CRAZY DRAG TRANSFORMATION! ft. GottMik | NikkieTutorials

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Nikkie has been killing it with social distance collabs. Other creators should've taken note long ago.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 287 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/envy-adams πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where are all of those influencers who would say a collab over zoom/video wouldn't work? Are they out partying?

This is how you do it and they both look perfect

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 492 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stoop_Girl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

At least one beauty influencer knows how to do a collab safely

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 220 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kangaroo_Rich πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

gottmik's makeup style is superb. i love her. (her kiss inspired merch is also sick) and this collab was actually really entertaining. as someone who hasn't watched this season yet (not available on netflix here yet) i got much info on the bts of rpdr.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lovelyespeon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Two beautiful souls. I love this so much

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 167 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/redheadzelda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m very pleased to see how much Nikki has come back. She for real had a rough patch a few years ago and it’s nice to see her thriving again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RoseQuartzes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The trans king and queen of make up! Love this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 301 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tiptoeandson πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nikkie is the unproblematic queen that I will forever stand by. Love her.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 145 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wubbaflubbaflame πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

can't believe nikkie did white face

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bloodsonly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello guys it's me nikki and today i am joined by the not winner of rupaul's drag race season 13 got mick everybody hi what an interesting way to introduce me thanks we were all rooting for you we were all rooting for you we were rooting for you tell me how have you been i have been so amazing literally every i'm just so proud of everything that happened it's it was literally the most magical time of my life and i'm so sad it's over but i'm ready to like kill it now and you are hailing it honey the journey has just begun so in today's video god make and myself are getting ready and just like every other drag queen collaboration i'm doing on this channel i am following these steps to becoming a drag sister a drag daughter to my guest and today's guest has got mick so it's gonna get cloudy up in here just a demon clown turning a sweet innocent angel into a demon clown like my everyday look yeah yeah pretty much my everyday look i cannot tell you how excited i am to be filming with you today we have met yes and at all times i was drunk i mean hello same so we have met but it was a little messy and that's okay i know this is our first sober meet which is relatable and you're witnessing it i don't know what that tells you about me girl's saying i'm right there unless you trust all right so we already blocked our brows that's um that's this situation right here and now we are ready to paint okay [Music] i am just going to actually add one more layer of glue because i'm so with my white face i don't like to color correct my eyebrows and my eyebrows are like really dark and tattooed on so i'm just going to add one more layer of glue a work while you're gluing i asked my followers and your followers to send in a bunch of questions about the season about your career about your makeup artist career so i collected them all so throughout this video if you hear a question that you send in it's probably congratulations it probably is yours great one of the most popular um questions i got oh was after trixi's pit stop videos are you considering changing your name to god oh my gosh okay that's actually the craziest thing too is that got meek i literally know trixie like i was like we we literally know each other and talk to each other on the phone like what have you been calling me this whole time i was like did you literally think that was my name for like i've known her for like years so i'm like okay um and she was like yeah yeah i was like okay i guess so and she literally started getting it in the last like episode i definitely probably will um stick to got mick but thank you so much trixie for the option i'm gonna prime my face i powder so hard that it's like a extra skin mask so if i'm not skin care out of my mind you can like full rip it off i know i'm a powder queen oh i love that you're saying that when i filmed with shea i filmed with crystal i filmed with envy peru all of them use cream yeah and i am not a cream powder person down like start to finish for my white face face everyone always asks what it is i'm like it really doesn't even matter as long as you got the powders down okay so let's start with some paint um i have the kryolan oh is she a tv white or a double zero i'll match it oh not even a double z why is it not a double zero it's 70. that sounds dark for a clown okay let's apply this white foundation i just literally put it all over my face in an excessive amount oh there oh there we go there we go okay yep okay you know the commons are truly gonna be like she's finally matching her skin tone finally oh my gosh you're actually gonna die at how i do my makeup it's so messy and disgusting you're gonna be disgusted no stop it i have been loving the way you paid for years and you know this is no you've been loving the final result for years oh stop i remember recreating one of your looks and then you went like oh the pretty version of what i did literally i'm like okay well nikki just made my look way better and more gorgeous and perfect so i can't wait you to see you do that same thing again today yeah no we're gonna teach everyone to do a white face face in two seconds today it's gonna be gorgeous because you don't have a lot of time on drag race no did they get like softer on timing or has it gotten worse no it's i think it's the same and i'm a little bit of a crazy you like will just be like oh my god gorge i'm just not ready i don't know what to tell you but i'm i'm pretty fast so it's okay but i ended up not even wearing my white face paint like the whole time on the show i saw you really took a different turn i know yeah cause i was just like girl i'm going in here as a little mua the last thing i need is a michelle visage makeup critique like not happening oh those are rough oh those are rough yeah like if i was getting a makeup critique i would be so sad so i was like well i'm just gonna cut the clown i remember i remember uh meeting michelle for the first time i spent hours on my makeup because there was like not a chance in living hell that michelle visage is gonna read my pain right like so scary no oh my gosh also did we not even talk that i'm i'm literally fully bald now um i didn't want to address it but we're gonna address it yeah what happened i didn't want to say anything but i did notice so tell me all about it we have not a lot of time to do all of those looks that we did for the finale and i had to be bald for my hellraiser look and so i was like okay well there's no wig cap time and there's no makeup mess-up time so i need to just shave my head and go balls to the wall also i cannot look in the mirror my teeth are ooh isn't that a photo oh i felt so good isn't that a fun part of all this okay so now we are going to take our powders what powders i'm using ben nye super white but you can use translucent or whatever you got and i also use the same beauty blender because i'm so lazy get rid of the creases and then powder powder powder the paint away powder the paint away i feel like i'm radiating light you probably are no it's so funny when i get in front of like lights like this if i'm filming with gg or taking pictures or something i'm like we're gonna have to lower these lights gorge my face is like very exposed now i'm just gonna take like a gray eyeshadow and start contouring so i'm using this graftobian one that i bought on amazon a day before i needed to go into the finale because i realized i brought my home oh wait i gotta find gray i literally never use gray okay gray is gray is the hardest color to find well it's in this grater you're telling me this now i thought we needed a challenge today let me find one so now we're just gonna take this brush and just powder contour you need to teach me how to be a woman next like a gorgeous little eye moment i mean that paris hilton moment that was a woman oh my god i know i was like wow i haven't seen her what was that like was that your first option perris hilton i had two i was either going to be paris hilton or suzanne barsch do you know who that is she's like a famous like party angel of life i got to the mirror and i had pictures of both of them and i was like uh i was like i'm just gonna do both i was like i don't know i'm gonna pull a bob and then something and me was like why do you think you're the only comedy queen of life like bob that you can just like kill it with both so i just was like let's just go with one and you killed going with one oh my god thanks yeah it was so fun i feel like i already kind of have that little like vocal fry like paris so i was like all i have to do is talk to rupaul and be me that was like one of my favorite challenges ever well because you won clearly chill i know that eddie is like a strong powerful being yeah who really bombed it like off camera too um i think mine was definitely still a utica moment just because i am so obsessed with bob ross that i was like i was like no that was one of my favorite moments of me in the whole season that was when they were when utica was doing it and it literally just cuts to me and i'm like no yes and then we're gonna take this the foundation that we use and we're gonna cut it oh hold on i need to blend more before i cut anything there's a lot of people that just wanted me to wish you good luck um skies yeah and that they were all rooting for you like that [Music] did i do it yes you did oh my god that cheek is gorgeous and play system i didn't win drag race but this cheek did and the winner of rupaul's drag race season 13 is god makes face cut i mean there's like glue the scepter to it and i just have to tell you look at that cheek so cute right i am ready to walk into a building and be like i own this entire place you can all leave now literally okay so now i'm gonna contour my nose you do that now already yes well we're doing the base of it i'm basically just starting at the top and just doing a normal nose contour and kind of meeting in the center like as if you were you like scrunch up your nose like that crease that's kind of where i meet them together i always get so nervous when i'm doing these videos because like um the minute i like step away from my normal routine i'm like i'm lost i'm like what is my name where do i live what's my social security i don't know what i'm doing i feel like if i was trying to follow you i would fully like i don't even know what i would i would be like screaming i don't think i could do it okay that's our next video it is done i literally would probably like be the worst because i wouldn't even be in the camera i'd be like this close to the monitor i'm like what are you doing like you'd be teaching me how to you'd be teaching me how to blend for the first time so speaking of your iconic paint is there a queen in the drag race universe you would love to see in a godmaker oh there's oh i actually would love to paint i put pearl in it before i feel like i would love to put violet tchotchke in it i want to paint sasha velour's bald head so bad okay i think the the number one question that is on everyone's lips right now all stars oh my gosh every day i wake up with a new answer but i think like i would never say no like me in my head saying i don't think i could do all stars right away like if they called i would literally be like yes baby i'll be there in a week like as if i would have the balls to say no to them so i definitely think i would do all-stars and i i loved being there like literally every single day i was at drag race i was like living my life and that tic tac lunch moment i told rupaul i was moving in behind the wall because i was like serious i was like i never want to leave everyone was so tired and they were like i can't wait to go home see my boyfriend and blah blah i was like i'm staying now if you would go back is there anything you would do differently um well i definitely have like when i went into the show i had i was more just so focused on like my makeup and everything and like not my performance and all that and so now that i'm just like a confident comedy angel and a confident like just every part of my drag angel i guess i would go in there just from day one being confident and crazy and being like i'm going to win this and i'd be so poor because my looks would be like too much i would spend i would spend like a billion dollars on looks i live i can't wait it's gonna happen and we all know it i just hope it's gonna happen soon because the world does not have enough god make in it all right okay next up what's up okay now we're gonna do liner what i'm gonna use this pot we're doing liner now i'm basically just drawing like a line straight up and i'm gonna cover my whole entire lid yes yes like that i'm gonna hit you with a question so i can concentrate on this liner yes and it's a it's a question because it's something that i've been wanting to ask you because i'm so incredibly proud you are the first trans man on rupaul's dragon yes round of applause we can hear cheering from around the globe right now it was about damn yes how does that make you feel oh my gosh it is just it's the craziest thing in the entire world and i remember like growing up i was always told that i wasn't allowed to do drag and like it's just a different thing and like all that i started doing drag and being good at it and then people were like yeah cool but you're never allowed to be on the show and then i did it and then i'm like full like standing next to rupaul like being interviewed for the top four of rupaul's drag race and i'm like i did it and it literally just proved that like drag is an art and gender is gender it's like two different things so it's so weird and whatever box society tries to put you in that box because it doesn't exist like you know and even if you don't see yourself in the media you can just pave your own way because you're valid gorge say it louder for the people in the back it's true yeah it sounds like so stupid be like you're a valid but it's so true because i like didn't transition for so long because i was like oh my gosh well i feel like i'm i have this feminine side and like why can't i just like live that out you know and do that instead of like risk losing all my family and friends and all that and it's a scary moment you know you know i know yeah you may know and um yeah so i one day i woke up and i was just like you know what like all my friends around me are so feminine why would i not be a valid man and here we are i know it has done a lot to the community by you just walking into that work room the response has been actually insane it's been even more supportive than i ever even would have imagined i'm just so proud of you that you walked into that work room and you showed everyone what you got and then you went on top of that and you just totally exceed it yourself and it's like i i can't wait to see like what you'll do in the future because like in me i go but what about your makeup career because you're so goddamn good at makeup are you gonna give that up if you had to make a choice would you go for makeup artist career or drag definitely drag definitely a hundred percent it's just i know i know i know i know i just like it's just my element i just feel so happy when i'm in drag and i'm like being out there with my friends on tours and as if i've been on tours no but just like out there with my friends performing you can explore like every form of art ever all in one i just love it so much but i'll never fully give up my makeup career ever i'll still have like my fun clients and fun jobs just no more like fashion nova campaigns for me probably you did fashion nova campaigns i have done everything for like she works hard for the money i've done like juicy i was like a juicy couture regular i even did like juicy and fashionable ecom like for their websites like i've done it like who else like just bronze stop really yes yeah i guess um lucky jeans who was another queen on your season who you loved to see paint no one well girl i got already literally between who was um olivia and rose and olivia's really good but she's just like a little girly woman who has the most beautiful beautiful face ever so she doesn't do a lot right and rosie is um hard as a brick so she does a lot but two not the funnest process to watch but you know who is so surprisingly like insanely insanely good at makeup as candy muse wait really her makeup is like oh my god i think she has like some of the best like makeup ever and she's like such a little woman she'll like add a little ardell lash and like it'll be fine not the ardell lash yes and then when we did the twin challenge she did my makeup and i full like she put an ardell lash on me and i was like if you would have told me i would be walking on the main stage of rupaul's drag racing and one ardell lash just one two yeah she is like that much of a woman i wanna paint rose really bad because i wanna see if i can that was my next question i was like who would you wanna pay from your season uh yeah i definitely want to paint rosette because she just her feet chairs are just so strong rosie she said it not me don't attack me over here i'm i'm innocent no rose one of my favorite people from the whole cast she's just like the my angel of life i'm obsessed was there someone you didn't get along with yes are you gonna share who it was no literally when i do a rainbow eye it's like full of math to me i'm like red orange yellow like thinking of the colors how they blend together okay me wear like i'm gonna start with blue blue kind of put it like right on where your like brow is like to start rounding that out okay okay and then i'm gonna go to green and we're gonna make like a this shape like a up like we're not gonna bring it down okay so we're gonna like line it with like an equal amount of space so that makes sense and then we're gonna take the yellow oh why am i already hitting my hairline well maybe i am too i'm bald so i can't tell anymore and i'm gonna take a little bit of a bright orange and also kind of end it with that and blend that out [Music] oh what's a regular like day on set like how long does that take it depends what we're doing but sometimes it'll be literally like we were when we were shooting the finale i think it was like 17 hours okay now we're gonna take black eyeshadow oh and we're gonna line it where you would like cut the crease and we're gonna blend it into the colors a little bit to give it some dab which illumination hit you the hardest oh i think one yeah i'm like i was actually really comfortable with every single person going home no i think when denali got eliminated it was like this is like real now i think like i mean it was always real but it was like denali's just so was just so like up in the competition like hungry and like hardcore even off cameras and stuff like ready to go and so when she went home i was like oh i could go now as well like it was just kind of like a it was like a wake-up call now if you're getting the call for all strong who would you want to compete against oh that is a really gorgeous question i'm gonna even if they're on all-stars already it doesn't matter i'm just gonna really go for this i would love to compete against i would love to have like milk there right because i feel like she i feel like her makeup is really crazy and she's like a crazy artsy queen too and we would kind of get along and it'd be fun right i would love a season of all-stars with candy mews and gia gun together because i would love to watch them fight and be a psychos yeah like imagine candy mews and gia gun together i really wanted to see janali back on all stars so bad so i would love to compete against her again because she's just so amazing and she's like leveling up every second as we all are so a leveled up denali would be game over oh and olivia oh my god i could literally just name everyone i'm like who if you were on drag race who would you want to compete against oh i would love to compete against you mm-hmm that'd be fun mm-hmm shay oh yeah good i would not want to compete against jay i did not put her on my list for a fern she's too much i didn't say i wanted to win i just said i wanted to compete yeah she is not on my list she is i would not win with you keep shea far away from me in a competition setting who scared you the most of the judges i think michelle scared me the most for sure because why is that i don't know she just like i think i i like knew her before the show and i was like scared of her already and then i got up there and she's like judging everything and i obviously like don't want her to read my like makeup or outfits or anything because i'm like okay that's the one thing about me that is 100 locked and loaded i feel like gorgeously you start reading me on that too i'm gonna like my brain's gonna explode you're like goodbye i have nothing yeah and me and rupaul just really did get along so well like we were anytime i was talking to her it was just like the most fun time ever so i was like just like laughing and kicking with rue and then it would get to michelle i was like okay now it's time for like the real like when i was talking to rui didn't even feel like we were judging it just felt like we were just like kiki that's crazy because not a lot of people can say that oh and then i'll get to michelle i'll be like hand on your head like be gorgeous dip into that bright blue color that we did before and i'm gonna go down my nose contour and connect it to the nose red orange yellow green blue okay okay okay rainbow math roy g biv is really not my friend that's a drag queen's name roy g biv i have finally found my drag name everybody i wanted to go with vanilla von doom but royjib is the one right you bib tutorials in the house blue green yellow and then a little bit of pink and then blended it out with red oh my god wait what was it like judging drag race oh my god okay do you have a second first of all when they told me that drag race holland was becoming a thing i was like are you kidding me so i was like so like what time do i have to be there every day to help you out they were like no we just need you like once or twice i'm like oh okay i got you there was so much talent but there were a couple of things that like i learned from like shay or crystal that i thought could be like really helpful to them like in their like own competition so i just try to go in with like an open mind but most of all a lot of respect because i may paint like a drag queen i am not a drag queen um you are now so i just came in with like a whole lot of love in my heart so you know what the next comic step is grab an angled brush and now we're just gonna copy this like exact same shape oh my god i can do this oh you can and you will if you could choose one other season to compete on what season would it be i feel like well one of my favorite seasons ever is season six i think like just all the r season seven i don't know i feel like maybe season six is like one of my favorite seasons to watch but i think i would choose to be on season seven okay why like so many of the girls were just like little like gorge fashion queens and faces like that was literally like violet miss fame like all just like stunning angels and i would love to be up in that gig and then turn out to be like a psychopath at the end okay lashes are on eyes are done i am seeing you in the flesh right now on my face yeah we are like we are twinning winning now all we have to do is the final signature got mick moments which any eye shape i do in the entire world you can still tell it's because i have the thin brow and the black lip and then i'm gonna start kind of like not touching my crease but like kind of like in the mid like like in the fade yep and then i'm just gonna bring it up and out i'm like i literally came to like put you through it today you we literally are twins we are twins we are twins in the transforce army i'm seriously so honored to be on your channel you are such a pioneer and i just cannot believe that i know you and i am so honored to be able to call you a friend and be here with you today oh my god thank you so much and honestly likewise here i am so proud of you thank you for paving the way for showing everyone in this world what it's like being a strong independent trans man oh my god thank you because we see a lot of females but it's time for the men to stand up and show what they got because the world deserves you i'm so proud of you i'm so honored that you wanted to be here with me today and you don't need a crown to get far in life because honey this is just the beginning oh girl you have no idea i feel like i i feel like i won with how much i was able to tell my story and connect with people literally a crown does not matter i'm ready to take over the world and crash the system all right everybody if you enjoyed today's video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel subscribe to godmix channel because there are makeup tutorials there's a lot of fun videos there are and they're really really helpful you can find me on literally every platform you could ever imagine at gotmik i made it simple all right thank you guys so much for watching today's video and hopefully i will see you guys on the next one
Channel: NikkieTutorials
Views: 986,724
Rating: 4.9540176 out of 5
Keywords: gottmik, gottmik vs symone, symone, kandy muse, nikkietutorials gottmik, rupaul's drag race, drag race, rupaul, all stars, lady gaga, RPDR, makeup, makeup tutorial, transformation, drag transformation, drag makeup, drag makeup tutorial, tea, truth, lip sync, makeup hacks, clown, clown makeup, season 13, gottmik makeup tutorial, gottmik makeup, tiktok makeup, tiktok hacks, tiktok makeup hacks, pride, rainbow, rainbow makeup, denali, paris hilton, snatch game
Id: aHv5ogPJ4dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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