Chat GPT Created a Full Online Course With Slides in Minutes!

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so you've probably been waiting for months or even years planning to put together your online course but you have struggled to take what you know what you're an expert at and you've struggle to put that into a format where you're able to share with people easily and that they can experience a transformation in their life well in this video I'm going to show you how to build out an entire course with chat GPT we're also going to build out the slides and it's going to be a very simple and a very easy process that I'm sure you are going to love as repair chat GPT with another powerful automated tool so this is not going to be a mini course this is going to be something similar to a full Flagship course something you would charge your full price for this would be the course that you are known for and so I'm going to be working off of a 3X3 model so there will be three phases and within each phase there will be three different different modules so to speak so the number that I'm going to be using is nine you can use 10 12 or however many modules or whatever structure your particular course is going to have but for this demonstration I'm going to be using nine give me a nine module course titled how to build or create an online course we're going to press enter and then we're going to wait for chat GPT to build out this online course now what I want to do is quickly and briefly review the nine steps or modules that it gives us so that we humans can make sure that it makes logical and sequential sense and so the first one is Introduction to online course development number two understanding your target audience number three create creating compelling course content number four designing an effective learning experience number five choosing the right technology platform number six planning and launching your course seven marketing your online course eight engaging and retaining students nine monetizing your course through different business models so I don't know about you but I'm very happy with those nine modules as a starting place now the next prompt that we want to do is we want to take step number one introduction to online course development and copy that and remember I told you I'm working in groups of Threes And so I'm going to tell chat GPT give me three steps to accomplish this space bar I'm gonna put a colon space quotation mark then I'm going to command V and place in the title of the first module and then I'm going to press enter and chat GPT is going to give me three action steps to accomplish the introduction to online course development and so the first three steps are research outline and planning number one says research conduct research on the subject matter target audience and competition to determine what type of course to develop and how to make it unique I like that number two outline create an outline for the course including the structured content and objectives and three planning plan out the resources materials and tools needed to create and deliver the course including a timeline for completion that's very good so now what we want to do is we want to come in here and we want to copy the entire first paragraph for that first bullet point and now what we want to do is tell chat GPT give me three steps to accomplish this colon quote paste end quote enter and so now chat GPT is giving us the actual steps we need to take to accomplish our research for the subject matter the target audience the competition and how to develop the course and make it unique and these are the three steps it gives us Define the subject matter clearly Define the subject matter for the course including specific skills or knowledge that will be taught to identify target audience research and identify the target audience for the course including their needs interest and learning preferences and three analyze competition analyze the competition to determine what similar courses are available their strengths and weaknesses and how to make the new course stand out so we see that it's keeping in line with everything that it told us in the first answer but it broke it down now before I do this next step I want to back up and show you what we've just done we created our nine modules but we're only working with one module and so we're going to finish this entire video working with this one module and you will simply repeat this process for the other eight modules but we have introduction to online course development so the first step the first action step is to research and so now that's our module our module might be called research for your online course or something similar and then we have three action steps to accomplish that Define the subject matter identify the target audience and analyze the competition now what we want to do is we want to copy this first one command C on Mac and control C on PC and we want to tell chat GPT give me 20 bullet points that tell me how to accomplish this colon space and the reason I do the colon and then the quotation marks is because I believe that chat GPT I know it knows about Boolean language and I think that the quotation marks gives it content so that it knows exactly what we're referring to in this and so now what chat GPT is doing is it's giving us 20 bullet points to define the subject matter and so once again we want to read over these and make sure they make logical and sequential sense before we just run with them and use them because of course we can change this stuff and edit it any given time and we should edit it so that it fits our brand our style of teaching but we just want to get the bulk of our course created so that all we have to do is come in and just tweak little small things here and there and you can have an entire course built down in a full day if you wake up in the morning and start this and you work on it for that day so now we have it I'm not going to read all of these but we'll read a couple of them before we move to the next step determine the core objective of the course research the subject matter to ensure it is relevant and in demand identify the skills or knowledge that must be taught for the course to be successful determine the level of detail required for each skill or knowledge to consider the audience's prior knowledge and experience in the subject matter choose a form that effectively communicates the information so these seem to be pretty good we're not going to read anymore and so now what you want to do is this you want to copy these 20 bullet points command C and the next place you want to go is you want to go to Google Sheets and so once we're in Google Sheets what we want to do is we want to come to this first sale and we want to right click and then we want to do paste special in values only come here into your arrow points horizontal and double click that opens it up all of the way we want to go in and take this generate response out we don't want our data being traded and so here are our 20 bullet points now the next thing you want to do is this you want to go to canva you want to start a new design and you want it to be a presentation and I'm going to start from scratch with my courses what I like to do is I like to have a piece of text that will have the name of the course right here and so this one will be how to create an online course and for some reason whenever you do this in canva it always duplicates the first word and so that's the course title so option and then click I have to click off of it option and click and that makes another duplicate of it and I'll drag this one down to the bottom line it up like so come in here and then I'll have my name here click off of it option and then I might put my website over here and then I might have a tagline for the course up here so now that I have those grouped together there's one more thing that I'm missing I want to come here and I want to use this is a tits box and so I'll probably put it right here in the center and so now what we want to do is we want to copy this we want to take all of this command a command C and so I'm going to paste these in you guys just hang tight I'll probably speed ramp this portion of the video but I'm going to do it in real time so now you want to come down here on the bottom left where it says apps beneath logos and then you want to click on that now what you want to do is bulk create and so we want to go back to our Google sheet where we have our slides that we want to go file and then we want to go download and we want to download a comma separated value file CSV we want to come back to canva and then we want to upload the csvs so now what we have to do is Define the field that the information is going to go in click here and then press the three dots and then press connect data and then choose this line here to determine the core objective of the course which is letting us know that it's the right one come to the left and press continue and now we see that all 20 or 19 Pages have been generated so before you hit generate Pages you want to make sure that when you connect the data when you click here and then you go to connect the data you want to make sure that it pre-populates with the line or the bullet point from the course and then you'll see on this next tab that it did in fact create the course with the different bullet points on it and so now I myself know that each of these bullet points can be much deeper and so I would plan to do screen recordings with this for instance research the subject matter to ensure it is relevant and in demand I would plan on going to different sites and actually showing them in real time go to Google go to Amazon go to Facebook groups and show them how to research the subject matter or wherever they're researching it also identify the skills and knowledge so some of these can be built out a little bit more but then all you would need to do is simply add images gifs or anything else to design find your course so we've created the outline for your course we've created the modules we even have the basis of the course slides created in total all they need is images and gifts to keep your students attention but we're not done with chat GPT yet we still have two more prompts that we need to issue and so we're only working with this first one but I'm giving you an example that you can go back and repeat these steps for each of the modules each of the action steps and then each of those uh action plan steps as well so we want to come back here for research copy again and then you want to tell chat GPT give me a list of quiz ideas I could use for this lesson colon quote command V quote enter and so now it's giving me quiz ideas so let's read over these to make sure they make sense again but number one is multiple choice questions about the target audience's needs and interests number five is short answer questions about the best teaching methods for a specific skill or knowledge area number eight is true or false questions about the relevance and demand of the subject matter those are pretty good those are pretty good now let's do one more prompt give me a list of assessment ideas for this colon quote Pace close quote enter and so now chat GPT is giving me a list of ideas for assessments so we have a final exam we have quizzes case studies group project presentations portfolio reflective Journal a journal where students reflect on their learning and how they applied it to their research and planning peer review self-assessment expert review right so these are all great ideas that give me a place to go and further refine my online course to make it suit and fit the needs of my students and so this is how you build out your entire online course with chat GPT your slides and all
Channel: Corey McClain
Views: 23,396
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Keywords: how to create an online course, how to create an online course creation, how to create an online course from your book, how to create an online course plan, how to create an online course fasst, how to create an online course music, how to create an online course with canva, how to create an online course from a book, how to create an online course on kajabi, how much does it cost to create an online course, how to create and launch an online course for free, corey mcclain
Id: _BMcsG4zsU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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