Photoshop Generative Fill - 20 EPIC Uses, SUPERFAST!

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so here's photo one in layer 1 and here's 402 in layer 2. we want AI to create a bridge between these photos but before we do that for best results match the lighting have a look at it the lighting is coming from the right hand side in this mountain but in this mountain the light is coming from the left hand side so let's flip it select 402 press Ctrl or command T right click on it and then choose flip horizontal now to fill it press Ctrl or command a to select all and then subtract these areas how do we do that select the rectangular Marquee tool right there hold the ALT key or the option key to turn it to minus and then let's take away these areas leave a little bit of the meat for the AI to grab upon there you go and simply click on generator fill we're going to leave it blank click on generate as you can see it did a terrible job if you look at all the options first one second one third one because the sky right here was white let's go back to how it was right here let's also add this guy to the filling so with the rectangular Marquee 2 this time we will hold the shift key to add to the fill let's fill up the sky and now let's try generator fill one more time and there you go much better than before First Option second option and third one this is just amazing maybe I will make a selection right here and fill up that area again but apart from that that's how to combine photos with AI before we move forward just a little bit of housekeeping generator fill is available only in Photoshop beta at the moment of recording this video and you can get it by opening your Creative Cloud desktop app going to Beta apps right here and installing Photoshop beta right here you'll see the install button just get it for some reason if your generator fill is deactivated or if the button is grayed out or you cannot see it here's troubleshooting so I put together this list of five things that if you're not seeing the generator fill features in your beta these are the things you need to try go through it if you're having issues and thanks to Terry White from Adobe for putting this up he has incredible content on generative AI as well so please do check it out on his YouTube channel by the way if you're using a Captain Jack Sparrow version of Photoshop and you really want to try generative film you can go to Adobe Firefly web right here I'll leave a link in the description and just click on generator fill and you can try it online you can erase from here you can change the background by clicking right here and then maybe just type forest and there you go we have a lighthouse in the forest absolutely practical so let's say you want to upload it to Instagram but you don't want to crop anything so press C for the crop tool select Square from right here aspect ratio hold the ALT key option key and just expand it just like this so with the rectangular Marquee 2 I'm gonna make a selection at the top leave a little bit of the meat to get into the meat of it tofu of it and click on generator fill click on generate Again by the way if you're not able to see the bar not the bar that you're thinking about the contextual taskbar go to window and then scroll down and make sure that contextual taskbar is selected have a look at the options so here's the first one this looks a little odd here's the second one that is amazing here's the third one if you're not satisfied you can always generate again or try some prompts this is much better and that's how you expand images what a beautiful image but we wonder what if someone or something else was scaring her for it let's make a selection of the thing you want to remove or modify now you can take the time to make your selection I have already done it and saved it in channel so let me quickly load that and now let's fill it with maybe a chimpanzee click on generate that's not bad look at the lighting it's matching so much first second that's good here's the third wow what is he wearing Teletubbies the eyes are a little off so let's make a selection around the face right here click on generator fill and chimpanzee face not too bad not too bad first one second one third one um second one is okay and there you go isn't that an interesting image now it is hard to decide who to remove I don't want to offend anyone I don't want to hurt anyone but I'm really jealous of this guy so um let's do that make a selection around him and you don't have to fill anything generate a fill click on that and generate there you go our wishes are fulfilled here's the first one here's this oh that's nice the hand is messed up though here's this third one seriously the hand is messed up again we do need to do a couple of Trials till the hand is conveniently inside the pocket or outside the frame so right in here here's the final result here's the before and here is the after have a look at the hand it's outside the frame we need to work on that but that's pretty cool this is such a beautiful image but the photographer thought maybe the lens flare would be cool but to me it maybe is a distraction make a selection around it and also make sure to leave a little bit of the meat or tofu if you're vegetarian for the AI to not leave edges so click on generator fill click on generate now replicating this entire pattern right here reversed it's a hard thing to do but the AI has incredibly done an incredible job first second and third you can go with either of those and have a look at it removed you asked the before and here's the after let's change the red under thing that he's wearing into a formal shirt formal shirt generate and it has done a pretty good jump first one second one oh that's nice third one the lighting is just impeccable there are a couple of areas we need to work on but apart from that this is just this just works now this can be a very fun project to try you can just keep on expanding an image and keep going and see how that goes so simply press C for the crop tool and let's bend it a little bit hit OK Ctrl or command a to select all and with the rectangular Marquee tool hold the ALT key of the option key and subtract this area and fill up the outside areas with a generated film and keep on doing that and see what opens up so here's the first one the second one the third one all of them are nice once you pick one do it again press C again expand it again and Ctrl or command a take the rectangular Marquee tool and subtract this area leave a little Gap click on generated fill one more time keep doing it just be cautious of your file size it will get humongous before you know it so here is something that I already did and here's the result so here's the first one second third fourth and fifth crazy no hair no worries generator fill to the rescue if you want the hair so right here give it enough space for the AI to work on and then type in what you want here I want a bit of flowing hair click on generate oh that's nice it it looks like mine but better here's the first one second one third one pretty good Styles and that suits him this one suits him too now you can keep on generating all different kinds of hair and that's how to add hair so this is a photo I took in Las Vegas it was very hard to find an empty space there was always somebody coming and before they start calling me a creep and kick me out this is the best I could do let's make a selection around it and click on generator fill and also don't forget to select the reflections that's important we don't want them to be coasts do you say Coast or ghost let me know in the comments that's good that's good not the best but that's okay here's the second one that's even better here's the third one I think we can go with the second one so let's say you want to change the grass in the background to sand now when you do select the background make sure you select all of the grass as well if there's a shadow of the grass on the body select that if there's grass livers right here select that and leave a little space for the AI to remove all of them properly so here we have a selection of the background and I'm just gonna type in sand right here click on generate look at the kind of carving it has created for him to lay in the second one that's amazing here's the third one let's go with the second one look it has also created the shadow of his arm right here this is just brilliant guys if you plan on surprising a woman with jewelry uh chances are that you're gonna mess up maybe she'll not like the design the color the size the fitting there's gonna be something and she might not say it to you it's always best to take her to the store tell her what you're willing to spend and let her choose trust me they'll do a better job this happens most of the time not all of the time and with that said let's add some jewelry to her please Don't Judge Me So let's make a selection and I think with this dress a pearl necklace would go nice pearl necklace generate there you go it just looks fantastic I also did some earrings when I tried to do the nose rings Adobe kind of messed up no studs it just didn't get right so here are the results so here's one here's the other one as you can see no stud Adobe thinks this is a no stud and Adobe also thinks Adobe AI generator fill AI this is a no stud and when I tried nose ring it just stuck a ring on her face but it's looking realistic here's the other one here's the other one well I'm hoping this will be fixed in the future we are removing braces today this was a superbly hard thing to do you had to take the brush take a sample and slowly and gradually paint Aaron Ace the OG of Photoshop has a video on that do watch it after this video generator film does make it easier as a starting point but you do need that painting technique to fill up those artifacts so definitely check out this video if you're into it aaronis you are amazing once you have a selection we're gonna type in teeth this is such a wonderful result isn't it I'm just blown away yes the second one here's the third one come on all right let's try teeth no braces generate how did Venom get in there anyway the second one is nice that isn't okay now this Colgate second month go for it and you can fix these little areas but apart from that this is amazing similarly you can use the same technique to remove the glasses before after now let's go a little extreme with this image what if we set up this castle in the middle of the lake or in the middle of the sea so let's make a selection around it like this and maybe leave out this area let's see how good or bad the reflection is Lake it is click on generate because the reflections are a little better on the leak than the sea wow that is indeed good look at the reflection that's pretty cool and also it perfectly made a reflection of the castle that's amazing I remember doing a 30 minute video to create a reflection using 3D and even that was not very realistic and look where we have come so let's say this is a composite you created here's the background on top of that we have the subject and on top of that some color grading Global color greeting now Shadows are an issue it takes a lot of time to paint them so why don't we generate it so with the lasso tool selected make a selection of the areas where the Shadows would be now the legs would be new the feet would be new but I'm willing to make that sacrifice right here and click on generate a fill generate again all right that is literally the opposite of what we wanted let's do that one more time after a couple of tries this looks pretty darn cool so we can work with that or generate a few more times with different prompts maybe but that's how to create shadows in compositing with generative fill so in this case the sky is a little plain so let's go to select and Sky yes there's an AI feature that does that too now let's fill it up with a dramatic click on generate that's not bad the light is coming in from right here and there's a little brightness here's the second one that's also good the third one it's also changing the mountains by the way so that's how to absolutely replace Skies without even having to worry about color matching if you open up a blank canvas you can generate an entire image press Ctrl or command a and now you can use generator fill but again I'm too lazy to type in a prompt so I'm going to use chant GPT to create a random AI prompt to generate a beautiful image let's see what it does create a stunning image that oh whatever that is let's copy it here in Photoshop go to generate a fill and paste the same thing yes we got the whole thing click on generate done beautiful incredible and it's just out of this world now you can generate a rainbow but you have to know that this has been a bit of a failed attempt for me maybe I need to make some improvements let me know in the comments I need help on this so once I made a selection I tried to generate something and this is what I got a cartoon rainbow so people had to do be told me to try a few times and I tried many times and in all of those times I got a cartoon in the case of rainbow you know it is just best to do it manually or you can try a couple of times then I'm sure it will get it right let's add some muscles to him give AI enough space to create the muscles but leave the hands the way it is and also we'll just create a selection like that let's type in male bodybuilder I tried typing just bodybuilder and I cannot tell you the things I generated that is nice look at the lighting but still looks like a wax toy with no skin texture but the lighting it's good now this is something that we can work with and there are a couple of areas that we need to fix and we are both thinking and know the areas that we need to fix but apart from that this is good this is good this is actually something we can work with now don't make him look like he skipped leg day so make sure you select these areas and generate bodybuilder legs as well so I'm going to leave that to you let's move on to a little more practical use case of this so here's a random street in San Francisco and these power cables power lines can be distracting so let's make a selection of all of that and try generative fill I'm going to click on generate and after a couple of tries here's the result I got which is just incredible now there are a couple of areas we can fix right here we have this Trail create a new layer you can try the new remove tool and just paint over it that is gone by the way here's a full video on the remove tool now since Taylor Swift just broke up I took her to a restaurant to cheer her up and the only way I could do that was generated fill so here's how I did it so here my friend you have the original image I placed myself on top of this man right here now we do need to know color matching techniques and that is why whenever AI comes or whatever happens learning the manual techniques are essential and that is how I created all of these curves adjustment layers and Hue saturation adjustment layers to match my color and the lighting to the scene and here's the final gen AI thing so to make myself blend with the image I made a selection around me and gave a little buffer for Taylor Swift's clothes to kind of interact with the edges of my shirt and my arm right here and this is what I came up with as you can see it is interacting pretty well now the back area was looking a little off with a lot of AI jargon so I replaced it and then this area was looking very off and it made me wear something so I replaced that and now it's interacting well I generated this the rest of the thing again now also this separates you as a professional look at the lighting it has created this Shadow right here but the Shadow on Taylor is not as harsh enough and the direction is different so I replaced the shadow here's the before here's the after we will recover the cheeks later but we had to do that now still the shadow didn't have that line so I generated that little area again now I made the shadow darker and these were just for indications then I did bring back Taylor's original cheek and now since the background was distracting we changed it I took her to her restaurant and I did a lot of other changes but finally again now look at the eyes of Taylor don't get distracted by the lack of pixels but look at the Shadows right here it's not as much as the Shadows that I have so I did dodging and burning we cannot just leave everything to AI but then the color was looking off so I created a color layer trying to fix these discolored areas so here's the before here's the after fix that and then a lot of contrast stuff a lot of adjustment layers and this is our final image I also removed the Shadow from here to match with that of the tailor again here's the before as you can see a lot of Shadows here's the after removed it so AI is a tool to help you it's not a tool to replace you so there you go a lot of uses of AI I hope you enjoyed it I enjoyed it a lot thank you so much for watching and thanks to all of these amazing people for supporting Pixel Perfect on patreon and helping keep pics in perfect free for everybody forever thanks a lot for watching I'll see you in the next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating falling for you [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 954,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generative fill, generative ai, adobe, photoshop, photoshop beta, photoshop new feature, inpainting, outpainting, remove anything in photoshop, compositing, change background, extend image, artificial intelligence, ai, create reflection, special effects, create shadows, adobe firefly, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: NvUZIm083P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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