A Cruel World! - Life of a Tenontosaurus | The isle 2 RECODE Gameplay

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got him oh oh so hello everybody and welcome to the new and improved Isle can we just call this the aisle - so this is an entirely new island this is ever err err err Vermont over something like that God knows it's called a new blah whatever it has the same sound effects listen to that frog it's exactly the same froglets outside via the paddock in a Jurassic Park so there is only two dinosaurs - that you can play us at the moment and that is this guy that's an auto wrecks or 210 auto wrecks - Jurassic world alive - not asaurus which is what I am and the utahraptor at the moment only content creators are allowed to sort of have a little go on this at the moment and play tested so before we go into the rest of this game can we have a moment of silence for those that have fallen Oh boohoo very sad let's follow this pathway yeah so I we have different attacks now if you remember in the aisle there is only one form of combat and that was this one it was just like left click whereas now there's multiple different types there's also if you hold alt like you can look around while moving I think so if I just move forward and there you go I can actually move my camera around without having to do some weird crab claw to keep the air camera sorry to keep me walking forward and still look around me my head does move though to show that I am actually looking around so that's good so yeah the combat you not only do you have a left leg but you also have a right play kale slap as well greeny oh yes maling as well okay smelling is being being improved till let's have a quick smell okay so there we go so you see this this is how we see water gone are the days of our of our bioluminescent lakes yeah there we go so we are oh my god we are tiny and we don't have a percentage at the moment oh no oh no I'm broken oh there we go there we go got it oh wait no don't I could click escape bloody again to get out of the tap there we go whoa it leaves I leave oh oh oh no dead mama Oh so that's a body I was smelling oh ok ok the rivers broke apparently so we're gonna we're gonna go further down the river oh oh there we go I'm drinking just a little bit as of recording right now it's it's the morning in the UK but well actually it's midday but in America it's like I don't even know it must be like 2 o'clock in the morning or something yeh living in England finally has its perks I might be able to get a video out hang when it comes to bottling this is like a whole new system and it's gonna look so good so now like there's no Alton but Alton is like completely like integrated into the game now so I can do this amazing cute picture one by just cycling on WASD so you can turn on the spot which is great so yeah there's three attacks for this guy so the first one I think there is a bite I don't know how you bite though so left click is just like whacking with the claws if you right-click in front you can do a kick to sort of get stuff off you and if you turn around you can do it a while although these I think it especially the taro up do is take stamina how do I find boo ish so these are the footsteps now now apparently you don't always oh is that it or is that a body oh that looks like a Utah body hold on let's swim now apparently oh look at it now they haven't done the air is apart it's in Utah Pali they haven't fixed the air be underwater all the world looks so cool I mean underwater I mean doesn't exist obviously that's still got to be fixed but let's get out of here shall we unfortunately I don't see any for what we'll do so follow this river all the way downstream hopefully we don't bump into a utahraptor but luckily because this server is just like one favour to play on hopefully they won't just go and kill me kill me because there's no rule breaking though so they could care there right now and you know I'm completely happy with Care Bear I love the air that I love the earth splashes as well Oh biting is when you run oh cool this mislead to the plains maybe the oh that's right it's grazing in the game see low like we can run on so cute our grazing was implemented to try and stave off starving as hopefully if we go into the grass I like how there's a slow build up for the run now that's quite cool there you go we can graze and hopefully we will get back some food but I I wonder if it's you can only we'll know we are we are but it's very slowly what we'll do is we'll have a quick look oh look at this it's so beautiful the only problem I'm about worried about is that YouTube has this thing where bait crushes the heck out of anything that looks good so when I'm running like this like okay for instance here we go let's go into it let's go into the bush so if we're in here write this for me looks beautiful but for you it'll just be a masive pixels right like you can't see this but if I stay still you should be able to make it out because YouTube would be like oh there you go oh my god friend oh he's a lot smaller Oh girlfriends ah the classic jumping to not oh so another amazing thing that they're gonna add to this game is behavior so in the old aisle you could play however you wanted and that didn't affect you at all now if we click insert and these things have always existed these little tabs up here these tabs are gonna have like your individual wants and needs so maybe my dinosaur might be like oh I want to graze so I'll have to spend some time grazing or it'll want to be by itself so I'll have to spend time away from something or I'll want to migrate so that's gonna be such a cool I don't know it's it's gonna it's gonna allow for a more realistic kind of gameplay like Triceratops who's will want to like rub the heads on trees and stuff so yeah it's gonna look so cool all these different behaviors going on inside of a herd it's gonna look awesome for your ha here's the path so one thing you can do this is like a mud spot and wherever this mud hold on we'll go over here is we can go onto here and I think if we click II this will happen so that is a way for you to get rid of your scent so or at least maybe not send or hide your tracks or something so that carnivals cannot track you down as easy or I think it probably just hides your scent or footsteps something will find out if you know ever watch to notoriety Utah do it and see what happens if I run is it gonna chase me J speech follow me we need primordial forests to play oh oh don't scare me like that good lord do I run lights how would I look like for you do I look like I'm just so up I can jump hey hey I want to see all of it slow down evasion can I find a proper Bush yet icon Crouch but I can lie down yeah oh oh it's gorgeous is he gonna lie down too no he's just gonna put up an spot-kick I gotta test out my little survival instincts Oh God Bush who is this an edible bush no I can't okay so yeah reason why they put grazing in is I think the dev solo is a bit ridiculous not be able to eat grass like when if you're starving and you're surrounded by shrubbery you can't eat it which does seem a bit tough now that I think about it but hey it's just one of those laws your games doing it I want to get to the swamp there is a swamp in this area so the entire map is rendered but there's only at the moment a certain radius that we can play in but that does contain a beach and a swamp so I'm pretty happy with that and I think a lot of spirit animal we so at the moment there's only two creatures but oh the hell made that well made that noise oh it's my little baby sound too so yeah sorry before I got distracted by that little baby coughing sound effect yeah there's only two creatures in it at the moment I'm kind of okay with that because the battling air mechanics are beautiful they're way better than we ever got on the old aisle so I'm I'm I'm to be fair I'm pretty happy with it the floating juvies are the highest per issue right now if you see one they're an adult now it all makes sense like I'm running away from the water and I'm starting to get even more thirsty now oh oh you see that the crackles in the sky that my friends is a barrier oh he's on the scent he's found the green bubbles I like how they slowly fade out as well oh this was feet this bush here oh I recognize that kind of bush oh look oh we so stand up as well oh whoa there's loads of plants up there ah is it a nice place nice little nursery I love that little lab all the different types of foliage as well like this sort of weird corn looking plant then you've got the long grass itself okay so at the moment there is no AI so chances are if we do see a raptor he's probably going to try and kill me actually if you play as a raptor yeah it's gonna be really hard to get to an adult because you're gonna have to make a kill like straightaway as a baby I feel like I want to run down this way I want to follow the river but oh that I could I'd first let's go across the river is there a deep river no no it wasn't and that's a cool thing that you can't actually see the bottom of the river so could be deep it might not be a great adventure oh yeah that trees ages away look at those dots slowly coming and we want this one so the faster the dots come to you the the closer it is to you I like it oh right so it's not like oh I forgot about this yes you don't just grow when you get to a certain percent you just gradually grow oh oh it's like a right Bush faster faster ah yep dinosaur riding simulator oh my roars changed and guess that's because I'm not an adult yeah buddy we found each other again yeah I'm trying to run through him and I can't ah that's really gonna change the combat instead of t-rex is just like walking through each other biting oh god what if the Utah has like unlimited sprint ism' run I'm gonna go in the bushes I'll see you later you can die nor God [ __ ] you mushed up I think that's it oh is this a swamp luckily I don't think there isn't any crocodiles or Spinosaurus in the game so Abbi okay this is where one person gives me an absolute heart attack isn't it look you can see how far you can see down into the water and it's it's about like two foot that's gonna give so many people loads of jump scares oh oh no I don't know if I like it you can see the future just drinking it boom here we go yes and they'll also be incentives so if you do sit down on your ass and don't run at all then you probably won't be able to sprint very far but if you're active and you eat loads of different things and stuff your public road faster and you'll be able to sprint for longer periods of time so longer the days of me hiding in a bush for 24 hours just to grow oh my god that's another Utah that's another Utah No [Music] leave me alone go away go away go wait leave me alone leave me alone oh it's like that I get it Oh God oh god run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run he's afloat baby's not really get away oh god oh god run run run run mostly in the trees this is the only way I won't be hurt I can't tell my dinosaurs making loads of noises though oh oh is it because I'm low on stabbed yes I think I'm good I think I think I got away from him I think I got away I'm exhausted oh that's cool so in your wrath for you tonight Oh runs out Stan you start breathing heavily I'm surprised I didn't get bit once but well we were chased by Utah it was kind of underwhelming because it just looked like this weird little puppet I tell you what though as soon as I started doing those kicks my stamina drained are you the same one oh [Music] no that was me you were slippery uh-huh whoever else Louise I got that better yet look at her slowly growing when we starred we weren't even bigger than the grass now look at this pretty sure new just stays here yeah it's the same gosh darn place I mean if I just stay next to the river then I'm I'm always gonna have one source of when my resources done let's let's communicate with them oh god butter you top never mind never mind Oh time to go to the trees within trees see what we did there is you pull a u-turn u-turn there and hopefully he didn't see us and now we can just continue to keep on running this way oh god no [Music] No No there's multiples Oh Oh God Oh like why did I have to say you'll never catch me and then like these other guys get up to me bugger up you're gonna go into the trees you're gonna go into the trees oh and I'm bleeding you got me what did I get him no okay ah nope get off oh my god I've been attacked yeah yeah oh my god huh time to run yeah hi I'm gonna fight you I would have died there for sure with him running through so that's how you win as a tainot oh I should probably actually get away from the edge of the water and just hide in the bush yeah yeah get them in the water if there was multiple Utah Raptors I wouldn't have stood a chance there we're getting in the water meant that he couldn't run away Hey look I killed him because well he probably wasn't an adult but I too wasn't an adult either so now I've just gotta wait here and hopefully not die I wonder how close I was to death though I'm pretty sure I got a tail slap on him though you saw that like I whacked him but it didn't seem to make a difference oh no I'm almost fully healed I can just see a tiny bit of road at the top come I bite force 279 Newtons is that good I don't actually know so let's go find a tree well actually you know what no or trees over there on the plains oh there's there's the debutant body oh that's good well I've been playing this for an hour and a half and I'm still not fully grown cuz you caught I like how the body actually went to the side that's good and that's good I like that okay let's go bite it bite now that we're all stocked up time to go back to the river my secret weapon awaits my back is actually more prominent now I love it I love that you just noticed these things as time goes on I'm still not fully grown oh look I've went onto the bigger one now I wonder if I look glitchy you taunting us from there I won't we just go to the other side haha are you the real beaver come on it's not even like the proper isle video come on come on I can get to an adult this is gonna take like two hours two and half hours to get to an adult that's redonkulous amount of time what'd you say cam o'clock I don't have the kind of time oh I look great look at that look at that model oh I've got like more of a a square head I've got more spikes on his more prominent spikes look at that down the side y'all Wow I'm assuming I can't drink seawater yep can I go in it oh that brings back memories of version 2 wizard of the map when it was just like a huge empty sand desert oh oh hey buddy oh this is Enrique ah so because we're not fully grown adults we can actually see each other come dance with me they leave the free junk Oh God need to find a way to get back in so we can get food and water this is a great place it's not really I don't know how long we can Oh hold on what on earth is foodie unemployment dum-dums look at him go didn't didn't didn't didn't didn't hey buddy just a couple of dinos on the beach you know how it is hanging with the boys oh there it is that's how we get in yeah don't we cuties hey you are a little bit bigger than me on you god it sounds like it's right in your ear when they call out oh there's multiples there's multiple Raptors oh well actually I'm quite big I'm quite big Oh God I've been playing for two hours and now I need the toilet so going to like lie down for a sec God please don't die oh well dead that's good oh if you keep on eating you throw up oh my god that's that's so cool hold on I want to see that well I'm officially let's go kill some utah's will be the Predators this time so you can't really run in this this is like a perfect environment for you toes to not kill us this is the thing I'm now an adult so now I just want to kill something I've done it I've spent two hours of me life we'll never get back now let me kill something [Music] oh Jesus oh uh beer oh I see you I see you oh god there's an adult Utah there's three Utah's like one of them is small and the other one isn't yeah get away from me a buggy you just destroyed oh my god that was so satisfying I love no rule servers what the hell's going on with the game did I break it by becoming an aggressive garnet I mean herbivore me rollin puke now it's my puke oh do they think I'm a baby oh they must think I'm a baby I must be like floating like that you're kind of bad just absolutely slammed that baby a British ship Tandy told me you couldn't kill with I just stunned stunned him so hard he dies well anyway that was fun something to break up the monotony of running around constantly I'm glad that this game decided to like not have a t-rex and they just went for a Utah net annatto two dinosaurs that I guess or evilly much died assume I do want to just have a matchup though and fight an adult if I can find him anywhere oh you know what I could do I could lie by that body and then carnivals would be drawn to it if they sniff it and then I can kill them alright let's get them oh I got him I got him ah good [ __ ] you you now kill you you can't run from me soon you'll ruin our stamina look I got quick turning you're gonna run out um dude I got plenty four days [Music] oh I got you hey will you jump before you're gonna run out of stem I'm gonna getcha I'm gonna getcha oh he knows he's done that's why he's running away you know he's gonna run out of stuff soon damn it well tell you what that was I don't know how close that was but I didn't do too hot that time fighting is not my strong suit I think I did get a kick on him though fair one that was a good little tussle I enjoyed that I think I had the advantage though I think I was a lot bigger now to lie down at the water yeah I'm pretty good I just took a few little bites and that was it yeah oh hey yeah buddy are you doing die [Music] hey get off is die old I get it alright you wanna play this game I don't know who you are I thought you definitely novel though I think it did a lot of damage to him though I was like I it's just another baby it's fine well it wasn't sick II but it definitely wasn't like an adult Utah tonic should we go back over here it comes here it comes hey buddy oh you too are you literally just a baby oh you are just a baby are they both babies these things yep he's it I don't know this guy kill - good job Egypt on the front although I have just taken a a little bit of bowel I'm telling Ziggy to come back here right I think he's running along the river here come on go and here we go pro this guy's a pro however he is starving so he might already have some damage on him oh it's so cool yeah oh he's dying he's starving and yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to fight him oh he died hold on hold on I want to try and find his body I want to at least find his body oh is it is that him was he running back oh he was on there he is he was running backwards towards the swamp towards me Oh bless yet ride buddy you tried well guys I think I think I think we might as well leave it off here right we did good we killed like five Utah Raptors I don't actually know how many the game is so promising I love that there's so many different attacks you can do different tactics and I mean apart from like the glitch where you can't see that they're an adult the fighting is good I really enjoy it so yeah if you enjoyed this video and you wanna see more I'll leave a like and until next time I'll see you later Oh bye bye [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 508,851
Rating: 4.9644837 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: UgXG-4uA120
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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