What’s New in Photoshop 2024?!

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welcome to photoshop 2024 the best new features what's so amazing about them you'll see but if I were you I'd be very excited and this is just the beginning want to learn Photoshop and not just the new features but every feature there is then I have a comprehensive video course that I've been recording and perfecting since and this is true $1999 more on that in just a moment but first let's see one of those best new features in Photoshop 2024 all right so Goodside Photoshop 2024 best new feature number one I dare say one of the best new features in the last decade I doubt it get much push back except from folks who are thinking not one of it's the best feature de and that is generative Phil perhaps you've heard of it maybe you've seen it demoed maybe you've played with it yourself but I want you to understand exactly how it works so for starters it uses machine learning let's not call it AR arcial intelligence cuz it's not to invent photo quality image detail from scratch by the way and so every time you are going to get different results and you're going to get different results from everyone else out there it communicates with Adobe Firefly what's that well it's this crazy online technology right here you can get to it by going to firefly.com but you don't have to and that's because Photoshop can communicate with Adobe Firefly directly as long as you have an active internet connection very important if you don't then generative fill will not work well what do you do with something that invents photo quality image detail well I can think of three things starting with remove unwanted elements from a photograph we've been able to do that using the healing brushes and of course content aware fill is this all that much better oh yeah you bet it is you can also add anything you can imagine in a way of a photographic object sometimes it's going to work great sometimes not so much this is known as text to image because you're going to have to enter a text prompt and then finally you can replace an entire background if you want to I'll show you what that looks like in a moment but by way of demonstration consider this very slide right here I want a snazzier background should I take it into the PowerPoint or should I stay inside Photoshop 2024 and take advantage of gener Def Phill as I've done right here every single time you are going to get different results all right so I created this composition position using my traditional skills inside Photoshop as well as some AI I've also gone ahead and flattened this image so we have just a background and nothing more inside the layers panel I'm thinking three aliens is enough fours too many so I'm just going to select this guy generally using the rectangular Marquee tool Nothing Fancy by the way and then we've got this other new feature inside Photoshop 2024 nothing to write home about it's the content aware taskbar you can get to it by choosing this Command right here and notice that I'm seeing this generative fill button if I click on it I'll see a text prompt I don't need to worry about that in this case however I'll just click generate and that's because when you're just trying to get rid of stuff like this alien head what you want to do is just let Photoshop read the edges of the selection outline as it did right here so just so we have a before and after this is before and notice the sand and these G logical sort of formations here this Mesa and this is after so it's gone ahead and replaced all that stuff inside the selection with something new not just once but three times so notice one of three right here we have three variations that's the first one that's the second one but be sure to check them out by the way just in case one's better than the other you can also see them over here in the properties panel on the right side of the screen now let's say I want some just completely new fanciful detail inside of this image I am once again going to draw a very rough selection just Marque in area using the rectangular Marquee I'll click generative fill of course but this time because I want to create something new there I'm going to enter a text promp strange distant building from extraterrestrial culture whatever in the world that means you will see a tip up here at the top of the screen you can read it if you want to while away the time but in less than 30 seconds in my experience you are going to see something different Adobe promises in less than 60 seconds by the way and notice here's one of the variations here's another one no uh building this time so that's a problem and then this is the third one so we got two out of three buildings that's pretty good I happen to like this one the best all right now let's just replace the background why don't we in which case notice over here in the layers panel I have two new layers Each of which is a gener to fill layer they're both editable by the way I can come back to them anytime I like I'm going to turn them off and click on a flat background once again just so I can click on select subject not remove background because that would just make the background transparent which is not what I want I'll select the subject which isn't really what I want either because that selects all the aliens I want to switch that to select the background by clicking on invert selection up here in the contextual taskbar because it keeps moving around and now I'll go ahead and click generative fill once again it moves to the bottom of the screen this time I like to think it's trying to help me as opposed to being a pain in the neck but I'm going to paste in a text prompt once again extraterrestrial planet with strange colorful trees and I'll go ahead and click generate and now it's up to you whether you like what you see this is the first variation this time around this is the second this is a third I'm thinking that one's okay but if you're not liking any of them just go ahead and click generate the generate button right there in order to generate three additional variations and that is how you take advantage of Photoshop 2024's best new feature generative fill now generative fill and the two new features that follow represent real Innovations the kind that photoshop is famous for the reasons that year after year Photoshop remains undefeated as the best imaging software ever made want to learn all about it then join me as I develop an all new version of my award-winning video course Photoshop oneon-one from fundamentals to advance to Mastery one-on-one ranks among the most popular commercial photosop courses of all time but it's not for the squeamish by which I mean it's long and appropriately so short Rinky Dink course Tiny Little Learning long authoritative course that you can come back to over and over again big comprehensive Photoshop knowledge but don't worry about the length we'll be making it together in real time and when you know it the six video hourong lesson one is ready for you right now to get started all you have to do is go to deck now.com where you learn two very important things first if you're a member of my patreon just like that 50% off second buy now and Save even more with my early bird discount to learn all about it go to deck now.com and now more of those best new features in Photoshop 2024 now for Photoshop 2024's best new feature number two generative expand which might surprise a couple of you I've been critical of this feature in the past we'll come to why in just a moment but even I have to acknowledge that while it's not as groundbreaking as generative expand it is a close second what does it do well it's nothing short of magic I tell you it extends the width and or height of any image you like so you can take a tiny little postage stamp of a portrait shot and turn it into a big immense landscape if you want to how does it work these first two yellow items are the same as generative fill so it uses machine learning photographic image detail communicates with Adobe Firefly it needs an active internet connection but otherwise it's different it works in combination with the crop tool as we'll see and it adds horizontal and or vertical detail when you my word uncrop an image that is expand the canvas without enlarging the image itself after all somehow you need to add new pixels generative expand is the solution does it have an Achilles heel yes it does the resolution may suffer I'm being kind the resolution will suffer as you're about to see but I'll show you work around as well all right so this guy once again is going to be our image and this time it's cuz he's TI tiny he's just like a little 2 megapixel image about 2,000 pixels wide about 1,000 pixels tall if you're working with a higher resolution image which you undoubtedly are then the resolution problems are going to be that much more obvious all right so I'm going to switch to the crop tool right here and then I want to direct your attention not to the contextual taskbar but to the options bar up here turn off delete crop pixels that's got to be off otherwise you're going to lose pixels and then or it's going to be a flat image you don't want that either and then set the fill to generative expand that way we don't have to worry about this button down here now notice if I start dragging this Edge it's 2012 pixels wide well I want to make it let's say 2600 pixels nailed it so 600 pixels wider that's great and now on this side I'll make it let's say 2900 pixels wide so I added 300 pixels here just adding a little bit and now notice down here it's 1300 pixels tall for starters and I'm going to make it 2200 pixels tall so 900 pixels taller and that way we're under a th pixels that will become important for a reason I will demonstrate in just a moment now I could click generate and it'll just add pixels based on what it sees around the edges but I'm going to add a prompt desert sand Mirage reflection that should be wild don't you think and sure enough it is and we do have the standard three variations once again I can click through them here in the contextual taskbar I'll just go with this first guy cuz I think it's pretty wonderful however it is not without its problem and so I'm going to go ahead and zoom in here to 300% let's say so you can see here's Skeletor the alien right I made him he's nice and detailed and then these Rippling edges of this geological detail right here are clearly defined even though we've got some big pixels but notice the stuff that generative expand added is murky at best it's kind of gummy it's soft and it's even Jagged look at that those transitions right there are Jagged and that's because what happens is that photoshop makes a request to Firefly and Firefly says here's the pixels and it gives Photoshop one to two megapixels that's the best it can do that is not going to get better in the next 12 months I got news for you that is the state of AI Imaging across the entire planet it's just extremely processor intensive somebody's got to pay for that processing well right now it's Adobe and so they don't want to pay a lot anyway that's why we're taking this 2 megapixel image that's been stretched to fit this new space right here and that's why we're seeing the gumminess and the jaggedness and that kind of stuff right there compare it to what happens if I turn that layer off for a moment I'll click on layer zero that's the layer that the crop tool made it just called it layer zero and let's drag this over a little bit I'll grab my Marquee tool right here and that is great because what it allows me to do I can just draw a rectangular selection and I can see how big it is and notice those Dimensions right there it's nearly 600 pixels wide it's getting to be 500 more than 500 pixels tall as long as it's under a megapixel that is a th000 by a th000 you're good to go because that way you're working with something that adobe Firefly can give you and now I can just click Genera to fill right there click generate again and let Photoshop do its thing and notice that it's pretty good it's not an exact match by any stretch of the imagination things do get soft a little bit soft right there and we could check out the other variations to see whether they're any better I do like this guy right here looks pretty darn good doesn't it because it has that fold now is it an exact match no it's not is it going to be as sharply defined no not quite how however it's way better than generative expand and it's not because generative Phil is better than generative expand they're both doing the same darn thing just doing it a little bit differently in terms of how you interact with them but otherwise it's just that generative expand is asking for so much more and generative Phil is asking for so much less but notice it does a lot less as well I just have this one little area covered I'd have to do the the top corner and this corner and and this area over here as well I just want to show you notice even though it's 300 pixels tall or 1300 pixels tall it's only 300 wide so that's less than a megapixel and then we have these regions down here as well so it's going to take a lot more effort to fill this in with generative fill and we might not have the flexibility of asking for this Mirage reflection either and so even though generative fill has a way to go to really earn a spot I think in our hearts it is a wonderful new feature feature powerful as well here inside Photoshop 2024 and finally Photoshop 2024's best new feature number three the remove tool which is yet another retouching tool inside this software if nothing else you can think of it as being a Next Generation healing brush but let's take a quick look at how this tool really works why don't we like the healing brushes it works its magic by matching pixels around any given brush stroke so it's looking at the edges of your brush Strokes reading those pixels and figuring out how to merge them successfully so you have seamless transitions with the original details but where it goes Its Own Way is it employs its own pattern learning and this is really Next Generation stuff so basically instead of just sampling pixels from inside the image which it does do so you still have to keep an eye out for repeating details but it's also applying its own pattern learning and that goes to basically trying to match real world details now this is builtin information in other words it's not generative it's not going out to Firefly so it does not require an internet connection it's going to favor majority pixels so it's going to get rid of the outling stuff hence the word remove in the title of the tool you can paint like a brush if you want to or you can surround a region as if you're working with a lasso tool this last feature is new it's clunky but it is there I'll show it to you and it supports sample all layers so you can paint to an independent layer which means you can apply non-destructive changes so here are my aliens against their new colorful tree background sexually in the fourr but what have you however we've got some problems right the edges don't really match all that well this guy's terrible but anyway we're going to take care of things by bringing up this fly out menu right here and selecting the remove tool and notice up here in the traditional options bar we've got some important checkboxes so see how I'm seeing a Ghostbusters icon I can't paint directly on the group that's selected in the layers panel so what I need to do is create a new layer by pressing control shift command shift n I'll just call this new layer removals let's say and click okay and then I'll turn on Sample all layers so that I can paint from the existing layers onto the new layer right here and I'll increase the size of my breast stroke a little bit by pressing the right bracket key and then I'll do the traditional stuff right let's say I want to get rid of some of the you know the the anomalies inside this guy's face right here paint away those the the sort of crater details right there and so in that regard it's going to work a lot like the healing brush just more slowly so it's not as fast as the healing brush which is worth noting but it is good at smoothing so watch this I'll just go ahead and paint along this this guy's kind of Rippling skull right here which got worse used to be smoother than like than this in the first place before I added all the colorful trees but notice after painting that brush stroke things do smooth out but it'd be nice if I could not like pain a big brush stroke at a time you know what I mean because that's actually kind of frustrating if you make a mistake so turn off this checkbox remove after each stroke that way watch this I can just paint here a little bit and then I could paint here a little bit more as well and I can increase the size of my breast stroke and paint something thicker and then press the enter key this time in order to make that stuff go away that's kind of a disaster right there I could redo it or it could try again all kinds of options are available to me I was telling you that it's going to favor the majority detail so if I paint here this is mostly brownish stuff that it's going to see around the edges of the brush token in particular so it's going to heal that blue stuff away so that's something that's worth keeping an eye out for you can also this guy right here is disappointing me so badly so what I can do is lasso him like so and and notice that I just painted around his face but that just went and selected his entire face is that a cool feature if you say so and then I'll just go ahead and press the Anarchy in order to fill that stuff in and that's what I'm talking about with the pattern learning so it's not just sampling pixels from inside the image this is crazy stuff right here this is stuff that the remove tool just decided it wanted to add and so I'm just going to paint some more inside these regions over here paint over here as well and you can go nuts right paint as many brush Strokes as you want because this checkbox which is now dimmed because it's turned off before I started painting is is turned off and now I can just press the enter key and allow that tool to do its work in one Fell Swoop some other options that I have available to me I can click and shift click like so in order to paint in straight lines wouldn't be able to do that if that checkbox were on so it was removing after each brush stroke because each click would be treated as a brush stroke which is not what I wanted so I am clicking and shift clicking and then I might just go ahead and combine that with alasso oh my goodness that something and I could click and shift click down here actually I forgot to press the shift key so I will and I'll shift click down this Edge and here's another thing to keep in mind let's say you go kind of crazy you just lose your mind for a second you paint way too much stuff right here well you can unpaint notice right there in the center of that circular brush stroke or brush that is there's a plus sign showing me I'm going to add if I press the alter option key I get a minus sign which is showing me that that I'm going to subtract from the brush stroke and then I'll press the enter key in order to smooth out that edge and that my friends is my brief introduction to the Myriad ways you can use the remove tool a new a best new feature here inside Photoshop 2024 thank you so much for watching feel free to like subscribe and turn on notifications and don't forget to learn how to make this join my patreon which is patreon.com deow and just like that you'll get 50% off My Soup To Nuts video course Photoshop oneon-one fundamentals I'm Dee mcleland this is deck now
Channel: dekeNow
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Id: 9czQ3jAIK04
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Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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