Adobe Photoshop 2024 New Features!

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in this video we're going to take a look at the new features in Adobe Photoshop 2024 and spoiler they are a lot of fun so you can see I've opened up a beautiful image in Photoshop and down here the first thing you're going to notice is we have this contextual taskbar and I can hide this bar I can reset the position to here or I can pin this to a new position now if you do lose your contextual taskbar just go to window and then down to here and you can turn it back on now I don't like mine floating around wherever I'm doing something so I'm going to drag this over here on the left and we'll dock that there on the left hand side now what I'm going to do is pin that position and it will stay over there out of the way now that's done I'm going to show you the first of the new features generative expand so for this I'm going to grab the crop tool and then I'm going to drag this out you can drag from one side or you can hold down alt or option and drag from both sides at the same time so let's extend this out and if I go up here to the drop down by default this will be set to background change this to generative expand and then press return Photoshop will do its thing and just look at that photoshop has generated the rest of the image and we can choose from a few different versions here so I can just click through these I mean to be honest they all look great let's close this panel down and get a good look and my goodness this feature is a massive Time Saver now let's try another one of photoshop's new features generative fill so I'm going to select the lasso tool here but you can of course do this with any of the selection tools and I'm just going to make a selection off in the distance something like this and then I can go down to generative fill and just type anything so I'm going to type Castle and then click generate or press return again give it a minute to work its magic and just like that I have a castle in the background and again I've got a few different versions to choose from but if you don't like what Photoshop is generated you can of course go up here and just generate three more there we go I think that's the one nice now let's take a look at another use for generative fill and that's kind of like a generative remove so let's just say I've decided I don't like this tree here sorry tree nothing personal but you've got to go I'm gonna make a selection around this tree and then go down to generative fill leave it completely blank and then click generate or press return give it a second and then just like that Mr tree is gone now there is another way to remove things from an image so if I go over here and this is typically where the spot healing brush tool is located and now you'll see the addition of the remove tool and of course I can't do anything on a generative layer yes I know but if we just click OK let's just copy everything paste in a new layer so this is a regular rasterized layer in Photoshop and with the remove tool I can increase the brush size oop that's probably a bit big there we go and then again I'm sorry I'm gonna pick on you random weed and I'm just going to very carefully brush around the outside of this and if I let go it's going to fill in the middle as well and just like that it's removed the entire selection and replaced it with well more grass okay now let's remove that flattened layer that was just really to show you the remove tool because now I'm going to add something in place of that weed anyway so let's grab the lasso tool draw here and I'm going to type rocks let's see what we get hopefully some rocks and there we go we not only get some rocks but we get the grass surrounding them as well and again there's a few variations to choose from we have a pile of rocks or Stones I think I'm gonna go for these ones and let's try living a little bit dangerously we're going to draw a selection on this side of the rock here and I'm gonna try generating a ladybird okay there we go we've got a few ladybirds let's click through and of course I can keep generating more ladybirds but in the interest of time I'm gonna go with this fella here let's close this panel down and with the lasso tool try one more thing let's make a selection of this entire area here try and carefully go around the Rock and I'm going to replace all of this landscape with the city wow that is pretty incredible but the great thing about all of these generative layers is that I can simply go up here and just hide them and have another go if things do go wrong and lastly one more feature that isn't technically new but it is kind of new-ish and that is photoshop's revamped gradient tool so I can go and select this from the toolbar on the left and I could just throw down a gradient there we go black and white as you can see it's very responsive and it all works directly on the canvas as well but rather than throwing down a splodge of color let's delete that and try something a bit more relevant to this scene so let's go and add an exposure adjustment layer and I'm going to darken everything down there we go that's quite dark now with the gradient tool selected I'm going to make sure that I have the default black to white gradient and that I have radial selected as the type now let's try clicking and dragging and I can now use this to create a spotlight effect so I could rotate this round like this and I can of course bring this in and make this more of an ellipse and once I've got the position correct select the adjustment layer and then change all of the properties and just to round off with a couple of other changes preset sync is now disabled and discontinued and Photoshop also has an improved startup performance well hey so it should be that little bit quicker now so there we go those are the new features have you tried them yet did you like them let me know down in the comments but as always take care and I'll see you next time
Channel: Dansky
Views: 62,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cb9k40COjWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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