loss consumable plus one white heart if any consumables are lost i'm thinking we go with tithe here and we go angel sounds great rip my keys though maybe we should bomb pots and get some more money five pennies lost is a hell of a lot more for angel chants than uh one bomb aunt i think i'm afraid of you look at me use my oh i didn't know i can sneak in there my halitosis my dead tooth is actually just doing it look at that look at that look at that want some more you do ah philosopher's stone 100 containing three golden hearts look at how happy i am chunk of tofu you kidding me bro okay not that one i'm more after the chunk of tofu high damage high high damage plus they're gonna be in the range of my poison as well let's go 100 chance angel room that's what i'm talking about only 33 chance of actually getting the room to unlock though training seat player creep lasts twice as long enemy creep lasts half as long sounds really nice i'm kind of liking the idea of being able to get more money though be a swallowed penny oh i need to use this every time it's ready my rotten mushroom i think i used it four times at one point in time on stream and it didn't pay out so it's gonna be five or more and then i'm gonna wait on this huge stat boost what were we at like six damage or so when we started maybe even higher than that so if it doesn't take us above six i will riot it's also give me oh good shot it's giving me a chance to fire poison tears by eating this mushroom which is just super cool ow peep like meep meep get out of the way i'm easy everything's gonna be replacing a chunk of tofu now oh god are we gonna get an angel roma tong with chunks of tofu tofu tofu to the moon the tofu was like this chunk of tofu i'm telling you it's high damage that's the fourth time it looks like it's going to be done fully eaten eaten did at the end of uh this last charge here serpent's kiss i was about to say it was like don't say it though cause you're gonna curse yourself because you're not gonna get it serpent's kiss we could poison people and get blackhearts now bruh so with our poison halitosis with our chance to shoot poison tears via the mushroom and now serpent's kiss and now this of poison poison poison poison everybody and no one's giving me black cards hello would have to be a special serpent's kiss tier joker card is that my angel room enemies who are killed after they have been inflicted with this type of poison have a 20 chance to drop black hearts this type what is this type of poison that is very vague is that a penny for five cents sir kind of idiot do you take me for let's go ahead and just joke her now it's a krampus fight 100 chance angel room question mark if there's no angel rooms in this challenge i don't know i'm not gonna take that i put all my money into the poison shroom stonks well that was a stupid bust like another one aces dudes and this no no no no no no i can use this now oh come on just be eaten i'm taking damage every time i do this too wheel fortune save me look great all right one last one go ah plus eight damage it's like we got two magic mushes now and high chance for poison tears i'm still waiting on the big payout though big black heart smash touch the black flies not my sight though my face there we go blackheart blackheart excuse me there's no blackhearts or solar drops in this the only way to get health was through the book that i discarded yo oh boy look like this uh eternal heart though and health upgrades they'll probably still count let's do this okay the challenge got a lot spicier what is that what is going on up there five room maybe i'll think about it you can still touch black flies though you get like payouts you could also touch black flies to get nothing in return that sounds like a really good idea right what do you guys think they do it speed ball turd god i look so happy though health up balls of steel welcome to my life can't wait for the oh never mind chunk of tofu rip chad meet tofad chadfu chadfu he's still just like god kill mike well should we redo the floor that could be fun mapping would be great now i have some pennies some penis there we go all hail the tofu boy gonna bring it home look at that get him tofu buddy look at him go uh okay angel room yo there we go holy light's so good too but i gotta go with the holy man it's the only thing that's gonna keep me alive get him get him dude oh my god i know these aren't gonna pay out with soul hearts but i gotta i gotta try oh hurts me five room uh all stats upgrade counts as health baby since i have holy mantle and serpent's kiss we should be touching people at the very end of the room when i know i'm not gonna take more damage like that try to get some more like keys and bombs i actually could do this aha oh i'm like i need like 100 keys and i got a golden key able oh yeah monsoon not my favorite pretty tough not for tofu buddy oh my god absolute madman level four tofu chad fu dude circle protection i gotta do it even more defense wait a second prayer card that's health that's health that is health that is health i've got a source of health oh man we should not be alive tofu destroy murder wait a second tofu buddy shoots i want you to walk into them maybe level three tofu buddy was better i like how we started off we were fine and then we totally bunged up the challenge and then we got right back in it's never too late another five run please yo now records three oh oh batteries are going to be huge huge all right fiverr we go dude i'm pumped how does he do it folks axolotl buddy little chest sure little chest the hottest rapper in the game right now they call him a national treasure coming to stores near you get it's his chest you can store things at the store store i want the tapeworm maybe seems salient aurelius let's go cactus buddy no smelt the fish but i wouldn't mind smelting the trinket i've got maybe been touching a book got seraphim with flight now that was genius three cents for five cents the absolute stare down between the tofu and greg palpable hot dog my favorite top secret room chub time give a tofu for me yeah you got tofu for me and deal with the devil wait a minute would i be crazy enough to jump in to deal with the devils now hell yeah what's my tofu buddy doing right now up in the corner back to full health already mom's spaghetti knees weak greg's a heavy hey i'm on a diet pollution all right pollution bring it wait a second greg died and he dropped tofu greg has been reborn into tofu buddy okay wow okay wow and another tofu now we got a level three tofu again the tofu family meanwhile the axolotl was just dead in the corner satanic bible does that make more sense that makes more sense than the thing that we do have right now yeah that makes me way more sense plus bookworm remember how this challenge was like oh no you gotta take double damage and you can only use this book for health 48 hour energy what an absolute joke piercing tears you didn't think it could get better our last item room there's no way that i would possibly think about doing something so stupid as picking up ipecac right now not a chance in hell mom fights i'm a champion mom i'm insulted wait a second the void portal opened up what if we break it even more when we go into the void nah probably shouldn't if a cac ring worm no matriarch oh no and it's dead tofu you know what hell let's take all the deals of the devil doesn't even matter it lives and i think the soy boys might have done more damage there two-thirds gup down we go to shoal which i do think is the harder of the two paths here balls of steel there was a balls of steel pill wow three hitter dark rum last chance for guppy go beat up hey guppy gap compound fracture that sounds stupid soy milk [Music] i'm an idiot isaac no longer has movement momentum sandpaper what day flip and flap go this is the this is the worst thing i've ever seen oh my god oh goodness gracious what have i done oh and for the finale lamb yeah this is the life i mean i think the the tofu the chadfus could really have carried the entire thing cannot believe we smashed this challenge as hard as we did so good so flipping good phenomenal stuff all right you guys thank you for watching me absolutely dominate this challenge don't forget to hit that like button leave a comment appease the algorithm once again thank you for being you and i will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] glass d-100 i i'm going to pretend i didn't see that you know what hell let's take all the deals of the devil doesn't even matter if it doesn't matter then why don't you take the d100 and use the d100 how would you not have any balls what do you have smooth genitals
Channel: Hutts
Views: 226,544
Rating: 4.977057 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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