Photoshop 2024 Update - Extreme Generative Fill

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good morning good afternoon and good evening and welcome back to Jamie photography so uh Adobe have moved the a the generative AI features over to the main Photoshop so it's now been updated to 25.0 and uh it includes many of the beta functions that we've been using for quite a few weeks so I had a good look at Photoshop 24 and there are a number of uh additions that have been added and mainly the generative AI functions and in this video I'm going to give you a um a run through of really what generative field can do some extreme generative fill removal of objects from a scene and you can see this uh this image here taken in San Francisco this is the Painted Ladies unfortunately the sky was uh was rather overcast and we weren't able to see the city behind so this is the end result that we uh we came up with uh if I take you back to the actual shot that we we took here it is as you can see the sky was uh was Misty we weren't really able to uh to to see much behind and a lot of cars it was quite busy and the lamp post right in the middle as well but there are beautiful houses and I thought well you know maybe maybe we could use the new AI features now they're fully available in Photoshop 202 2 4 and actually clear the cars and the people out of the road and uh and maybe do a a sky replacement at the same time because it's just a gray sky so uh initially I did this shot removed all the cars um put the sky in and then I thought you know what it's still missing a little bit little bit of something and what you'll see in the video to come is is getting to this point but what I also did was I I um also added a sun as well up in the top right corner um I think that makes it work uh quite well so um yeah if you uh if you like the video then please click like and uh always love to see your comments um and your questions and and sometimes your tips as well I learn a lot from you guys uh if you've not already subscribed it would be great for you to join the adventure I'm having here on YouTube okay let's get started generative fil now available in uh Photoshop 2024 so let's let's have a go and see what can do so there's there's a lot of things we want to remove here uh the Painted ladies are a beautiful beautiful set of buildings uh in San Francisco but there's always cars parked in front of them so I'm going to remove the cars also going to remove this lamp post this concrete Lamp Post in the way here so just before we do anything as always now the first thing I do is go to Doo and even though it's shot at ISO 100 uh the amount of noise in the image is still there when you look closely in the detail you you can't really see here when I'm changing from one to the other but if I go at 50% and I click enhance it will just run the doo algorithm here it'll apply that and it means we get a lot more detail uh when we get closer in uh makes it easier to use the generative fill because remember generative fill only has a maximum resolution still of 1024x 1024 resolution so we don't want to do too big an area with the generative fill in any one in any one time so there you go we've got our enhanced noise reducted version there and we're going to go to uh bring down the highlights a little bit here I'm going to open up the Shadows a little bit um I'm going to pop in some some Vibrance just to make it pop a little bit and a little bit of contrast as well might open those Shadows just a bit further so the sky is just a gray sky sadly I wasn't able to see the city in this this particular time behind it was just uh cloudy Misty in the background so uh what we're going to do is we're going to do a sky replacement as well just to make it look uh look pretty good but let's get into um the generative fill side of things so I've just made some minor adjustments there I'm quite I'm just going to also just make a little bit of a crop just to take out the edge of the block of flats that's there to the side uh over here I think it's it's reasonably okay little bit off the top and I'm just going to bring that up just slightly there so we've got that that sort of line that leading line leading into the corner there so I'm just going to accept that by hitting enter now to take it over into Photoshop um if you if you've been using Photoshop beta then you will need to make sure that you've loaded the new version of standard for Photoshop 25.0 and then you will need to make sure you go into your uh your Lightroom classic preferences and uh effectively go to the third the third tab here external editing and just make sure uh that you've got the correct one selected if you're on a Mac if you're on Windows uh when you come to select so I'll show you now when you come to rightclick EDI in you'll actually get multiple options if you've already got um Photoshop beta running as well so uh in the case of a Mac you have to pre-select it in there so I go into editing I go to Adobe Photoshop 2024 uh and I click that and there we go we're open in uh in Photoshop here so where do we start well remember we've got limited resolution with generative fill so we want to take small objects at a time so we'll start on the right and we'll work our way to the left um or or perhaps I might start with this this um this street light here now if I go from top to bottom it will be much greater than 1024 so we're going to have to do it in part sections and that does sometimes confuse uh the generative feel a little bit thinking that you want to keep it so I'm just zooming in there on this on this street light there we go and I'm going to go to the lassu tool okay so you can right click on there and you can see lassu tool you can click l and then I'm just going to go relatively close to the to the light fitting itself and I'm just going to run around and uh keeping quite close because it's important here we want to try to maintain as much of the detail of the buildings as we possibly can so just going to keep that wire in the shot there and then we're going to I'm going to come down to the top of this window for now and then I'm going to cut cut across there and we're we're going to come back up this side don't worry about the wire we can take the wire out in a moment just trying to keep this as small as possible there we go now like I always do in my videos when I'm using generative fi I will actually just fast forward the uh the process once I click um so I click generate to fill and then I'll click generate to remove this and and I'll just allow the uh I'll Speed the video up there we go the magic of uh speeding up the video when you do Post editing it saves you a lot of time so so we'll we'll continue out well look it's cut that off nicely it's filled in the parts of the building and the element of the roof and the little bit that was overhanging in the house here so that that's really really good let's just see the options it gave us so gave us another option there another one there well actually that's the best one because we've we've got this one here so I'm going to go with number one there just want to take this this area out here so I'm going to go to the remove tool for that so I'm going to click down remove tool and it comes under the spot healing brush tool so you just click remove tool there and I'm just going to click sample all layers because i' I've started to use generative F here um so we'll just go in there and we'll select that um background layer and I'm just going to go up through there and just paint that line out so um the first time you use the remove tool in any picture it has to calculate the uh everything that's going on in the screen I'll click tick because I've got remove after each stroke turned off at the moment so I just ask it to do that and then it can get rid of it so that that worked out very very well might just do a little bit of repair on the front of the the house there take that a little bit once I've got the repair tool there we go right let's go back to the lasso tool and I'm going to freehand around this column here making sure that we have got quite a bit of it in place coming back up this side over the top and let's do generative F and generate now as you can see it um it doesn't actually get rid of it because it's got itself a little bit confused with the fact that it continues to run on down below so what we can do is we can actually create a section here where we don't we we don't want to see the lamp post so we break it apart from the top and how we do that is I'm just going to bring all these layers together by clicking merge visible and then I'm going to go to the stamp tool the Clone stamp tool here and I'm going to take a stamp from here on the bushes and I'm just going to paint this this away a little bit up here so let's just take another stamp from here here we go and we're just breaking that up by putting the bushes in there so we going to come back over here a little bit further we're just we're just breaking that that line up there so I'm painting effectively the bushes across from one side to another here there we go and we're effectively making it look as though the lamp post actually goes through through the um through the bushes there but so we've brought the trees right the way through so now we have a separate part of the lamp post right so it stands out as a separate element now so so now what we can do is we can take the um I'm going to go with the polygonal lassle tool here now nice straight lines and we're we're going to basically draw lines just outside the reach of this object that's here now which was one of the generative fill objects and I'm just going to go around the bottom there as you can see come back up the other side keeping just a little bit of detail available around the edge over the top and we're back and I'm going to click generative fill and generate so you sort of got to understand a little bit how how it works because it was connected to the lower part of the streetlight comp it believed that it had to maintain it so you just got to do a little bit of thinking there as you can see we've now removed it so if I look at the three different options we've got I think option two is the best one that's the one I'm going to stick with so that's good right I'm going to go down so now we have the the remaining parts of the I'm just going to zoom back a little bit here so so the same thing if we want to take this out we're going to have to break it at the bottom here I don't want to do all of that cuz that'll be more than 10 24 there so let's do the same thing we're going to go in with the Clone stamp tool here and uh we're going to make a selection over here so option key or alt on Windows to make that selection and uh and we need to be on the background apologies so we're going to make a selection from over here and we're just going to break that up like so we can tie out those that little bit of detail in a minute so we just move that over there and now what we can do is go back to the uh polygonal lasso tool and the same thing we're literally just going to draw around these signs making sure we got a little bit of space showing just just around the signs there and uh we'll go in there underneath the column back up the other side straight line there we go so it's not too big a selection we'll click generative F and generate there we go that's option one option two looks okay option three in fact I'm going to generate again because a little bit of detail there we might we might want to try to lose so let me just uh click generate again okay that one's not so good now that one's fine and that one's good as well but there is a bit of detail here we didn't want so I'm going to go with this one here happy with that so we've we've sort of removed most of that that lamp there we will need to just tidy up this area here and I think again the best thing I can do here is go back to the lasso toall and just just take a line around here along the top of this curb we'll just tidy up that little bit there and we will use generative f for that so generative fill and generate that's very good option one option two option three I think option one is the best one so we'll be happy with that so we've removed the lamp now the lamp post so we're just going to go back to fix screen we've got that sorted and that's looking okay so I think we'll work our way from from right to left with the removal of the cars so so I'm going to zoom in down here and it's quite important to get quite close if you can so you can actually follow the line of the object that you want to remove so we're still in the uh lassu tool so I'm just starting just off off the side there I'm just going to paint around here just following the car around remember to have the shadow in the shot really important I've made that mistake in the past and then later on you've got the shadow of a car sat there so I'll bring that back up so we're going to go generative fill and generate there we go that's option one option two option three don't know what that is option one is fine so let's just move down hold the space bar down just move the screen down got another car here so we're going to do the same thing just start just off the the shot there we're going to follow the car around jumped out a little bit far there not to worry luckily there's no real Shadow there this time so I'm just going to come up there and then back up the outside generative fill and generate go there's a tree in the road now there we go that's looking a little bit better I think I'm going to go with option two that's pretty good so we're going to move the screen down to this next car still zoomed in quite close so we're going to do the same thing so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to Speed the video up as I do the selection okay so that will help keep the video relatively short there we go and I will click generative fi and generate option one option two and option three I think option two looks the most authentic so we're going to move down to the next card now you could think well I I'll do all of this in one go but it will exceed that 1024 resolution and it will it will show up as a lower resolution so I'm just going to do this this greeny gray car here first I'm just going to start off here and I'm literally going to go around the car right but the reason why I want to explain this one to you is I'm just going to run along the edge of this white car back to that point and then we'll click generative fill and generate here we go that's option one you see how it's kept the edge of the car there which is what we want so option one one option two option three I think option three is the best one now we can do now we can do the white car Okay so we've removed the one from behind now we can do the white car now we got to decide whether we're going to include this gentleman here in in our extraction I think it's quite a big area to do so I'm not going to actually include him so what I'm going to do instead is I'm just going to run along the edge of him here and I'm just going to take out the car we go including the shadow back over the top and back to where we started leaving this gentleman in the shot here so we've just got the white car generative F and generate there you go that's done an excellent job at removing that car so option one option two option three I think option two is the best one now we'll move over and decide how we're going to remove these so again we're not trying to do too much in one go um I think what I might do is try to remove the gentleman and this young lady here and the remains of the Street Lamp one go so remembering to get the uh the shadow here we go of everything that you want to remove over the top back around here over the top of her head around her hand there we go down and back to where we started so again we're going to click generative fill and generate see that work quite well it's messed the front of the car up a little bit but it doesn't matter cuz we're going to get rid of that car so just look at the three different options it's got and put some notices in there that's interesting we'll stick with number one so I as I say I'm going to um be quiet now as I do and speed up the video for each of the selections so we'll do this gray car now generative feel and generate option one option two option three there was a bit noise in the road there a few marks and there's a little bit more there but I think we'll go with uh with two I think that looks quite good I'm just going to move along so we're getting close to finishing these cars so I think the next one I'm going to try to remove is this white car again it's done a very good job so option one option two option three I think option one we're going to use now we're going to attempt to get rid of the blue car so we're sticking to small areas as I explained small areas at a time option one option two option three I think I'm going to go with I don't know option let's do another generate actually that looks better let's have a look at this no so that that second generate created a better with the the light under the tree so getting close to finishing these now so I'm just going to do this little uh I think it's Alexus here again another very good uh very good removal option one option two option three I think option two is the one to go to I mean I don't know how many times I say this but I still think it's absolutely incredible uh what what uh this new technology is able to do for us I'm going to do the sign at the same time with this one so we got over the top of the car yeah it is it is very very impressive so generative fill and generate option one option two option three I think option two is the one and then the LA the last of the main cars here just going to go around this one nice and quickly including the shadow and we'll do the generative fill and generate option one option two option three going to go with option three now there is a little sign over here in the distance and there is a car there so I'm just going to go around that car around the edge of the bushes there and back up to the top and we'll we'll use generative fill to remove this as well so generate option one option two option three think I'm going to go with option two happy with that I'm just going to go back to the magnifying glass and fit screen so we now have a completely clear road which is awesome and uh I just want to do a bit of work that the city uh the city authorities should really do I just because it's a little bit distracting on the path here so we just going to zoom in on this path and I'm going to use the remove tool just going to select the remove tool I'm just going to bring everything together in the in the layers we' got so many generative fills here I'm just going to right click and uh merge visible bring it all into a single layer and then I'm just going to make this uh remove tool brush a little bit bigger and we're just going to uh come in there paint that and this the reason I can paint multiple times here is because I've got the uh remove after each stroke turned off so I have to say uh tick yes when I want to remove it so in this case I'm just going to do everything that I would like to get be removed in this part of the scene I think might even take get that drain out as well there we go and then I click the check mark and it takes it all out for us remove toys is an excellent tool I remember when it first came out we were all very excited about how good it was the remov to on its own and uh we um and then we got generative fill which made it even better now I do think I need to just put the edge of that road back in there and I can I can use the Clone stamp tool for that and we can come up here make the brush a little bit bigger by using the square brackets just to the left of the return key hold down the optional or key on Windows and take a sample from that point there and then I can just go down here and I can literally just just paint that that back in so we've got an edge to the the road there so that works very very well back to the remove tool there's a little bit of garbage over there just get rid of that and click yes and then we'll just move up the road and remove this last bit of distraction that we have here so I'm just going to get rid of that little piece on the road there so we'll just color this in making sure that we we overlap that's quite a good little um sort of technique you can learn with the remove tool you don't actually have to fully uh paint over something you you actually really only need to go around the outside edge so I'll show you that I'll just take this out now for first so remove that click yes to that and remove that so for example if I wanted to remove this and I had a smaller brush going I could go around the outside here like so and I don't need to worry about the center it autofills it automatically so I can get rid of that there give you another example if I go around this this hole here like this for example and I don't fill the center I Let Go it automatically fills the center for you and then you can remove it from the road so I'm not going to t the road up so it's perfect cuz no road is perfect um but I I just wanted to remove some of the some of the distractions that we've got um particularly these sort of Darker shapes and uh we'll do the same here so I'm going to go around the outside here as you can see and I just stop there and it fills it automatically I can remove that do the same here just going to go around this piece here and remove that and then the last piece so just drawing around around the edge as you can see and it infills automatically so a nice little tip to know that you don't have to sit there filling everything in uh to make it work so let's Zoom back out and see if if we're happy with the road I think we are yeah that works very very well now is there anything else we want to remove in this shot um I don't think so I think I'm quite happy with everything we've got now um is there a little bit of detail over here that needs not you got little rods holding their uh their flu up on the side of their house not the prettiest things in the world for part of San Francisco which is uh you know quite cherished you can see the top of one there as well and one there I might just take that one out because it's again it's just a little bit distracting so just going to go into the remove tool and I'm just going to color that in and it will remove that for me so I'll hit yes I'm going to go back to using the remover after each stroke so if I switch that back on again as I let go of the of the of the mouse it will automatically uh remove it from the scene so maybe we should remove this uh block of flats this this office building here in the distance so I'm just going to go around the edge like I showed you and then it will automatically get rid of it and maybe this one also in the distance here will just take that out as well there we go nice and tidy so very happy with all of that there's nothing else here that I don't think removes I love this little this little box here with notices and things inside I think that's that's wonderful so yeah I'm happy with that so we're going to zoom back out fit screen we've tidied everything up we got rid of all the cars I think is really good we're going to do it we're just going to replace the sky because it's just gray at the moment so we'll go to edit and we'll go to uh Sky replacement and then uh I've I've got a sky here I pre-loaded which which I took uh locally actually where I live so I'm just going to put that in there so we can see see that there I'm going to um make it a little bit brighter and um I think what we need to do is just make sure that we've got the edges working well so move the fade Edge over to the left so we've got nice tight Edge there's no Halos around around the edges there I don't know if we need to move this more to the to the right if we do it starts to show a little bit inside the buildings there so we're not going to do that um there's a little bit showing there and we can we can um remove that with the uh refine brush which is here and we can just make that a little bit bigger using the square brackets and um we just uh to remove it it's a positive when you start hold down the optional or key to make it a negative and then you can you can just brush it away you can see there I can just brush some of that color away that was overlapping into these buildings you can see that just removing it I don't I think it's okay up here I'm just going to just paint that out as well make sure we're not getting any of the sky showing on the building and because it's a refined brush you can actually go over the edge slightly and it will it will calculate where it needs to go here I'll go back to positive and because it's a little bit bright in that corner there I can just click there once you see that and just darken that area down same here just just so that we I go back to negative just to take out off the buildings so you're able to infill the edge of the sky so that's a positive so I'm going to do a little bit of a positive there and to make sure we've got no Halos and I'm just going to do a negative here just to just to take those colors away off the top of that roof and I think that's that's quite a good uh quite a good map there if we zoom in up here you you'll see that um we just zoom in you see it's done a really good job of getting in around the trees it's pretty good um you saw I clicked the the magnifying glass there it gives me a positive to zoom in if I hold down the option or or key it gives me the option to Mo to move back out so that that's fine so do I need to do any more refining I don't think so maybe just little bit of blue around here so maybe we could just add in a little bit of that just where the blues are and uh that seems to work quite well so let's go back to the control so I'm happy with The Edge that we've created happy with the brightness and the temperature it's orange enough scale doesn't need to be adjusted um we we do have two lighting mod we have multiply and we have screen if I select screen you'll see It'll be lighter along the top of the buildings and I would have to alter the foreground lighting more to compensate for that um but you can you can use that you see that works quite well but in the tree it's not quite as good so I'm going to go back to multiply and I'm just going to bring that that foreground down a little little bit so they're just a little bit darker along the top The Edge lighting is now the foreground adjustment so if I move that to the left you'll see that brightens up here if I move it to the right you'll see it darkens down and and in this case I want to bring it down so that's fine and color adjustment I'd love the color of the sky to be in the foreground so you move the color adjustment to the right to get that same color and that works really really well so the output you have a couple of options you have new layers which then gives you a separate layer for every element of the sky replacement there about seven in total or duplicate layer which is the one I prefer to select just gives me a single new layer which looks like uh the image we're looking at so I'm just going to do that and then I'm going to click okay all right so you can pick your own Sky obviously and uh you can include that Sky into this shot so let's let's get rid of the background I don't need the background now because that one is being converted so I'm just going to delete that layer so we're left with the background copy which is is which is this layer here so I'm very happy with this I'm going to send it back to Lightroom so I'm going to go file close CU I don't want it in Photoshop anymore and I'm going to click save and then it's going to go back into Lightroom there we go just make Lightroom full screen for us so we're back we're back here I'm just going to remove this information up here you've seen all that so by pressing I you can get rid of that so this is the image we're going to work with just to finalize uh where we are going to um just bring down the the color just slightly add bring in a bit more blue there minus six just to make these colors bright again and not wishy-washy and I'm going to just add a little bit of Vibrance to it so it all pops a little bit more I might even take a bit more out go down to minus 10 there we go now the sky I want to make that stand out more so I'm going to go to The Masks I'm going to go select sky and it will select the sky for us there we go and I'm going to uh increase the contrast bring the highlights down just a little bit and uh I'm going to go to Clarity and I'm going to put a quite a bit of clarity in there make it pop a little bit more there we go that looks nice the foreground is too bright for this type of sky so w mask going to create a new mask a new linear gradient and I'm just going to bring that into the into the scene now I want it sort of dark this this Red Dot and white dot means this is a 100% so anything behind that is 100% of whatever I choose to do in this case I'm going to lower the um the the exposure and then it goes from 100% to 0% along this line right so at the white at the white dot there's no effect so the the minus exposure I get will be contoured from zero to 100 inside that space and then all of this is 100 so if I if I reduce that further you can see I'm sort of I can shape it to the to the road you can see this area is darker and this and then it transfers from dark to to light there across this this gap on the edge of the road what I can also do is right click and duplicate this mask and I can bring another one down here right and now I can shape it to the to the edge of the road right and that that means that this this area down here can be a little bit darker so we're not we're not so worried about it I'm just going to open that up a little bit more there we go now I need to put another one in the sky so I'm going to create another mask here linear gradient and I'm going to pull one in so it sort of runs along here I I I I want just to overlap the top of the houses but we'll we'll we'll we'll stop that in a second I'm just going to move that so it's in the same angle so I want this darker and Bluer up here but I don't want to change this so much down here so I'm going to pop in a bit more temp in blue over the there we go and then I'm just going to darken it slightly so you you get this wonderful effect I'm actually going to throw in a little bit more clarity as well up there in the sky you see that works really really nice and uh so now we've got this sort of transfer um but I don't want to do light the top of the houses with that color or Clarity so what I'm going to do is on this linear gradient I'm going to go to the three dots there to the right I'm going to intersect this mask with the sky okay and uh what that means is is that the the radio grade is now only working on the sky it's not working on the tops of the of the the houses which is what we want and I want to make it a little bit darker in that very top corner so I'm going to right click on this mask that we just created duplicate it again and then I'm just going to move it up up here make it smaller and we're going to put that up in that top corner but we're going to go darker still so just there we go so we got this wonderful looking sky and the lights coming down through here now it's a little bit bright down the bottom of the road here so I'm going to deal with that by creating another mask but this time a radial gradient and I'm going to pull a radial gradient in down here okay and I'm just going to darken that down by reducing the exposure not too much just uh bring up the uh highlights just slightly that's brought it where we want but I don't want to darken the sky there so we go to uh subtract the sky okay cuz I don't want the sky in that in that radio there we go so we won't have that that in there so that's looking good happy with that as well so how do we make this stand out how do we make this this scene pop a little bit more well the big the big thing to do is really is to think about what can we do with these buildings to to make them stand out a little bit more we could do a day tonight which is something I would normally do um and and and I could light some of these windows and light the way but there's quite a bit of light there already um and and I think we can make this scene work quite well so what I'm actually going to do is darken the whole scene just slightly like so just going to bring up the highlights I want the sky to look like it's really bright so I'm just just bringing down the exposure and bringing up the highlights to keep that part of the sky nice and bright there you see how this the the orange on the clouds really lights up and now what we can do is we can we can relight this area in the center here and we can do that by going to masks creating a radial gradient and I'm just going to pull in a radial gradient here and I'm going to have it more more to the to the right hand side I'm going to slope it to the same direction here just going to go a bit further to the right so I can take this bit here further to the left and I'm just going to pop that in there and I want it to cover part of the road here but be centered on the on the buildings here and then I'm going to bring up the exposure back to where we we we wanted to be a little bit of contrast in there might open the Shadows just a little bit and you can see now we've got this bright area over here on the right and it gets darker as we go to away to match the sky and to match the area that we've got there so that that works quite well and then I'm going to also add in a little bit of clarity just to make those buildings pop a little bit more and a little tiny bit of texture just so we can see th those wonderful buildings and and then I think it would be good to uh to just increase the Highlight slightly so the building's just just a little bit brighter and I'm also going to do my blacks and my whites on this area here so we're still in the radial gradient and I'm going to go down hold down the option on a Mac or alt on the windows and grab the white slider here and then I can just slide that just a little bit there we go just to get the balance right with the whites and I'm quite happy I'm just going to bring the black up just a tiny bit so just altering the contrast in that area so but I don't want to brighten the sky I don't want this radial to brighten the sky so we're going to subtract the sky from this this radial gradient there we go so they sort of stand out in the foreground and that's looking pretty good I'm quite happy with that I think I I need to do something down here it's a bit too bland so what I we'll do is create another radial gradient and we will pull one in coming from this direction okay we'll slope it to the same slope of the uh of the road there we go like that and then I'm just going to bring that up just so you see how it puts just a little bit of Interest down there and I am going to put quite a bit of clarity in there just to make that all pop a little bit down there you see that that just pops down there so you've got these sort of different brightnesses and different colors all going on at the same time I think I'm going to have one more go at the sky so I'm going to select the sky again I think I want to make that stand stand out even more so we're going to go back down and we're going to put even more clarity into the sky up there really looks nice I want to I think we should also put a little bit of sharpening in there as well just to sharpen up these areas and that makes it look really really good so I think just to finish off I'm going to go down to um the effects area here and uh just going to come out the Mas for a second we're going to go to effects we're going to go to postc crop vignette I just want to put a vignette in this screen so I'm going to come in at about 20 and seems too much but what we're going to do is go to the feather slider and take that to 100 and that will just open up the scene just a little bit maybe just back that off another 10 points there we go and then I'm just going to balance the brightness and the colors just to finish off now so I'm going to look at should I open up the um Shadows a little bit bring down the highlights just a little bit maybe break make the whole scene slightly brighter little bit more Vibrance in there always looks good um tiny bit of texture quite happy with that yeah I think I'm just going to back off the the temp just slightly more to the blue maybe give ourselves just a little bit of uh little bit of green in there minus minus three these trees are really popping looking really lovely and uh and I think we're getting there so just a crop there's just something not quite right I just wanted to bring that down at the top there a little bit and uh and I'm sort of happy yeah I'm going to say I'm going to say this is uh this is finished I think yeah I'm very very happy with it so like the sky cleaned up the road yep I'm going to say that's done so I hope you enjoyed that um if you did click like down below um if you want me to do a day tonight on this scene then let me know in the comments uh I might might make a good day tonight of this lot of nice Windows to light so uh and if you enjoy what I'm doing on uh on YouTube and you're not already subscribed it'd be great for you to join my adventure here on YouTube so for now I'm going to say bye-bye
Channel: Jamie R Mathlin
Views: 15,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yZr_76MTmNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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