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Top of the morning you ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and *voice crack* welcome to... *imitates voice crack* *cries* ..welcome to Geoguessr! This is a game where it plops- -you down somewhere in the world. Well.. let's just read this! "Let's explore the world..." "Embark on a journey that takes you all over the world." "From the most desolate roads in Australia to the busy," "bustling streets of New York City." That didn't actually answer anything (?) of what it is. Alot of you probably know what this is, already because.. This.. this type of game has been around for a very long time. As long as Google Earth is kind of been around people have been So, uh, this is gonna put me in a street view anywhere in the world playing this I'm just going to click single-Player going to get in it gona plop me somewhere And I have to guess where that is you can guess? Extremely accurately if you want to you can click on the map and be like hey I'm in this street in fucking Addis Ababa if you want to be or you can just guess near enough the region of the world where you think it's in and You get bought points based on how close you are to that estimation so if I click Ireland, and it's in England I get some points if I click England and it's in England I get more points you get the idea so let's click Single-Player I probably not going to be very good at this oh God you put me in a fucking building I didn't even know I could do that, and you're trying to guess based on indicators around your environment and I don't know if you get if you get more points the quicker you do it like if I could guess right now or if it takes into consideration so what's that hans's start Streisland, okay, this has to be like It's Europe anyway, and it seems like it might be Germany. I thought I was going to guess Germany because I look like scheisse I'm gonna guess Germany, but Germany is a pretty big place So I have to guess let's just guess in the middle I'll make my guess right there It was all the way. Oh fuck. It says Streisland in the picture as well, didn't it oh Shit, I could have actually I think it actually showed me the exact location And I didn't know that okay. We got Germany right anyway We weren't that far off. So we've got 4112 Points because my guess was 392 kilometers away from the actual location That sounds like a lot But it's not that's actually a lot of points that you can get so did you enjoy this location? Ah, it was alright and I got it without having to click around Some of these, I'm probably gonna have to click around for ages as it can put you in the middle of nowhere play next round What else you got? Like this... okay? That's a good indicator already See this without a sign, it's like where the fuck am I because It's weird how so many different places in the world can actually look like so many other different places in the world so this is a desert-y area and My mind immediately goes to like some Middle Eastern deserts or some American deserts, but here we have a sign that's in kilometers an hour and America everything is in miles per hour so that kind of wittles this out and not being in America But I don't know what kind of locations would look like this.. wait can we just go here... will the car catch up with us? And then it's going to be behind it isn't it okay. It's right there because maybe the car can give away some ideas ah look how tiny it looks! Because sometimes it's like well if you see a lot of these different types of cars like okay That's European because there's more of those in Europe, but if you see a lot of like I don't know how to explain it, but fuck this is not helpful, and this is the max you can zoom out Shit, okay. Let's just take a trip uh-huh oh OBEDEZCA LAS SENALES... Okay, so I'm guessing Spain. I'm guessing somewhere within this region Because the summer Spain is arid, it's a very hot country And I don't know exactly where it's going to be St. Alice? Is that it somewhere gonna be like that stand out because then it can get very very close Shit, let's just guess. I'm just going mid spain. Let's just click Madrid. That's like Central oh geez hahaha Okay Way fucking off it was Mexico. Damn it man. Sorry Spanish and Mexican people. I got your stuff mixed up My bad 58 points you see you see this is how far off you can be okay? What are we working with here? Nice nice. Take a look at the cars. Take a look at the signs right okay? What do we got ah? this looks Scandinavian Nora, is that... it could be Swedish, could be Norwegian it could be Danish. It could be fucking anything Okay, I should have known ah see LOPPISHUSET NOSTALGI KURIOSA Curiosity, Nostalgia STORGARDSGATON stir skate on um Okay, I don't think it's Danish, but it is Scandinavian, so these are Norway or Sweden I'm guessing... wait wait wait wait wait Is that the Swedish flag? I'm pretty sure that that's the Swedish flag Because the Norwegian flag is red with a blue cross and the Finnish flag is white with a blue cross, right? Or is the Norwegian red with a white cross... all I know is that is Sweden. Umm... I just don't know where and Sweden is a pretty fucking big place... I'm spending too long looking for this place I want to find a place called that but I don't think I'm going to find it They all sound the fucking same okay. It's in sweden anyway, so I'm guessing right here Duuuude I wasn't even that far off! Yes, these all goes morse code orden wasn't in there. Sorry. I'm butchering your language, Helveta Um so I wasn't that far off being 92 kilometers off. It's not that far. That's almost perfect accuracy Okay, give to me game. I'm not bad at this except for Spain and Mexico... Ponte Sobre Rio...? Whatever, what Ponte sobre Rio? Formas Hmm Is that... Spanish, Portuguese or Italian... aww no I know the language is better when I hear them you saw me I did the great language game that, that time and I got a lot of them right I was pretty decent at that, but it's only when I read them Some languages read very similar to each other and that's the thing because they you get it like a lot of South American countries Speak similar languages to Spain and Portugal Some of those speak the exact same languages, so then I don't know Hmm. Yeah see it's in kilometers again. Oh But I was wrong last time let's you know what fuck it, we're guessing Spain again all in Of course its fucking South America again No-o man We're in Brazil yeah, Goddammit ah ah Shit, I'm sorry It's confusing Okay, I will get it right. Don't you worry, okay? This one is even fucking loading. This is all blurry... flash flood area. Okay so we're in a place that has English as the signpost so English first language where I'm assuming this is America This looks like America. It looks like Actually, I don't know what parts of America actually have arid areas East Coast or West coast not East Coast could be, Nevada Nevada Utah anywhere out like here This much left. I think I could be it'd be so cool. If somebody in the comments is like wait I I know that exact place And I wonder how many times that's actually happened with people playing this because the world's a big place. This can literally pop you anywhere I'm going to guess like right here. I wasn't that far off... I guessed Nevada first And then I was going to actually going to guess Arizona because Arizona is a very hot place 783 kilometers I have been further away you have seen it. I think anything above 2500 Points is doing okay. That's about average getting above 3000 then you're getting pretty good getting above 4,000 then it's fucking money money money ah shit Your total score was 12415 those two fucked me up if I guessed South America again I could have been up here I didn't have to be very close in South America, but I could have been like within the region... like fucking not Spain anyway. Oh No, I can't Read that the accent might give it away... It could we Portuguese or Spanish again. Oh, wait. Let's go down to this sign What do you got for me, bro? Wait, I don't need the fucking map. What does this say goddamn? It's all like obscured I don't know what that says another another saying some of these signs are supposed to be fucking legible... nope apparently not cuz you're just a cross penis... PEVNOST JOSEFOV Uh-Oh. Now I'm really confused. Oh okay... I think it's somewhere in Eastern Europe Somewhere within this region here. I'm gonna guess Poland I wasn't that far off! Yeah, I was only 295 kilometers off it was already in Prague Nice *laughing* What a fucking guess. I mean yeah, technically I could have been close *clap* Fuck yeah, okay next one. We're on to a good start. This is pretty identifiable But there's nothing written around here. I keep looking for the written stuff because that's the one that's kind of giving it away That's a very similar sign to what was in the last area. I think no. I'm pretty sure I'm not tripping balls I think this is Eastern Europe again. Yep, definitely Ukraine or Russia oh We're going all in on these ones and Russia's a pretty fucking big place, so even if I put it in Russia I could still be fucking thousands of miles off Russia is goddamn big Okay to be safe. I'm going to put it like here do you see what I mean you fucking see what I mean it was in Russia, but it still fucking a Thousand miles away, not too bad not too bad. We're good. We're solid. We're golden Blue men, I don't even think I can really get out of here Leave what the fuck? Now I'm on the other side of the building okay, shut up phone. I will fucking murder you. Okay. I think we're in Germany Here we fucking go Let's get it if I'm not in Germany. I'm gonna be so embarrassed Yes, I mean, I'm still a good bit off actually no, I wasn't 4531 Points, is 5000 the highest that you can get? That's pretty damn good, okay? What are we on... four or five? This is a really good round! Watch me fuck up these two now oh come on We're even though I like how you can see the shadow of the google car. Where even am I? Oh Fucking nowhere. There's not going to be any signs around for miles... I'm going to be clicking for four weeks What do you say? The end of okay miles okay? I'm going to assume that we're in America Because America has huge open stretches of land Like these like whenever I think of American road trips these are the kind of roads that I imagine It's like a scene from dumb and dumber the original dumb and dumber movie who comes back on the bike Like a route 66 route 66 type of vibe, so we get any sort of fuckin signage or civilization Krams Canyon or Hotresvilla Hmm Let's me What the hell happened here someone gets sick that someone puke or is that a giant? albatross bird shit clicking my life away at this point. I keep seeing this in the distance as well I'm hoping that I get to it but every time I click it doesn't seem to be getting any closer See it's always on the Horizon Goddamnit... Okay, can I can I just like click and drag and just keep on going? *sigh* I guess I could just hold forward and do this oh no because I'm gonna break it if you do. I just want to get to some other I'm not trying to like cheese this or anything. I just need some sort of other Identifier there's literally nothing else around here And I've gotten to this building and it's nothing it's a silo. I just need one more sign. Just give me one more signage and I'll be good. I can take a guess then okay. I fucking clicked for so long that the time of day actually changed, so I'm just going to guess The Braska Colorado, I'm just going to guess like right here. Oh My God, I was actually not that far off... fucking Arizona again God Dammit, Arizona. I don't need to click in I'm so near Tuba City. I hope that that's a place that everyone just goes around playing tubas - Okay, we got a lot of points out of it still that's not too bad, okay Where are we now? Oh, this is a cool looking place! Immediately, I'm just gonna guess Finland none of this is a help. I'm guessing Europe at least I think we're somewhere in Europe my Europe senses are tingling my fellow my brethren Can we have any sort of indicator, signs... Goddamn this is a nice looking place, look at this fucking house Okay, maybe we're not in Europe. Not to say that Europeans can't have nice houses I'm just looking at the landscape and trying to determine, there's no signs anywhere And this is a tiny-ass road, so I can't click too far ahead. Oh here we go down on to the, down onto the road Ramarent... none of this stuff is like popping out as a Specific language to me. There's no accents or anything on them It could be anything because I'm pronouncing them if somebody else pronounced them to me in that native language. I'd probably be able to guess But because I'm the one pronouncing them based on what I'm reading no, fucking idea PRESTEHOLTEN oh God a lot of European and Scandinavian languages are all like an amalgamation of each other so I don't know this could be fucking anywhere, I think... I don't think it's Eastern Europe. I think it's main Europe Could be Scandinavia either It's a very Scandinavian looking place You know what my gut said Finland right off the bat? I'm guessing finland Norway, shit And all the Scandinavians got triggered and upset at me *laughing* Aww... fuck I knew it was Scandinavian the language was kind of had a, had a tilt to it and Also, because a lot of the landscape up there Did look like that a lot of Finland Sweden Norway kind of looks very similar of course it would they're in the same Geographical area Man, what did I get... 17559 points, not that bad, damn Not too bad at all I was twelve thousand before I was down here, so that's that's a big gain for my second attempt at it, nice okay! Well I'm gonna leave this video of Geoguessr here. I want to do another one of these that was really fun I like that and did your country show up? I hope so I imagine there's a lot of people who are within these regions the flags are the ones that they actually were by the way and the the faces are the ones that I guessed So I mean obviously there's a lot of Americans that watch my videos But what's up my European peeps anyways Thank you guys so much for watching this video. If you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and high fives all round... *wapssh, wapssh* But thank you guys and I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! Yo, if your country was here, and I completely fucked it up put your hands in the air. I'm sorry
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,973,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Geoguessr, Geoguessr Game, Geoguessr Gameplay, Geoguessr Playthrough, google street view, google game, google geoguessr game, guess the location, world, guess the world, guess the place, location guesser, Geoguessr jacksepticeye
Id: kVJvxD7Ldu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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