I HACKED Generative Fill for Unlimited Resolution! - Photoshop

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u/CreeDorofl, what you've described reminds me of the Brenizer method for creating an image with shallow depth of field over a wide angle imageโ€”a bunch of images stitched together to make a larger one.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/johngpt5 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 27 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Saw the same thing for DALLE-2 when they introduced the image editor with an uncropping demo. Great to see an automated script do it for you instead of painstakingly doing it one tile at a time.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/acoolrocket ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 27 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™s also still not good enough to match existing high res photos. Itโ€™s a bit better than one pass and maybe good enough for IG but you wouldnโ€™t be able to print.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Infamous_Employee_27 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 28 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Awesome we can automate our automation so no one gets to have a job. Great business plan adobe.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Anxious_Blacksmith88 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 29 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so here we have an image with the canvas extended I've already selected the transparent areas let's click on generator fill click on generate again let's see what happens let's give it a bit of time and as you can see although the generation looks acceptable from right here but if you just zoom in have a look at the Quality so here's the before let me share that with you and here is the after the top part is the actual image and this is the generation absolutely not acceptable if you do want a pixel peep have a look right here it's just terrible right here and the quality sucks all throughout the image even right here have a look this is completely gone there is no detail as most of you already know this is happening because generator fill Generations are still limited to 1024 by 1024 pixels however I have a secret button for you let's click on the secret button and now take a look here's the before and here is the after that is pixel peep it may not be perfect but look at the difference in quality so at the top we have the actual image at the bottom we have the generation again before after the quality is so much better right have a look right here that detail is not gone before after right even the road is better it may not be perfect but it's better here's the before here's the after if I had generated it at one go like we did previously this would be the result and it's just terrible so again at one go and this is our secret button so how do you get that secret button keep in mind it is just one click it's all automatic and it's absolutely free at least from my side but this button works on a very simple principle let us take a few steps back and try to find a solution to this let's say you want to extend it so with the rectangular Marquee tool I made a selection of the transparent areas and if you click on generator fill the entire generation right here would be limited to 10 24 by 1024 pixels however if you make a small box right here of let's say thousand by thousand pixels or even 500 by 500 pixels one at a time it would be of a higher quality right so if you take the rectangular Marquee tool right here and change the style to fixed size and set it to let's say even 800 by 800 right just like this and you click right here it's that size you generate that area and again click again generate this area and slowly and gradually one by one you generate and that way the quantity would be much higher but it would be a tedious process right every time you have to click and click and click and then generate so we wanted to absolutely automate this exact process so picture instruments and I collaborated to create a button for you a free code for you that allows you to easily do that so all you have to do is to press a button and it gradually and automatically generates each box one by one so you can click on that button sip your coffee enjoy your coffee and by the time you're back to it it's done so here's the image done with that process here you have pick simple effect generated fill if I open that you will see that each box has been done one by one so this is one box the second box third one you see that now let's compare it with single time generation at the top I have just generated the entire thing at once so this is with the Pixel Perfect generator fill high resolution and and this is one time look at the Quality difference so you can see the quantity of the generation it just isn't enough but with this one we'll just look at the Quality it may not be absolutely perfect but it's much better so how do you get this plugin maybe you already have it so it's a part of the Pixel Perfect compositing plugin which you can install for free and the free version does have some free features and this high-res generative fill that we just applied is one of those free features now you can get this plugin for free by clicking the link in the description or directly from Adobe Marketplace and if you have questions about installing the plugin I've also linked a video on how to do that in the description as well also if you already have the plugin make sure you update to this version now the process is pretty straightforward first of all open the pixelperfect compositing plugin go to plugins pick some perfect compositing and just open it if you have not installed it you will not see it so make sure you install it first I'm gonna dock it up right here now inside of it open hi-res generative fill now choose how small or big of a box you want to create at one go so if you choose thousand at once it will generate a thousand by thousand pixels box and so on and so forth for the 500 or the 250. so if you want a little higher quality you can choose 500 but it will take much more time so you have to find that trade-off right here now the easiest way to use it is pressing C for the crop tool or just select the crop tool and you want to make sure that fill is set to transparent not generative expand now expand it as much as you like you can choose the aspect ratio from right here you can keep it freehand or choose an aspect ratio that's up to you I'm going to keep it square and this looks pretty much all right to me hit enter or return now you can click on this button right here it fills up the transparent pixels for right now for fast processing I'm going to choose 1000 and click on this button and as you can see one by one it begins to generate these boxes so it will continue all throughout and you don't really have to do anything just relax take a break and this will be done pretty fast if you had chosen 500 for a little higher quality it would have taken more time now I have already done it let's compare the quality if you look at this area right here so here's the before here's the after so this is all the generation that you can see now there can be some lines here and there but we will learn how to fix that later but for right now just compare the quality so this is done with the Pixel Perfect compositing plugin and on top I have done the entire thing at once so if we had done the entire thing at once this is how it would look and this is with the Pixel Perfect compositing plugin you can clearly see the difference right here so again why not use it it's free do keep in mind you have to create a free picture instruments account to access the plugin now while using the plugin and even when generally using generated fill you may see certain lines it's not the fault of the plugin it just happens when you use generator fill as of now so right here I have expanded the image so here's the before and here's the after using the plugin and if you want to see how many generations we did let's open up the group we have done 24 generations to do it so here's the first one here's the second one now you must be worried that your credits will be over pretty quick if you use something like this do keep in mind with generative fill even after you've finished your credits you'll still be able to generate unlimited it is just that it will be a bit slower how much slower we don't know yet but till November 1 your credits will not count so use it as much as you want just go bananas till November 1 2023. so here's the before here's the after looks fine at this distance even at the bottom here's the before here's the the after but if you zoom in right here you may see a line now how do you remove this line the answer is in the question just select the remove tool right here let's create a brand new layer at the top you want to make sure you sample all the layers and then make the brush a little larger like this hold the shift key and just draw like this and it's gone similarly you can do this stuff right here as well you can make the brush smaller and experiment with it see what it does so like that and it does a pretty good job then you can paint little areas here and there and at the bottom if there are some lines you can see right here we cannot see much lines maybe here so we can paint right here maybe there so you can paint a little bit right over here and that line can easily be taken care of now this plugin is good the idea is bit unique but there are a few downsides I think it's important to talk about downsides of our own plugin and that is the Next Generation the next box is based on the previous box so if the previous box is a bit messed up every box next to it will be a little more messed up now messed up not in the sense of getting bad but it can get into something different so right here I was generating the right side right hand side of the image so here's the before here's the after also a bit of the left so up until this point it was is fine here's the before here's the after up until this point as well it was fine but if we go further and further right here we have cartoon trees so it can happen and in this one we used 500 pixel boxes so maybe I should have used a thousand pixels boxes or try again possibly now sometimes when you're generating and it's generating good and halfway through you realize the generation further is not going as good so you don't have to wait through the entire process erase that area and do just that specific area again no so here we have the Mona Lisa I was trying to expand it and halfway through the generation was not looking as expected so you can always hit the Escape key or click on cancel and it will cancel right there and then you can easily start your generation again and that I did even after that I was not satisfied with some of the areas so I generated them all over again so yes you can stop in between by pressing the Escape key or just hit cancel now if you are curious you may be wondering what do the other buttons in other words what do these buttons do well let us say you have this image and you want to write something here but it's falling short a little bit so you want to just expand it a bit right here how much you want to expand you can choose 1000 pixels or 500 pixels it's up to you let us choose thousand pixels and then you can press the bottom Arrow right here and it extends it at the bottom a bit and starts generating a thousand pixels if you want to extend it thousand pixels more you click on that again and if you want to extend towards the top you would click on this button towards the left and right these buttons and if you want to expand all around a thousand pixels or whatever you choose right here you would click on this button by the way this is only the free version of Pixel Perfect compositing if you want to check out the full version you can check out this video on adobe's YouTube channel this plugin takes you through the entire process of compositing Step by Step so you don't have to worry about where to start or what to do next it has a feature to automatically match the color of the subject to the new background everything is absolutely adjustable in just a few clicks you can extract original shadows in seconds remove Halos with a couple of clicks and you can generate unlimited color grading presets and these are just few of the features from a very long long list you can also watch the entire tutorial on how to use this plugin and everything is in the description and that's pretty much it thank you so much again I'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 209,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generative fill, photoshop 2024, extend image, adobe, photoshop tutorial, photoshop new features, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: VJymbJ97WDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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