How Good is CROSSBOW ONLY In Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord?

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some course women have been caught of though on some of the mapping caught off and the star here comes a clash in the middle they're getting out their swords they're gonna do their jobs it is time for my final giveaway from out but I do ban Lord it is my biggest one yet if you want a chance of winning a key follow the link down below to complete some of the entries the more you do the more chances you have of winning winners will be drawn on the 21st of April and announced on Twitter and my community tab back once again amount and blade to Bannon Lord and of course the what-if troop series today we're gonna be looking at how good is a crossbow only army we're starting off small again with 24 landing leve crossbows they got to do that thing I don't think they're gonna be too powerful if we look at the Villani in trick tree you can see they're only one up from the croute but we're gonna work our way up the crossbow lines to possibly the best cost women in the game hence why I'm choosing Velandia but this is going to be interesting okay so we have run into a group of looters well quite a large group religious are about 50 of them we only have 21 men so this is gonna be a bigger test than I normally do but I think we might be able to pull it off now remember we only have a levy costume so they doubt the best raise they don't have the best damage either but they still are better ranged in these looters here you can go the shots there okay we've got one kill already looking good looking good looking at it from the loots perspective oh they're going down pretty fast right now they're taking quite a lot of bolts from these guys Jesus Christ this is oh my word the Stynes get quite close though this is probably gonna be the test of how good these cost women are when it comes to melee attacks and in goes the fighting they're starting these guys are not the best at melee for looks like they've managed to thin the herd of the looters enough just to be able to get those hits in okay there's a few down here the looters do just have hammers though so I mean against these arming sort it's not too much of an issue to dispatch them and they look like they're doing a pretty good goddamn job and yes I think the final leader gets down and they run off and that is a winner with no losses whatsoever well we've seen the power of the levee cross room and they did a pretty good job against looters but the next level up is the regular planning cross movement I've got 40 of these guys they look pretty tough they've got better armor they've still got similar types of swords and crossbows but hopefully the better armor should give them an advantage along with their better accuracy skill we have a bit more of an interesting fight here this is against a caravan and anyone that has played this game knows caravans normally guarded by carrier guards which are cavalry so maybe interesting I think these guys will have better range than leve crossbowmen but I guess we're just gonna find out now they're out there readying their crossbows and here we go let's see what they can do taking potshots on the Cabrio I'm one is already down how long until the rest go down another horse has been shot down these guys are really taking a lot of fire here but I think the cross women haven't got away with this actually even though there's cavalry there's just not enough to do much damage these guys yeah we're taking a few hours here and there but really it's nothing too tricky and once a dismount like this guy he's most likely gonna go down and very very soon but it looks like the rest of their army is hanging back with the caravans so we're probably going to have to push up our men I think yeah they've just got back the horse Isis they were treated back from their initial skirmish right so let's push up our cross women see if I can get I've delegated the command obviously to the sergeants because I think that's probably the best way for these guys to work they sort of know good ways for them to get best skills and things like that yeah the area's not brilliant but crossbowmen and horse archers you can sort of get away with delegation to sergeants infantry not so much I have a feeling when the crossbow man I've got a brow the hill it's going to be absolutely hell though for these caravans yes they are arches but my they taking shots oh look at the customers going in the horse is already down oh and more shots are coming in this is absolutely brutal and they are trying to advance I don't know how well that's gonna work for them oh wow the cavalry is coming in there so this could be interesting as you can see the crossbows are sort of not holding their ground brilliantly so let's get them to actually go in a decent position first but they do a pretty good job I mean one guy has been knocked out but that's just due to the cavalry I think the cavalry is pretty effective against possible and butters see as soon as they get dismounted they are how do these go square when it goes into melee well not bad they're doing a decent damage with their swords of course they are outnumbering the enemy at the moment so that's all expected but they're also pretty well trained and as we'll find out later on the crossbow sergeants and the trained cost women are very but there's just a few more doses but they're being shot they're probably gonna get them pretty soon well these crossbowmen did a pretty good job I think it's safe to say oh and Down Goes his horse is he gonna be next it looks like he may be and shot in the back absolutely brutal but one more guy here and down he goes as well so who's next it looks like the Blandin hardened crossbowmen in order to find out whether this is actually an effective force I think seating a castle was something that's quite important now how well they're gonna do in a castle I didn't know in the arch of videos resort yeah they did pretty well when they're to go up into the walls so maybe costs women who unknown to be even better at melee the notches and more armored could do a better job but then again is all about getting monsters Wars and with cost women being slower they're gonna take a lot more fire especially from these guys you have a lot of ranged fire well it seems we have been attacked by 274 men I think this is gonna be a great test just to see how effective the cost women are we have 80 hardened cross women so if these guys do their job we could come out on top all right come on lads quick get on top of this the cavalry is incoming we've got to get out fast they're coming in with the shots and doing a great job these horses are taking a lot of fire they are only light horses and the horse go down very fast especially to more powerful base to the Cross women the only issue is they're gonna be spending time looking at them and not the oncoming infantry oh boy this game is so beautiful okay the crossbow bolts are starts come in now the arch is out pull back with them trees charging in can the cross women do a good job here this is gonna be an interesting fight here something tells me that there might just be too many infantry and they might get overwhelmed okay going back here we can see they're getting some good kills in melee actually the cross women are doing a fantastic job yeah we're losing a couple here and there but barely for Mellie they've got these massive power shields and I know and historically accurately but still you see the damage coming in from these cost women they have decent melee weapons and cute armor you can see the chain they're doing its job the shields on the back protecting them from the oncoming areas again there are quite a few dead bodies I can see the shields of our man lying on the floor quite a few have been lost actually it looks like this might be turning the other way now okay it looks like that might be too many for the cross women they seem to be taking a lot of damage but I mean they have killed 179 dollars to the sixty-six of the enemy party so a fantastic job and a fantastic stand there was just not enough time to get enough bolts off and after that better we are back ceding the castle yeah two hundred and seventy four men in that sort of terrain really screwed us over we did well at the start but I guess we're gonna find out just how well we can two against half that number we have some better terrain here we've got a long valley which i think is gonna be very useful because yeah they're coming right the way from there as they come down the valley we're gonna be able get so many shots off across Pitman lining up doing their thing you can see them readying their crossbows there they can get the shots over a little bit quicker if they do that and the cavalry is coming in the shots are now all my word the first volley from the cross per minute is brutal yeah they didn't kill all the horses but they killed the men on top of it some heavy cataracts coming in here but oh my word his brains up as an out a lot but I think he's gonna go down pretty goddamn fast and down he goes Oh being absolutely pelted in the middle o we surrounded by crossbowmen [Music] he's never gonna survive I can the cost women reform in time that is the question it looks like they can they are really popping in shots in these Imperial cataracts Wow brilliant oh my word they are older bolts coming in so oh this guy's flying back from the peril of the bolt oh my words okay these guys are pretty effective pardon crossbowmen once you get guys running at them from afar they seem to be able to do a brilliant job they just need that distance because they have the range they have the armor-piercing they just need the distance to be able to get all the bottles up because of course they're slower firing images and the enemy is stopping to get a few arrows and javelins off but stopping in the pathway of crossbows a great idea this could be a win for the veteran kosterman I don't know where I got that from it just seems like there's a lot of death here yes you did win indeed my friends you definitely did agree and so it begins this is a pretty big cast on my cross women are gonna try and get up into it whether this is gonna work I don't know there's already areas coming down they have a lot of seed weaponry so they're gonna be able to do a bit of damage but if you can see over here we do have a siege Tower which if my cross women are strong enough well that is a bit of a hill to push up they should be able to get it up to this point here which looks like it's going to be the entry point on this side they are coming in to defend it nice nice nice the guy on a catapult here I love the detail of like the range markings on the cat's paw as well it looks so nice okay so the first advance my cost moment is going up on foot here they are going to be trying to get these ladders up it's easy and the first matters go what are they going to go straight up I don't know it looks like they are this side of course we're going straight up they're negating their cost pose but it looks like this part of the wall is actually undefended Oh No mind they have come to defender I think we're gonna lose a lot of Puss woman on this area and up they go you can see a few have already died there's a few shields but we've started to get on to the Wolves just about or not old ones up if you get freeze up okay this is it the breakthrough has died on this side and it has died on this side this is all we need that armors kept them alive long enough just so enough can get up and once we can outnumber them on the walls we should be able to do fire they're getting them in the backs now absolutely brutal yeah these guys have been taken out pretty nice and swiftly we have good armor we have good swords and these swords are very very optimized for fighting like those they're not too long but they still have the reach so we can overpower that shorty axes oh and down they go and it looks like the ward on this side have been taken they are sending up reinforcements those who do have to watch out but we have men of our own coming up it looks like the last few have come up oh and it was Wagner it always goes straight up is he gonna try get up on his horse come on mate you can be better than that so it looks like that's I just taking this side is still pushing up the siege tower go on lads push harder I know it's a big hill you can do it looks like this tower still hasn't been taken I manager struggling now they've seen to do a good job of taking the walls but now they're struggling someone they are a little bit broken I think on the edge Oh the ladder was pushed down so they're gonna try and put it back up it seems right if they're not gonna do it I will do it myself go on oh come on it's a lot slower putting up a ladder on your own thank you mate I know you're trying to help but I already got it up cheers though get our big axe out oh it looks like we're starting the wars on that side and here we go they're going up the siege tower thankfully siege towers and ladders have been fixed it's a newest patch in battle so your men will actually go at them but this is going to be a tricky way at the top we're getting more made up at once than we did on the ladders but they have more men defending so it sort of balances that out we do have a few guys down here trying to shoot up I don't know how effective they're doing but they are pulling some of the fire from their arches so it should be too bad Gate has been open and unmanned in here doing their job we have managed to break through seems like that Tower has been completely taken Ragnar still sitting on the ladder and they are sending reinforcements from this side of the wall they're either a treating back because of the Menace that has come over there or they have seen that we have taken that Center from out the cross women now keep in mind we were heavily outnumbered when seizing this they had about double our numbers and of course these guys aren't meant for melee which is really what you need the siege is but it doesn't seem to matter I mean the crossbows coming in now we're able to get some fire going so it's doing a fantastic job of taking them out as they retreat back to the key oh and they came back but we have already taken this area is not gonna help for them oh and Ragnar started to go up he saw some people below him was stuck so we let them up good good guy right now we know you mean well we know you mean well go on go and hope your treats good boy good boy oh he's come into a fight straightaway when he's on the walls is he actually gonna do anything oh is he just gotta be completely useless he looks like he's been completely useless he might need his men to save him at this point yeah his met his his cost bowmen have just saved him it's beacon of crossbowmen we have now taken the gatehouse they have a few last defenders up here but I think that's the rest of them everyone seems to be a bit dead look at this the death on the wards it looks like these guys were actually do they have bolts in them I can't quite tell you'll be able to see which ones are taken out by the customer on the ground by the bolts in them but it looks like we've done a great job oh man your your your bloody and bruised but it looks like you've done a lot of killing I hit that sword is red yeah these guys were slaughtered by bolts they were being shot from these guys on the walls and this is where most of the fight happened but really there's not actually that many of our bodies is mostly enemies and of course we get to that point at the we do the massive bending battle and I was trying to siege this Capitol just so I would draw in all the armies of the empire yes we're not going to actually seize this place but I just wanted to draw as many men as possible and it's working it is working we have 600 sharpshooters they are the best cross women possibly in the game and we're gonna be able to test them out against the enemy here come on attackers how many more do you need how many more do you need here we go is this it oh they're not sure but they go in it okay this is gonna be the final battle how many men do they have 979 versus 588 go on veteran sharpshooters what can you do right let's hold position up here the enemy army is over there but this is a lot of men this is a lot of men it looks like most of them are gonna be a to shoot there's a little hillock here here they come here they all come hello there hello there men and our men readying to fire here they go the first shots coming in on presumably their cavalry oh no it looks like they aren't going for the infantry their archers are leading the charge which I don't think is the best idea for the Empire this is possibly the biggest army we have ever seen in the game 900 men I don't think I've ever been attacked by a bigger army than that they saw me and they gathered their best troops but will it be enough the Horde is coming the absolutely horde is coming but some of them are pulling back already because of this sheer amount of crossbows oh the core swimmers are swarming in on this cavalry man he's gonna get out very very quickly good job lads really good job some cross women have been caught off though on some of them have been caught off and the style of the clash in the middle like getting out their swords they're gonna do their jobs the cross road on this side should continue firing though which is fantastic and it looks like if you save this and the Empire has a statue of run away then morale has broken oh my look at this the cross women doing what they can't even they were heavily outnumbered they're still managed to completely destroy the front line of the Empire it didn't make a difference the numbers it was down to how fantastic those troops were enemy reinforcements coming in from afar while they have lost all saw formation they are just charging in but these look like they're the weaker troops back to recruits and basic archers the Empire used most of they could troops up and fortunately if we have another look over here we can see most of the good troops really died by the cross robots and they didn't even make it to the battle put my god look at this an absolute brutality first go on legionary you can make it I believe in you you might want to put your shield up though because there might be a few bolts coming for you soon and down it goes a shot to the neck and the last few doing their base actually it looks like a hallway you were coming out okay I think this is their final reinforcements wave will it be enough they seem to be forming up their cavalry on this side this could be quite it deadly charge actually it looks like they're going to be planning on a big charge on the flanks and some of our costs women have been caught out in the open I don't know if they're just want chase not fleeing enemies or why they're out in the open but nevermind I thought one of them was gonna be taken down but it didn't really matter and the cost women charge is issued in they go wiping up the rest of them now there was gonna be a cabbie shower on this side but as you can see this flank of cross women haven't even been touched yet so I don't know if it's actually going to be any sort of issue that's all look at this moving in quickly and sweeping them up toys on that left flank they will get so many shots in because they're not in the melee yeah the middle is in great melee but this prank is just able to shoot and shoot and shoot and you can see the effects it's having goodbye people goodbye all the power the Cosmo box just sends I'm flying backwards and it looks like the cavalry have now moved around to our left flank and the cavalry charge is been given but they've dispersed just as quickly as they came that is it that is a victory to the cost women Wow [Music] that was brutal so yeah crossbow only is pretty effective in the game they do their job they do their job well unfortunately I don't think these guys gonna be able to do their job well in the slightest thank you so much for watching guys please leave a comment on what army you want to see next and I'll make sure I get onto that soon thank you so much for a hundred thousand subscribers I think it probably would have hit it by the time this video goes up but from me and this looter is being fantastic and until then and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Resonant
Views: 290,516
Rating: 4.8902307 out of 5
Keywords: Mount and blade, warband, bannerlord, release date, big battles, crossbow only, archer only, horse archers only, how good, review, singleplayer, modding, mods, gameplay, romans
Id: S9rkN-adcyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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