HUGE Photoshop 2024 UPDATE: Generative Fill, Expand & Remove tool

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Adobe finally released its long-awaited big Photoshop update this means generative fill generative expand and the new remove tool are finally out of beta and can be used in the newest Photoshop version 2024. so let's take a closer look at it if you don't see the update like I did in the Creative Cloud make sure to go to help and here check for updates as always if you want to follow along you can find a link to all the files I will be using in the description of this video so what can we expect the tool I personally was looking forward the most is actually the new remote tool this thing is basically the spot removal tool on steroids so where can we find it head towards the spot healing brush and here you can find the remove tool so what this does is just like the spotty link brush we are painting over things we want to get rid of so let's say we want to remove this woman from this image all I have to do is just paint over her let's also include the shadow down here and once we're done just release the mouse as you can see this looks quite good in very specific areas like down here or up there which would have been impossible using the spot healing brush of course there are still a few weird areas but we are just going to brush over them again using the remove tool which should nicely fix that down there we still have a bit of a shadow so I'm going to paint over this as well and it's gone so we basically went from this to this with just a few clicks using the new remove tool but that's not everything let's go back to the original image another exciting feature this tool has is the remove after each Stroke checkbox by default it's activated but if we deactivate it we can just brush over the thing we want to remove as we do this we can release the mouse button without it automatically filling the area this means we do have an easier time selecting difficult subjects so I can nicely rush over everything I want to remove even in different areas so I got my selection here let's also remove that guy on the left I can just paint over it without worrying about Photoshop filling the area all right and once we're happy with it we just need to confirm pushing this button up here again there are a few leftover areas but we can easily fix them by just brushing over them once more and thus we're just working our way to a cleaner image again let's confirm this selection and we're done so this is looking really really good and this would have been impossible using something like the spot healing brush so the remove tool is great for fixing small areas of the image getting rid of people or whatever what now let's move on to the next feature the generative fill this has been hyped up on social media like crazy and there's a good reason for it just let me show it with this image let's say we want to remove that car right there in the center using something like the Clone stem tool or the content aware full tool this would be close to Impossible but watch this I'm going to select the Lesser tool and I'm just going to start making a rough selection around the car I'm including the shadow obviously just like that and once we have our selection you see this new bar down here in Photoshop we just hit a generative fill and we choose generate of course this will take a while but it's really worth it and now just look at this this is insane look perfectly photoshop's AI has removed that car we do have perfectly looking windows down here the sidewalk also looks quite good and even the shadows of that building so I guess at this point you can understand why this tool got so hyped up on social media if you're not happy with the result Photoshop offers you three different variations so we can choose from this one this one or this one I actually prefer the first one of course there are more features the generative will offers us so let's see let's use the rectangular Maki tool and just create a box like this and I want to insert a few Birds up here so let's hit generative fill and here we can write a prompt what should be inserted in this area so let's say insert a few Birds and then hit generate so this tool decides to insert some close-up words and I'm not sure what's going on with this one but I think this one looks quite good maybe we will have a better time inserting some bolts on this lake so let's do just that again create a selection use generative fill write a prompt insert a red what is it called yeah I think it's a rowing boat and let's hit generator this looks much better even with the reflection again we can choose between different variations here let's see this is even better looking and that's the best one so far so let's go with this one if you're still not happy with those variations you can click on generate once more and Photoshop will give you free new generated objects so as you can see this tool is very very helpful now one more tool I want to show you and that is the generative expand feature for that you want to head into the crop tool you can press C for that and here you want to go into the third drop down menu up here and choose generative expand now all you need to do is to make your image bigger like that let's expand all the slides here and once you're happy with it just confirm the cropping again generating this area will take a while but it's worth it now look at this you would not notice the edit area without knowing how this image looked before keep in mind this would never have been possible using the content aware tool since you would end up with something looking very very strange with repeating pattern or something else just look how nicely Photoshop has added those trees on the sides besides the new remove tool this is probably the one thing that will be used the most for my landscape photography and those are the three main features of this Photoshop update 2024 as always if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments and thank you so much for watching this video
Channel: Christian Möhrle - The Phlog Photography
Views: 17,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photoshop tutorial, lightroom tutorial, photography post processing, lightroom post processing, landscape photography, landscape post processing, photoshop beginner, lightroom for beginner, the phlog photography, christian möhrle, how to edit raw photos, raw photo start to finish, adobe lightroom classic class, adobe photoshop class, photoshop 2024 update, photoshop generative fill tutorial, generative expand photoshop tool, photo ai removal tool
Id: UVoKr57xjOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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