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oh-oh-oh-oh these two t-rex's kill each other you [ __ ] you hello everyone and welcome to the ami I mean the purpose of 9500 so this game has just came out it's early access it's on Steam it costs 8 quid for me so it's it's not really that much um and it is a game where you take control over dinosaur and you grow God calm down Jesus oh I could feel the heat already whoo it's good yeah well we're gonna talk about it what was i carbonate what was that I'm only male and I can oh it can pick a random skin but there is no random because this is very early access I also have colors default skins and stuff but I can't choose it it's gonna click stop oh hello look at me oh my scroll wheels working now oh that's good Oh fantastic yes so it looks similar doesn't it you kind of see apart from the the Chinese in the bottom left because I am on a Chinese or click tab to try and see the server list oh ok where do I start with this game so I've known about this game for a while and when I was first told about it I was like wait what there's another one that's not beasts of Bermuda that's not path of titans that's also like the aisle what's going on yeah well I guess you want to go in there look for water so we have stamina which is the hard hunger which is the stomach first which is the water droplet and I'm assuming the heart means health may be that low mage it's quite nice the tails very flimsy though it's like whew it's made out of rubber ooh very thin rubber as of course a crocodile would not move like oh maybe you would I don't know I know I don't really have much sure what to do with crocodiles I've got to admit so we have a bite oh do we have rose oh of course we do here we have the wand do we have the two oh they're all obviously no they're different okay so we have one two three and that's it so we're gonna go and search and just see what we can find because a part of this sixty people last time I checked on this server I do want to go into the water they don't want to die we also have if I pick tab you've got groups so you can be in a group I think and then you've got this you've got a growth level oh did I do it I woke up 15 points so I can i've got like a skill tree and i'm assuming like with bite force plus plus plus so at the moment we have speed increase i need oh my god i need 60 points oh it slowly goes up as I survived okay Lex I love legs legs this blessed HP bit force which loves immense bite force cuz it's supposed to be in 194 news speed stamina climb and turn speed sniff area oh I love sniff area what's your radius water capacity and food capacity I've got turn speed as well so there we go we've increased our speed so right off the bat this is a Chinese game and there's a lot of things that happen with this game that I can attribute to a being Chinese right you may have recognized the models on the on the menu screen there and I probably put up some urges these are yes exactly the same models that were in mesozoic Oh calm down hold it hold it I know torches are out God okay so the guy who made the models for the four Mesozoic ax and literally he's just making models and mesozoic would pay him and then they would use the models so he had nothing to do with the coding or I really don't think anything to do with the drama as much I think apart from him saying like oh my models are the best I think that was the worst he did but this game has no tie to the Isle or path of planes as far as I like developers go and I'll get into this in a second because there's technically warned so PAVA Titans had the coder from the aisle go off and make another one that's why it looks so the same like the UI looks exactly the same you could argue this in the same but the UI in Pilot times was very similar the controls were incredibly similar huh I see a trike he's bobbing he's floor is floatin Brian also known as blip sounds worked on the sounds from Mesozoic er and I knew Ryan way before Mesozoic er he helped me out on my first ever animation like proper animation that went on to win an award but is really good dude he made all of the sound effects for that in a day I'm so grateful music Foley sounds so like footsteps and stuff he's working on this game that's how I go [Music] although I've just got a general speed boost I think now it's always at my level progress is it saying that oh you can level up now because I got 84 oh there we go so hit hard right so there's a lot of translation errors because this is very early access oh there's a trike it's not the trike yes oh this oh there's a car no whoa whoa whoa am i okay I'll slowly get down oh god why look at me just like the Isle fantastic that's good I'm all for that oh wait what you gonna attack me don't attack me oh he's already got scars on him I was a pterodactyl coming for me no I would have figured he's a Flying type he's got like always a hovering time apparently oh did I get some more points well defense aggragate defense plus plus plus okay so while I'm waiting here to get my stamina back now ryan told me about this game and he said that you know who's brought on to make sound effects for him what not this game did produce a trailer and in the trailer they used Eyal sound effects very shady very bad leave me alone [Music] why who could take you on any of is he like level five you believe in something oh god he's gonna get in the water that's the best that's the safest place for me just get in the water get little or I can click either drink oh there we go ha ha ah suck it yeah hide wait can I dive oh god that psycho brings back memories just for context I commented on the stego animations in Mesozoic and the lead animator got really annoyed at me he's like he doesn't know anything about animation how do I dive don't have controls okay this is very similar to the I'll okay yeah oh look at me I've got boo-boos god damn it or can I not I said can I level up here oh yeah awesome yes now improvement of defense ability you will lose less blood when attack oh that's good to know thank you oh whoa whoa whoa whoa where did all these come from can I eat this oh I can figure it out let's [ __ ] does the heat mine that's cool so they catch they meant grab okay yeah that's a bit of a translation issue isn't it I would just put it in the pile yes my dead pile in the middle right so I they brought on Ryan to make the sound effect and I don't know about music but basically to make sounds for the dinosaurs cuz you can't just take sound effects from the aisle and be okay I'd like for that to be okay now this is where it gets into a bit of a weird territory because there's arguments on both sides right so they shouldn't have used aisle sound effects and this is what Dondi on twitter called them out for i think he was a hundred percent in his right to do so also another thing in china that basically really isn't copyright law it's not enforced they also do have steam but steam like there's plenty of food to go around you don't have to kill me the precision of a blooming fighter jet that thing I mean I'm assuming I'm healing very slowly get him get him Alice or attacking side-effects Louie ha ha yeah coward yes crash into a mountain yeah I'm gonna run over this way there's plenty of food you don't need to kill me take other stegosaur oh this is awesome I mean I wanted to place it like a big soccer suger's taking on dinosaurs for the longest time the aisle took ages to get there but we're getting there we're finally gettin the undie on Twitter posted this and it was basically him saying what his thoughts were on piece of 9,500 or 9,500 what I was over 9000 what an ass literally he's coming over because I've lied down again bugarach are you could just hug a minute I don't think you'd be able to go off the ground faster yes yes yes ah I was hoping to be broken hitboxes or something why I need to fix that I mean there's a lot of the things in this game you d fix so he don't he brought that up he brought up the this screenshot and in it Brian who's the guy who worked on messes okay who's my you know worth we're friends before we were honest and he saw highlights a bit that Ryan said about saying that he'd listen to the aisle and peace of Bermuda sounds and he said but I'll see if I can pull out the good parts and apply it now what I think Ryan and I've taught him well Ryan men was that the good bits of the sounds that he thinks works he can not take out of the sounds but recreate now back story Ryan does create all of his sounds himself he's when it was marzocchi he went to zoos recorded things himself yadda yadda yadda there was no way that he was going to just rip out sounds from the aisle and piece of Bermuda now whether or not the the oh god no no no no no always a target is always a tagging is no go away trike a trikes whim the trike good Saudis is like keep circular why are you guys so mean and just pick a little crocodile and a swamp this video is all over the place I can't defend the developer whether or not they got caught for the Isle sound effects were like oh god we need to get a sound designer on in order to get our Road I'm not defending that when I'm defending is ryan skill to not break copyright law because he wouldn't do that now does this game deserve hey I'm not gonna get into that does it look similar to the aisle I mean yes because the aisle set a standard oh god what died here oh is this a car no oh he's square now blood oh I want to catch him oh oh yeah my food individual my meat all like one right is to play a bunch of dinosaur games that's all I want is it so hard to ask god it's like a dinosaur simulator game can't come out these days where did all my stuff go can't come out these days without it being absolutely slaughtered by fans of you know one game or the other and these developers didn't really have anything to do with the AI I mean I think they were probably fans of the aisle hence there's a lot of stuff that similar and how they knew about the aisle and a sound effects and stuff for that copyright law like I said with China is very lacks like it doesn't exist which is not good not good and it shouldn't have happened they shouldn't have just taken but a lot of times for placeholders when I've made animations I've used copyrighted music and put it in just as like I get a feeling of how a scene I want to [Music] damnit right tiny oh my god now we're gonna scroll for like ten million hours to God okay fine let's be a t-rex there we go yes I can finally play as the Mesozoic or - you know I don't mind this t-rex this t-rex looks pretty sweet not gonna lie what is that sign what what change is that it's like a male but turned upside down okay oh there's this Caucasus over here oh yes let's go I can finally be a t-rex yes they don't just spend like six hours in a dinosaur survival game and it's not sandbox oh it's beautiful I you know what I feel that this game has stuff going for it I was told not to review this game because it's very early but at the same time I feel like that needs a little bit fun and I understand why dawned is on the defense about I do get it the Alice's baby there's a lot of copycats and drama that's happened in the past and yeah I hundred percent get it I do but it's gotten to the point where we can't even give games a chance can we not just enjoy stuff anymore guys no flashback to people's pastimes video gonna be cautious I've said in that video I have my own reasons you know one developers when are fun from the aisle and made like a very similar game with like very similar looking style things cuz it was like the same end you know stuff like that I don't know either way all I know is that this is got nothing to do with them there's no X developers except for models bought by the same guy who made them for mesozoic a series like nothing to do with it really he just has the models and sold them to the developers and Ryan who makes sound effects who did do Mesozoic er and got screwed over by Mesozoic er I spent loads of time and and ceremoniously was put into a part of the game and this is very early access for it first art this is what the aisle looked like so for those of you who don't know I'm playing the aisle this is an early alpha axis sort of thing but they just proud oh those what's this what was that why do I fire red squeeze that was the first video I ever made on the aisle I was playing as a first-person shooter there was models from the stomping lands which was a game that was a scam no it does not reflect how the game looks like now at all at all and this game first thought hasn't went to any Kickstarter's hate has annoyed IndieGoGo and doesn't went to Kickstarter it's just on Steam early access it's up to you whether you buy it or not and I know it sounds like I'm being very defensive over this game but I just I want people to be able to make dinosaur games or what was that Oh bleeding now oh I'm being attacked by a super - oh that's fantastic oak always dead Hey look look at this where right did you do you ever hate Mesozoic as models did you ever just want to like be a t-rex and rip them apart game for you this is oh my bleeding is wearing off now let's go no no I mean really what I should do is just be a flyer so I could look around but hey no I want to be a t-rex and I want to level up do we get speed up or bleed route let's get bleed recovery up oh no where can I get that oh do I need to start here okay it's gonna say the bean recovery that's that's kind of what I need right now so we do have like weight length HP but bite force and stuff that's gonna eventually go up I think because that's what the bar means I think and don't know how to sniff yet I'm sure there's it might be even air for something oh no F is a role never mind I can't remember what it is in the aisle but I'm sure it's a see now the aisle I think did say they wanted something like this they want to climb as a t-rex I'd love to see those claws do stuff so yeah they did say that they were gonna have a system not like this but similar so you have to do certain things as a dinosaur like objectives let's just say I don't get into specifics cuz I know I'm gonna have something in the comments be like yo daddy said this oh my god I do not Stannis just doing this is cruel cruel world although I'm still sitting there okay let's give this a shot you know what I just like this I like dinosaur simulators and I hate having to talk about the drama and I in my last play 13 video it was an app game and I was just recording on the fly I had a lot of comments that were saying beaver if you you know if you pay for this then you actually get the game version as well which again was my fault I didn't do the research what I was not doing a review piece it was a let's play while I was just airing out my thoughts it's always gonna be fan groups and I just trust that you will take what I say is not gospel if I make like a video entitled the truth about insert dinosaur survival game and it is just me talking over footage that you know it's just playing in the background while I you know I've got like a written essay that I've typed up and everything that then then you can listen to me 100% take everything I take as like okay he definitely is has done his research whatever I was just playing and just airing out my thoughts and oh god we got the Russians on we are the Russians and the Chinese oh yes so if I remember right the the aisle had a huge Chinese player base and I remember Dondi talking about it and how they would just like playing the games Oh systematically and well that it was a real really big issue people will play and rotate out the the dinosaurs they have on I could actually in real time I could bring you up here and then have you broadcast and you could see all of them log out immediately they really yes they will just be little blips that disappear and say it happens every couple of days you'll you'll wonder why they're suddenly like scores of tyrannosaurs or whatever large animal that they decide to play on the server and you're just like this is so much why am i running into adults everywhere it's cuz they're cycling out adults and juveniles to grow their juveniles into adults and then they do it for others and I guarantee you there's at least two accounts for every person on my screen right now so these the notorious Chinese I've been hearing about I know it sounds super messed up but yes and they're very they're very coordinated and I mean that shows there's a big market for this kind of thing in China hence the reason why we have this Chinese variant the title needs a lot of work oh my god it does also how do I get through any food ah oh I need food I'll help I'm gonna die again my thirst is went down as one with thirst is going down so fast Oh God okay let's just get we'll focus on one let's just get the fit the thirst up before we do anything oh I see something I see something in the distance you know I wonder if the developers have seen that I'm on and that's why it's constantly day now oh god this guy hates night we need to not make it night oh my god this t-rex is so thirsty Wow I was almost full and then I think I grew and then my thirst went down even more I think he's gonna kill me I think he's gonna kill me yeah I think he's gonna kill me oh I'm running I'm running away I don't know what that means yeah that's not friendly I did friendly I think he didn't do friendly are we friends are we friends I feel like you're gonna kill me I spent too long in the aisle yep I think you just bit yes it was we're gonna get out of here don't follow it is I have more stuff than you buddy haha so maybe he was the person that I saw before maybe you'll die maybe I can outlast him yeah and he's biting as well I play enough I'll to know what that means run run run now I expect that he's on low health like me oh oh oh these two t-rex's those two t-rex's yes kill each other you buggy you die oh yeah this is great oh it's perfect oh this couldn't wet any better for me yeah there we go very now we're gonna kill him now he's stuck in his eating Automation let's kill him there we go there we go oh the bleeds out now oh I'm gonna die though I think the bees gonna kill me you know what I'm happy with that believes gonna kill me I'm gonna get some food nobody could survive not even me however the t-rex might even hit him once that sucks oh my god damn it oh my god the scrollwheel oh no I don't want to be a t-rex no tarbosaurus that's what I want to be let's be a tarbosaurus yes now I think this is probably like the Giga I like I like how it just keeps my animation cuz I don't think that looks like a Thomas or maybe I don't know it looks like a Giga to me but hey ho let's call it a table saw let's try and survive this time I mean I think the artist has a habit of deliberately not making them look paleontology logically accurate anyway so who cares I tell you what it's not pouring there's plenty of stuff going on oh there's dust clouds for my feet oh that's kind of cool how neat is that Oh oh god I'm thirsty oh wow I'm hungry oh no carcass yes something died out here oh my god yes gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme Oh beautiful oh yes look at that I mean it's it's it's it's it's a pretty looking game whether you like the dinosaur models or not it's a quid I can't knock it really why can't we just play all of the dinosaur games Michael we played you know the isle Ambus why does have to be one V the other I could yeah yeah I like his tongue although we still need water so let's go look for some water boy oh boy I mean there's water my feet apparently that's what it sounds like boy boy boy boy now it feels like a plane the Isle where the hell is the water it's a good job that my health doesn't go down too quick I might be able to survive a game I can play where they don't ask you from the real game and Beaver yes suck Chewie you know for a server that has almost a hundred people in it that the latency on that Bala with the T Rexes wasn't too bad like there was no lagging or anything it was quite nice oh I feel like in the aisle sometimes I'm a bit worried and a bit scared if like like they'll bite me and I'll be nowhere near them but this seemed pretty that was okay I felt like I own that kill I still died though we're finally water oh god I'm gonna drink my fill run for two seconds and then need more water hold on do we have points I want to spend my pointer ooze so stamina Plus which way do we go what's the best thing here turn speed I want to go for bite force so I'm gonna get some stamina increase and this takes 100 level one first weight gain a comp accompanied by changes in basic attributes yeah let's go for that yeah so I'm big enough so there's three different of those lit like level two and level three so I'm here tonight is sure it was erinite his name I'm impressed yes I like that so you can as long as you don't get eaten you can definitely level up to level one okay Hey look at me I mean like a national park you know it's so nice to be outdoors when I'm stuck inside all day now Oh God however though I I need water can I drink from up here is like the hitbox I know I need to go down give me a second I mean I assume that I'm just gonna have enough points to level up to level two anyway so yep let's just eat anyway oh there's a they're always like t-rex oh that might be a t-rex hold on hold on and run with it run with it yeah there we go take the food take the food and go look I'm already running out of plumbing what you may call it oh god I got to be careful I got to keep an eye if he comes over the mountains I just want to try and film a health Oh burn run run you see a turbo as well what are the chances oh god there's a sock over there ah Hey look dude I got more stuff than you go away more step always run away yes perfect okay it's time for me to level up I got 97 points speed increase yes and then I can get blood recovery from bleed yes you know what even though this is like just another dinosaur survival simulator game I quite like it I quite like the the mechanics of it at the moment yes it's basic and not got much going on put it's actually quite fun I'm drinking and I'm using it as soon as I get it what is going on oh there we go bleeding recovery improve the recoverability of an injured state yes there we go so now we need a hundred to get the bite force increase and then we can be level two we're definitely gonna do that before we don't even need food or water we just need to survive just stay out of the clutches of anything else so at the moment this game is a lot of fixes I call I mean if I was bleeding I would just die I mean yellow teamwork and buggies you oh that's uh I did not see it with hiding in the water ah suck to bite I didn't even check my health they must be super big good god well anyway guys I can leave that there feel free to check it out if you want to of course completely up to you and yeah I enjoyed it I had for myself anyway until next time I'll see you later Oh bye bye [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 382,921
Rating: 4.9382682 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: qYIFFHdyvN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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