WHY JOIN VLANDIA? - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord (Single Player Gameplay Let's Play - Part 7)

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and we're doing some damage here we go we're in the forefront of the war come on men get into the battle and tell Josh why not I want to get around and do some damage myself let's get our men to follow us again oh my god we have people thanking some behind us that's not good so welcome back to mountain blade to bana Lord as you can see there's a huge battle about to break out and we're going to be doing a rather tactical decision here because I'm going to be showing you how you can become a vessel of someone else's faction now I have a 100 IQ play for you guys today because as you guys know my plan in this playthrough is to be making our own Kingdom our own personal Kingdom and then we're gonna take over the whole map on our own however to make our own Kingdom we actually need to own some land so you can yourself if you like for example try and take a castle that has a small amount of defenders for example this caster only has a hundred and sixty defenders that's not too many we could potentially take it if we're very clever about it however we're then going to be at war with all the other factions so what I suggest doing instead is leveling up two clan level two which you can see in the menu here at the moment I'm almost clan level two and I'll teach you how to get there in a moment and then after you've done that you can come and talk to one of these nobles one of the leaders of a faction and you can ask them if you can become their vessel which we'll be doing in this episode anyway and once you've done that they'll actually reward you and gift you either some towns like a local town or even a castle if you're quite renowned already if you join them in battle and join their large armies these two big armies are about to battle and you take a castle with them then what you can do is actually ask for the castle and vote that you get the castle so you can obtain lots of castles very quickly and then you can leave their service and you can actually choose to keep all of your land and castles for your and then you have your own Kingdom and lots of castles that you already own under your clan name it is a very dirty tactic but it works very well you just have to be prepared that you're going to be at war with a faction you previously sided with so that's going to detail about the situation right here in front of us we have some sturgeon troops and some valerian troops as well and you can see there are 540 of ledian troops and there are four 505 sturgeon troops I have a party of 42 however now before I make a decision on what faction I want to join I'm going to look at the encyclopedia here and I'm gonna look at thee and if I go to kingdoms and then I have a look at the sturgeon Empire whose leader is Ragon VADs if you click on him you can see he's actually closed fisted which means he has minus one to his generosity he also devious and cruel and he is daring as his positive trait but because he closed fisted this means that he'll probably be taking all the castles for himself so he's very unlikely to give you a castle or at least less likely than if we instead have a look at the Valais dia faction dearth hurts and you can see he's actually merciful and cautious so he he doesn't have the generous trait but if you have a faction leader that has the generous trait and you choose to become their vessel then you have more of a chance of them giving you a castle now as you guys can see we are seven renowned away from clan level two so we're very close there's lots of ways you can get renowned in the game like killing bandits or winning tournaments or also a really good way of getting renown is to join someone's army and then battle with them so what we gonna do is walk up to heck guard just here and try and join his army before this great battle hello there so what is the venn there's something I'd like to discuss with you go on I would like to enter the services of King derp third and now me you serve us my sword is yours the right song and then we can pledge our allegiance as a derp third battle later on but for now let's just offer him our sword as a mercenary yes we do hire mercenaries and some of them are admit our men of honor your reward will be 10 gold for every group of enemies you vanquish all for the equivalent D now that is so small I've been offered 25 to 30 gold before so I'm going to say that's lower than I expect do you think about it make sure you're not on the losing side I'll that's annoying you know what we're gonna accept just because I'm gonna stab them in the back anyway so let's suck it in and say you know what we'll enter your service good I'll have the men write of a simple contract on behalf of the Kingdom of the labia I welcome you may you put your sword to good use against our enemies you can count on me as of now your enemies are my enemies and your honor is my honor so we are now at war with the sturgeons we're gonna say I want to join your army very well follow us so we are currently attacking this enemy here we outnumber them they are gonna have backup on the way but by the time they get there I think that we'll be dead we can send our troops or we can attack ourself obviously we're gonna attack we have 600 or 11 men to their 405 so this is gonna be a Salesman brothers I'm excited this is the biggest war we've done so far but and because he's so generous he's given us some formations to lead so we can choose to leave the archers or no formation I mean obviously I'm gonna choose to lead the arches and for sure because that's gonna get us even more renown heck heart is actually leading this day okay so these are the archers right here let's go ahead and turn follow me I'll see the enemy up ahead yet but oh my God look at how huge of this battle is it's gonna be absolutely amazing we kind of want to get up on that hill just there and then we're going to tell our men to take fire so a lot of owners earn to get in a line just there we need to make it right come on crossbowmen we want to be up on this hill and then I mean we could shoot people from a distance and be pretty safe look at that army dude that looks so cool what is that rather them sturgeon Scout doing right there an idiot let's try and cover up the flank here and then I will charge it later and tell the appointment to stay where they are skirmish in front of allies Center okay he's actually giving us kelan's I'll do what he says get my money follow us since he wants it in the center we'll just do it so you can see the enemy's army over there the IAI is quite smart they've taken a strong position on the front so if we just sit on top of this hill here we should be able to quite easily take some of these men out [Music] hold our offer Danny skirmish for your Wheaties skirmish I want to leave my men on this Hill they did a great job [Applause] we're getting kills I'm gonna run round the back let's tell them to f6o and we're gonna rot oh my god they're already running away look at that those absolute was just taking down their director you're dead your dad's come back here three kills from me free experience brothers I don't think my army leave me skills are very good but I'm glad we got to take part there's more men fleeing from the battle here but don't worry I am the defense we won't let them leave down my way I'm doing men they don't know which way to run look at the barren planet no debt I reckon I've probably rats all the most kills her I don't know how my archers did but I told them to charge it so we just mop it up right now I think I designed damage someone's horse our army was a lot more prepared than they were there we go we have won the Battle Brawlers easy as so as you can see we gained 2.4 renown from that battle which is double what we usually get we also got 2.3 influence with the people that we're going to be getting classes from and we got 1.7 morale so let's have a look here at how my party did Danny's party okay we actually killed quite a few people a couple of men were wounded nobody died however I lost 11 kills which is really good essentially what happens in big battles like this is everyone gets categorized into if there are Archer if they are an infantry unit or what and then the commanders will designate who gets to control what so you won't necessarily get to control your own party because you've offered yourself as a mercenary your help was most welcome stranger my name is fern Hart can I learn yours my name is Danny well met Danny I am in your debt for what you just did one day I will find a way to repay it very good very good so now what we need to do you are at my mercy wait I oh my god I get to take Eric prisoner you are my prisoner now I am at your mercy indeed you are Eric is one of the the other Nobles and we do want to recruit the Sturgeon veteran warriors into our service eventually so we're not even gonna sell them we're gonna keep them and as you guys can see Eric is here you can decide to execute the enemy if you like however I don't know if I want to do that yet because we could potentially ransom him for a lot of money so I'm gonna check how much he's worth first we have 52,000 gold right now and now we have the spoils of war as you guys can see we have a lot of things to choose from we get our share from the battle this large round shield for example we've really good there's also a northern cavalry kite shield and we can speed up the games it looks like we are running up to another battle here if we can we're trying to fight him around he's running for his life forgot that the whole enemy army oh okay okay so this is a big skirmish going on now we're just trying to prepare ourselves by the looks of it but there's another big army over here and we are in Sturgeon territory we're really going into the mountains now and in between this pastors Army's been hiding so let's go ahead and play and see if we can catch up this army we definitely want to be engaging it now sturgeons do have a movement speed bonus moving through snow but it looks like we've trapped them between our castle and the tree line here so let's go ahead and attack I don't know if it'll give us more troops to come on because I don't think we did a very good job last time oh no we get the archers again oh well I'll take it our plan is to attack with full force around our infantry okay well let's how everyone wow and we're gonna keep up with you infantry here look at this we haven't even big on we've got cavalry on the left flank there and Knight is about to fall it's snowing heavily let's skirmish in front of the army this time just one told us to do we can see the other men in a distance over there oh it hit hard did one damage aha first hit of the fight let's try and get off the bridge just there see we can fire off shots at the enemy he wants me the skirmish behind them vibes you're gonna sit out this bridge so wait we go down there I wants you just shoots the enemy pretty easily we're gonna be destroying them Wow they're already retreating right let's get men to charge them excuse me trying to run down these these men here stay behind Reserve no I'm not going to I'm gonna do whatever I want me I don't know if they actually care of you disobey their commands but I know how to get killed they're fleeing as you can see now he's telling me the charge you see I'm one step ahead of you brother I think we're almost done in wiping them all out okay look there are a few men running here charged brothers yes we have killed them all and obviously if you find the kid for example and you kill him and he's got a good sword you can actually pick that up because it probably better than your own look at this beautiful landscape Oh mate men scattered everywhere he wants me to wait so now I'm sorry he keeps telling you it's kind of pissing me off okay let's see who killed the most once again okay let's have a look here see I got 18 kills I mean that's pretty damn good only no one was wounded or injured I got 13 kills look how much we leveled off our skills how we leveled off our tactics Dee oh man that's fantastic you turned up just in time Danny I would not forget your help I wonder how much of a relationship we have with them right now we can actually take some of these guys prison there as well we're almost caps on our prisoners however we could recruit this sturgeon hunter into our party making it a little bit stronger which is nice and we have a bunch of horses for the taking here are these horses better no but I can give them to my party and it's gonna improve the speed I can go out so let's have a look what's happened there we've we've got everyone fleeing and we're rather strong right now so I'm actually going to carry on with the army here as you can see we are very close to clan level two so that's fantastic we now have relationship - with aldrick pretty much +1 for every time we touch them out so that's kind of nice let's carry on with its army here we're getting money from these battles so it's pretty decent so are we going to be laying siege to the castle because that would be beautiful if we are ok with leg siege ok this is the first siege of the let's play fantastic now if we had a little bit more renown we'd probably actually be able to potentially put in a bid for this castle but for now we don't so we're not going to be able to do that the building of the siege camp is based on your engineer skill oh ok someone's come over to bolster our forces we've got the defences down it's now it's gonna be hard of people to actually attack us out of the castle ok so we just stopped the siege for some reason which is kind of annoying but it looks like we're chasing down some people now there is a lot of people around us a lot of small units of crews maybe that's already stopped to see if you've got bear out number 10 pull back okay we've got loads of people skirmishing around us oh it looks that we're in a big battle air with several no business however we still outnumber them slightly but these people are well geared and there's a lot of nobles probably bringing their guards and whatnot so we're gonna have to tip the tip the battle in our favor here I will obviously take control of these arches of course cavalry is right flank and left flank okay great skirmish in France all right so let's go into front for now stay close just want to check over this hill I don't think the enemy is gonna be here already you can see the other commander up there like trying to get ahead but if we can take this hill and just literally camp oh did I just take a hit [Music] so he got the enemy Horseman over here but I kind of want to sit over this hill it like out keep selling me the skirmish and I'm like well yeah I'm playing the game hey you know we're going to do can't see the enemy there's so many trees is actually kind of this disconcerting yeah as long as I'm on a high hill here it's probably pretty good Calvary is charging the enemy formation okay this horse is so thick man I'm not like there is half an army hiding in this forest they gain where are they big battles in the forest is not the one okay there they are fantastic all right there now we can see their center front of the infantry are out we could let's try and lay a few potshots ER they I've got this shields up but I'm trying to get get behind a light infantry yeah I've gone behind them now and we're doing some damage here we go we're in the forefront of the war come on men get into the battle and talk to Josh why no I want to get around and do some damage myself sorry of the epidemic by guys going oh very optimized driver did this mate [Music] trying to some damage from behind scour meant to follow up again oh my god we have people thanking some behind us that's not good so stiffly taken out here how do they get in behind it they must've like gone all the way around we've dealt with the flank dome in the horsemen over here and we've still maintains that we've still maintains our formation I don't know where the other men are running in charge our bike large where have they gone okay there's only a small amounts of men remaining all right here's one we sure we're shootin pies death so we gained another 2.7 renowned two-point-five influence as well we're just gonna help when we want those castles and once again we got a ton of stuff a Sturge a cavalry helmet oh my god that looks really kids actually better than my own helmet as well it looks really fancy and some splint boots as well okay let's grab the rest of the stuff we can actually also give our follow-up a good helmet too I'm gonna put another point into polearm so we can level that up faster let's see where the Army's heading off to now because I don't know if we're gonna lay siege to something I do believe someone's giving me food though cos I've got four days until no food with the seating this same castle once again your army is dispersed oh really so you just dispersed the army great thanks mate we're gonna have to follow them outs of this enemy territory then okay I'm kind of low on food now so I want to go and get some food ideally all right so our next plan of action is to head over here to the Empire because you want to go and sell them all the crap that we found both in any armies are very gonna come after all so you should be absolutely fine Jesus oh okay he's created another army right well we can go back there but we need to buy some more supplies first quickly Owen there's a tournament so maybe we can win the tournament so if we win this tournament I believe we can become his vessel which will be very good for us so let's go ahead and trade all the crap we don't need right now because okay so we're gonna get 4426 gold that is crazy let's go ahead and buy some grain okay so let's now join this tournament so he gets even more renown and then we'll be able to ask to become his vessel and then all the classes we take are gonna be interesting any guild so right starting off with a 44 directs on that boom take that javelin to your face brother oh yeah some of that food direct rain is back love it that cost me man there we go he's dead what do you think you're doing brother stop shooting up my man oh we dodged that spear last second anyway I think there's just one man on horseback left it's actually grab a share that's gonna be a lot better to defend ourselves with definitely lead would have rather spawn with a shield with some chaplain jobs no throwing ability with we'll get there eventually guys direct that finally is dead I guess this oh it's Matias isn't that one of the keys I'm pretty sure oh one sec man see us is a vessel of the northern Empire's like super specialists he's like really skilled as well in combat but 200 Poland skill okay no one DS like super heavily armored he's got like some the best arm and game oh I forgot to bet on the sort of take that wall down this round anyway let's go ahead and join for I don't have a sword shield Wow he's taken look at that I kind of want to get back director just cheese him like this and he's another for his his person who just defeats the hell we're killing all the nobles so we have one sturgeon soldier has made it into the final round I'm gonna bet some more money I'm going to join this [Music] your debt come on try and shoot my shield cuz I have a shell Vantage oh right okay stead fantastic so we go into the next round and who are we going to battle and Ross great here's what the best armor let's go and better pull them out again and join it alright Andres it's just you and me brother I find running around to the right side was actually like really beneficial with your old you're on their shield right so they really struggle for you and I just go half you can't really do it because I'm just already shared like so whoa we just clash swords Durex on 1v1 easy man okay so we win we get free renowned bone crusher and we get 1200 from vets because I've got to bet in the first round with this way so there we go nice wah ha now to be honest bone crushers not really very good so I'm going to go ahead and sell it and I've got 15 grain I think that's probably enough to head back to the battle now and if I check my clan quickly I have clan tier 2 which means we can now become a vessel yes so you can finally start to get some thief domes and whatnot let's go to the tavern district and choose who we're going to get rid of sturgeon veteran Bowman we're going to keep in and the veteran warriors because they're really hard to train up yourself so if you can just recruit them from the prisoners into your party it's a lot better we can also upgrade some of our troops to veteran infantryman all right there we go so he made quite a bit money and we've paid for the cost of upgrading them you also noticed Devin the fish is currently in the tavern so we could have a chat with him as well see leave you some decent recruitable abilities my name is Danny tell me about yourself it's not many who asked that question I was a farmer but I split a man's head open with a hoe he was a also a farmer yeah it was a dispute over a broken fence Jesus Christ you were triggered weren't you between my pasture in his and I had no intention of killing him yeah sure his cousins came for me came to take me to judgment I would have gone willingly I would have paid the blood money gladly but one of them laid hands on me and Pilatus rage came over me and I killed them too I didn't want to kill them either well life's going great for you that was uh that was that I could pay the blood-money for one man but not free I fled it cannot return sounds like you had no choice they a man who cannot muster his rage as a greater threat than a man who murders with intent yes that's true but sounds like you had no choice if the choice had been mine I would have never hurt anyone I would live in my lab eat what I growed marry and have children but the heavens had decreed that I should eat by shedding another man's blood and the city's rich men pay me well for that okay so how much do you want okay six hundred and so a to go let's actually recruit him anyway and see kind of what his skills are because honestly don't remember him from the character menu being any good already notable so let's have a quick look at our party and see where he is Davin the fish here we go okay as you can see he's pretty much crap at everything but he does have a good scouting skill probably one of the cheapest Scouts you could hire in the game but we've already got someone who's scouting for our party so I'm gonna go ahead and reload the save we just did all right so next pound of action guides is to head back into the enemy territory maybe we're gonna pick on some caravans but I kind of want to find out where his army went to apparently the army passed by this village recently aha there is siga so the army can't be too far away really we can also read villagers now so maybe that would be fun to do actually all these villagers have been raided recently aha there is the enemy's army okay that's good to know we obviously don't want anything to do with them right now ah Vartan is over here we can actually engage this person in combat let's see if we can actually engage them here this is gonna be funny we're gonna like stop oh my god we're gonna like split them in between the army if we can I don't know if I'll be able to beat him he is a slightly bigger speed okay we're gonna catch him up here surely he's running towards the army I should be able to catch him and hopefully I'll get some backup here here we go stop there stranger I bid you peace at least until I find out who you are I'm Danny I am Vash Hawkeye a chieftain of the sturgeon I'm always looking for good fighters if you ask around about me I suspect you'd be told I say good care of my men we're evenly matched I don't want to fight him you know we're at war surrender or die I have no wish to fight you I don't care yield or fight very well expect no mercy I'm a savage a savage let's attack him all right follow me we only have a few men [Music] don't see the enemies right now okay is a complimentary [Music] follow me follow me thanks go after these poor boys the whole thing with that charge in his shoes him in the back come on brothers kilvo are you running they're running we've routed them I'll miss that bring them down brothers don't let them escape beautiful beautiful look at that directs our [Music] no one will mess with me I am here so the Widowmaker ah ha ha enemies are fleeing you have won the battle very well aware that I have won but I want to make sure my enemy also knows ha ha ha ha 6.8 renowned 5.9 influence and 3.9 morale Wow we are doing very well for ourselves holy moly are we at your mercy you are my prisoner now I am at your mercy that's right I didn't care if you didn't want to fight alright let's hire all their gear boys like the veteran warriors holy moly we got a lot of money from this and we also got a bunch of armor as well is there anything really good in here though a heavy Lon's this is actually very recent so I think aldrick is the best person to join here and we're gonna ask him if we can become his vessel Danny it's been a while so what is it then that's something I'd like to discuss my lord I wish to be more than a mercenary is there any way I could play to myself as a vessel you would need to talk to the leader death heart of this matter he is currently in con art are God's people to walk all the way over there and I'll talk to him so just to show you guys he is on the other side of the map Garlin horribly covers part on the video but we'll venture over there right so I ended up travelling all the way over here on the map and we have now found our boy death threats death leader of the Valais D&R me and next episode we will ask him if we can become his vessel can carry his wishes to his enemies you can find the next episode link down below in the description and the previous episodes also linked below if you missed those for some reason for guys I just want to thank you so much for watching I'm so excited to carry on with this let's play I've just been doing like two videos a day one guide one let's play and pumping them out so you guys can watch it and consume this content cuz you'll love it as much as I do and he must have not been sleeping because I've been so excited in playing this game is ridiculous thank you so much for watching thanks for your support on patreon and everything else just being here to watch this come tiny guys like it means woe to me like seriously that you guys enjoy this so I appreciate it I really do have a great day and goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 185,281
Rating: 4.8602228 out of 5
Keywords: mount & blade ii: bannerlord, mount & blade ii: bannerlord walkthrough, mount & blade ii: bannerlord gameplay, lets play mount & blade ii: bannerlord, mount & blade ii: bannerlord playthrough, mount & blade ii: bannerlord episode 1, mount & blade ii: bannerlord guide, bannerlord, walkthrough, guide, playthrough, lets play, bannerlord lets play, mount and blades, mount and blades 2, eso, kingdom, how to, main quest, part 1, vlandia, faction, best faction, empire, Sturgia, Battania, battle
Id: fVYyImAl5Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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