The END - Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord - Campaign Gameplay Walkthrough Review (Early Access Patch)

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back on me oh my god what is fats I finally they're just skirmishing I think they must like literally be out of our reach what an earth is happening here holy crap how many people are here it looks like you must surrender or die welcome back to the channel my friends in today's video we will be hopefully conquering the great city of san oppa as you can see it has over a thousand people currently garrisoning it so we are in no condition to siege it yet but by the end of the episode we will definitely be laying siege to it yesterday's episode you remember we took the great city of Paulus for ourself from the northern empire and I am a little bit worried because it's only got 48 defenders at the moment so we have only to wait for our army to hopefully garrison it and hopefully the northern empire will not be planning a counter-attack so I'm just gonna be roaming the lands and we're gonna be recruiting some people to prepare ourselves mantises are me it seems mantises army is on its way to besiege Poros I will see about that battle brother so currently it says mantises army is besieging Poros don't know how he's planning to do that he just have quite a few horse arches though so that's gonna be a bit of an issue for us there's a lot of range this is going to be quite an even battle I believe so let's go ahead and attack him oh he's running away from me into the treeline fantastic this is gonna really counter his horse archers indeed do you know what I think of you this better be important my friend it is important I hear you took pooris I did indeed but you know there is something I'd like to discuss with you Monty us I will hey I shall assume that you will not suggest anything dishonourable though ahaha I was actually about to suggest you commit treason or die what are you saying and I can give you one single chance join me in battle nettles try and charm him into submission his mouth is currently a gate with this dishonorable axe we are committing our success he's having it he likes it my talk of treason I'm simply not comfortable are we've persuasion attempt failed never it looks like you must surrender or die I've noticed two fights you I don't care so we fight them I love how his face expression just immediately changed to complete disappointment it's me all right we were just going to attack him head-on start just in a lease formation just over the precipice no hair should be perfect in fact I am the tower infantry alright that cover is jogging it so so this is kind of perfect brother oh my god this is beautiful I wanna have a cavalry head back for a council charge or anyone those who come towards us the rest of their army is on the right hand blank right now I actually am thinking of moving them post a little bit like so [Music] I gotta crest that hill and I take a lot of damage essentially [Music] here they come what's the kill feed just the lights off as my archers destroy the eggs we go we top it off thank Dennis take out these inferior pulses he's down some more over here and recs up beautiful beautiful beautiful I don't know for some reason there's a bug that constantly happens but it turns off my aiming reticle so I'm just trying to hit the enemy with no heart and it makes it so difficult there we go now I can't again athol brother get ranks I think that was one of their laws actually but we don't want we don't want you running off into the distance they have any archers left no they just have a few horse go and take this guy out over here where is he anyway running into the hills oh I see you battle rather come out to me bro [Music] always go to crown I must kill him take a nice horse oh I just shot my man in the backwoods areas look at it oh goodness erect suck all what how would someone muscle I didn't even know us had no health left can't believe it they literally just have a few nobles around I hope our infantry actually does something currently they're just forming a circle and allowing themselves to be shot down by horse archers I honestly did not expect myself to die okay we finally beat them there we go so we lost five men eleven were wounded we absolutely obliterated the enemy's army what happens when you charge into archers battle brother minute iasts of the been easy al you are my prisoner now and I shall execute you you are dishonorable man to us you will be executed too very shortly I'm gonna March you to the city gates of your castle and then I shall execute you in front of them in front in front of your fellow battle brothers oh all those horses yes give them to me we saw still on by the way guys realistic difficulty player received damage is medium combat AI is set to challenging combat AI just seems to mean that the enemy knows when you have a castle that as in garrison they can smell it we're gonna make our way towards Tonopah now and we are going to slowly garrison our forces hopefully by recruiting from these local villages that haven't already been raided so I think we're gonna go to the city first we're gonna sell our prisoners it's slowing us down and I'm gonna slowly make my way over and I may even cut this pie out of the video just so we get the exciting battle but we've all been waiting for look at my horse collection oh my going to have sixty five Midlands Pelphrey 55 sturgeon trotters I mean I have hundreds of horses it's is a beautiful thing battle brothers and we've just made 14,000 gold by selling everything it is time to assemble the banner Lords my friends and make sure we are ready for this upcoming battle with the north and empire now if I summon every single man I have in my entire kingdom it seems you have an army strength 1381 which is probably enough to take this castle of say oppa of sani oppa currently has 653 defenders and the main issue being that as soon as we take this all of the men from the northern empire are going to come over and attempt to defend it so I reckon what we're gonna do is attack this man as they love the forest people oh my god wait what an oath is happening here holy crap how many people are here does the entirety of the northern empires destroying vipin and his army I'm now free go and have a look at this goodness me oh my god how many people are here they're all standing on top of each other okay so half of my kingdom was just taken prisoner holy crap that's not good okay I'm gonna sit back across this lake here I have a much higher scouting skill than the enemy so I can easily see who's walking past and I'm just gonna wait until my forces assembled because they're probably gonna go back to their cars from Greg garrison it yet they are let's see they know I'm on their doorstep we need to wait for more men though because otherwise they're gonna Sally out of their castle and attackers though villains army has weakened the northern empire massively it seems like they're going off towards the north there actually I'm a bit concerned I'm gonna march up to the this bridge here just to show myself they are running off to one of my caravans annoyingly I was gonna sit here and wait army is growing stronger I'm very hesitant to lay siege to it yet though because they have 919 people so what I'm gonna do is just stand outside it so no one can enter without fighting me essentially and I know no one's gonna sally out and oh hello what the hell why all boss looks like your court I'm glad I'm the one who caught you -100 relationship I hear you took pooris I did indeed you're outnumbered give up or don't death in battle is a fine thing why I don't understand there must be a bug here he must have the garrison of the city with him actually I think you should surrender back parlays over he must have an army inside the castle know what this is this doesn't make any sense why is he it obviously I want to just absolutely destroy him now holy moly look at their swords don't command alright let's just tell everyone to advance I'm gonna get the cavalry to go ahead and follow me on my flank battle brothers I see the enemy's army over there and there literally is just a smattering I want to ride my cavalry directly tree guy right now like so watch this kill feed lay up guys where are my kills there we go no they are beautiful right now charge and step flank like so and the enemy's army is just gonna be absolutely I mean they've just been two liters I can't I can no longer see the battles hold on periodic racula killin battle brothers I'll let you have the experience so we've killed his tiny army and only one man with wounded why I'm gonna do guys is wait one more day and then I think we'll go ahead and attack the enemy here here comes the wolf skin parties alright we're gonna lay siege right now and I am assuming the enemy is yeah the enemy is going to join and attack us in full force and we're going to have to attack them back archers all right as tell our options to get in a loose formation start apart up ahead over here move I as many men as possible to people you see they try that infantry and again a shield [Music] just across the front and here ask for a horseman I'm actually gonna put them on the right-hand flank and we will send them across shortly firstly let's just have our archers have hats the enemy here because we're going to be doing a lot of damage as soon as they come into range we have a lot of Archer them they really get these guys carefully positions [Music] let's have all infantry feel back better because they are taking a lot of damage from the enemy I feel like it's unnecessary so I'm gonna retreat my shield wall and just allow my archers to carry on keeping the enemy I think we do have better archers so it was probably a good thing goodness me is not a hail of arrows coming in to us right I'm gonna go ahead and tell my calories actually do something now get on off flight we're gonna split them up it because we have some enemy cavalry coming in from the side goodness me [Music] we're going to send our infantry at they are starting to stop coming over the river losing arches against all of that enemy arches now we are still winning this battle okay they were tracing that man across the river there that's good for us all the hell of my Calvary day we're gonna have to charge him a lot Calvary there because they just don't know all the hell they do I want to try and get across the river with my men and charge their arteries right here we can just ride through undeterred that would be ideal [Music] just kind of want to distract that art does it make them flee right now I could bring in my country I think that could be a good idea they're gonna have to charge across the river but they don't really have a choice at this point I'm gonna charge for that rear there we go fantastic we're back in our own line once again my archers are still at the top raining down hell and above us perfect exactly where I want them to be we're pushing them then into the river which is really good news for us I think my cavalry Deary me it's looking good guys but my cavalry I think are dying to the enemy archers unfortunately once again I need to turn on my retinue so I can actually use my bow here now we can start picking off these guys one at a time [Music] right many of the enemy are retreating from the battle right now and my infantry are still doing a good job I need to state have them stay together take that guy out right let's go ahead and take our horses with me we really need to take out these archers as well everyone on me he's a ride them frizzies archers already really trying to do some damage and give them something else to focus on because there's odds of doing so much damage on that so I'm sure they constantly bring them around in circles and confuse these arches so they don't know where to go we are getting few kills doing a lot of damage by simply riding through them like so but this is good this is very good we can lower them around also will indeed be ours and we kind of missed that who can't recharge because I have all my men following me all right let's turn around brothers my guide you right through the center here Oh God that is the enemy general with a bloody two-handed axe that is not all we want right charge the archers guys not oh dear na just so hard to do damage to them we have no infantry left [Applause] [Music] in fact I'm right let's tiger answer follow us on all my horsemen back on me oh my dog what is fats see these generals over here and the pair of calves a frat trying to take these guys out where's the general I would see it yeah oh it's on Kara kill em oh my god come on someone Haven reach it so many horses all right I've got all my horses here I'm gonna tell them to lead a charge down towards the enemy archers of which there are still 147 just across the river here take on my cavalry down the hill again I might hunt from my bloody horse down as well they just have so many archers like what's what's the man meant to do I can only repeatedly charge them with my cavalry unfortunately the scale the horses are charged down again on the start shooting some of these dogs myself outlets on there [Music] there we go we've seen to thin out their numbers I've got half their army of archers but they really can't do anything with my cab runs and it charges them so funny they're just skirmishing I think they must like literally the out of hours before no one's firing anything at me right now [Music] as long as I can just suck on that virus Tita okay okay a lot of them over treating this is very good how about their sauces I've helped a little help let's tell us charge across the river here I'm gonna go ahead and tell my archers to charge it [Music] I'm gonna come down the hill with him there they still have a few hours left there's just about taking the rest of those men out now [Music] this is such pathetic light come on kill the rest I see a sergeant running for his life but have any arrows left I guess I'll just spear him in the back thank goodness for that now the issue is is that I'm sure the city is still gonna have a garrison and I've just lost all my men if not they're wounded so oh my god how disgusting we lost five hundred okay so they lost five hundred seven hundred eight hundred men and we lost over five hundred Jesus two hundred and fifty people dying in that battle a lack of a lake grass you're my prisoner now I'm going to execute you brother Oh speck of the forest people you two are a traitor to my realm guy for haha good luck mate or brawn you are also a prisoner my God how many prisoners are we taking here we're still going there's more prisoners Jesus Christ we catch half the northern Empire here I'm gonna so easy prisoner might as well take them all look how many generals we have prison here on two three four five six seven eight nine ten they will be executed oh yes my horse collection grows ever there I have 65 men how many people do they have in the castle I have 20 ha ha ha ha yes fantastic I'm gonna having more people join my army so now we have 160 no one can really counter-attack us really and I have a hundred wounded men left in my army fantastic and it grows ever more so we'll be able to leave this assault as soon as my siege campers are actually constructed all right let's go ahead and just send the troops in because okay we lost 30 men at 17 we we did but we got the castle anyway the northern empire has been defeated the clans of the northern Empire have defected to surrounding kingdoms as their leaders have given up all hope of restoring the Empire oh my goodness so no Pia has fallen you can now garrison it very well I first need to decide who gets a no Pia the Empire was destroyed yes so they just completely gone now resolved the owner of Shinobi oh okay I'm gonna give it to merits or he's served well in battle freedom of the wolf skins I think I'll give it to him he's got a lot of support anyway and he doesn't actually have anything currently so I will go ahead and give it to him there you go buddy actually got seventy six relationship with him ouch kids oh look at that man look at that map guys there is no scourge of the dirty Empire anymore in fact they actually gave up their other castle that had a garrison at 250 which is quite funny because that was a heavily defended causal that I've decided not to take earlier on in our let's play let's look at the quest so Astana's plan is still ongoing yeah 38,000 gold for trading all the spoils of war I want to go and speak to Oz Agosto because I want to see if he has any like dialogue considering we've actually killed the Empire now and he's located over here in Moore enough so let's go ahead and speed up the game and just run straight over there what's really funny is that we still have like 10 Nobles to actually execute from the Empire is if I release them I don't know what they're gonna do I'll test it out with one of them are released one of them the rest have to die though obviously here we are outside the great city of Meredith so I can't actually see the NB C we need to speak to I so here I have no idea where he's disappeared say and also the sturgeons for some reason have decided to declare war on me have we take a look at the kings of tab you can see the Empire no longer exists and Sturge er you just declared war on me I have zero strength versus my 5639 I mean it makes absolutely no sense why they would declare war at all rata cost is their last surviving person and he was actually taken prisoner on autumn the first by me I mean if we look at Sturge we have destroyed every single clan apart from rata girls clan every other clan has been destroyed completely wiped out even the Legion of betray was betrayed and indeed if we come to epic Rottier you will find rata gust who's actually inside the prison here seems like rata caste is currently dying of old age or some kind of disease I'm not certain I'm not allowed to talk with you though the own you're the only surviving member of your faction though so as you can see the conspiracy quest has once again timed out and then the conspiracy strength continues to grow we've already destroyed the Empire sir doesn't really make any sense and I think the the game just isn't finished yet because it's still in early access so there's no way we can really continue the kind of like storyline quest and all we can do is continue to take over the map if we wish however I'm actually more interested in starting a new play fruit there's so many more things I want to explore in the game and as like a smaller sort of Kingdom and a smaller sort of warband size I kind of find the game at this point a little bit too easy and even environment war with constant factions is just a lot of management going on and I kind of want to go back to the basics for now so for that reason I'm going to be starting another place which I will link below in the description we may come back to this playthrough eventually I don't know and I'll link another episode down below in the description but I just think it would be fun to see something different and new and like kind of make like a war band of sturgeons because we did completely destroy sturdiest so earlier in our let's play but guys I hope you enjoyed this whole playthrough please give it a like if you did and subscribe if you haven't already for that upcoming playthrough I'm also going to be playing and streaming the Elder Scrolls online as well if you guys are interested in that feel free to check it out but guys thanks for watching I'll see you in the next episode have a great day and good bye
Channel: ESO
Views: 137,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord, bannerlord review, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, lets play bannerlord, mount &blade ii: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, guide, italianspartacus, best faction, mercenaries, skill guide, attribute guide, attributes, skills, beta patch, impressions, mount and blade bannerlord review, ending, eso
Id: x8KVv3tv6go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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