Photoshop 2024 update help

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Is Generative Fill really going to be paid? Can  I remove the beta now that Generative Fill is in   the main version? And is it 24 or 25? And  by the way, where are my presets, actions,   et cetera, plug-ins? I'm going to answer all  your burning questions on Photoshop 2024 right   now. Let's start with the big question,  is Generative Fill paid or is it free?   So, Generative Credits apply every time you  generate something in Generative Fill. Now,   number one, it's not going to start until November  the first. So every time that you use Generative   Fill, Generative Expand, it's going to count as  one Generative Credit. And I think I know where   they're going with this, and I'll talk about that  in a second. But first of all, what do you get and   what do you pay for. So it's like Midjourney and  a lot of the other AI generators, you get priority   generation, which means that an AI credit just  gives you fast generation. When you run out of   the fast generation, if the servers are busy,  then your generation is going to take a little   bit longer. We don't know how much longer or even  if it will slow it down during those busy times. But the bottom line is if you're a paid  subscriber, no, you don't have to pay. Since   we're talking about Photoshop, if you're  on the Creative Cloud, the full version,   you get 1,000 generative credits a month. If  you're on single app like maybe just Photoshop,   you get 500 credits a month. If you're on the  Creative Cloud photography plan, you get 250   credits per month. But if you join after November  the first, you only get 100 credits per month. So   these credits refresh like the minutes on your  phone plan. At a certain time every month, those   are going to refresh and you're going to have the  full amount of credits. If you don't use them all,   they can't carry over, you can't pull them, you  can't share them with people. But what happens if   you run out of credits? Do you start paying? Well,  you have two options. So what happens is it's like   your internet when you get unlimited bandwidth.  Once you go over the bandwidth, then it's possible   things could be slowed down. And it's the same  thing here. They're not going to charge you extra,   but if the servers are busy, your generations  could take longer during those peak times. So at this point, we don't know how much it will  slow down or if it will slow down all the time, or   if it would just slow down during certain times.  I guess we'll find out in time. Now you have the   ability to purchase more priority credits. So  it says on Adobe's website that if we run out   of credits, then we can get more of these priority  processing credits at $5 a month for 100 credits.   Now, let me just put this into perspective.  Most people are not going to use 1,000 credits.   Many, many people won't even use the 250  credits, but we'll just see how this goes. Now,   other things like the Remove tool  do not use generative credits,   neither do the other AI tools in Photoshop.  Just Generative Fill and Generative Expand.   The second burning question ties into this first  one has the 1024 by 24 limit been removed. And if   you're getting any value out of this video, hit  that subscribe button, turn on notifications,   you won't miss any of my videos. From what  I can see on the Adobe site, yes and no,   it's been increased, but it hasn't been removed.  It's limited to 2k, which is 2,000 pixels square. So that can't be stretched or expanded. If the  selection is larger than 2,000 pixels across or   2,000 pixels high, it's going to take a 2,000  image, and it's just going to just stretch it   to fit. So if your are really large, you're going  to see very soft images or low resolution patches.   If you're working in blocks less than 2,000, the  resolution is going to be the same as the image.   Now I did another tutorial which showed how to do  it on 1024. Now you can just do the same thing,   check out that video. And if you generate in small  blocks, you're not going to see any issues. From   what I can see on Adobe's website, it says here,  what about future generative AI capabilities?   And it says it could be things like 3D and  video or higher resolution image and the factor   that may incur additional generative credits.  So if you look at some of the previews that   you'll see on a Firefly site and read what's  on Adobe site, the writing is on the wall.   This is my prediction, and this could be  completely wrong, but based on what I'm   reading here and what I'm seeing here, it looks  like we're going to be generating these images. And then when we find something that we like,  we're going to be able to upscale it, perhaps,   like what we can do on every other platform.  So we're when you're working a midjourney, you   generate four, you find one you want, you upscale  it, and it costs you a credit. So my guess is when   you want to do something in higher resolution,  we're going to be able to upscale at some point,   and then maybe it's going to charge us two credits  or maybe five credits or whatever it's going to   charge us for that upscaling depending on the  resolution. And this just makes sense because   in order to run this AI, Adobe needs to have very  massive data centers and very heavy computing,   and it's very expensive to run this. So it  just makes sense. One of the most popular   questions I got from people is, hey, now  that Generative Fill is in Photoshop,   can I just get rid of the beta? Do I still  need it? Well, that's entirely up to you. The   beta can run alongside the other version  of Photoshop. And in a second, I'll show   you how to link it from Lightroom because  that's another question people were having. So you can keep it if you want, or you can just  work in 2024. Now, the advantage in having the   beta is as new features come out, they're going  to be released, not all of them, but some of them,   they try it out in beta first, and then some  of those make it into mainstream Photoshop,   and some of them don't. So if you want to  experiment new features, keep it by all   means. If all you wanted was generated of fill,  you can safely uninstall beta and continue to   work in Photoshop 2024. With all the features that  I've taught up to this date are all there in 2024.   And speaking of 2024, there's some confusion. I  had some people say, Hey, I was looking for 2024,   and all I see is Photoshop 2025. If you go  into your Creative Cloud and you go to Update   Photoshop, it's going to show version 25 on here.  In fact, if I click there and we look at other   versions, we can see it's Photoshop version 25.  But this is just the version of Photoshop. This   is called Photoshop 2024 because on Creative  Cloud, all the apps are going to be called 2024. But these might be different versions of Photoshop  or illustrator because every time they do a major   update, that goes by one. They didn't start...  You get it. Where are my presets and plug-ins?   Another question I'm getting. Okay, here's what  I recommend. So whenever you do a full version,   not a dot version, but a full version upgrade,  make sure that you turn on key previous version.   If you do that, it's going to install the new  version of Photoshop alongside your old version,   and this is going to safely let you manually  migrate all your presets over. You can go into   the Presets Manager and you can export the presets  and you can bring them into Photoshop. I've done   other tutorials on that. Check them out. Now,  for plug-ins, when you do a full version, you're   going to have to reinstall those plug-ins. If for  some reason you can't reinstall these plug-ins,   this is why I told you to keep the previous  version. Then when you need those plug-ins,   work on that previous version until you're  able to migrate all your plug-ins and presets   and everything over to the latest version.  Then when you're happy with it and you feel   like it's running smoothly and stably,  then you can uninstall the old version. What if you uninstall the old version and now you  find the new version is buggy with the tool you   need, but it's gone. Launch your Creative Cloud  app, click the three dot menu next to Photoshop,   choose other versions. So there's version 25,  which is 2024. And the previous versions were   Photoshop 2023. And there's all the versions here.  So you can install one of these earlier versions   on here, even all the way back to '22, which I  believe was Photoshop 2021 or something like that.   You can install these other versions and have  them run alongside. Before you launch it, make   sure you're launching Photoshop 2024. The icon  looks the same in 2023, and you could run it. That   might be why some people said, Hey, I installed  the latest version, but the features aren't there.   Because you might have installed it, but make  sure you launched the correct version. Another   big one is the tools not showing up in the toolbar  because you can create workspaces. If you created   a workspace before the feature existed inside of  Photoshop, it's not going to show in the toolbar.   But this is really easy to fix. Click and hold  the menu in the toolbar, choose Edit toolbar,   and it will show under the Extra tools. Because that preset, those tools didn't exist  at the time. Now, you can just go in here and   you can choose Restore defaults, and that will  add everything in there as a default click done.   Now, if you do this and you have a workspace, make  sure you update that workspace now. Otherwise,   the next time you choose the workspace, that  tool will disappear again. So when I'm going   from Lightroom to Open the image, is that no  longer opens in the version that I want. Okay,   so if we're in here and I right-click and I choose  to edit and it wants to open in Photoshop beta,   but I want to have it in 2024 or whatever  version. Go up under the preferences,   and then you'll see under external  editing, Photoshop version.   Notice that we have beta and 2024. If you haven't  installed 2024 yet, you won't see it. If you do,   make sure you restart first. Choose  2024, that's it. If I right-click now,   I choose edit in Photoshop 2024. Now, I could  change this to 2023 or beta, depending on what   I have installed there. I think I've answered the  main questions that people have been asking me. Let me know in the comments underneath  if I answered your question. And if you   have a different problem, then drop it in the  comment and let us know. And if you're new,   welcome to the cafe. Hit the subscribe  button, turn on notifications. You won't   miss any of my videos. Now, check out  the video here where I show all the new   features inside of Photoshop 2024/version 25.  And until next time, I'll see you at the cafe.
Channel: photoshopCAFE
Views: 42,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, colin smith, photoshopcafe, colin smith tutorial, photoshopcafe tutorial, adobe photoshop, Photoshop tips, Photoshop, learn Photoshop, photoshop update, photoshop new features, photoshop beta, photoshop ai tutorial, generative fill final, photoshop 2024, photoshop ai, generative fill photoshop 2023, Generative fill photoshop 2024, generate image assets photoshop, adobe charging?, generative credits, Generative fill paid, where are my?, photoshop 25 help, help, faq
Id: tZxX_t4cnuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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