I Bought A Storage Unit For $15 And Found a $3,000 Painting! Abandoned Storage Unit

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look at this the jewelry store oh there it is look at this welcome back to treasure anyone TVs gotta guess over back home it'll be our first since we've been back now this unit doesn't look like much but let me tell you a wily bawdy public storage is website you can see the old owner name we look this guy up and you should look like a bio chemist and all this stuff very high level science assume you're like it wasn't drinking when we get here you see there was even more intrigue $15 like the video subscribe for new let's get it name so this unit looks like trash right that's what we thought too but the guys name was really unique so we know it's not somebody with the same name so I was like this little high-level scientist have this kind of junk it didn't add up so I wanted to find out let's see we got cardboard and we got more cardboard that's my baby but at least it's recyclable and it's free what do you think what kind of is this I do it looks fancy it is where's the tag what is this a scarf that's our tablecloth something alright it looks like something all right this is ripping what we have here this is more clothes I think feels like clothes but yeah I think they're that Jersey that's a thermal hoodie all right what's in here New York okay this is really not adding up this is not the stuff I would expect after I look this guy up I was expecting like you know vials of like green smoking chemicals and stuff like that but yeah like a ball hazing just people all over the way here on both sides a long white jacket green chemicals that smoke a plate okay this is random you know what all is in here no literally like nothing this work no no trash let's see what this is look at this what is that one shop to jewelry store oh we only pay 15 bucks for this it was good lucky like really lucky oh no it's fake doesn't it says canceled what do you can't well I don't think it's real but we'll look into it later I'm glad that I might pocket up that's definitely in shrieking yeah you get in my pocket all right we got mail maybe it's an old book look four-footed folks story book what was that book market look like all right four please to mother Goose think you'd be like a first edition the old book number those could be worth money yeah it's not the best condition there's one more book in here that thought thrown into but what is that westward what year is it is it old it looks old the latest date I see on here is a 1948 so maybe it's an older book one of the things they didn't speak me about this unit is this right here giant picture frame I like art because art sometimes very valuable they even put it on a towel oh look at that think it's worth anything because this way doesn't Diego Rivera that 47 see the year what do they say on the back anything uh crafty with care custom framing it's just such framing oh yeah you're definitely a look I saw we're gonna do a recap on the genome we get home because there's really not much to go through right now but arch is one of those things random thing I don't rain the frame can bring you millions of dollars literally if your help always gonna check trash trash look at these old books just trash camp this trash and what else is over here watch alright alright let's get some of the trash out the way let's follow the next box a hidden box I didn't even notice that I like that in this one we have a grass bag that's uh I don't know some kind of hat some of these things are worth weird money so you never know Santa Claus is that Santa yeah it's like Santa hand-painted okay I got home crafting I think he's coming to town guys feel intriguing for sure was this Oh glasses hugs glasses all right here's a baseball in here an old phone looks like your store and a baseball nothing special this is junk no fun there what do you think's in the secret box all the way to find out any secret box alright looks like close heavy Hey look those shoes I'm part of the costume that you may you might beat me up on my dad he'll see you but there's the less than subversive that why is this wrapped up strange isn't it hmm all right it's gotta be something else in here right it's all folks really that's where all the weight came from books hey look his name and address so that confirms it was the person we're looking at this is literally the scientist guy why do you have this stuff in here this defines spirituality you got five minutes to take your test I don't want any time yeah maybe a 1968 just a history book so another box with nothing but books isn't that kind of weird very warm plastic no fun some jeans these magazine keep refrigerated that's kind of not a good sign to say Oh what is that I think it's an obvious fake it's this look at this this is just a weird way of displaying things it's like just like a clue scroll two key changes for rent cap proposal okay don't ask me guys I don't understand what people do they just do this they just do them Macy's let's see oh there it is look at this we might have some actual jewelry in here but you know what I don't want to lose it because we're inside of this storage facility and we literally have about 10 minutes to have everything done and out of here to make it to the next auction so you know what we'll save this for the recap a little smartphone which will give us all the information we want to know another smartphone two of them in one box what is this one jewelry isn't it yep don't put all the jewelry in here for now I think that's what that is - I don't know if it's silver now but I'm gonna put all the jewelry in that box let's see these are this is more artwork when I the three dollar price tag oh that's never good but maybe he got it someone somewhere and there's actually worth more than that same with this and this came from a thrift store people have found paintings at their stores are worth it the best one I seen was 312 $22,000 and even with her store so just prints from a thrift store doesn't mean anything yes that's always great this is all she always gonna see any unit that goes back to the science thing biohazard kind of strange more art back here look at this guy hmm a print or an art yeah but this might be a painting where it's a print that's a hundred percent of print yeah prints are no good let's see what's in this that's a painting hmm the backs alright can you get something in here what did this have some information on it look hmm that could be valuable aren't just one of those things like we said this one's worth the dollar this one's worth a million which one do you have I don't know let's see papers papers look at this piece of art - looks like it came from the same place but look tonight and it's got some stuff on the back all right so this guy might have been one of the people to go to thrift stores and try to find a rare art and maybe we found this collection of it that would be nice that's money right there what else that's that's not suspicious at all this is where else cash is he used to buy them books maybe this one bucks hey destroyed book - no just a little shady there I thought that was gonna be something yeah what else we got my favorite Oh a coke cans cuz you know you're gonna pay for storage you know why would you not store your empty cans I mean that wouldn't make sense not to we got this what is that looks like something medieval doesn't it yeah you of Toledo two dollars at the art place all right sir can you explain this to me I think that might be a vase actually Jamie a vase maybe I don't see another piece right here that would be required to go with something else but that last thing in the unit can't be good without some vodka so cross your fingers and hope what we have fits in the car we gotta make it to the next auction when we get home we'll do a recap and see if we have something worth a million dollars or we got trash all right guys let's do a little recap on the storage the interesting stuffs we found out so there actually is some interesting things about the painting we'll talk about that in a little bit let's go through some of the stuff we found in youth first the pennies we found there for 1921 we begged pennies I don't know why they're wrong 141 sorry that's all 1941 we begged pennies as far as I know with 43 43 that's in copper if you find that it's worth money other than that I think it's just a wee bit Kenny they should make significant amount of 41 we'd back I should look for let me know but for some reason they're all the same year that is a little on maybe is it birthday or something like that I don't know that thing is super fake yeah this is says Hongkong on the inside I like playing with it because it's not that's like too big super fake this now I don't know if this is real but look at that can you see what that says I don't have it so I said probably now let me try it like this well if you can't see it says Gucci on the watch so I don't know if it's a real Gucci what it says Gucci on the top and Swiss Amade on the bottom and then on the back it says Gucci ssim then the number is 3 6 0 5 l so anyone know anything about Gucci let us know because I'm gonna be on it looks cheaply made that's the only reason I'm assuming it's fake but then again there's stuff like Easy's they're expensive and they look like they're dollar tree shoes to me so you never know I don't think they look cheap Levine I just don't I know I think they look like cloth they look like a cheaper version of Chuck Taylor All Stars they look like crap ok they're so ugly they're nothing on Jordans so we got this little watch here which is just the quartz it doesn't have any markings of being real gold or anything like that but just a nice little piece of costume jewelry there did the ring have any markings in C you know no marking so fake diamond or fake ring also forgot to mention we went through a lot of the books all the books that were in there pretty much trash and the ones did have like a little bit there's a couple books it could've been worth like 20 bucks but they were literally ripped to shreds missing pages all written in so pretty much they hopefully will be able to donate them if not they're trash because what are on them it did not take care of they've hat off and look at this little watch e this is a vari quartz watch don't know if that's a good ran or not but it's there that one looks nice that's like the only whole watch we have most actually no one's broken yeah they're all broke one's broken sir they're all broken this one if this is real this would be really really expensive but it says holy stainless steel 377 but it looks like it's got probably fake stones all in and if I to take a guess but if it's real golden gems and diamonds that'd be nice but I don't see any markings besides the stainless steel which is pretty much all watches on the back and some random little pieces here and um whatever all fake continuity but I did find this the thing I thought was cool the United States Navy Memorial from Washington DC so maybe he was in the Navy which since we found the 1941 pennies you know maybe some Pearl Harbor stuff oh no maybe they got bombed something like that I'm just I don't know I'm trying to put together a story usually I can put together a story but this unit just doesn't have a it's nonlinear usually like okay this led to this under this this one just like I don't know what else we have this thing it's just I thought I said cancel on its story because grading upside down actresses angel with this right here it looks super fake but on the inside is a price tag just whoever bought it paid $70 for this bracelet so maybe it's old it's vintage or maybe there's some type of precious metal in it I don't know but I can't see a fake thing like this being worth $70 and lessons there's gotta be a reason what else we got two phones this one no battery so not coming on this one cuts off faster Locke can't get into that easily for once it was could reset it and everything but not right now that's pretty much the jewelry with the coolest thing in the unit definitely this pain yeah look at that ah all right so what's this guy's name again Diego Diego Rivera and the painting is called peasant present so we looked up his paintings that I've sold this solar burn of three thousand dollars I feel like I may be one of those like QVC things and it could be yours for only price of $5,000 no but some of his pains that golfer as much as $3,000 we don't really know this is a reprint but there's nothing on it that looks like a reprint I love that reprint selling on the eBay they had like the title the piece down here they had markings right here and everything that I've seen ever sold is a fake it tells you the fake this one le marking on it is his signature Diana bottom for know which real artwork hasn't so this is an authentic painting by what you're eating yeah you go I keep mine in the same area honor of here can you joining me but they're here then it could be worth a couple grand and that would be crazy out of a $15.00 but I just I can't see somebody getting in a fake painting professionally framed this is a certification where a professional framer did the work who would go buy a 1995 print off eBay and pay probably $200 that were professionally framed doesn't make sense right nobody would do that so that's another piece of artwork that we have it's worth like thousands of dollars that me up so that's pretty awesome specially that it came out of a $15.00 unit that look like crap that's how we do things around here anyway you guys that's gonna be a pistol we only got one unit today I kind of stuck the auctions stuck today like four places got cancelled and every one of the most unit any facility has - yeah it was just try but yeah those in the units weren't too good it just wasn't much to go on today but hopefully tomorrow is different and we're hitting on units online and we're going to the auction tomorrow so you know what we gotta end up with more we've been like lazy to December I've been gone a lot we've been doing a lot of things need to get making this is the break we do but you know I'm back and I want to get back into it like badly like I feel tomorrow I'm I buy stupidly I gotta kind of control myself because I just want to dig through stuff nothing bad anyway alright guys that's it for this short little video hopefully get more yes tomorrow anyway leave it a like if you haven't already subscribe if you haven't already [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 27,159
Rating: 4.9016395 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, jelly i bought a storage unit, i bought a storage locker, i bought a storage locker look what i found, i bought a mentally insane persons storage unit, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, found in storage locker, auction hunters
Id: VR3nLhSbfJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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